God for Dummies
(and smart people)
Key to understand the Prophecies
Fundamental principles to understand the prophecies
The resolution of prophecy also demonstrates God.
Three ways of demonstrating God:
1 By foreshadowings before Jesus Christ (p.14) or scriptures that tell us of Him or His deeds hundreds and thousands of years before His coming; impossible, therefore, for man to invent.
2 Showing a plot hidden for thousands of years that has developed in the Bible coincidentally among disparate generations of peoples far removed from each other. To the astonishment of every mortal, we will see that the bible speaks of each of us already living in heaven. We will see our story from our fall to our salvation, later in Jacob's Ladder, and we will also see in several places in the bible that salvation history is captured in three and a half times (p. 37).
3 In addition, we will decipher words from the Bible (p.93) with the key shown below. A key underlying also the different times and cultures of the people who "write" in the Bible.
But first we will see the keys to decipher the prophecies, and before that we will destroy one of the walls that cloud the vision of Judeo-Christians according to the very definition of God for these religions:
God is who He Is.
He is Love and it cannot be injustice, because injustice is lack of love for one of the parties.
To say that God attributes to us the sin of others different from us is to make him unjust. It is to deny God. In itself it is Heresy.
Thus, our original sin is an inheritance from Adam and Eve; being that Adam and Eve designates all of us when we were at His side.
(*) Muslims call our original sin (that bitten apple), broken oath, otherwise it becomes the same.
The Bible, especially the Old Testament, speaks with double or deliberately ambiguous meanings. It sometimes uses metaphors to reveal hidden knowledge in a masterful display of planning, and these secrets are also proof of the existence of a Higher Being who is the mastermind behind them. This is because many of these meanings are revealed today, 2000 and 3000 years after they were written, and it is therefore impossible for them to have been passed on from generation to generation. Furthermore, we find that generations and cultures separated by thousands of years have unknowingly written in obedience to this common hidden thread.
These secrets of the Bible have been written so that in our time they may be revealed. All the prophecies, and many Words, find another full meaning beyond the one they show; all from this beginning, however absurd it may seem:
Man was already living together with God before the Universe and the world. Indeed there was a betrayal in which some wished to have more "Essence of God" that which gave us Life (later these will be the demons or fallen ones). They rose up against God, and convinced others who did not hate, but coveted it all the same (Eve). For love of the latter there were others who without coveting followed them, also betraying (Adam). These figures will be repeated constantly in the Bible under other names.
God tries to save us, for He loves us, but He cannot act unjustly, He is the One Who Is. Nor can He live with evil. After our repentance He could have saved those who neither hated nor coveted, but betrayed for love to the Eves, but the fallen ones cry out for justice and desire the same fate, for those who loved also betrayed. And so they cry out to God: "If they betrayed they also deserve our same fate; save us all or condemn us all". God is the One Who Is. He cannot be unjust and this claim prevents Him from saving only the "lovers".
You may think the following is outrageous and nonsensical, but it will be demonstrated in the essay. The basic and puerile drawing below shows the general lines.
Thus, God has only one way to save us: to create a new Nature that escapes from that justice, because in the beginning, before the first death, in heaven, we were not men (yes, it seems nonsense, have a little patience). But it was not enough to create man and link him to our souls, for these, our souls, were broken by betrayal, by lack of love, we could no longer keep God, the Holy Spirit within us, and to do so by "decree" would be unjust, for our most treacherous "brothers" (whom we call demons), will not receive a body here, they will not be made men like us. The new Nature would also have to be made fit to receive the "Essence of God". And so, the first of those created in heaven, the one who maintained the Essence of God in the highest intensity, the one who pleased God and made the heavenly nature fit: being created independent of God with the Essence of God within him (Jesus - two natures already in heaven, part created, part divine), had to validate the new nature man with a sacrifice of infinite Love. As Jesus was the validating or founding principle of the heavenly nature (created by God) which then validated man, no fallen angel could attribute injustice to this "recreation", for it would be to declare his own creation unjust.
From this we can deduce this other fundamental principle in the prophecies:
The "Eves", who were deceived by the fallen ones and then convinced the "Adams" in heaven, on earth will have no ears for God and will continue to listen to the idols and demons of the world; even if they want to, they will not be able to believe on their own. In the same way, the Adam's will have ears for God and will be able to convert the Eves, and it will be by their experience of Life, experience of love. This happened in reverse in heaven; from the Eves they received perdition, here on earth the deaf or "Eves" will be able to receive salvation for love from the "Adams", from those who hear.
Thus, they are contrasted in the Bible:
Daughters of men (Genesis 6:12 and others). It is designated in feminine, as Eve not because they are women but to differentiate. | Children of God |
Cattle. They cannot be separated from the world and are at the mercy of reptiles (demons). | (Genesis 7,13-16 and others). In Noah's ark, all kinds of birds, cattle and snakes (reptiles, vermin - fallen angels) are placed. Birds can be separated from the world (Adam, they will listen to God). |
Deaf, Blind, ‘those outside’. Constant references in the Bible. | He who has ears… , inscribed in the Book of Life |
Race of Canaan | Race of Judah |
Different names that designate common characters.
General words like cattle, fish, moon... do not always have this meaning, only in "encrypted" places. All the symbols are explained in some chapter. There's more in the Bible, here are some of the ones I've used in the book.
Also, first of all, it would be interesting to consider what infinity is:
That it has no end and can have no limit. The Universe is for many, infinite, but according to scientists it is constantly expanding; so every second that passes is bigger, so it is subject to time. Or seen in another way, if we could jump ahead of time and go to time+2 minutes and stand at the end where the universe is growing, would we see that part empty? Unfilled? Or would we find God, and perhaps this Universe is our cage from which we apply our limited knowledge and thoughts? In the 20th century, anachronistic materialists thought that the universe was eternal. Today it has been shown that the fuel of the stars is consumed, among many other things. Therefore, there must be a cause outside the Universe itself that originated it, since it has an origin.
What some Muslims don't understand:
A boy in the 2nd grade of primary school stubbornly wants to go to the 6th grade class. He will eventually be expelled if he insists, because that is the school rules, for the good of all the pupils including him.
These rules are the Qur'anic verses that talk about the death of the unfaithful (expulsion from this life of trial), because a woman cannot be unfaithful to a man she does not know. Allah has set parallel paths in the right direction: mercy and compassion; just as a school is taught in the same direction, but in different classrooms, because we are different from before the first death.
Don't torment students in other classrooms because you will be a bully, and you will be the one expelled by the principal forever.
In addition… | There are concepts that are different in some nations |
Person | It consists of our freedom and made decisions. Our way of being ("be" with small letters). |
Love | Referred always love as a feeling As the feeling of a mother for her child that protects him over his own life. |
Holy Spirit | For the Christian, it's not St. Gabriel as it is for Muslims. It is God (Allah) in some intensity, the One who makes you feel great inside and helps you to carry calmly the sufferings of the world. |
Sin | Action of unlove. Not necessarily those established 'legally'. |
Note: I suppose the reader will also find it grating, almost grotesque, to think that we were once angels, which is why in many places I will name our state in heaven as "desires" of God. To Christians, however, I invite the thought that, if the devil was one of the most beautiful of angels, why not have degenerated into something a little less evil.
Three ways to prove God
Of course, one of the impediments to believing in God is not understanding his logic. However, I will begin by demonstrating God in order to understand his reasoning, the reason for this world and the meaning of life. I will repeat these three ways of demonstrating God and then explain them:
1 By foreshadowing Jesus Christ or scriptures that tell us of Him or His deeds hundreds of years before His coming; impossible, therefore, for man to invent.
2 Showing a plot hidden for thousands of years that has developed in the Bible coincidentally among disparate generations of peoples far removed from each other. To the astonishment of every mortal, we will see that the bible tells us that each of us already lives in heaven. We will see our story from our fall to our salvation, later in Jacob's Ladder, and we will also see in several places in the bible that salvation history is captured in three and a half times.
3 In addition, we will decipher words from the Bible with the key already shown. A key that also underlies different times and cultures of the people who "write" in the Bible.
Finally, there will be a way in which you will surely be able to prove the existence of God. When you read this essay or at least the beginning and acquire some biblical "literacy" regarding the words and metaphors used (like the clues at the beginning), you yourself, when you need to make an important decision, can make use of the bible in the following way:
Run your finger repeatedly from one side of the spine of its leaves to the other, while with your eyes closed you pray an Our Father. When you have finished, open where your finger is and, without looking, point to one of the two sides. Read there and in the paragraph or reading, as you see it. You will realise that the Bible is a Living Word that comes into your story today.
And it will happen this way because it is also written: in the last days your sons and daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions. Earlier it says that God will pour out His Spirit and this will soon happen. Today we are already in the favourable time within the favourable time. God will be seen also by the foolish.
As a note to non-Christians, I will say that demonstrating God through Jesus Christ in our nature does not make other ways or religions invalid. I will review some of these later.
· Foreshadowing of Christ in the Torah or OT
Today, we can look back to the Old Testament and see the foreshadowing of Jesus Christ hundreds of years before his arrival. God used the story of Israel to draw our own story from our origin in heaven; we will see this throughout this point.
They left Mount Hor by the road to the Sea of Suph, to skirt round Edom.
On the way the people lost patience.
They spoke against God and against Moses, 'Why did you bring us out of
Egypt to die in the desert? For there is neither food nor water
here; we are sick of this meagre diet.'
At this, God sent fiery serpents among the people; their bite brought
death to many in Israel.
The people came and said to Moses, 'We have sinned by speaking against
Yahweh and against you. Intercede for us with Yahweh to save us
from these serpents.'
Moses interceded for the people,
and Yahweh replied, 'Make a fiery serpent and raise it as a standard.
Anyone who is bitten and looks at it will survive.'
Moses then made a serpent out of bronze and raised it as a standard, and
anyone who was bitten by a serpent and looked at the bronze
serpent survived.
From the world this is easily interpretable, but let’s try to analyze this passage from the perspective of heaven.
Imagine that this reading also speaks of us when we were in heaven, for here we can find this “duality” of which I speak. I understand that for a Jew who has not seen the foreshadowing of Jesus Christ here, it will be even more difficult to place this passage in heaven, but let's try.
The first passage seems to place us and describe to us what was happening or beginning to happen:
4 They left Mount Hor, on the way to the Red Sea, around the land of Edom. The people became impatient on the way.
We are in heaven (mountain, high -heaven-) and have already been put on the path to the sea = death (the sea is known to symbolize death). It would be like saying: these people who were in heaven (as symbolized by the mountain of Hor) were already dissenting and going down the wrong path (path of death, symbolized by the sea). As a note, this 'surrounding Edom' may refer to the time of Cain and Abel which I will explain later.
It says: 'Why did you bring us out of Egypt to die in the desert? For there is neither food nor water here; we are sick of this meagre diet.'
This may refer to Freedom (Egypt = enslavement of the people of Israel, of us). Why did you wish us and make us free and independent of you? Why have you brought us up = ascended = improved to die in the desert? In reality, as in the normal perspective from the earth, it seems to tell us that they complained even after getting freedom and having food provided by God. Then it also speaks of a lie or a deception (as with the serpent and the apple "Gen 3:1 How is it that God has said to you: Do not eat of any of the trees of the garden?") of which the Israelites or the angels in heaven have been taken prisoner: "to die in the wilderness" it is false since they have food, even if they later say no.
This passage may also reflect the doubt about God, the temptation of the devil. "For we have neither bread nor water, and we are weary of this miserable delicacy". Delicacy = Essence, Spirit; the one who gives life. In Eden something similar is described, Adam and Eve have all the trees at their disposal (the delicacy, manna is the food that has the taste that most pleases each one), but because of the lies of the devil they find the apple (bread and water in the reading) more palatable.
Numbers 21:6
At this, God sent fiery serpents among the people; their bite brought
death to many in Israel.
As already described, by doubting God and emptying ourselves of His Essence, we fall lifeless far from the kingdom; but God joins us to bodies to save us and prevent us from continuing to fall and places us alongside the demons (snakes that have not only doubted but hated the Essence) so that we can exercise our freedom to choose: God and filling ourselves with Life (the manna or His Essence, that in some translations is called bread without body), or the devil and the world, and continuing in death. It isn’t actually a punishment of a vengeful God; it’s placing us in a situation where we can be saved because, in order to be saved, we have to freely want to be His wishes again, and without choice, freedom is not possible. So, this face of God aligns more closely with the New Testament, a God of love, not vengeance.
So, many in the world fall into the devil’s deceptions and temptations and die (because sin brings you to, or confirms your death).
Then comes:
Numbers 21:7
The people came and said to Moses, 'We have sinned by speaking against
Yahweh and against you. Intercede for us with Yahweh to save us
from these serpents.' Moses interceded for the people,
Men in their search for God (Torah or Old Testament) beg Him for salvation. They repent, and man matures.
Numbers 21:8
and Yahweh replied, 'Make a fiery serpent and raise it as a standard.
Anyone who is bitten and looks at it will survive.'
After the plea in the passage, when the people are ready to receive him, looked at from heaven’s perspective, He sends His Son to be raised up on a cross (standard) and everyone who died in sin who looks at him (approaches him) lives. Why else would He use a fiery serpent for salvation (a symbol of death), and not something good or nice? The fiery serpent is Jesus Christ nailed to the cross, bloodied and disfigured, from which they avert their eyes; that which, symbolizing death (death in the world), brings life, resurrection. He is a serpent because he takes the form of sin (man's nature).
Curious that looking at an image of death, one lives; curious that when we die for others, we get eternal life.
There's more foreshadowing of Jesus Christ in the Bible, probably more than the exegetes are aware of. Another in which you can see foreshadowing (perhaps not as clear as the snakes) is:
Joshua did as Moses had told him and went out to engage Amalek, while
Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill.
As long as Moses kept his arms raised, Israel had the advantage; when he
let his arms fall, the advantage went to Amalek.
Well, let's think a bit about this passage. Without delving into the meaning of it, one could say it’s childish, that it seems like a joke on God’s part: raise your hands and you win; put them down and you lose => and also hundreds of people die. But it’s not, far from it, because everything in the Bible is there for a reason.
Let's take a look. On the one hand, raising your arms means effort and suffering (so much so that Aaron and Hur had to hold Moses). In a way, God tells us: renounce the world and die (suffer) for others (by raising his hands Israel wins, he suffers for Israel) and I will be with you and you will win. If you lower them and stay comfortable (selfish), lack of will, you lose your life as well as others that you could have saved. On the other hand, the cross symbolizes exactly the same thing, renouncing the world for love of neighbor. It’s foreshadowing of Jesus Christ both in form, because the arms are raised in crucifixion, and in what it represents.
Furthermore, the complete Holy Trinity figures in here; God the Father (person) is Abraham, who Sacrifices the Son Jesus (who is Isaac and the ram) and the sacrifice is made to God Spirit (God in the scripture) so that the sacrifice of the Son will make all men worthy of the same Holy Spirit. I think that this foreshadowing doesn’t speak of the relationship between the persons, but rather the purpose of Christ’s cross: to give us Life again, the Holy Spirit; and the immense Love God has for us, because He loves us with all His being. It’s true that Jesus is distinct from the Holy Spirit (anyone who blasphemes against It will not be forgiven), as we already know, but I think not in this way, I will explain it better later in The Holy Trinity. In this foreshadowing, aside from the differentiation between Isaac and the ram (both worthy for sacrifice -the ram a posteriori-), it distinguishes between Jesus the person or soul containing the Essence of God (Isaac) and Jesus the man (body, ram). Jesus’ person, able to retain infinite God, doesn’t die, and by remaining in infinite love, keeps being God and thus saves us, validates us. The ram or the body of Jesus is sacrificed and dies. Consider that man (nature) is the fruit of sin, because we were not like this before. Jesus takes the form of “sin” to save us. What’s better than a ram with horns to symbolize sin? I think, this is the differentiation referred to in the Quran (Isaac/Jesus able to retain God does not die, is still able to contain infinite God) as stated in the previous section (in the other book)“Islam” -but Muslims do not understand it this way-. Finally, it is the sacrifice of Jesus (faith of Abraham and Isaac) that makes the ram worthy as a sacrifice to God; which also symbolizes, with respect to Jesus, that he makes our bodies (rams) worthy of God, to be received by Him and to receive Him (the Holy Spirit). All men of all nations and/or religions! Thus, it says:
Genesis 22,15-18
The angel of Yahweh
called Abraham a second time from heaven.
'I swear by my own
self, Yahweh declares, that because you have done this,
because you have not refused me your own beloved son,
I will shower
blessings on you and make your descendants as numerous as
the stars of heaven and the grains of sand on the seashore.
Your descendants will gain possession of the gates of their
enemies. All
nations on earth will bless themselves by your
descendants, because you have obeyed my command.'
And there are others foreshadowing:
Isaiah 9:5
For a son has been born for us, a son has been given to
us, and dominion has been laid on his shoulders; and this is
the name he has been given, 'Wonder-Counsellor, Mighty-God,
Eternal-Father, Prince-of-Peace'
Isaiah 53:3-6
he was despised, the lowest of men, a man of sorrows, familiar with
suffering, one from whom, as it were, we averted our gaze,
despised, for whom we had no regard.
Yet ours were the sufferings he was bearing, ours the sorrows he was
carrying, while we thought of him as someone being punished
and struck with affliction by God; whereas he was being
wounded for our rebellions, crushed because of our guilt;
the punishment reconciling us fell on him, and we have been
healed by his bruises.
We had all gone astray like sheep, each taking his own way, and Yahweh
brought the acts of rebellion of all of us to bear on him.
Ill-treated and afflicted, he never opened his mouth, like a lamb led to
the slaughter-house, like a sheep dumb before its shearers
he never opened his mouth.
Isaiah 7:14
The Lord will give you a sign in any case: It is this:
the young woman is with child and will give birth to a son
whom she will call Immanuel.
Micah 5:1
But you (Bethlehem) Ephrathah, the least of the clans of Judah, from you
will come for me a future ruler of Israel whose origins go
back to the distant past, to the days of old.
Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice heart and soul, daughter of Zion! Shout for
joy, daughter of Jerusalem! Look, your king is approaching,
he is vindicated and victorious, humble and riding on a
donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Zechariah 12:10
But over the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem I shall pour
out a spirit of grace and prayer, and they will look to me.
They will mourn for the one whom they have pierced as though
for an only child, and weep for him as people weep for a
first-born child.
A pack of dogs surrounds me, a gang of villains closing
in on me as if to hack off my hands and my feet. I can count
every one of my bones, while they look on and gloat; they
divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.
In the figure of Moses
He was saved from the Pharaoh by wood floating in water and then was king (leader of his people). Christ was also saved from Herod, and the wood and water (cross and our baptism) save us and reaffirm his glory, as king of nations. Moreover, he frees from the bondage of the Pharaoh to his people, as Christ to us from the slavery of perpetual death without the Holy Spirit.
In the figure of Jonah
The 3 days Jonah was in the whale foreshadows the death and resurrection of Jesus on the third day.
In the figure of Joseph.
Jesus is the “beloved Son” like Joseph. When Jesus proclaims himself the Messiah, his brothers, the Jews, are envious and malicious, like Joseph, who was sold by his brothers to foreigners as Jesus was by the Jews (his brothers) to the Romans. Joseph, who was arrested with two prisoners, announces to one his death, and to the other his glorious liberation. Jesus was crucified between two thieves; to one he promises heaven, and the other is left in his damnation.
Joseph fed the people with the wheat that had been stored and Jesus is the bread of life come down from heaven. The Pharaoh renamed Joseph and called him Savior of the world; Jesus is the Savior of mankind. Joseph forgives his brothers, and Jesus his executioners. Both are glorified, one by his nation and the other in every place and nation.
There are many more readings in the Torah that foreshadow Christ, you only have to open a search engine and put “foreshadowing of Christ in the Old Testament.”
If the Israelites, so studious of the Torah in their search for God, have not seen Christ in these scriptures, who will see God in them? Just some Adams? What about the deaf? Maybe God wants to clarify the muddling of Babel for us, the subject of this book, so that even they can save themselves because of their understanding. Anyway, God knows how He will use His infinite mercy, respecting our freedom.
In Israel’s history
In Israel's history is the history of salvation of all men. Because everything is repeated: the pharaoh or the devil (sin) is the one who keeps us as slaves, God frees us from bondage (Jesus breaks the chains and makes us worthy of God) and we wander in the desert (the world) to the promised land (he who has God with him will get there here in the world).
So it happened that the blood of an innocent lamb or goat saved the firstborn from death and caused Israel’s liberation. It was this fact; even Yahweh tells Moses that from that day “this month will be counted as the beginning of months...”. Well, a while later, the blood of Jesus, the innocent lamb who gave his spirit at three in the afternoon, that is, at the end of Nisan 14, which is also the time of the Passover sacrifice of the lamb, frees all men from DEATH; the DEATH of BEING. Coincidence? No. God measures everything.
Gospel of
John 19:31
was the Day of Preparation, and to avoid the bodies'
remaining on the cross during the Sabbath -- since that
Sabbath was a day of special solemnity -- the Jews asked
Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken away.
In the history of Israel, once in the Promised Land, or with the Holy Spirit within us in our personal history, we can now defeat the 7 peoples who are bigger than us. In the Torah, they are the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. In our life are the 7 Deadly Sins: lust, sloth, gluttony, wrath, envy, greed, pride. For without the Holy Spirit it is very difficult to overcome sins, because without God we can only look at ourselves or at most at our own people out of affection. It is true that there are sins that affect us more than others, and the devil will tempt us with those where we are weaker, but all can be overcome with the Holy Spirit, although we will win little by little, as the scriptures say.
But I’ll go even further. History repeats itself even from the heaven as I have been stating. Thanks to Jesus (who was created as One and who pleased God by remaining in Him, infinite love), the others are created. Later, we become slaves of death, sin; by listening to the devil, we empty ourselves of God and we fall with him to the earth, with the devil into Egypt (for the devil is the prince of the world). And we were slaves until the sacrifice of the innocent lamb, of Jesus, because until then we could not receive the Holy Spirit (we had ceased to be God’s “wish”). That day was when Christ made man's nature capable of God as He did in the beginning with our nature in heaven (created freedom capable of God's Essence). Now free, we must walk through the desert until we fill ourselves with the Spirit and return to the promised land. Of course, as it happened, some people prefer slavery (return to Egypt, the things of the world and its prince) to manna from heaven (Holy Spirit; Numbers 21:5, which we saw earlier). For the rest, in our life, what keeps us out of the Promised Land? The seven peoples that dwell within man, these 7 deadly sins? Must we cast them out by force to make room for the Holy Spirit? We must try, and in doing so the Spirit will be present. The Holy Spirit is a Gift; we should desire it, have Faith and ask God for it. Our story of salvation, like that of Israel, is thanks to God; it comes from Him. Perhaps those 40 years symbolise our time on earth without the Spirit, the time to focus and know what is important: God, the Holy Spirit. Perhaps the first step is to accept the manna from heaven and give up our past with Pharaoh, take the first step to turn away from sin and enter the desert; then He will help us. Maybe that’s how the entrance of the Spirit begins within us, and we arrive at the gates of the Promised Land and the invasion begins. We cannot control the Holy Spirit, but the new covenant is sealed with the blood of Jesus and now we can receive It. And this is our history, or… what do you think? That the Israelites were going to take 40 years to get from Egypt to Canaan? Of course not; it’s a symbolic number. And if this is the way God wanted to make it, it was so that we would realise its symbolism, and what does it really represent? Not only the time of rebellion of the people of Israel, but also your own time of rebellion, the time it takes to fill yourself with the Holy Spirit if along the way you have not worshipped the golden calf or been bitten by the snakes. It often symbolizes an entire lifetime. In the first reading (Numbers 21:4-9) we saw our history of salvation summarized and focused from heaven, which ends when we are freed from real slavery, from death of being by looking at the serpent on the staff (note that like with the ram, Christ man is represented by a snake, for he takes the form of sin or the form of a human – what we became when degenerated by sin); in the readings of Exodus and the Bible in general, we also see our story of salvation.
And so, doesn’t it all make sense? Given that the world is only the battlefield where we are to be tempted, where in choosing its prince and his idols (money, power, affections, etc.) above God we condemn ourselves (we confirm our own sentencing), isn’t it understandable that God (infinite Love), in His Son, comes to die for the world, teaching us the real way to live, to be revived from our death? Isn’t it natural, then, that a fiery serpent foreshadows Christ, which is a symbol of death on the cross for the world but of life and resurrection for those who see him? He who loves us so much, how could He stop showing us His love? Upon closer examination of the saints, I see that almost all had a life of renunciation of the world. Coincidence? No. Looking at it in perspective, it is a clear and courageous choice: choose God over the world.
And if it seems so clear to us Christians, why don’t the Israelites see it? Maybe they didn’t see it because it should be this way for the salvation of the world, of the Gentiles (of us).
Romans 11:25-32
I want you to be quite certain, brothers, of this mystery, to save you
from congratulating yourselves on your own good sense: part
of Israel had its mind hardened, but only until the gentiles
have wholly come in;
and this is how all Israel will be saved. As scripture says: From Zion
will come the Redeemer, he will remove godlessness from
And this will be my covenant with them, when I take their sins away.
As regards the gospel, they are enemies, but for your sake; but as
regards those who are God's choice, they are still well
loved for the sake of their ancestors.
There is no change of mind on God's part about the gifts he has made or
of his choice.
Just as you were in the past disobedient to God but now you have been
shown mercy, through their disobedience;
so in the same way they are disobedient now, so that through the mercy
shown to you they too will receive mercy.
God has imprisoned all human beings in their own disobedience only to
show mercy to them all.
This scripture chosen for this point also has some, for me, unexpected verses which talk about us before the world, which makes me think that there must be many others in the Bible that apply this “duality”.
As for the people of Israel, it seems that it’s written to say that, thanks to their denial of Jesus Christ, Christianity came from them to spread to the rest of the world. Furthermore, it speaks of His mercy to the Gentiles (each of us) before we know Christ and what He will have with the Jews when they know Him.
I see the “duality” in Romans 11:32 God has imprisoned all human beings in their own disobedience only to show mercy to them all.
From this world, these verses don’t make much sense (and I haven’t seen any annotations, parallels, or explanations in the Bible). God makes us disobedient to use mercy with us? I don’t know…
From heaven, after the betrayal, God puts us in the cages that hold us and frees us to fall along with Lucifer because of His mercy. It is our rebellion which has emptied us, and because of it we have now been locked up as men, and He did it all to save us, to show us mercy. Furthermore, bodies protect us while we carry them from demons, preventing them from attacking our souls (unless we freely let them in - possessions). They are wonderful fortresses that protect us from them, and our freedom the gate that can let them in. The demons only capable now of hate, deeply envy us for having this body and the opportunity to save us. More so, as they see the love God has for us despite our rebellion, for the mercy He has used on us by locking us inside men, which is what we now are.
But speaking only of the Jews, i.e., of them and what they accept, consider the beginning of Shema:
Hear, O Israel: Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is One. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength…
Well, this is the most important commandment, as said by Jesus Christ; but he added something:
Gospel of Mark 12:29-31
Jesus replied, 'This
is the first: Listen, Israel, the Lord our God is the one,
only Lord,
and you must love the
Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with
all your mind and with all your strength.
The second is this:
You must love your neighbour as yourself. There is no
commandment greater than these.'
It is indeed the same, but they say that Jesus, based on Leviticus (19:18) added the second part. Consider the commandments of Moses.
Exodus 20:2-17
'I am Yahweh your God who brought you out of Egypt, where you lived as
'You shall have no other gods to rival me.
'You shall not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything
in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters under
the earth.
'You shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I, Yahweh your God, am
a jealous God and I punish a parent's fault in the children,
the grandchildren, and the great-grandchildren among those
who hate me; Exo 20:6
but I act with faithful love towards thousands of
those who love me and keep my commandments.
'You shall not misuse the name of Yahweh your God, for Yahweh will not
leave unpunished anyone who misuses his name.
'Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
For six days you shall labour and do all your work,
but the seventh day is a Sabbath for Yahweh your God. You shall do no
work that day, neither you nor your son nor your daughter
nor your servants, men or women, nor your animals nor the
alien living with you. Exo 20:11
For in six days Yahweh made the heavens, earth and
sea and all that these contain, but on the seventh day he
rested; that is why Yahweh has blessed the Sabbath day and
made it sacred.
'Honour your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land
that Yahweh your God is giving you.
'You shall not kill.
'You shall not commit adultery.
'You shall not steal.
'You shall not give false evidence against your neighbour.
'You shall not set your heart on your neighbour's house. You shall not
set your heart on your neighbour's spouse, or servant, man
or woman, or ox, or donkey, or any of your neighbour's
The first commandments are about our love and faithfulness to God, which is included in the commandment above, the most important from the Shema, but what about the other six? They refer in one way or another to our neighbor, and these are included in the second; combined with the first, they encompass all ten: You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.
This had already been seen by the Jews then, but they did not fully understand who that neighbor was:
Gospel of Luke 10:25-37
And now a lawyer stood up and, to
test him, asked, 'Master, what must I do to inherit eternal
He said to him, 'What is written
in the Law? What is your reading of it?’
He replied, 'You must love the
Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with
all your strength, and with all your mind, and your
neighbour as yourself.'
Jesus said to him, 'You have
answered right, do this and life is yours.'
But the man was anxious to justify
himself and said to Jesus, 'And who is my neighbour?'
In answer Jesus said, 'A man was
once on his way down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell into
the hands of bandits; they stripped him, beat him and then
made off, leaving him half dead. Now a priest happened to be
travelling down the same road, but when he saw the man, he
passed by on the other side. In the same way a Levite who
came to the place saw him, and passed by on the other side.
But a Samaritan traveller who came
on him was moved with compassion when he saw him. He went up
to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on
them. He then lifted him onto his own mount and took him to
an inn and looked after him.
Next day, he took out two denarii
and handed them to the innkeeper and said, "Look after him,
and on my way back I will make good any extra expense you
Which of these three, do you
think, proved himself a neighbour to the man who fell into
the bandits' hands?'
He replied, 'The one who showed
pity towards him.' Jesus said to him, 'Go, and do the same
So, let’s not look for justifications. Might this person be my neighbor? Or this other person? Perhaps this person from my town? No. Love comes out of oneself, for love gives, it doesn’t take for itself. It doesn’t ask questions, although it does discern. And the only discernment it makes is to know whether there is need on the part of the loved. In this respect, I was struck by something Rabbi David Rosen said in a meeting with the Neocatechumenal Way; truth is that I take it out of context now, but since it is a story can be analyzed independently:
It’s the story of two farmers who meet and one says to the other:
-Boris, do you love me?
-Of course I love you
-Boris, do you know what makes me suffer?
-I do not know.
-Then how can you say you love me if you do not know what makes me
And yet, we are able to love God, who has no needs and is the happiest Being, for He is Love. He doesn’t even have suffering, because here we can banish ours with a little of His Spirit. Did the Samaritan in the scripture not love the other? And did he know him so as to know what his sufferings were? No. Only what he saw. Love should discern if there is need, although it is not essential to do so, because if you give to one who asks of you, even if you suspect that it is not needed, all the good of that charity will fall equally upon you because the other will have received your love.
What this rabbi said applies in a relationship of coexistence. Perhaps in a more affective relationship, which is what humans are more accustomed to. And always in a relationship where your neighbor is someone you know. But what credit is there for loving our own? Don’t the wicked love those who love them? And don’t they give signs of emotional “love” continuously in any social environment? (To keep their image, or not lose a friendship, or because they know the favor will be returned, or something else...). Well, which love is truer? Loving (often affective) your “neighbor” whom you know, or selfless love to any neighbor?
He who has love does not ask to whom to give it, because that is the way he is, and he who asks may have something else.
Gospel of Matthew 5:43-46
'You have heard how it was said, You will love your neighbour and hate
your enemy.
But I say this to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute
so that you may be children of your Father in heaven, for he causes his
sun to rise on the bad as well as the good, and sends down
rain to fall on the upright and the wicked alike. For if you
love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not
even the tax collectors do as much?
So, last night I opened a Bible reading “randomly”; that is, after praying an Our Father, I opened it where it fell and put my finger down without looking, and it left me with the passage of Ezekiel Chapter 3; as it is very short, I read the whole thing (if you are curious, search for it). Nothing would have happened if today I had not added text again on the subject of Judaism (which I often do: rewrite, you will have noticed that I repeat things because I don’t always follow the thread). But I’m here today, and as God, who we continually see in our history, also speaks to me in this way, so I have to speak to you:
It is time that you turn your face toward our Lord Jesus Christ, for he has saved you from falling
with Lucifer, but he will do nothing against your will because he respects our freedom. You must live the second commandment we have spoken about, just as eagerly as the first, for in loving our neighbor we are also loving God, because we were made in His image and likeness. Thus says the Lord Yahweh.
You want more evidence
and reasoning? Read this complete essay. Are you still waiting
for a savior messiah? Well look up for once and see that one
whom you disparage is your messiah; he is there at your feet,
showing love and humility, the path straight to heaven. Do I
reproach you? No (Oh happy guilt that deserved such a great redeemer; well, actually, great is our redeemer, but damn our guilt, if only it had never existed). It was not your sin, but all men’s. He not only
forgave you, but all humanity. He had to pass a test of extreme
love to cleanse our sin, and not just sin here, but sin in
heaven. Because there, all of us, Jews and non-Jews, deny God
God. We expelled Him from within us (we didn’t kill Him because
God cannot be killed, as it says in the Quran), but we did kill
what we used to be with Him and then we stopped Being. Today we are all participants in the crucifixion of Jesus, because every time we sin, he is there, before God the Father asking for forgiveness with outstretched hands. And this is so because, if we do not fall with Lucifer, it is because our nature of man holds us, and the nature of man able to contain God is held by Jesus Christ. If not for this validated and “tethering” nature, each of the sins that here empty us of the Holy Spirit would lead us straight to hell, for an angel in that nature cannot sin without ceasing to be an angel, we do while remaining men. And what happened to us up there? The mercy of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who gave us the life jacket "man". Not so for the angels who hated God and whose freedom became perpetual hatred, for such is hatred, it cannot choose to stop being what it is, but we can choose to love.
If God is love and from love emanates: mercy, compassion, piety, truth, integrity... the devil is hatred, lying, envy, anger... And if we had all believed the serpent's deception, or worse, hated it, we would not have salvation history for us. But there were some who were convinced for love of the one who told them, not out of deceit towards God. And this is the origin of our history of salvation hidden, by our freedom, from the face of God. It is our salvation in history, for this is how the Lord works with us. And just as each of us crucified Jesus Christ with our sins, so Israel's Salvation History is the same as ours; it only remains for them to recognise the best part of this History: God's love for us and the coming of the kingdom of heaven to us (the Holy Spirit) thanks to the dignification of "man" by Jesus Christ (in Him, redeeming nature).
Anyway, read the scriptures from this perspective and you will see that you will find much more evidence of all this. The word of God is alive, regardless of the fact that it was written 2000 or 3000 years ago. And so, is it any wonder that God speaks in it with a depth that for centuries we could not perceive? Perhaps it’s time for all of us to approach an understanding. Maybe it’s just that we are ready now or it’s simply the mercy of God that reveals hidden meanings to us constantly, because of our blindness to the Word.
The last prefiguration of Jesus that I show is Noah (although it is the first one in order).
You know that Noah symbolizes a restart or new opportunity for us in Nature of Man, we see it in "see Three and a Half Times... p.187".
Noah is called by God "the only righteous man" and thanks to him "recreation" begins, he makes the ark in which he almost always only names, from the animals he brings, fowls or birds (= Adams)[also clean animals], cattle (=Eves) [also non-clean animals], creeping (= demons) [also non-clean animals]. Symbolizing those who have fallen to the earth.
Gen 6:20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every
creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort
shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.
Gen 7:8 Of clean animals, and of
animals that are not clean, and of birds, and of everything that
creeps on the ground, 9
two and two, male and female, went into the ark with
Noah, as God had commanded Noah. =>[clean
animals=adans, non-clean=Eves;?]
Gen 7:14 they and
every beast according to its kind, and all the cattle according
to their kinds, and every creeping thing that creeps on the
earth according to its kind, and every bird according to its
kind, every bird of every sort.
It has already been said that, without Christ, the world would not have begun. Only He could redeem our nature (that is the crown of thorns or the antler that binds the ram in the bush in the prefiguration of Isaac). Thus, the ark symbolizes that world in which by divine justice we live with the demons (tempting us, reptiles glued to the world -they are part of the world-), Eves or cattle, always near the world and the Adams (birds) that can fly, and we can separate ourselves from the world, inscribed in the book of life. But the Ark also symbolizes our body, which frees us from falling into death together with the demons that hated God. The ark passes over the sea which symbolises death, and it is Noah prefiguring Christ who sets it afloat (who makes it fit to receive the Spirit)..
Gen 7:13-16
That very day Noah and his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth boarded the
ark, with Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons, and with
them every species of wild animal, every species of cattle,
every species of creeping things that creep along the ground,
every species of bird, everything that flies, everything with
One pair of all that was alive and had the breath of life boarded
the ark with Noah, and those that went aboard were a male and
female of all that was alive, as God had commanded him. Then
Yahweh shut him in.
He ends by saying: Yahveh shut him in. For Christ also became man, gets into the Ark and thanks to his Passion our container is arranged. Our corporeal nature can retain Life, the Spirit does not run from us any more, the air does not go away and is filled by death (sea). He puts the "lid" or "door" on us.
With regard to the alliance that says that there will be no further flood, as I said, comes to mean that there will be no new "restarts", new opportunities, which is not really good for many.
As we see, in this part of Genesis it differentiates again from those groups or types of "angels" (men after). He no longer speaks of Eve, but of daughters of men (or Adams, sons of God), again designating the same thing, but now more clearly. This differentiation is repeated constantly in the Bible: Eve, Daughters of men, Cattle here, Canaan, Deaf (hear, do not listen), Rider on Green horse ...
Three and a Half Times
In this section I will unveil another impossibility for man, but not for God. Another proof that His hand is behind the Scriptures. Our salvation history has unfolded in three and a half times.
These "times" are recorded in the Bible in several places.
In Genesis, Prophets and Revelation (beginning, middle and end). In other words, a secret written and hidden for thousands of years, it is impossible for it to have been passed down from generation to generation. Even more so when it is encrypted in different ways, but with the same key, which I mentioned at the beginning.
1 .When we were with God in heaven and betrayed; the battle in which, after being defeated, the treacherous angels who hated (then demons), asked for them the same fate as those who rose up out of love (Adam) to other traitors (Eve -who coveted, but did not hate-), for they claim that all of them were traitors too and if they did not accede to their request the Righteous One par excellence, the One Who Is, would fall into injustice and cease to Be (God is the One Who Is, He cannot be unjust). God tries to save the Adams without falling into injustice, this is the reason why they are not ‘annihilated’, but will be given a prolongation of ‘life’ that will result in other times (next to this three and a half).
2 Close to God, but not in God (we still see it). This period comes in the bible as before Noah (Cain and Abel). We live 800 years and more.
3 Before the Passion of Christ. On our earth. We cannot receive the Spirit. The Righteous who die will wait in Sheol, they cannot ascend to heaven. In this and the next men live a maximum of 120 years.
½ After the passion of Christ. Man, not only Christians, can receive the Holy Spirit by Christ's validation of our nature as capable of receiving Him. Christ, the first created one, who infinitely lovingly pleased God and kept His Essence in the highest intensity (God's) in heaven, is the one by whom all (or the rest) of heavenly creatures were created (they do not share the highest intensity of the Spirit as He does). After the betrayal and the ‘blackmail’ of the devil: if you do not save me you cannot save those who betrayed for the love of the ‘Eve’, for they also betrayed, God could only make a new nature (man) that would escape the justice claimed by the devil, by sending the first created in heaven who validated the heavenly nature, but now in that nature (man) to validate it in an act of infinite love (the cross). For if any fallen angel were to claim injustice for this, he would be declaring his own creation to be unjust, since it was christ who validated in the same way (infinitely loving) his heavenly nature, there in heaven. God cannot be unjust. He is who He is. That is why He made the world, to try to save us, for we have all fallen here condemned by our own treachery.
1st Time. Our origin in Heaven. 1st The Expulsion. Chapters 1-4. Ch.5 time separator
Here he forms earth and heaven. It places man in Eden which is really heaven.
Eze 28:13-15 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. 14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. 15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
There was the Devil, the serpent, before he was revealed and fell (fallen angel). Of course, it talks about the rebellion, otherwise why put the evil serpent or the devil. Everything is explained as in a story with only the little drawings missing.
In this first part, in the garden of Eden, the groups that will take part in the war and their motives are presented; the rebellion is exposed. The story begins by calling at all times "man" or "woman" who will later be called Adam and Eve. This is an important difference, for, as I say, it refers to collectives; calling "man" does not even metaphorically designate one, but many.
The "man" did such and such...
The "woman" said such and such... (even in this case it is possible to generalise).
Here because of the woman, the man ceases to be what he was for God. Both "die", the woman "killed" by the devil, the man "killed" by the woman; death of Being. Thus the word "woman" is not "female" but will represent those who empty themselves of God by believing the devil, by greed, those who are not inscribed in the book of life here among us; or those who do not listen and like fools have ears only for money and the idols of the world, for the devil. I say "represents", but it really corresponds to what happened in heaven.
The "man", who is also empty of God because of the "woman", will have an open ear for the word of God in the world, because they did not allow themselves to be convinced by the devil, but out of love for the "woman". But it is through the "man" that the "woman" can find salvation, and this is symbolised by the rib, which is also in the place of the heart; it is through the love of the "man" that the "woman" is given a chance; in other words, if the "man" dies because of the "woman", the "woman" can only live because of the "man". It is therefore a representation of what is to happen, which later continues with "daughters of men" confronted with the term "sons of God".
In this 1st time "man" and "woman" are expelled from heaven (Eden), and it designates our first Stage, of the 3 ½ in our history of Salvation. For, as will be explained, God could have struck us down for the betrayal, but made way for the next stages to try to save us (at least the Adam's, who loved).
Ch. 4 Consequences of betrayal
With Cain and Abel we are still talking about the same collective (Eve, Adam), and here we are talking about the effects of rebellion. Now, being the same, we change our names because we no longer have the Holy Spirit; we are not really the same. And so, with Cain and Abel the fact is repeated: Cain kills Abel, or by Eve Adam falls, which is to say the same thing; and the consequence is repeated: Cain is "expelled" (it will be, in the future, we are still in the 1st time) for it to another place that will not give him any fruit (2nd or 3rd time where they will not be able to receive the lost Holy Spirit, they will not be able to receive fruit). It is not a new expulsion, it is the same expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden that begins the 1st time. But here He will reveal to us the effects of the betrayal (birds, cattle, beasts). I once put the 2nd time here but really this chapter says the same as the previous one, adding that classification or those effects according to the betrayal that I speak of below. The chapters in which he speaks of the long descents are then constituted as separators: Chp.5 (1=>2); Chp.10 (2=>3).
Genesis 4:12 When you till the ground it will no longer yield up its strength to you. A restless wanderer you will be on earth.'
Genesis 4:14-15 Look, today you drive me from the surface of the earth. I must hide from you, and be a restless wanderer on earth. Why, whoever comes across me will kill me!' 'Very well, then,' Yahweh replied, 'whoever kills Cain will suffer a sevenfold vengeance.' So Yahweh put a mark on Cain, so that no one coming across him would kill him.
He speaks of what will happen to him in the 2nd time. There has been a battle in heaven and these are the losers, whom the faithful will not be able to harm (we still remember).
Genesis 4:16 Cain left the presence of Yahweh and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
It is important to know why we are talking only about Cain. The death of Abel as I said speaks to us of the consequences of rebellion. Abel, (Adam) is considered one of the traitors because although he turned his back on God for love, he also betrayed. All under the same name: Cain. In this sense, Cain's descendants are:
Genesis 4:20-22 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. 21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. 22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.
Which designate the 3 groups that remain differentiated and will reach the earth:
…have cattle: Evas or fools who do not separate themselves from the world.
…handle the harp and organ: Adam, listen and praise God. On the other hand, music like birds move through the air (they can separate themselves from the world).
…artificer in brass and iron. Iron describes the demons in Daniel's dreams, they are also forged by burning fire. They represent the demons.
The fact that Cain (4:16) settles in the land of Nod to the east (= where the sun rises: God) of Eden, may speak to us that this fact is a gift or mercy from God, since the normal thing would have been to fulminate us all, i.e. to fall to the other side (west=death), to the flames of hell. The Scriptures are usually very precise about the "East and West".
Then Seth will be born, who will again represent the Adams (since Abel had disappeared), which means that, in the world, beyond our betrayal, which makes us all equal, the descendants of Seth will be the ones who listen (Adam). Even if we are traitors, this will differentiate us on earth. Of course, it is the same "Adam" who are again named separately to speak of this characteristic.
Genesis 4:26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.
2nd Time. Until Noah; "Near to God". Chapters 6-9. 10 separator.
The story was 'cut off' with the recapitulation of the 1st time in chapter 5.
Genesis 6:1-2
When people began being numerous on earth, and daughters had been born to them, the sons of God, looking at the women, saw how beautiful they were and married as many of them as they chose.
Genesis 6:3
Yahweh said, 'My spirit cannot be indefinitely responsible for human beings, who are only flesh; let the time allowed each be a hundred and twenty years.'
We are close to God but not in God. The Adam's meet the Eves or the "sons of God" meet the "daughters of men" or the hearing meet the deaf.
It is still the same as in Eden: the "woman" loses or 'kills' the "man". The deaf to those who listen. God puts us all together, but evil reigns among all.
He wipes the slate clean, symbolised in Noah and the ark. The flood is the restart as real nature as men as we are, with a body. Again with an impossible DNA. From Noah onwards God disappears for us. Before even the 'deaf' could talk to Him. From now on only a chosen few. From then on (6:3) we, as humans, live only 120 years at the most.
Noah symbolises our passage from 'heavenly' nature to human nature, which confirms that God is Love. He provides what is necessary for our salvation, and the human nature is the nature of man (from something empty that falls with Luzbel, to eternal death), so that in the use of our freedom and in the subsequent redemption of that nature (by Jesus) we can be filled again with God and be saved. All these chapters speak of the same thing: of our passage on earth, with chapter 10 being the separator. From chapter 11 onwards we are already on earth..
Chapter 10 The offspring is again the separator (already begun in 9:18)..
It begins with the same structure as the recapitulation or separation from the 1st to the 2nd time; Chapter 5. The account of the offspring already begins in 9:18, that should be the beginning of Chapter 10.
Genesis 10:1
These are the descendants of Noah's sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, to whom sons
were born after the flood:
The descendants of Noah and the kingdoms of the earth that they form are recounted and will later be traversed and named in the Bible. It is worth noting the change in longevity from 800 and more years to living 120 years as men. Today (when I wrote this) the longest living woman in the world is 116 years old according to the Guinness Book of Records. Today... in our land... Above all, it is interesting to point out the uselessness of writing impossible data, such as living these many, many years, if you want to give credibility to what is written, unless it is really true; or else, to differentiate these times. Either way, it would be unreasonable to write this for man, but for God. And it all fits with what was written throughout history by different cultures, thousands of years apart, writing about a secret now revealed.
As a conclusion of Noah (intermediate passage to earth), we finally arrive here:
Genesis 10:32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.
3rd Time. Babel; Religions, paths to 7 sizes of souls Cp.11.
Let’s look at the tower of Babel:
Genesis 11:1-2
Now the whole earth had one language and few words.
And as men migrated from the east, they
found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. (Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition1)
It repeats for us as in another short story what happens after the rebellion. It tells us what happened: "as humanity moves, it moves from the East" (from the rising sun towards the setting sun, towards death). And we are situated in the vega (=lowland area, usually beside a river =>Life=God). This means that on the way to death (after the rebellion) we stand beside God, but not in God. In the 2nd time is where this 3rd time will be "organised"; where it will be clear who will listen, who will not listen, and who will not have a body. There will also be the demand by the demons to receive the same destiny as the Adam (also traitors), hence the differentiation organised for the earth. We will see that all this, with the same participants, is continually repeated in the scriptures, in different ways with different peoples. The Lord has made it so, so that we can see it today. Babel repeats itself to tell us about religions.
Genesis 11:3
They said to one another, 'Come, let us make bricks and bake them in the
fire.' For stone they used bricks, and for mortar they used
4 'Come,' they said, 'let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top
reaching heaven. Let us make a name for ourselves, so that
we do not get scattered all over the world.'
The bricks symbolise our sheaths or souls empty of Spirit, which means that we are no longer free out of fear of God and we "associate" in a false behaviour in order not to fall to the ground but to return to Eden. For even if there is a differentiation in our motivation and there will be those on earth who listen to God (Adam) and those who do not (Eve), we are all traitors and empty of the Holy Spirit.
Genesis 11:5-9
Now Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower that the people had built.
'So they are all a single people with a single language!' said Yahweh. 'This
is only the start of their undertakings! Now nothing they plan
to do will be beyond them.
Come, let us go down and confuse their language there, so that they
cannot understand one another.'
Yahweh scattered them thence all over the world, and they stopped building the city.
That is why it was called Babel, since there Yahweh confused the language of
the whole world, and from there Yahweh scattered them all over
the world.
So, on earth God entangles our paths, or, in other words, separates our paths. There must be freedom of choice, it is not that God wants to annoy us, it is that there must be freedom. On the other hand, the tower of Babel, which can also represent the world, has 7 floors (historically: cuneiform tablet called "of the Esagil"), like those 7 churches, 7 religions, 7 types or sizes of soul. In the example I so often give of the school with different classes, guided towards the same direction or teaching, mercy, and by the same principal, this would be like overshadowing the classrooms between them. To think that everyone's is the only valid one, that the others are not directed towards mercy.
Note that in Babel 11:9 ends as Noah 10:32 ends =>
11:9 and from there Yahweh scattered them all over the world.
10:32 by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.
God uses two stories to tell us different aspects of the same story. In one, salvation from death (the sea) by means of the ark (Jesus Christ), in the other that separation of cultures, religions (mainly); after Babel he already speaks of peoples, when in Noah they were "persons", a family. In reality, Babel could be at the end of the Second Time (it ends up the same, scattered across the face of the earth), he puts it here, in the part of our world or after the separator, to indicate that this differentiation between sizes was evident in heaven, but here we will only see it through the differentiation of religions.
As a parenthesis on Noah and in general on the stages of salvation, I would like to point out that:
Genesis 9:11
And I shall maintain my covenant with you: that never again shall all living
things be destroyed by the waters of a flood, nor shall there
ever again be a flood to devastate the earth.'
Unfortunately this good news, which is God's covenant with us, is not so good for the one who does not get it here, because, moreover, it is telling us that there will be no new beginning or new opportunity. That there will not be a new environment, a new beginning; because we will already choose in freedom in the new Nature, so dearly bought for us, with the martyrdom of Jesus Christ to fulfil all righteousness.
Genesis continues with the history on our earth (3rd time) in which the children of Abraham grow up among other things. This would be the "long" of the 3rd time, the history before Jesus or the Passion.
Chapter 22. Abraham. Half-time. The Passion, our rescue.
This is the remaining half-time, and it starts from the passion. Of course, being in Genesis the passion could not come out as such, so what the Lord does is a very clear foreshadowing in which Abraham (God the Father), offers his son for sacrifice. Jesus is here Isaac and the goat that will later be sacrificed in his place; one in his heavenly nature that does not die and the other in his human nature that dies on the cross. That is the moment of our salvation, and that is the moment when the half-time begins.
Gen 22:18 And in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.
[Better "seed", thus translated in several Bibles "Latin: semine", because in addition to offspring it is "seed" and Christ is introduced as a seed into the earth, to give life]
In (17 'gate of your enemies'): The Spirit will enter us after the passion.
In (18) Those nations are we, those of Ishmael (Muslims), and others. For did not the Lord send an angel to Ishmael making a promise to him as to Isaac? To those Onagers (wild donkeys), who have pitched tent in front of the others just as He foretold And do you still doubt those 7 ways set by God?
I repeat the foreshadowing here because of how important it is especially here.
In the prophet Daniel we will also see our history initiated from heaven, and it will also be done in several stages. The way in which the prophet expounds it is with the dreams of the kings he serves and his own visions. He makes an interpretation of these dreams, but he does so from the world; if these interpretations correspond to actual events in history, then it is because the Lord has used or modified history to show us this hidden message. However, there are interpretations of Daniel that are clearly not real, such as when he predicts (and it comes true) that Nebuchadnezzar would become an animal for 7 years. In these cases the real message of God speaking of our history from our betrayal in heaven prevails. Before I begin the dreams, I will start with chapter 5, skipping over Nebuchadnezzar's first two dreams which I then analyse.
Dan 5:3-6 Then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God which was at Jerusalem; and the king, and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, drank in them. 4 They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone. 5 In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. 6 Then the king's countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.
Dan 5:24-28 Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written. 25 And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. 26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. 27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. 28 PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
This word separates Nebuchadnezzar's first two dreams from the next two visions during the reign of Balthasar. It should be noted that, in the writing of the floating fingers (5:25), the first word "Mene" is repeated, so there are some translations that eliminate one of them as redundant and therefore an error. However, it all makes sense, as these words correspond to dreams and visions, and to our stages of salvation. As for the floating fingers writing, it tells us that all this is put here by God, not by man, and that somehow these fingers bring together all the dreams and visions.
Let's look at the meanings Daniel gives.
Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought them to an end.
Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought them to an end.
Tekel: You have been weighed in the balance and you lack weight.
Peres: your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.
The first two Mene speak to us of our first two times of betrayal. 1st at the very moment of rising and 2nd next to God, but not in God; we are not yet on earth. This pre-earth phase is also separated because they are the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar, who curiously, as we will see later, in his 2nd and last dream is warned that he will become a soulless animal, which it says is fulfilled for 7 years until he recognises God. This is basically what happens to us after we are expelled from heaven (God has counted the days of your reign and put an end to them) and cannot receive the Holy Spirit until Christ rescues us in his passion or if you like until the end of our life here when we are judged and return (whoever can) to heaven.
Tekel would be our time in the world (the third time), before the passion. During which, as I say, we cannot receive the Holy Spirit and we are empty. This is described here as lacking weight.
Peres is our last half-time. We can now receive the Spirit. Here he refers to the word "kingdom", which also designates all of us who have ever received the Holy Spirit. He says it is divided, which I think refers to how we are left after the passion. Some, those who can hear, who are the Adams, are pitted against those who cannot (the Eves). This only becomes clear when we are able to receive the Holy Spirit, for it is the Spirit that distinguishes us from one another. Furthermore, Jesus Himself says it: Matt 10.34 Think not that I am come to bring peace on earth: I am not come to bring peace, but a sword. [Father versus son... speaks of division].On the other hand, by saying that 'it is divided into two', it also speaks of a time divided into two = half a time.
As for the dreams, we will see that they are also divided into two groups, those of heaven and those of earth, although they speak of the same thing in different ways:
First dream (of Nebuchadnezzar).
Dan 2:31-35 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. 32 This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, 33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. 34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. 35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.
In this dream it speaks of the groups that were revealed in heaven and of the rebellion itself. The head of gold refers to the Adams, those who betrayed for love (gold for God is love). The silver breasts and arms refer to the Eves. This may refer to what has already been mentioned: the Adams betray by thought (marked on the forehead), the Eves are marked on the hand, by action (Apo 13,16. Ver Un poco de Numerología ). The belly and loins of bronze, would be the demons and the feet of iron and clay is the satan. The mud perhaps refers to that iniquity which arises from it, and which weakens the structure (the rock, too, is something earthly, and, in fact, later becomes a mountain which fills the whole earth). In the end it is iniquity, that greed, that brings us all down. Rather, it is the trigger, because, although that golden head falls for love, it actually does so following the Eves who fall before and whom we love intensely in heaven. Then the stone turns everything to dust (we are emptied of the Spirit) and together with it we fall like a great mountain and fill the whole earth.
This dream represents the first time, the rebellion. Just after, included in this time, will come the event in which God saves Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego from the furnace (Dan 3:14-93) which may refer to the fact that He does not destroy the Adam, Eve, and demons that will come to the earth; this makes more sense complementing it with other salvations of two more periods, since these three in the reading are sent to the furnace out of faithfulness to God, however, as I said, Daniel's interpretation in the scripture is different from what is hidden in these chapters by God. Thus, for example, the word Abed-nego comes from the Babylonian name formed from the Semitic voice ab-d, meaning "servant, server", and Nebo, one of the gods of Mesopotamia. If we look up Nebo (Nabu) in Wikipedia, we see that he was a West Semitic Assyrian god, who wears two horns on his hat, and rides a dragon (which belonged to his father -by adoption- Marduk, chief deity of Babylon). According to this, "Abed-nego" would be "servant of Nebo", which would be more in line with those demon servants of satan.
Second dream (of Nebuchadnezzar).
Dan 4:10-17 Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great. 11 The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth: 12 The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all: the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed of it. 13 I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven; 14 He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches: 15 Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth: 16 Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him. 17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
The tree (4:10) in the centre of the earth is the kingdom of God. It may also refer to the tree of life in the centre of heaven, but in any case, it refers to the Holy Spirit, the Essence of God. In 4:11 it already begins to speak of rebellion, for it was the lust for that Essence, which was available to us in heaven that causes us to take of it and grow without measure (it grew and became stout). Thus this Essence, though unduly taken, was still the Essence of God (beautiful branch, abundant fruit, food for all). From it are nourished the beasts of the field (the demons or angels who coveted and rose up believing themselves to be as much as God), the birds of the air (the adams or angels who took for love the Eves, who later could separate themselves from the earth), and other living creatures (the unnamed, missing Eves). The holy watchman represents the faithful angels and to cut down the tree is to empty the Holy Spirit from the traitors, thieves of the Essence. "Leave alone on the ground the stump with its roots, with chains of iron and bronze among the bushes of the field", speaks to us of our fall to Earth, where we will all be without Spirit: the stump with its roots, without leaves, branches, or life. The stump actually represents the Adam and before the passion we will be enslaved by chains of iron (satan) and bronze (demons); this links with the first dream, that of the statue (image in english). The grass of the field may be the Eves, not comparable to the stump with its roots (particularly mentioned) in the earth. "Let his human soul be taken from him and given an animal soul and let him live seven years", speaks of the same thing, that emptying of the Spirit and that period of probation on earth which will allow us, thanks to God, to be saved. As for the dew of heaven, it can refer to the history of salvation that God has with men, even before Jesus Christ. We are not talking about sap flowing from within but about something external that soaks in.
As I was saying, with regard to the interpretation given by Daniel and then fulfilled for the king, I would point out that it does not make sense from the reality of the world. This dream has not been hidden by apparently historical facts, it only makes sense from heaven.
There are references that tell us that this dream is the 2nd period (close to God, but not in God), the time of Cain and Abel and the tower of Babel: The tree grew and became stout, its height reached to heaven, it is the same image of those who unite to raise the tower of Babel to heaven and then God destroys it. On the other hand, later, in the following chapter (5), he will name the invisible fingers which, as I said, seem to separate our stages in heaven and those on earth. In this sense, the two interpretations of Daniel that we have seen were "Dreams", which are those of heaven, and the two remaining ones are "Visions" which would correspond to our stages on earth (note, moreover, that vision is to the body - it is more physical - as sleep is to the soul, perhaps).
On the other hand, after this dream comes when God saves Daniel in the lion's den Dan 6:10-22. This, which will be repeated at the end of the 4th vision, may mean that God saves the Adams by allowing them to hear and receive the Holy Spirit in due time (not like the deaf, Eve). If earlier he saved from the furnace the 3 which I believe designate groups, now it seems to represent that the birds, Adam, will be able to flee from the beasts (lion's den). This, which seems a bit risky in the interpretation, must be seen as a whole, in these three salvations of execution (two of them exactly the same, in spite of being death sentences of different kings: Darius the Mede, and Cyrus the Persian).
Third Vision (during the reign of Balthasar)
Dan 7:2-8 Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. 3 And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. 4 The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. 5 And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. 6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. 7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. 8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things [others: enormous things / insolence / barbarities].
This dream narrates the rebellion again, telling us about the rebel groups as did the dream of the statue. As it is the third one, it seems to refer to the third period: we are on earth. Actually, there is not much data to affirm this, except for the order, the hand writing on the wall that separated the two previous dreams of heaven (Mené, Mené, of Nebuchadnezzar), the assignment Tekel (you lack weight, no Spirit) and the beginning of the vision: "In my night vision", night being our time on earth.
It begins by speaking of the four winds of heaven that stirred up the ocean. These may refer to the 4 cardinal points of the earth, although it probably speaks of the groups or agents participating in the rebellion, which we already know: Adams, Evas, demons and in this case satan is differentiated. It says ‘7:3 and how four gigantic beasts, all different from one another, came out of the sea’, the correct translation is ‘ascended of the sea’ (ascendebant), which does not imply coming out of the sea (death). Note that we were talking about an ocean before, not a sea, this may be relevant or just a figure of speech.
The beasts then are the groups of heaven:
The lion (1st beast) with eagle's wings refers to the Adams, who have their wings removed and will be made men, though their sin was out of love. The Adams are, among these beasts, the best; they still have love.
The bear (2nd beast) resembling a bear, standing on its side, with three ribs in its jaws, between its teeth... it devours flesh. These are the Eves and the three ribs refer to other Eves they convince, Adam and demons; i.e. they convince other angels that eventually by the motivation that leads them to betrayal (love, greed, hatred) they will become one or the other. Since the rib symbolises love (because of Adam's love, the woman is made, the Eves are given a chance, for if it were not for his love they would all have been killed outright), these ribs can also refer to Adam's love, the love of faithful angels and Jesus, because of the Eves the Adams fall (out of love), who are the ones that God especially wants to save. When it says that the bear rests on its side, it may refer to the same rib of Adam by which Eve is created. The bear's hunger represents in heaven the greed of the Eves to get fat with the Holy Spirit, on earth that devoured flesh will be the Adams, because the (deaf) Eves only listen to the world and will pull their acquaintances towards it. The bear is also slow, does not look very smart, and has the colour of the earth, not green like vegetation but brown or white (it does not separate from the earth like cattle unless it climbs a tree = another person as seen).
The leopard (3rd beast). ‘Then, as I continued to watch, I saw another leopard-like beast with four wings on its back and four heads, to which they gave power’. The leopard is a feline that hunts, not representing royalty like the lion, but cunning and skill in hunting. These are the demons in general. When it says they are given power and have four heads I think it refers to the power God gives them to tempt us in the world (4 cardinal points), because this is actually given by God when these were already defeated, in order to be able to justify us in the struggle of the world and in our freedom. As for the wings, they refer to the ability they will have to whisper in our ears ‘flying’ without any body. Their wings are not removed like the lion (who is made a man). There is another reference in the last vision (4th) to the goat that represents the devil and his kind, in which the goat travels ‘through the earth without touching the ground’. Note, moreover, that there are 4 wings (4 cardinal points again).
Well, this order fits with the golden statue, also with the 4th beast.
The 4th Beast is frightful and terrible. It is satan who was an extremely beautiful and great angel in the Essence of God. It was through him that iniquity entered and many followed him. He is the worst, the father of hatred.
It says that he has 10 horns and then one came forth by which three fell. This is important: horns are everything with which God is wounded, i.e. a horn can also designate a group of angels or the harm they receive (which wounds God); thus the "death" of these wounds the Lord, just as our sins also do because He loves us.
The little horn that stands out is about blackmail (I want the same fate as the Adam's who are also traitors) by which three groups (horns) will fall to the earth: the Adam's, the Evas and the demons. Indeed blackmail is something that also hurts God, being a small thing: a lie, it makes 3 horns fall. He says that he has human eyes, which may refer to what he will achieve, that we fall like men on earth (only eyes perhaps because demons have no body). The barbarities are the lies of blackmail and surely all the lies of the demons on earth.
Thus there remain in heaven 7 horns, which are the nations or groups by capacity in heaven (7 churches also on earth, the 7 nations by age, if you will, in terms of the soul by which God has set different ways to fill us here on earth with sufficient quantity according to our capacity) and also that blackmail there present (in heaven) until all is concluded (10+1-3= 7+1). Let us remember that these 7 groups that remained in heaven (which were originally there before the betrayal in heaven) were also attacked by the devil in the war and God suffered for them, hence they are "horns that wound".
Continuing with the same Vision:
Dan 7:9-12 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. 10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened. 11 I beheld then because of the voice of the great words [ ] which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. 12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time. 13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. 14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.
Then, the blackmail of the beast has its consequences and that is that God (old man -7:9-) destroys the beast by throwing him into the fire and the other three beasts are left alive and then left on the earth (for a season and time). These are the Adam, Eve and demons. "(7:13) Someone resembling a human being" and the following refers to Jesus. As for the beast and the horn that spoke barbarities and cast into the fire (7:11), it may also refer to the destruction of the racketeer (emerging horn), which will be annulled by the creation of the world and the passion of the Lord (although it will remain present until it is all over), I do not think it is a destruction of satan forever. Moreover, it seems like a way of bringing it all to a conclusion; unlike the next vision which remains unfinished, in this one, the only thing that remains open is the fact that the other three beasts are left alive "7:12 their lives were prolonged for a season and time". As a note the true translation of this should be: "their life had been prolonged to them time and time" (ad tempus et tempus) Can the Lord be any clearer? (remember that in that part it is describing the time of the rebellion in heaven and that we most certainly lived through the 1st + 2nd + [3rd or 4th:earth] stages).
Fourth Vision (during the reign of Balthasar).
Dan 8:3-14 Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns: and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last. 4 I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great. 5 And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes. 6 And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power. 7 And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand. 8 Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven. 9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. 10 And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. 11 Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. 12 And the host was given over to it together with the continual burnt-offering through transgression; and it cast down truth to the ground, and it did its pleasure and prospered. 13 Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said unto that certain one who spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the continual burnt-offering, and the transgression that maketh desolate, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? 14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
This is the half time. And this is not only because of the order (4th of 3 and a half times), but because it is the only one not concluded. In the other dreams, the period of salvation or the period of heaven is concluded: in the golden statue, the rebellion is narrated from heaven and ends with its consequence (the earth is filled by the rock that falls); in the tree, also from heaven, the rebellion is narrated and how it falls, but we are already presented with the solution: man recognises that "the Most High is master of the human kingdoms", after which (7 years there) Nebuchadnezzar becomes a man again, for he became a beast. However, after this dream, Daniel goes on to ask:
"How long shall the vision last: the perpetual sacrifice, the desolating iniquity, the sanctuary and the host trodden under foot?" So he places himself in an unfinished time of world history (even though he speaks or asks about a future from his place in time). The answer to this question is the second part of Daniel's prophecies and they also bear on the separation of the three and a half times, as will be seen. It seems then, that in Daniel this half time is determined by the fact that it is unfinished, and does not occur as in other places in the Bible where we are told of the 3.5 times and the last half is clearly determined by the passion of Christ. Nevertheless, as I said later, it explains with numbers those three and a half times. In fact, Daniel is the one who speaks most clearly about them in the Bible, if I remember correctly.
But going back to the dream we see that there is a ram with two horns; one overhanging the other. These horns are the Adam and the Eve. The Eves being, "one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last ", since the Adam group as we were saying are the ones that follow the Eves by processing love for them (fall for them). It says that the ram "charged against the west, the north and the south" which means that he was given freedom to do everything but go against God (the east is where the sun rises = God). It is another way of saying: "eat from any tree but the tree of Life".
A goat comes from the west (=where the sun sets => death) and attacks the ram. This is the satan and his followers. He knocks the ram to the ground and breaks his horns. This already refers to the future fall of Adam and Eve to the earth, to the world, or in any case to the emptying of the Spirit. "(8:8) The goat became very great, and when he was strong, the big horn was broken and in its place stood out four others oriented to the four cardinal directions;" this refers to how the rebellion increased and that in the end the devil and his kind were defeated (the horn is broken off). Now it is divided into 4 horns. As I said in the 3rd dream the horns are everything with which God is wounded or with which God can be wounded, i.e. a horn can also designate the fact of harming a group of angels, which in turn will wound God. So, the rebellion ends, but now it is time to discern and see who is guilty or what is the fault of each one. Four groups are then distinguished by type of betrayal: The Adam, who betrayed out of love for the Eves. The Eves who coveted. The demons who coveted and in the struggle hated and finally the satan who is the promoter, the one who was the most beautiful and the greatest, the father of hatred. From this comes forth a little one, this little horn is blackmail (which deeply wounds God), and which is becoming greater, for by it (I want the same destiny as the Adam who are also traitors), not only the demons, but also the Eves and Adam himself will fall to the earth. "It will reach even to the head of the army" is because finally all this can only be solved by sending Jesus, who already offers Himself in heaven, to save us in the world. So, the direction in which these 4 horns grow into which the one horn separated, are east = Adam (they fall for love), south = Evas (in some places it refers to the south as the Evas for being where the queen of Sheba comes from, I think this was in Job), and the Land of Splendour which refers to the Holy Spirit Himself, the Chief of the Armies, or Jesus who will be sent to earth, or in general to all three, to God.
So that perpetual sacrifice (12), iniquity, and everything else that follows refers to our time away from God, empty of the Holy Spirit (until the passion) or even until the end of the world. When it says "they gave him the army" it means that God revives or allows the life of satan and demons (his army) among us so that through our personal struggle with them we can justify ourselves, in our freedom we can choose Him, we can revive because we came dead to the earth.
After this there are no more visions, so the following chapters can be framed within this time. This is relevant because the last chapter as I said, ends also with the salvation of Daniel by God from the lion's den (I don't know if it is the same den or another one, it places him in "Babylon"). Given that this half time, is not delimited as in the rest of the places in the Bible by the passion, but by the fact of being an unfinished story, we can again think that this is the salvation of the Adams, either because they can receive the Spirit after the Passion or because in general, the world and its entire history is created to try to save them, being the Eves or deaf, only an accompaniment that, if saved, will do it for the Adams (from Adam's rib...).
To summarise and before we go on to the numbers, we see that Daniel is also structured like other readings. The 3'5 times we have already seen shown in the dreams and visions, but in addition we see that God miraculously saves 3 times and after each "great" time.
3 |
Dream of the Statue (2:31-35) God saves Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago from the furnace. (3:14-93) | Mene |
5 6 |
Dream of the tree (4:7-14) Floating fingers writing (5:5-28) God saves Daniel from the lion's den (6:14-23) |
Mene |
Vision of the Ocean and the Beasts (7:2-14) 1st prediction told to Daniel 3’5 years (7:16-27) |
Tekel |
9 10-11 12 14 |
Vision of the Ram and the Goat (8:3-12) Prediction told to Daniel 2300 Evenings and Mornings (8:13-17) Prediction counted to Daniel 70 weeks. It does not correspond with the others, perhaps it indicates the relation of the sizes of the times (of the total 70,7 and 62, 1 and 0’5 weeks)..(9:22-27) Prediction without numbers (I don't understand it). (10:11-21, 11) Prediction counted to Daniel 1290 days. (12:8-13) God saves Daniel from the lion's den (14:36-41) |
Time Peres |
Mene: God has counted the days of your reign and put an end to them.
Tekel: You have been weighed in the scales and you lack weight.
Peres: Your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.
Let us now analyse the numbers, which is the second part of what I was saying, Daniel shows. These are really of no great significance except to clearly indicate the existence of these three and a half times.
8:13 "For how long is the vision concerning the continual burnt offering, the transgression that makes desolate, and the giving over of the sanctuary and host to be trampled under foot?" 14 And he said to him, "For two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state."
Here there is a discrepancy with the time given later in the continuation of this same text, in Daniel 12 (1290 days) and Revelation 1260 days. The latter refer to the same time and have an explanation 1290 and 1260, but why does it say 2300 here, i.e. 1010 days more? Actually, it is the same figure because 2300 evenings and mornings are days from which the night is taken away. Counting from and to the most visible twilight (civil twilight it is called):
2300 days = 6.3 years.
1 year in Jerusalem (without nights): | 4769:20:46 hours. |
6 years in Jerusalem (without nights): | 28616:04:36 hours. (x 6 años) |
0.3 years is 109.5 days i.e.: | 4769:20:46 hours. |
Total (6.3 years in light hours without night): | 30238:14:06 hours. (/24 hoursxdays=) |
Total (6.3 years in light days without night): | 1259.93 días. |
This means that from 1259.01 to 1260 we are within day 1260 (from 0 to 1 we are within 1, "filling" the one). The decimals would tell us about an hour within that day. This means that 2300 days without night is also 1260 days.
It is important to know that these are not hours of sunshine, but hours of the day without night, that is, counting the twilight. I have taken the data from https://salidaypuestadelsol.com/sun/jerusalem counting in the city of Jerusalem a normal year + 109 days and a half (from April 29 to August 15 both included and adding half a day of August 16). However, this is fulfilled by starting the 109.5 days (0.3) on any day from April 1 to August 25. The formula used by this website is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunrise_equation, it is quite complex and I don't think it was available in Daniel's time.
So it is saying the same thing, but why express it differently? Perhaps because he also wants to refer to another point, to the moment when all that has been said will also be realised or finalised in heaven. The moment of the end of time, or when God will finally finish with the demons forever. Though in the passion they lost the battle, they still stood by us for our justification. Thus adding 1000 years to the time from when we fell from heaven (abolished the perpetual sacrifice) to the end of the world, we would arrive at "when the sanctuary will be rehabilitated", the sanctuary in heaven. According to Revelation 20:2, once the world is destroyed, the devil will remain immobilised for 1000 years and then he will return to attack the camp of the saints and the beloved city (heaven), and then he will finally be destroyed. I have already explained why this is so in The end of the Apocalypse. p.145: 1000 years of purgatory for those who die near the end of the world and need that purgation (surely for many of us). For if God were to break time now, would it not be unjust that those who need purgation would not be saved because they could not have it? AAdding 1010 to the whole period from the betrayal of heaven to the restoration of the sanctuary I think could also refer to those 1000 years of waiting with satan immobilised until the last post-world battle (for 10 years perhaps) to destroy the demons once and for all. However, the 30 difference between 1290 Daniel and 1260 Revelation (and Daniel himself in 2300 evenings and mornings=1260 days), I think refers to the final outcome for us on earth, i.e. the time when we live before the end of the world, but after "(13) the sanctuary and the army trampled down", which would correspond to the (short) time when "the ox will graze with the lamb". It says "(14) then the sanctuary will be rehabilitated", which would be like saying: "with the second option of the numbers we have used, taking the 2300 evenings and mornings, not the 1260 days, the sanctuary of heaven will be rehabilitated".
So, we can take a date or not for the end of the world, the certain thing is that:
16 … Gabriel, make this man understand the vision." 17 So he came near where I stood; and when he came, I was frightened and fell upon my face. But he said to me, "Understand, O son of man, that the vision is for the time of the end."
Now more numbres; the sealed prophecy, Daniel 12.
Daniel 12:1-13 "At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found written in the book. 2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase." 5 Then I Daniel looked, and behold, two others stood, one on this bank of the stream and one on that bank of the stream. 6 And I said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream, "How long shall it be till the end of these wonders?" 7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream, raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven; and I heard him swear by him who lives for ever that it would be for a time, two times, and half a time; and that when the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an end all these things would be accomplished. 8 I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, "O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?" 9 He said, "Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand. 11 And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days [1290]. 12 Blessed is he who waits and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. [1335] 13 But go your way till the end; and you shall rest, and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days."
In chapter 8 we had placed ourselves at the end of the world or of time (which is not the same thing), depending on which number we took 1260 or 2300. Since it was consciously speaking to us of these two moments with the figure (2300 evenings and mornings = 1260 days). He goes on to speak of the final judgement of the dead and the living. When will these wonders be fulfilled? In 12:7 it says this time that the whole history of man must pass (3'5 times), covering the betrayal in heaven (-1-), close to God, but not in Him (Cain and Abel, we live 800 years, we still see Him and talk to Him -2-), on earth before the Passion of Christ (we live 120 years maximum -3-) and after the Passion (1/2 time). This I will explain later. As a note: in this case he may use the 3.5 because it speaks from heaven, and in a generic way. When it speaks of a specific event as it does later (11 counting from... to...) it uses the higher number.
Then he asks what will be the last of these things? And now he speaks again of the end of time; he actually puts it a little before the end of time: Counting from the time when the perpetual sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up: one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Add 30 to 1260 (1260=42 months, 3.5 years).
In between, in 12:5 to 12:7 he tells us of those who give him the message. One is on the river, whose water must represent the Holy Spirit. The other two are on the banks of the river. These 3 may refer to the Holy Trinity, i.e. the Persons of God, the one above the river being the father. Swearing by the one who lives eternally may refer to his own divinity (as Christ says: God alone is good, this has already been explained). Or perhaps a mention of his own title to a stranger (Who rules here? One and the same...). In Revelation we will see that these are likewise named as witnesses before God, lampstands and oil.
Well, since, as I say, the most important thing is not to draw a concrete date from the earth, these times speak to us more of stages. Let us not confuse them either with a continuous cycle of reincarnation; they are the consequence of God's attempt at salvation, which is realised in the creation of the new Man Nature, validated by full Justice. These 3.5 steps are our history, including our betrayal and salvation. There are some religions that glimpse part of this and frame it, as I said, in a continuous cycle of reincarnation, and as almost always there is some truth, but it is not our destiny or our end, but it has been a means of God to save us, which has generated some determined and counted stages.
As always, I must have missed a lot, but this is where it all goes. Whoever has patience and studies it, will surely come to more concrete conclusions than mine.
And this being so, why leave it sealed? Perhaps to confirm this knowledge, so that today we know our salvation history from heaven. Or simply so that the opening of the seal will be considered a sign that Our Lord is near to come.
In line with all this, when in the scriptures we read (Exo 20,5; Exo, 34,7; Num 14,18; Deu 5,9) that:
Exo 20:5 you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
It refers to the same thing, those three and a half times. Each of those generations are those times, periods or eons or whatever we want to call them. He never says directly "until the fourth generation", which would be normal, since by saying 4th generation you include the 3rd generation; he separates them by specifying them because the one who lived during the 3rd period, that is, before the passion of Christ, is not born again after the passion (4th time -which is the last ½ time-), but surely we all passed through the moment of the betrayal (1st) and the one after (2nd). Thus he says: I chastise each one of you whether you reach the 3rd or the 4th place.
Those who hate me here refers to all of us who come out of the Kingdom empty of Him, the thousands are from among the latter, the ones who will finally get saved. There is no room for anything else in righteousness.
In A Great Sign Appeared in Heaven, the same numerology is also used.
How could it be otherwise, Ezekiel uses the same key hidden in the rest of the Bible (!!!). In his texts we will also see our history of salvation from heaven embodied in those 3 and a half times. So, I will analyse his chapters in a particular way and then make a global outline of them by drawing the three and a half times.
As a preface I will tell you that Ezekiel tells us about the four types of creatures according to their loyalty or betrayal (faithful, demons, the Adam -deceived for love-, the Eve -deceived for covetousness-). In addition, it also reflects the 7 types of "angels" according to their size, coinciding, to the astonishment of those who do not believe in all this, with Daniel, the Apocalypse, and the other places studied.
We can see that it speaks to us of the first two times in heaven (the moment of betrayal and next to God but not in God), beginning both periods speaking of that heavenly Being with its four faces 1-9 (1st) and 10-19 (2nd). We will see that there are elements that are repeated: he speaks of 2 counsellors, 2 eagles, 2 sisters, 2 little lions, sword against 2=> Jacob (the Adam) and Ammonites (the Eve), guilt on two sides... Two chapters are also repeated speaking of prostitution, another two speaking of four abominations / rebellions. Others speaking against the prophets and in others he repeats what was gained by the groups according to their treachery: plague, sword, famine. We will then see the three and a half times starting with the periods of heaven speaking of that Being; the third time in which God brings us into the pit of the world, and the last half time in which He restores man; the end, in which we are told of the resurgence of the devil as the apocalypse does in a battle after the world and finally the description of heaven in which those types are also distinguished "by size of soul" and in which it describes a part for men which the apocalypse also designates as a second tree of life. And the most important thing is that these three and a half times are reflected not only in the structure of the chapters, but twice more in two chapters independently. This is the broad outline. Now I will go into detail because, as I say, it all has the same key and it is really amazing, like the rest of what has been revealed so far. How great is the Lord!
And you will say: Did not Ezekiel speak of the events of history? He speaks with the language of heaven. Only after knowing the key can we understand what he was saying, and any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence. No. It is a joke, because we know that God has modified the history of Israel to draw with it our history from heaven and leave it hidden so that today it would be revealed; the clear example is the stubbornness of Pharaoh and Jacob's Ladder (p.). Why? Because He loves us and in justice He could only do it near the end of the world since He will cut off at once and will not continue to act in the personal history of salvation of each one of us. That is our disadvantage which He adjusts or evens out with what is revealed here.
1st Time (1-9).
Eze 1:1-28 In the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, when I was among the deportees on the banks of the river Chebar, the heavens opened and I beheld divine visions. 2 On the fifth day of the month, in the fifth year of the deportation of King Jeconiah, 3 the word of the LORD came to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar, and there the hand of the LORD came upon him.
4 And I saw, and behold, there came a mighty wind from the north, a great cloud, and fire shining round about it, and within it as the flash of lightning in the midst of the fire. 5 In the middle of it were the figures of four beings, whose appearance was as follows: they had human figures. 6 They each had four faces and four wings. 7 Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the hoofs of oxen, and they shone like the gleam of burnished bronze. 8 Under their wings were human hands on all four sides; all four had their faces and their wings. 9 Their wings touched one another; they did not turn when they walked; each one walked straight ahead. 10 The shape of their faces was a human face, and all four had the face of a lion on the right, and all four had the face of a bull on the left, and all four had the face of an eagle. 11 Their wings were spread out on high; every two wings touched each other, and every two wings covered their bodies; 12 and each one went forward; wherever the spirit caused them to go, there they went, and they did not turn back as they went. 13 And among the beings there were as it were glowing embers, as it were torches, which moved among the beings; and the fire gave forth a brightness, and out of the fire went forth lightning. 14 And the creatures went to and fro like the appearance of lightning. 15 Then I looked at the creatures: there was a wheel on the ground beside the creatures on all four sides. 16 The appearance of the wheels and their structure was like the flashing of the chrysolite. They were all four of the same shape and seemed to be arranged as if one wheel were inside the other. 17 They went forward in all four directions; they did not turn as they went. 18 Their circumference was enormous, imposing, and the circumference of the four was full of sparkles all around. 19 When the beings went forward, the wheels went forward beside them, and when the beings rose up from the ground, the wheels rose up. 20 Wherever the spirit caused them to go, there they went, and the wheels went up together with them, because the spirit of the being was in the wheels. 21 When they went forward, they went forward; when they stood, they stood; and when they were lifted up from the ground, the wheels were lifted up together with them, because the spirit of the being was in the wheels. 22 Above the heads of the being was a form of a vault as of shining crystal, stretched out above their heads, 23 and under the vault their wings were paired one with another; each one had two that covered his body. 24 And I heard the sound of their wings, like the sound of many waters, like the voice of Sadday; when they marched, there was a thunderous noise, like the noise of battle; when they stood still, they folded back their wings. 25 And there was a noise. 26 Above the vault that was over their heads, there was like a sapphire stone in the form of a throne, and on this form of a throne, above it, in the highest place, a human-like figure. 27 Then I saw like the flash of lightning, like a fire enveloping her all around, from what appeared to be her hips upward; and from what appeared to be her hips downward, I saw like a blazing fire all around. 28 It was like the rainbow that appears in the clouds on rainy days: such was the appearance of this radiance around her. It was like the glory of Yahweh. At the sight of it I fell on my face to the ground and heard a voice speaking.
Well, I have put everything for the sake of being the first. Here we see not only God described, but those groups according to their betrayal: (10) Lion on the right, the Adam's who betrayed for love, Bull on the left, the demons and in the centre the Eagles, lying in wait for the Adam's (this I already described in the apocalypse), the Adam's fall for love towards the Eve's, they are not deceived by the demons. Like trained eagles they hunt the Adams for the demons, to lure them into the group of the traitors. In this kind of cube, he does not name the 4th face which is the cherubim (later on he will name them), and this is because here he speaks mainly about the rebellion of heaven (24). The wheels (14-20) it is not very clear what they could be. Perhaps the righteousness that causes the Spirit to move between one and the other (13); I have already drawn a picture of this p.187 +1.
Eze 2:1-10 He said to me, "Son of man, stand up, for I am going to speak to you." 2 The spirit came upon me as he spoke to me and set me on my feet; and I heard him who spoke to me. 3 He said to me, "Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites, a rebellious nation, who have rebelled against me. They and their fathers have rebelled against me to this day. 4 The children are stiff-necked and stubborn in heart; to them I send thee to say, Thus saith the Lord GOD. 5 And they, whether they will hear or not hear, for they are a rebellious house, shall know that there was a prophet in the midst of them. 6 And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them or of what they say, do not be afraid even if they surround you with menaces, and you see yourself sitting on scorpions. Do not be afraid of what they say, nor be afraid of them, for they are a rebellious house. 7 You shall speak my words to them, whether they listen or not, for they are a rebellious house. 8 "And you, son of man, listen to what I am about to say to you; do not be rebellious like that rebellious house. Open your mouth and eat what I am going to give you." 9 I looked: I saw a hand stretched out toward me, holding a rolled-up book. 10 He unrolled it before me: it was written on the front and on the back; it had written, "Lamentations, groanings, and woeings."
Here, the scroll is written on the front and back, which refers to our time in heaven and on earth. This book is like the one described in the apocalypse (Rev 10,10) and tastes like honey (this follows in 3).
Eze 3:1-16 ...[ the scroll is eaten, you shall tell them to the house of Israel ... ].
Eze 3:17-19 Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. When you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them an alarm from me. 18 When I say to the wicked, 'You are going to die,' if you do not sound the alarm, if you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his wicked ways and live, he, the wicked, shall die for his own sake, but for his blood I will call you to account. 19 But if you warn the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness and his evil conduct, he will die for his own sake, but you will have saved your life.
This part speaks of justice in general or as it relates to the prophesied. It will be repeated.
Eze 4:1-17 "You, son of man, take a brick and set it before you; engrave a city (Jerusalem) on it, 2 and lay a siege against it: .... 3 Then take an iron pan and set it up as an iron wall between you and the city. Set your face against it; it shall be in a state of siege: you shall lay siege to it. It is a sign for the house of Israel. 4 "And you shall lie on your left side, and lay on it the guilt of the house of Israel. In the days that you lie on it, you shall bear its guilt. 5 The years of his iniquity, three hundred and ninety days, I will lay upon you in days; you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. 6 When you have finished them, you shall lie down again on your right side, and you shall bear the guilt of the house of Judah forty days. I impose on you one day a year. ...
9 "And you, take wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and spelt, and put them in one pot, and make your bread with them. As long as you lie on one side - three hundred and ninety days - you shall eat of it. 10 The food you eat shall be taxed: twenty shekels a day, which you shall eat at a fixed time. 11 You shall also have water rationed: you shall drink one-sixth of a shekel at a fixed time. 12 You shall eat a barley cracker, which you shall bake before them on human excrement." 13 And Yahweh said: "Thus shall the Israelites eat their unclean food in the midst of the nations where I will drive them." 14 Then I said, "O Lord Yahweh, my soul is not unclean. From my childhood until now I have never eaten a dead or slaughtered beast, nor has defiled flesh entered my mouth." 15 He said to me, "Well, instead of human excrement I allow you to use ox dung, that you may make your bread on it." 16 Then he said to me, "Son of man, behold, I am going to destroy the supply of bread in Jerusalem; they will eat bread with taxation and distress, and water they will drink rationed and anxious, 17 so that when bread and water are lacking, they will faint one and another and be consumed by their guilt.
Well, here he speaks of these two sides. If we listen to how he had designed the cube, or the four sides rather, we would think that the left side (4) refers to the demons (bull in 1:10) and the right side to the Adam (Lion). However, first of all, it says that he is to put a frying pan (3) of iron, in front of his face. We know from Daniel that the iron represents the devil, so I believe that left are the Eves and right are the Adams (if you equate the first image of the bull with the frying pan and stick it to your face, only the eagles would be on the right if you turned it around when you took the frying pan by the handle, even so I believe that is the case). Also, this matches the rest of the text because he then tells them that their Bread and Water will be taxed (10), in fact, he then goes on to say that he destroys all provision of bread in Jerusalem (16). In other words, he speaks of the fact that after the betrayal we lose the Holy Spirit (Water, Bread) and on earth we will have to struggle to get it and it will be rationed (11). This struggle will take place in the daily coexistence with men and also in the temptations of the demons; which is expressed as using the dung of oxen/man to make your Bread on them. Of course, the demons will never receive the Spirit, the possibility was closed to Adam for a shorter time (40 days for Judah's side, until the passion) than to Eve (390 days), for indeed the deaf, the foolish or Eve will also be able to hear at the end of time. Let it also be clear that this is a representation (1) on a brick. That is, it does not yet pass away. This is the Lord's way of preserving the order of the times (3.5), since we are now in the 1st time, the rebellion in heaven.
Eze 5:1-17 "You, son of man, take a sharp sword, take it like a barber's razor, and run it over your head and your beard. Then take a pair of scales and divide into parts what you have cut off. 2 Set fire to one third of it in the midst of the city at the end of the days of the siege. Take the other third and cut it with the sword around the city. The last third scatter it to the wind; I will draw the sword against them. 3 But take a small quantity from there and gather it in the fringe of your cloak, 4 and from these take some again and throw it into the midst of the fire and burn it. From it fire shall go out to all the house of Israel. 5 Thus says the Lord GOD: This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations, and surrounded her with countries. 6 But she has rebelled .... 12 One third of your people shall die of pestilence or perish with famine in the midst of you, one third shall fall by the sword around you, and one third I will scatter to all the winds; I will draw out the sword against them.
16 I will shoot against them the terrible arrows of the famine, which I will send to destroy you; I will increase the famine among you and destroy your food supplies. 17 I will send famine and ferocious beasts against you, which will make you childless; pestilence and blood shall pass through you, and I will bring the sword against you. I, Yahweh, have spoken."
Here we are told of the consequences of the rebellion: 1/3 set on fire in the midst of the city when the siege is fulfilled (2); these are the demons who will not be given a body. 1/3 cut them with the sword (not kill them, it seems to speak of separating them) around the city; these are the Eva, fools who will indeed come into the world with a body, but besides being empty of the Spirit, they are incapable of hearing (fools), and lastly 1/3 to the wind which are the Adam, the birds that can be separated from the world. Moreover, from among the Adam's take a handful and gather them in the flight of the mantle. These are the few prophets and some who before the passion could exceptionally receive the Holy Spirit; by saying pick it up in the flight of the garment (3) he means the Holy Spirit (as we know the Spirit is often represented by the garments). Even from among these prophets he takes a few and casts them into the fire (4), I think in this case he is referring to the sacrifices, persecutions and deaths of some prophets which will cause ‘fire to come out of the whole house of Israel’, in a positive sense now. Finally, note that in (17) again he speaks of the sword, pestilence, famine and adds now the fierce beasts that he will send against us, for the demons live with us. As for they will leave you sonless, it is a way of saying that here we come without Spirit (famine) this goes for us in the nature man (being that when he speaks of the sin of our fathers he speaks of us when we were together with God; heavenly nature > sons are we on earth as a consequence of our sin).
Eze 6:1-14 ... 2 "Son of man, turn your face toward the mountains of Israel and prophesy against them. 3 You shall say, 'O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord Yahweh. Thus says the Lord GOD to the mountains, and to the hills, and to the ravines, and to the valleys, Behold, I will bring the sword against you, and I will destroy your high places. 4 Your altars shall be laid waste, your pillars broken; ... 6 In all your regions, the cities shall be destroyed, and the high places laid waste, so that your altars shall be laid in ruins, and your rubbish shall be broken and thrown down, your pillars shall be broken in pieces, and your works shall be destroyed. 7 There shall be fallen among you, and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 8 "But I will leave you among the nations some survivors of the sword, when you are scattered through the countries. 9 And your survivors will remember me in the nations where they are deported, those whose adulterous heart I have broken, who have turned away from me, and whose eyes have gone a whoring after their filth. They shall be astonished at themselves for their iniquities which they have committed, for all their abominations..... 11 Thus says the Lord GOD. Smite your hands, and stamp your feet, and say, 'Alas,' for all the abominable abominations of the house of Israel, who will fall by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence. 12 Whoever is far off shall die of pestilence, whoever is near shall fall by the sword, whoever is left and whoever is besieged shall die by famine, for I will vent my fury on them... 13 And you shall know that I am Yahweh, when their fallen ones are left there before their rubbish around their altars, on every high hill, on the top of every mountain, under every green tree or leafy oak, wherever they offer sweet aroma to all their rubbish....
Mountains and the lofty represent the great ones in the heaven. That is, us, but those who have a greater size (of soul so to speak). Although he then gets specific and speaks of mountains, hills, ravines and valleys. Which can generalise with the Spirit that takes away from us (your altars will be devastated -4-) or speak of classes. The rubbish will be broken and ravaged (6) can refer to the demons, to those we prostituted ourselves and to those we offered a sweet smell (13), in the end our own Spirit. Then he refers again to how we will die or what our punishment will be according to our treachery. In this case he assigns the form of death by remoteness from the city. Note that in the previous (5:12) he says that "1/3 shall die of pestilence or famine within you", when now he says: "he that is far off shall die of pestilence". It seems to contradict itself, however it now refers to the distance they are from the treachery. It could refer in the besieged to the Adams, as they are cornered between the treachery of the Eves (with whom they are in love and the reason for their betrayal) and the demons. Or also to the famous blackmail that corners them by the demons: "Take me to them because they are also traitors or you will be unjust". The plague would then correspond to the demons (peste=far away; espada=close, not inside). Note also that all this is said in the future tense, to preserve the order of the three and a half times; we are still in the betrayal of heaven.
Eze 7:1-27 The word of Yahweh came to me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, say, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh to the land of Israel, "The end! The end is come upon the four corners of this land. 3 Now is the end for you; I will unleash my wrath on you; I will judge you according to your conduct and call you to account for all your abominations. 4 I will not have mercy on you, nor will I spare you, but I will render to you according to your conduct; your abominations shall appear in the midst of you, and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 5 "Thus says the Lord Yahweh, 'Woe only! Woe is coming! 6 The end is near, the end is coming upon you, it is imminent. 7 ... 12 The time is coming, the day is near. Let not the buyer rejoice, nor the seller grieve, for wrath is against all his multitude. 13 The seller shall not recover that which is sold, that if he be among the living; for the wrath against all his multitude shall not be turned back; and no man shall have safety of life because of his iniquity. 14 Blow the trumpet, and be ready, but let no one engage in battle, for My wrath is against all his multitude. 15 "Outside is the sword, at home the pestilence and famine. Whoever is in the field will die by the sword, and whoever is in the city will be devoured by famine and pestilence. 16 .... 19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall become filth: neither their silver nor their gold shall save them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not be satisfied, neither shall they fill their belly, because it was the occasion of their sin. 20 Of the beauty of their jewels they have made the object of their pride: with them they have made the images of their abominable idols; therefore I will turn it into refuse for them. 21 I will give it as a spoil to foreigners, as a prey to the wicked of the earth, that they may profane it. 22 ... 26 There shall come one disaster after another, one bad news after another: they shall ask a vision of the prophet, the priest shall lack the law, counsel of the elders. 27 The king will be in mourning, the prince sunk in desolation, the people of the land will tremble at his hands. I will deal with them according to their conduct, I will judge them according to their judgments, and they shall know that I am Yahweh."
He warns that the end is coming on the 4 extremes of this earth. Of course, it is the end for us in heaven, it is not a prediction that has not yet been fulfilled (it said it was imminent). Still, since we are in the 1st period and not in the 2nd yet, it has not happened here. It is worth noting that only this translation, as far as I know, has the demonstrative ‘esta’ in front of tierra, which seems more correct to me even though it is not important. As for the buyer/seller (12-13) it refers to the Holy Spirit lost by some and gained by others; this was the object of the battle, to become as great as possible in order to try to be like God. In (15) again he refers to sword, pestilence and famine, and now it seems to coincide with the first time, with chapter 5, those outside being those who were cut off with the sword, now slain with the sword in the field, and those inside will die of pestilence and famine, again the pestilence being the demons and the emptying of the Spirit could refer to the Adams, though now he does not name them (those he cast to the wind), either way, all are emptied of the Spirit. Let it be clear, however, that the variability in interpreting this is the same as the Scriptures themselves show as they change from chapter to chapter; in fact, the interesting thing is why they change and what it refers to, of course in the conviction that if it were something physical what it describes should not change (the body of one or the other dies in only one way). In (20), "the beauty of his jewels" refers to the soul, of which we all have the size with which God created us but we wanted to fatten them to keep more of the Holy Spirit, and that was the object of our desire, or idol. Gold and silver are as always the Holy Spirit. Thus, it turns our soul into rubbish. He says in (21) "I will give it as a spoil to foreigners, as a prey to the wicked of the earth, that they may profane it." Why does he use the verb profane? Because the soul is the temple of the Holy Spirit (it was then, and has been since the passion again). It is not the money or the jewels one may have that are profaned, but the temples and the sacred.
Eze 8:1-18 In the sixth year, on the fifth day of the sixth month, I was sitting in my house, and the elders of Judah with me, when the hand of the Lord Yahweh rested there upon me. ... 5 He said to me, "Son of man, look toward the north." So I looked toward the north and saw that north of the porch of the altar was this idol of jealousy, at the entrance. 6 He said to me, "Son of man, do you see what these do? The house of Israel commits great abominations here, to drive me away from my sanctuary. For you shall yet see greater abominations." 7 ... 10 And I went in and saw: all kinds of representations of creeping things and disgusting animals, and all the refuse of the house of Israel were engraved on the wall, all around. 11 And seventy of the elders of the house of Israel, one of them being Jazaniah the son of Shaphan, stood before them, each one with his censer in his hand. And the fragrance of the cloud of incense was rising. 12 ... 13 And he said to me, "You will yet see them commit greater abominations." 14 And he brought me to the north gate of the temple of the LORD; there the women were sitting, wailing to Tammuz. 15 He said to me, "Have you seen, son of man? You shall yet see greater abominations than these." 16 Then he led me into the inner court of the temple of Yahweh; at the entrance of the sanctuary of Yahweh, between the vestibule and the altar, there were about twenty-five men with their backs to the sanctuary of Yahweh and facing east; they were prostrating themselves in an easterly direction toward the sun. 17 And he said to me, "Have you seen, son of man, is it not enough for the house of Judah to commit the abominations that they commit here, that they also fill the land with violence, provoking me more and more? See how they hold the branch to their nose. 18 For I also will act in fury; I will not have mercy, nor will I spare. They will cry out loudly to me, but I will not listen to them."
Here again we see the groups represented by their treachery. A slight variation and that names in (5) the idol of jealousy, which may refer to Satan through whom iniquity entered or one's own iniquity of wishing to be greater than others or than God. In (7) as usual the animals and reptiles are the demons, in (14) the women are the Eves and in (16) they are the Adams. Note that the sin of the Adams as always is minor, as these 25 are facing the sun. The sun usually symbolises something good, in fact it often represents God. However here they turn their backs on God but do so for love of the Eves (remember that God is love; they face the sun); their guilt does not have the same gravity as that of the others. As always here he speaks in the future, he has not yet executed anything.
Eze 9:1-11 Then He cried out in my ears with a loud voice, "Let those who are to punish the city come near with their instrument of punishment in their hand!"2 And at this, by the way of the upper gate facing north, six men came with their instrument of punishment in their hand. Among them was a man dressed in linen with a scribe's purse around his waist. They went in and stood before the bronze altar. 3 The glory of the God of Israel was lifted up from the cherubim on which it rested and brought to the threshold of the temple. Then he called to the man clothed in linen who had the scribe's purse around his waist, 4 and Yahweh said to him, "Go through the city, Jerusalem, and mark a cross on the foreheads of the men who groan and weep because of all the abominations that are committed in it." 5 And to the others I heard him say, "Go through the city after him and strike. Have no pity, nor spare; 6 kill old men, young men, maidens, children, and women, until there is not one left. But do not touch anyone who wears the cross on his forehead. Begin at my sanctuary." So they began with the elders standing in front of the temple. 7 Then he said to them, "Defile the temple, fill the courts with victims; march on." So they went out and struck through the city. 8 ... 11 At that moment the man clothed in linen, who had the purse around his waist, came to make his report, "I have done what you commanded me."
This is the last chapter of the first Time. Now he executes everything (11). And He does what He had anticipated in the previous chapters: He empties of the Spirit (-6- Begin with my Sanctuary), and kills those whom you saw except those with the cross on their foreheads. That death may be the inability to hear any more of the Eves and the destruction of the soul and freedom of the demons. As for those on the cross, I think they are the Adam's, for they will be able to hear, they will have the ability to regain the Spirit for themselves when the time comes, although it may refer to the faithful angels, and all the rest of us have the Spirit taken away. Seen globally in the 3 ½ Times we will now be empty of God, close to God but not in God, not on earth; and this will be the 2nd period.
2nd Time.
Eze 10:1-22 Eze 10:1-22 And I looked and saw above the firmament that was above the cherubim a kind of sapphire stone, like a throne, above them. 2 ... 14 And each one had four faces: the first was the face of a cherub, the second the face of a man, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. 15 And the cherubim stood up: it was the being whom I had seen by the river Chebar. 16 As the cherubim advanced, the wheels advanced beside them; when the cherubim spread their wings to rise from the ground, the wheels also did not turn away from them. 17 ... 22 As for their faces, they had the appearance of those I had seen by the river Chebar. Each one marched straight ahead.
I have removed many verses (2-13) because it is a very similar description to the description of God in chapter 1, (actually it is God and those in heaven). In fact, we are now interested to see what is different. In (14) he puts the same faces adding that of the faithful angels and taking away that of the demons (bulls). Why? Now he names the cherubim because in the famous blackmail in which he asks for equal punishment for all traitors (I always use the word blackmail although I don't think it is the correct one), the angels will also intervene, since they, in one way or another, will make the same demand from the other side: are you going to reward the Adam in the same way as those of us who have been faithful to you (this is shown in the parable of the prodigal son, already explained). But why remove the bulls, the demons, and what has changed from one time to the other? In this second time the demons have already been annihilated, although later the Lord will make them rise again for our justification on earth; this has already come out in several passages studied and if I remember I will look them up and put them here [if you have read this it is that I have not remembered or I have become lazy, heh, heh]. In other words, the demons are gone, however a man's face now appears, which may refer to our new nature that will be decided in this pre-earth time, or even Jesus Christ who will decide to take the man nature to validate it and make it fit for the Holy Spirit. Let us remember: In order not to fall into the injustice of which the demons accuse Him, God cannot save the Adams without saving them too, for we all committed treason. But by making everything new in a new nature that escapes heavenly justice, He can save us; of course once Christ, the first created, the One who pleased God the Father and by whom the other heavenly creatures were made (i.e. validated the heavenly creature or angel nature), also validates the human nature with an act of infinite love. In this way, any demon who would claim man's nature as unrighteous would declare his own nature as unrighteous, for they were validated by the same validating principle: Jesus [I should put a reference so as not to keep repeating this].
Eze 11:1-25 The spirit lifted me up and led me to the east porch of the temple of Yahweh, which faces east. And behold, at the entrance of the porch there were twenty-five men, among whom I saw Jazaniah the son of Azur and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah, the rulers of the people. 2 He said to me, "Son of man, these are the men who plot evil, who give evil counsel in this city. 3 They say, 'It is not for building houses soon! She is the pot, and we are the flesh." 4 Therefore prophesy against them, prophesy, son of man." 5 The Spirit of Yahweh broke in upon me and said to me, "Say, 'Thus says Yahweh: This is what you have said, O house of Israel, I know your insolence well. 6 You have multiplied your victims in this city; you have filled its streets with victims. 7 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: The victims which ye have cast into the midst of her are the flesh, and she is the pot; but I will bring you out of her. 8 Ye fear the sword; for I will bring the sword against you, saith the Lord GOD: 9 I will bring you out of the city, I will deliver you into the hand of strangers, and will execute judgment upon you. 10 You shall fall by the sword; in the border of Israel I will judge you, and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 11 This city shall not be a pot for you, nor shall you be flesh in the midst of it; within the border of Israel I will judge you. 12 And you shall know that I am Yahweh, whose precepts you have not followed and whose rules you have not kept - on the contrary, you have acted according to the rules of the nations around you." 13 At this, while I was prophesying, Pelatiah son of Benaiah died. I fell on my face to the ground and cried out with a loud voice, "Ah, Lord Yahweh, are you going to annihilate the rest of Israel?" 14 Then the word of Yahweh came to me in these terms: 15 "Son of man, of every one of your brothers, of your relatives, and of all the house of Israel, say the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 'Go on far from Yahweh; this land has been given to us for a possession. 16 Therefore say, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Yea, I have removed them far away among the nations, and scattered them among the countries, but I have been a sanctuary for them, for a little while, in the countries whither they have gone [where they came more translations]. 17 Therefore say, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will gather you from the midst of the peoples, I will assemble you from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel. 18 They shall come and remove from it all their idols and abominations; 19 I will give them one heart and put a new spirit in them: I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, 20 that they may walk according to my precepts, observe my rules and do them, and so be my people and I will be their God. 21 As for those whose heart goes after their idols and abominations, I will bring their conduct upon their head, O oracle of the Lord Yahweh." 22 The cherubim spread their wings and the wheels followed them, while the glory of the God of Israel was above them. 23 The glory of the LORD rose up from the midst of the city and stood on the mountain that is on the east of the city. 24 The spirit lifted me up and carried me to Chaldea, to the outcasts, in a vision, in the spirit of God; and the vision which I had beheld departed from me. 25 I told the outcasts all that Yahweh had given me to see.
This reminds me of the association described in Genesis of this 2nd period. There they spoke of making bricks and gathering them up to heaven, because they feared that they would be scattered over the face of the earth. Here, after losing the battle, they speak (1-3) of fearing that they will be the flesh and "Jerusalem" (we are still close to God, but not in God), the pit. God tells them that they will indeed have the sword and that they will be handed over to foreigners (demons) but that they will not be judged in Jerusalem but in Israel. The city of Jerusalem represents heaven as so often, and Israel as in Isaiah and elsewhere, represents everyone, the Adam, Eve (and sometimes includes demons as leaders of the rebellion from heaven; Eve's guides leading the Adams). In any case, it postpones the judgment to later and out of heaven. The death of Pelatias (13), may refer to that death of understanding, or deafness added to the Eves, I don't think it refers to the elimination of the demons (or denial of their human nature), since we are in the 2nd period, and as I said in the previous chapter, they should not be shown here. In (15) the angels (inhabitants of Jerusalem) speak, those who say to the rest of their brethren (the house of Israel): "Go on far from God, He has given us this land in possession" but then the Lord says in the future that He will unite us (Adam/Eve) in one heart and give us a new Spirit (18-20). From 16-17 He speaks in the past tense (I have driven you away, I have scattered you) seems to refer to the Holy Spirit, because then He says: I will actually be a sanctuary for a short time in the countries where you arrive/arrive (translation from various bibles, and, even if translated in the past tense, if we speak of the Spirit it is like saying: I will be your sanctuary for a short time in the situation in which you have been left). Furthermore, a little earlier (9) speaks in the future of expelling us from heaven (Jerusalem), here "in a complete way" not only referring to the Holy Spirit: "I will bring you out of this city, I will deliver you up...". In (23) we are told that God stops by the mountain to the east of the city. This confirms that in this 2nd period we are indeed close to God but not in God (situated towards the east or death; east = where the sun rises = God). Concretely speaking then, speaking in the future ( I will bring out), we are still close to God.
Eze 12:1-28 ... 3 Now therefore, son of man, prepare for yourself a deportation outfit and go out deported in broad daylight, in their sight. You shall go out from the place where you are to another place, before their eyes. Perhaps they will see that you are a rebellious house. 4 You shall arrange your equipment like a deportee's equipment, in the daytime, before their eyes. And you shall go out in the evening, before their eyes, as the deported go out. 5 Make in their sight a hole in the wall, through which you shall go out. 6 In their sight you shall carry your baggage on your back and go out in the dark; you shall cover your face so that you will not see the land, for I have made you a symbol for the house of Israel." 7 I did as I had been commanded; I prepared my equipment by day, like a deportee's equipment, and in the evening I made a hole in the wall with my hand. And I went out in the darkness, ... 11 Say, I am a symbol for you; as I have done, so shall it be done to them; they shall be deported, they shall go into exile. 12 The prince who is in the midst of them shall carry his equipment on his back, in the darkness, and shall go out; they shall break through the wall to make him go out through it; and he shall cover his face, that he may not see the land with his own eyes. 13 But I will lay my snare upon him, and he shall be taken in my net, and I will bring him to Babylon, to the land of the Chaldeans; but he shall not see it, and he shall die there. 14 And all his retinue, and his guard, and all his troops, I will scatter them to every wind, and I will draw the sword after them. 15 And they shall know that I am Yahweh when I scatter them among the nations and disperse them through the countries. 16 Yet I will let a small number of them escape the sword and the famine and the pestilence, that they may tell all their abominations among the nations where they go, that they may know that I am Yahweh." 17 ... 19 and you shall say to the people of the land, Thus says the Lord Yahweh to the inhabitants of Jerusalem who walk on the soil of Israel: they shall eat their bread in anguish, they shall drink their water in trembling, so that this land and those who are in it may be free from the violence of all its inhabitants. 20 .. 21 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 22 "Son of man, what do you mean by that proverb that is circulated about the land of Israel, 'The days are prolonged, and every vision fades away? 23 Well then, say to them, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will put that proverb to silence; it shall not be repeated again in Israel. But say to them, The days are coming when every vision shall be fulfilled, 24 for there shall be no more any vain vision or lying omen in the midst of the house of Israel. 25 I, Yahweh, will speak, and what I speak is a word that is fulfilled without delay. Yes, in your days, O rebellious house, I will speak a word and perform it, O oracle of the Lord Yahweh." 26 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 27 "Son of man, behold, the house of Israel is saying, "The vision which this one beholds is for distant days, this one prophesies for a remote age." 28 Well then, say to them, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: There shall be no more delay for any of my words. What I speak is a word that comes to pass, an oracle of the Lord Yahweh."
In this chapter we see that Ezekiel is again a symbol for the men. He speaks of them being deported. In (5) "hole in the wall" and "covering the face so as not to see the earth" it speaks to us of what will happen: we will no longer see heaven (not see the earth), we will pass into our present land; the hole in the wall symbolises the same, going out from one area to another, and at the same time symbolises a birth as if in childbirth. Note that to Ezekiel He speaks in the present tense, he being a symbol, then to the people he speaks in the future tense, because we are still in the 2nd period. God also used this method of representation or symbolism with the brick (Ezek 4:1-17) as a model of Jerusalem in the previous period to keep us in the 1st period. In (13-14) it again speaks of what will await us in the land: He will hand us over to the Chaldeans, scatter us to the winds, and put us to the sword. Of these woes I have already spoken: winds to the Adams (birds), sword to the Eves (no ears to hear) and handing over to the Chaldeans I think it refers to both, for we all live with demons, however, perhaps it refers to the Eves being at the mercy of them (they do not listen to God, the cattle within reach of vermin). Then it again adds famine and pestilence (16), but this time saying that a few will be delivered from them. The famine is the lack of the Holy Spirit and the pestilence is the lie that the Eves and demons infect and actually kill; this small remnant are the prophets who before the passion will be able to keep the Holy Spirit. In (17) you will eat bread in anguish, it refers to what it will cost later on earth to gain the Holy Spirit (which, however, in heaven we had everywhere, within our reach). The remainder (22-28) tells us that all this will be fulfilled as soon as possible, when the second period is over. That is to say, looking at it today from earth, this has already been fulfilled, do not think that these are predictions that are lost in the future.
Eze 13:1-23 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel; prophesy and tell those who prophesy on their own: Hear the word of Yahweh. 3 Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own inspiration, having seen nothing! 4 ... 20 "Well then, thus says the Lord Yahweh: Behold, here am I against your bands with which you trap souls like birds. I will tear them in your arms, and I will set free the souls which you catch like birds. 21 I will tear your veils, and I will deliver my people out of your hands; they shall be no more a prey to your hands, and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 22 "For you afflict the heart of the righteous with lies, when I do not afflict him, and you secure the hands of the wicked from turning from his wicked ways to save his life; 23 therefore you shall see no more vain visions, neither shall you utter any more omens. I will deliver my people out of your hands, and ye shall know that I am Yahweh."
It speaks against false prophets. The Eves are false prophets, because they preach a false idol to the Adam who fall by them, not by deception of demons. False idol preached, false prophet. In (20) it makes a clear mention of the Adams, when it speaks of birds (ye catch souls like birds). In (22) "ye secure the hands of the wicked" refers to the demons with whom they work, or rather for whom they work, whether they know it or not. In (23) it refers to their blindness in the world ("ye shall see no more vain visions" / vanity in other translations, "neither shall ye utter any more omens"). As always he speaks in the future tense.
Eze 14:1-23 Some elders of Israel came to my house and sat before me. 2 Then the word of Yahweh came to me in these terms: 3 "Son of man, these men have set up their rubbish in their heart, they have set before their face the occasion of their guilt, and shall I let me inquire of them? 4 Speak therefore, and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: To every one of the house of Israel who sets up his rubbish in his heart, or who sets before his face the occasion of his guilt, and then comes to the prophet, I myself, Yahweh, will answer him, because of the multitude of his rubbish, 5 in order to lay hold of the house of Israel in his heart, those who have turned away from me because of all their rubbish. 6 ... 9 And if the prophet allows himself to be seduced and utters a word, it is because I, Yahweh, have seduced that prophet; I will stretch out my hand against him and exterminate him from among my people Israel. 10 They shall bear the weight of their guilt both of them: the guilt of the prophet shall be as the guilt of him who consults him. 11 So the house of Israel shall no more wander far from me, nor shall they continue to defile themselves with all their guilt. They will be my people, and I will be their God, says the Lord Yahweh. 12 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 13 "Son of man, if a country sins against me by committing unfaithfulness, and I stretch out my hand against it, destroy its bread supply, and send famine against it to extirpate man and beast from there, 14 and in that country are these three men, Noah, Danel, and Job, they shall save their lives by their righteousness, O oracle of the Lord Yahweh. 15...23
We could think that it is something personal of Ezekiel who is tired of being consulted, but in that case how would a prophet know what is the idol of the one who consults him, if he has one? The elders who erect rubbish in their hearts are the demons, who want more Essence of God, but He has made each one of us in a way and does not listen to them (does not allow Himself to be consulted). No other in heaven should heed these but if he is persuaded (the Eves) and gives a word (to the Adams now), he will be exterminated, and, both the former and the latter will have the same guilt.
Thus, it speaks of justice wiping out these groups on earth, and then justifies that after the penalty (emptying...), on earth the righteous can be saved (13-14).
Eze 15:1-8 The word of Yahweh spoke to me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, what is the wood of the vine worth more than the wood of any branch that is among the trees of the forest? 3 Is wood taken from it to make something, or is it made into a hook to hang something on? 4 No, it is thrown into the fire to devour it; the fire devours the two ends; the middle is burned up; is it still good for anything? 5 If, when it was intact, nothing could be done with it, how much less, when the fire has devoured it and burned it, can anything be done with it! 6 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: As the wood of the vine, among the trees of the forest, which I have cast into the fire to devour it, so have I delivered up the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 7 I have turned my face against them. They have escaped the fire, but the fire will devour them. And you shall know that I am Yahweh, when I turn my face against them. 8 I will make this land a desolation, because they have committed unfaithfulness, O oracle of the Lord Yahweh."
Here it speaks of the demons. It is true that God defeated them, but at the end of this second time He will bring them back to life to bring them down to earth with us and in our struggle with them we will be able to justify ourselves. The wood of the vine (2) is us, thrown away and removed from the tree. The one who is burnt are the demons, for they are like us but also burnt (5). When He says "(7) I have turned my face against them" and they have escaped from the fire, then He repeats again in the future: "when I turn my face against them". This tells us that the demons were indeed overcome, but that they will be raised up again for our justification and then God will overcome them again when our trial is over (when my face returns in the future).
Eze 16:1-63 The word of the LORD came to me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations. 3 You shall say, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh to Jerusalem, "Because of your origin and your birth you are from the land of Canaan. Your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Hittite. 4 When you were born, on the day you came into the world, your cord was not cut, you were not washed with water to cleanse you, you were not rubbed with salt, you were not wrapped in swaddling clothes. 5 No eye had pity on you to give you any of these things, out of compassion for you. You were exposed in the open field, because you were disgusting, the day you came into the world. 6 "I passed by you and saw you stirring in your blood. And I said to you when you were in your blood, 'Live,' 7 and I made you grow like the grass of the fields. You grew, you developed, and came to manhood. Your breasts were formed, your hair grew, but you were completely naked. 8 Then I passed by you and saw you. It was your time, the time of love. I spread the border of my garment over you and covered your nakedness; I pledged myself with an oath, I made a covenant with you - the oracle of the Lord Yahweh - and you were mine. 9 I bathed you with water, I washed away the blood that covered you, I anointed you with oil. 10 I clothed you with garments ... 15 "But you paid for your beauty, you took advantage of your fame to prostitute yourself, you lavished your lewdness on every passer-by, giving yourself to him. 16 You took your garments to make yourself tall and richly coloured, and prostituted yourself in them. 17 You took your jewels of gold and silver that I had given you and made for yourself images of men to prostitute yourself to them. 18 And you took your clothed garments and overlaid them with them; and you put my oil and my incense before them. 19 The bread which I had given you, and the fine flour, and the oil, and the honey with which I fed you, you presented before them as a soothing aroma. 20 And it came to pass," says the Lord Yahweh, "that you took your sons and your daughters whom you bore to me and sacrificed them as food. .... 26 You prostituted yourself to the Egyptians, your neighbours, with huge limbs, and multiplied your prostitutions to provoke me to anger. 27 Then I lifted my hand against you. I diminished your ration and gave you over to the animosity of your enemies, the daughters of the Philistines, who were ashamed of the shamefulness of your conduct. 28 And when you were not yet satisfied, you prostituted yourself to the Assyrians; you prostituted yourself without being satisfied either. 29 Then you multiplied your prostitutions in the land of the merchants, in Chaldea, and this time also you were not satisfied. 30 ... 35 "Now therefore, you prostitute, listen to the word of the LORD. 36 Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Because thou hast lavished thy brass, and uncovered thy nakedness in thy prostitutions with thy lovers, and with all thine abominable filthiness, for the blood of thy children which thou hast given them, 37 therefore, behold, I will gather together all the lovers whom thou hast pleased, all whom thou hast loved, and also those whom thou hast hated; I will gather them from every side against thee, and I will uncover thy nakedness before them, that they may see all thy nakedness. 38 I will inflict on you the punishment of adulterous women and of those who shed blood: I will give you over to anger and jealousy, 39 I will give you into their hands; they will raze your brothel and demolish your high places, strip you of your clothes, tear off your jewels, and leave you stark naked. 40 Then they will incite the multitude against you, they will stone you, they will riddle you with their swords, 41 they will set fire to your houses and execute justice on you, in the sight of a multitude of women; I will put an end to your prostitutions, and you will no longer give a prostitute's wages. 42 I will vent My fury on you; ...43 ...For have you not committed infamy with all your abominations? 44 ... 46 "Your elder sister is Samaria, who dwells on your left hand with her daughters. Your younger sister is Sodom, who dwells on your right hand with her daughters. 47 You have not been sparing in imitating their conduct and in committing their abominations; you have shown yourself more corrupt than they in all your conduct. 48 ...51 As for Samaria, she has not committed half of your sins. "You have committed many more abominations than they, and by committing so many abominations you have made your sisters to appear righteous. 52 ... Therefore be ashamed of yourself, and bear your shame for making your sisters appear righteous. 53 "I will restore them. I will restore Sodom and her daughters, I will restore Samaria and her daughters, and then I will restore you in their midst, 54 so that you may bear your shame and be ashamed of all that you have done, for their consolation. 55 Your sister Sodom and her daughters will be restored to their former state. Samaria and her daughters shall be restored to their former state. 56 Did you not mock your sister Sodom in the day of your pride, 57 before your nakedness was uncovered? Like her, you are now the target of the mockery of the daughters of Edom, and of all the daughters of the Philistines, who are everywhere oppressing you with scorn. 58 .... 60 But I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish in thy favour an everlasting covenant. 61 And you will remember your conduct and be ashamed of it, when you take in your sisters, the older and the younger, and I give them to you as daughters, though not by virtue of your covenant. 62 And I myself will restore my covenant with thee....
Here, when we speak of Jerusalem we are putting ourselves in heaven; usually this term is used for the angels, Adam and Eve being Israel (and sometimes includes demons as leaders of the rebellion from heaven; Eve's guides leading the Adams). Although it can have two interpretations. One starting everything at the rebellion there and the other at the time of the heavenly creation. Let's imagine now that we are right at the moment of heaven's betrayal. Having lost, we have emptied ourselves of the Essence of God and remain our moulds, which in our freedom had given some form to the Essence, lying dead without God still in heaven. Although much of what is said can be attributed to the Adam, he speaks in the feminine and therefore addresses the Eves, and is later confirmed. He says: By your origin and birth... you are from the land of Canaan. Already at this moment they are emptied of God, they cease to be what they were and become something else, the empty moulds. Your Amorite father and your Hittite mother. Luzbel (Amorite) and the demons (Hittite) are the ones who ‘teach, convince’ the Eves. When you were born, ‘the day you came into the world’, your cord was not cut. At that time, that is when you lose the Essence and cease to be your desire, you would still be in heaven close to Him. You were not washed with water.... And all that follows may refer to the fact that they no longer had, no longer deserved, no longer could keep the Holy Spirit (water = baptism, life), the Essence of God: ‘You were exposed in the open field, because you were disgusting’. They are already exposed, separated from God, as souls empty of God, without the Holy Spirit, that is to say, as something disgusting; they become something disgusting from what they were. Then He says, ‘I passed by you and saw you stirring in your blood. And I said unto thee, when thou wast in thy blood, Live; and I made thee to grow up as the grass of the fields.’ And that is when He makes them men on the earth (grow like grass in the fields). 'And you came to manhood. Your breasts were formed, your hair grew, but you were completely naked', there comes a time when man is mature, he is ready for God, but he is naked, he does not have and cannot receive the Holy Spirit if it is not by God's intervention. I spread the border of my garment over you and covered your nakedness;' He gives us an extension of Himself which is at the same time something physical: “border” speaks to us of the limit (God-man, Infinite-finite, of Jesus Christ) and “garment” speaks of Himself, of the Spirit, for it is what covers the “nakedness”, the lack of spirit. And so after the passion every man, including Eve, will be able to receive the Spirit, even if only through the work of an Adam. The rest of what follows would be how the Eves prefer the idols of the world (Egyptians, Canaanites, Assyrians) and the way it is written is probably to coincide with Israel's history. We can put the beginning at the origin of everything and consider that it is really our birth in heaven that is here related. So when he says (6) ‘Live’ it is the moment when He creates us as ‘persons’, free and independent (for angels are also free and independent), and ‘cover with the mantle’ when He gives us the Holy Spirit in heaven at our origin; also christ here would be validator of the first heavenly nature. The rest is as we already know and uses the same symbolism: you prostituted yourself to the Egyptians, the gold, silver, and jewels are rebellion and symbolise our loss of Spirit after listening to the demons or the Eves. It is noteworthy that to describe all that was done in our rebellion, He uses the past, and what follows from (37) He speaks in the future, saying what He is going to do to us. This places us just before the land (‘He gives us to our lovers who take away our jewels...’). As for the sisters (Sodom and Samaria), they are the demons and Adam (one is younger than the other) being the wronged or those to whom the chapter is addressed, the Eves, who are worse than these two. The reason is that, because of them (the Eves), the Adams will fall and these are the only ones who betray out of love. Then He says that He will restore both (Sodom and Samaria) to their original state and place the Eves in their midst (54). From the world it makes no sense because Sodom is gone and is not going to be restored, however, we know that God restores the demons (55) and puts them in the world, along with the deaf also and the Adams, and satan himself surely as well. The state we have on earth is the original one that in heaven actually identified us as groups: some who hated (demons), others deaf to God who listened to the demons (Eves), and we who out of love gave ourselves to the Eves and betrayed God (Adams); for yes, we were also betrayers, even though we did not commit half (51) as many sins as the Eves.
The important thing is to determine that it coincides with that period and that in this chapter the Eves are mainly condemned, although at the end it speaks of their restoration (60) or the healing of their deafness: ‘(62) I myself will re-establish my covenant with you’. In (61) it says ‘and I will give them to you as daughters, though not by virtue of your covenant’, speaking of Sodom and Samaria that are given as daughters, it refers to the fact that the Eves may end up like Sodom, the demons, or like Samaria, the Adams (daughters=consequence of; to take in daughters=to take one or the other consequence; they will be free to choose one or the other), and it will be by reason not by covenant (they do not listen).
The word ‘daughter’ is also the bible's way of speaking of the consequences or fruit of an action. Thus we are children of our sin in heaven.
There is a recurring theme in Ezekiel's prophecies that also shows up here and that is that we sacrifice / burn (20) our children. This I don't really know what he is referring to because he uses the verb burn several times in other chapters. In the history of Israel (of our land) I don't think they were burning their children; from heaven it occurs to me that it may refer to how we are left on earth (as I say, we are children of our sin in heaven; or speaking from heaven, we would be the parents of our ‘man’ person on earth). Also, in the case of the Eves, it could refer to the fact that they deliver the Adams ( their lovers, whom I could designate as their children because they follow them everywhere and end up listening to them) to the fire of the demons.
Eze 17:1-24 The word of the LORD came to me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, put a riddle, put a parable before the house of Israel. 3 You shall say, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: The great eagle, with great wings, with a huge wingspan, with thick variegated plumage, came to Lebanon and cut off the top of the cedar tree; 4 he plucked off the topmost tip of its branches, carried it to a country of merchants, and set it in a city of merchants. 5 Then he took seed from the ground and placed it in a field for planting; by a stream of abundant water he set it like a willow tree. 6 And it sprang up and became an overflowing vine, of small stature, which turned its branches toward the eagle, while its roots were under it. It became a vine, and put forth vines, and stretched out branches. 7 And there was another eagle, a great eagle with great wings, and plentiful plumage; and behold, this vine put forth its roots toward it, and stretched out its branches toward it, that it might water it from the ground where it was planted. 8 It was planted in a fruitful field, by a plentiful stream of water, to shoot forth branches and bear fruit, to become a magnificent vine. 9 Say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Shall not the eagle pluck up the roots thereof, and cut off the fruit thereof, so that all the tender shoots which it putteth forth shall wither, and there shall be no need of a great arm, nor of a great people, to pluck it up by the roots? 10 See it planted there, will it perhaps thrive? When the east wind blows, will it not dry up completely? In the ground where it sprang up, it will wither away." 11 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 12 "Say to that rebellious house, 'Don't you know what this means? Say, Behold, the king of Babylon ...[historical explanation, I think]... 19 "Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: By my life that oath of mine which he has despised, my covenant which he has broken, I will bring it upon his head. 20 I will spread my snare over him, and he shall be taken in my net; I will bring him to Babylon, and there I will call him to account for the unfaithfulness he has committed against me. 21 The choicest among all his troops shall fall by the sword, and those who are left shall be scattered to every wind. And you shall know that I, Yahweh, have spoken. 22 "Thus says the Lord Yahweh: I also will take from the top of the tall cedar, from the top of its branches I will choose a branch, and I myself will plant it on a high and lofty mountain: 23 on the high mountain of Israel I will plant it. It will put forth branches and bear fruit, and it will become a magnificent cedar. All kinds of birds shall dwell under it, all kinds of birds shall dwell in the shadow of its branches. 24 And all the trees of the field shall know that I, Yahweh, humble the lofty tree and lift up the lowly tree; I make the green tree wither and the dry tree flourish. I, Yahweh, have spoken and I will do it."
Apart from the historical explanation, which I don't know if it coincides, the first big eagle is God. It takes some of the best of the cypress (the top) (4). This symbolises the tree of Life, the Holy Spirit. So, that part is what God shares with us (individually or collectively, it doesn't matter) and we are that country of merchants (especially it will be seen in the betrayal). The sowing seed perhaps represents us individually - as persons - who are put together with Him (stream of abundant water). We grow (6) with the roots under Him (the big eagle, God).
The second big eagle is the devil. It is beautiful and prettyl (and big). But the vine that was on fertile ground spread out its roots towards it. In other words, it tells us that even though we have everything, we want to be greater and we approach the devil. Concretely this vine represents the Eves, because they are deceived by the serpent, but not the Adams. As a parable the result is obvious, the vine will die uprooted, and that is what happened to us, we try to separate ourselves from God and be by ourselves, but the light cannot be separated from its source because sooner or later it disappears.
In (22-24) again Yahweh repeats the first operation. Here he is speaking of that heaven for us, that second tree of Life of the apocalypse (and again the birds symbolise the Adam or the redeemed who love). He could even mention the passion, which is when the kingdom of heaven comes to us.
Eze 18:1-32 The word of the LORD came to me in these terms: 2 "Why do you go about repeating this proverb in the land of Israel, 'The fathers have eaten the bitterness, and the children's teeth are set on edge? 3 "As I live, says the Lord GOD, you shall not repeat this proverb any more in Israel. 4 Behold, all lives are mine, the life of the father as well as the life of the son is mine. It is he who sins who shall die. 5 ... 32
This chapter tells us about righteousness, and it can be shortened almost everything. But it is very important what it says, even though we already knew it, and it is the principle that leads us to know that it was we who sinned in heaven. It is not the sin of our "blood" parents that made us fall here.
Eze 19:1-14 And you shall sing an elegy over the princes of Israel. 2 You shall say, 'What was your mother? A lioness among lions. She lay among the lions, and brought up her cubs. 3 She exalted one of her whelps, and he became a young lion; and he learned to tear his prey, he devoured men. 4 The nations heard of him, in his pit he was imprisoned; with hooks they brought him into the land of Egypt. 5 When she saw that her expectation failed, and her hope failed, she took another of her whelps, and made him a young lion. 6 He walked among the lions, he became a young lion, he learned to tear his prey, he devoured men; 7 he overthrew their palaces, he devastated their cities; the land and its inhabitants were terrified at the voice of his roar. 8 The nations, the surrounding provinces, rose up against him; they spread their net over him, and in his pit he was imprisoned. 9 They shut him in a cage with hooks, they brought him to the king of Babylon, they put him in dungeons, that his voice should no more be heard upon the mountains of Israel.
10 Your mother was like a vine planted by the waters. She was fruitful, luxuriant, because of the abundance of water. 11 She had branches strong enough to be royal sceptres; her stature rose up into the clouds. It was imposing because of its height, because of its abundance of branches. 12 But it has been uprooted in fury, thrown to the ground; the east wind has withered its fruit; it has been broken, its strong branch has withered, it has been devoured by fire. 13 And now it is planted in the wilderness, in a land of drought and thirst. 14 Fire has gone out from its branch, it has devoured its branches and its fruit. She will never again have her strong branch, her royal sceptre." This is an elegy; and as an elegy it served.
The lioness among lions (19) is the Satan as then the vine (10); great and beautiful as it was. The first cub refers to Eve in the rebellion. The second likewise Eve in the 2nd Time (great cities will fall, because many great in love or ability fell because of the Eves). In the rebellion the Adams betray out of love for the Eves, but in the 2nd time, when all are defeated, the Eves join the demons' argument by saying that the Adams are also at fault, so that they can receive their same penalty (we see this in Psalms from Heaven). It is not the Eves who raise the complaint calling God unjust, but they do testify against the Adams. ‘They brought him to the king of Babylon’ (9), Satan, and “into his dungeons they put him” for already the Eves will be imprisoned by the deception of the demons, also on earth only they will listen to them. ‘So that their voice will no longer be heard on the mountains of Israel’ = so that they will cease to deceive the Adams or the angels in general (the mountains, the lofty, represent the Adams within the traitors, or the angels in heaven, although in the case of “Israel” it will be the Adams). In (10) about the Vine as Satan, it is clear and there is not much to explain.
With that ends the 2nd Time in which we have been told mainly about the treacherous Eves and the demons. Now begins a transition from the second to the third time from 20 to 24. This transition begins with a clear allusion to the three and a half times, and the next chapter becomes a separator.
Transition to the Third Time.
Eze 20:1-44 In the seventh year, on the tenth day of the fifth month, some of the elders of Israel came to inquire of Yahweh and sat before me. 2 ... 5 You shall say to them, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: In the day that I chose Israel, I lifted up my hand toward the race of the house of Jacob, I manifested myself to them in the land of Egypt, and I lifted up my hand toward them, saying, I am Yahweh your God. 6 On that day I lifted up my hand toward them, swearing to bring them out of the land of Egypt into a land that I had explored for them, flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands. 7 And I said to them, 'Cast away every man the idols that entice your eyes; do not defile yourselves with the refuse of Egypt; I am Yahweh your God. 8 But they rebelled against me and would not listen to me. .... 9 But I had regard for my name and proceeded in such a way that I would not be profaned ... 10 Therefore I brought them out of the land of Egypt and led them into the wilderness. 11 I gave them my precepts and made known to them my rules, by which a man lives, if he does them. 12 And I gave them my sabbaths as a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am Yahweh, who sanctifies them. 13 But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness; they did not conduct themselves according to my precepts, .... 14 But I had regard for my name, and I proceeded in such a way that it was not profaned in the sight of the nations, in the sight of whom I had brought them out. 15 And once again I lifted up my hand against them in the wilderness, swearing that I would not let them enter the land which I had given them, flowing with milk and honey, the fairest of all lands. 16 ... 17 But I had a look of pity so that I would not exterminate them, and I did not destroy them in the wilderness. 18 "And I said to their children in the wilderness, 'Do not follow the rules of your fathers, do not imitate their standards, do not defile yourselves with their rubbish. 19 I am Yahweh your God. Follow my precepts, keep my rules, and do them. 20 Sanctify my sabbaths; let them be a sign between me and you, that it may be known that I am Yahweh your God. 21 But the children rebelled against me, they did not conduct themselves according to my precepts..... 22 But I withdrew my hand, and had regard for my name, so that I was not profaned in the sight of the nations, in the sight of whom I had brought them out. 23 But again I lifted up my hand against them in the wilderness, vowing to scatter them among the nations and to disperse them through the countries. 24 .... 25 And I even went so far as to give them precepts that were not good and rules by which they could not live, 26 and I defiled them with their own offerings, causing every firstborn to pass through the fire, that I might strike them with horror, that they might know that I am Yahweh. 27 "Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel. You shall say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: In this still your fathers reviled me, being unfaithful to me. 28 And I brought them into the land which I had sworn to give them, with hand on high. There they saw all manner of high hills, and all manner of thick trees, ..... 30 Well then, say to the house of Israel, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: So that you defile yourselves, by conducting yourselves as your fathers did, by whoring after their idols, 31 by presenting your offerings, by causing your children to pass through the fire; you defile yourselves with all your filthiness, even to this day, and shall I let myself be consulted by you, O house of Israel? As I live, says the Lord GOD, I will not let myself be enquired of by you. 32 ... 33 As I live, says the Lord GOD, I will reign over you with a mighty hand and with a strong arm, with a fierce anger poured out. 34 I will bring you out from among the peoples and gather you from the countries where you were scattered, with a strong hand and a mighty arm, with fury poured out; 35 I will lead you into the wilderness of the peoples, and there I will judge you face to face. 36 As I judged your fathers in the wilderness of Egypt, so will I judge you, says the Lord Yahweh. 37 I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you through the hoop of the covenant; 38 I will separate from you the rebels, those who have rebelled against me: I will cause them to go out of the land where they dwell, but they shall not come into the land of Israel, and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 39 As for you, O house of Israel, thus says the Lord Yahweh: Let every man go and serve his rubbish; afterward, I swear that ye shall hearken unto me, and ye shall no more profane my holy name with your offerings and your rubbish. 40 For it shall be on my holy mountain, on the high mountain of Israel - oracle of the Lord Yahweh - where all the house of Israel, all of them in this land, shall serve me. There I will lovingly welcome you, and there I will solicit your offerings and the firstfruits of your self-giving, with all your holy things. 41 As a soothing aroma I will lovingly welcome you, ...
Here it is worth mentioning 3 rebellions and above all those 3 times that God raises His hand (5,15,23) and once He leaves it raised (28), which reminds us of those three and a half times (because the movement of raising the hand naturally entails the lowering of it). Thus, the first time He raises His hand He is speaking about the elders of Jacob's house. Let us remember that these symbolise the Adams and indeed our whole world and what comes after the rebellion of heaven is made to try to save these (or especially these). At this time, it says we are in the land of Egypt; prisoners of the devil's deception / the Eves, but during this rebellion of heaven we have not yet been emptied, we will be emptied in the second time. In the second time He raises His hand, it is the house of Israel that rebels and we are already in the wilderness (=empty). This tells us that we no longer have the Holy Spirit, and why the whole house of Israel? Because here, in the second time, even the angels (which I don't know whether to include in the denomination "house of Israel") influenced the decision to condemn the Adams, for how could the faithful receive the same treatment as the traitors, even if they had betrayed for love? It is true that it is the demons or Satan who demand justice by claiming the same fate as the Adam, also traitors, but it all had its weight. In the third time it is already the sons who are revealed, because "son" is us on earth and "father" is the same in heaven (this is how the scriptures distinguish our two natures or our times lived; we are sons of our sin). Finally the half time (28) which is when He leaves the raised hand, is after the passion, when we can receive the Holy Spirit again; He takes us to the promised land. What follows, in addition to this restoration of the Spirit, may well be the end of this half-time when all (34) will gather us from among the peoples...
Earlier, the (26) "burning of the firstborn" may refer to Christ because just after that comes the half time (within this chapter). As we know the Jewish passover is a prefiguration of the passion. So, then it comes up again here in (31), and in both cases it refers to the House of Israel. Other times, in ch.16:21 and ch.23:27 it seems to refer to that giving of the beloved Adam by Eve (the son as a consequence of...; fruit of...; they are carried away by their mothers...I think I've commented on that). This should be studied a little more....
As I said, this chapter is a separator, as it is the only one that shows the three and a half times, something that will only occur in another chapter, in addition, of course, to the general structure of all the chapters that globally show the three and a half times. It is really a transition that begins in this one and ends in the 24th to move on to the third time and in these chapters we will see, besides the blackmail or request for justice of the devil asking to equal his condemnation to that of the traitors Adam (Ch. 21), the extermination of "this earth" referring to our time in heaven (Ch. 22) and some last descriptions of how we will be on earth and why (Ch. 23 and 24).
Eze 21:1-37 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, turn your face toward the south, distil your words toward the south, ... 5 - I said, "Ah, Lord Yahweh, they go about saying of me, "Is not this man a charlatan of parables?" - 6 Then the word of Yahweh came to me in these terms: 7 "Son of man, turn your face toward Jerusalem, distil your words toward her sanctuary, and prophesy against the land of Israel. 8 You shall say to the land of Israel, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: Here I am against you; I will draw my sword out of the scabbard, and will cut off from you the righteous and the wicked. 9 To cut off from you the righteous and the wicked shall my sword go forth out of the scabbard against all flesh, from the Negeb even unto the north. 10 And all the world shall know that I, Yahweh, have drawn my sword out of the sheath; it shall not be sheathed. 11 "And you, son of man, utter groanings, with a broken heart. Full of bitterness, you shall utter groanings in their sight. 12 And if they say to you, 'Why such groanings?' you shall say, 'Because of a report at the coming of which all hearts shall faint, all arms shall faint, all spirits shall be faint, ... 16 ... the sword has been sharpened, ... 19 And you, son of man, prophesy and clap your hands; strike the sword twice, thrice, the sword of the victims, the sword of the great victim, which threatens them round about! 20 That the heart may faint, and that occasions of falling may abound, I have set slaughter in all the gates by the sword, made to flash, burnished for slaughter. 21 Turn you, turn you to the right hand, turn you to the left, where your sharp edges are needed! 22 I also will beat my palms, I will quench my fury. I, Yahweh, have spoken." 23 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 24 "And you, son of man, mark out two ways by which the sword of the king of Babylon shall come, that they both go out of the same country, and mark out a signpost, mark it at the head of the way to the city; 25 you shall mark out the way for the sword to come to Rabbah of the Ammonites and to Judah, to the fortress of Jerusalem. 26 For the king of Babylon has stopped at the crossroads, at the head of the two ways, to consult the lot. He has shaken the arrows, he has questioned the teraphim, he has watched the liver. 27 In his right hand is the fate of Jerusalem: to place battering rams, to give the order to kill, to raise the battle cry, to place battering rams against the gates, to raise an embankment, to make trenches. 28 To them and in their eyes, it is but a vain omen: an oath had been given to them. But he remembers the faults for which they will be imprisoned. 29 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: Because he has brought your faults to remembrance, uncovering your crimes, making your sins appear in all your deeds, and because you have been thus reminded, you shall fall a prisoner into his hand. 30 As for you, vile criminal, prince of Israel, whose hour has come with the last guilt, 31 thus says the Lord Yahweh: The tiara shall be taken off, the crown shall be laid aside, everything shall be changed; the lowly shall be lifted up, the lofty shall be humbled. 32 Ruin, ruin, ruin, that is what I will do to him, as there never was, until he comes to whom judgment belongs, and to whom I will give it. 33 And you, son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus says the Lord GOD to the Ammonites and their mockers. You shall say, The sword, the sword is drawn for slaughter, burnished to devour, to flash 34 - while vain visions are held for you, and for you lies are foreshadowed - to slay the vile criminals whose hour has come with the last guilt! 35 Turn it back into the scabbard. In the place where you were created, in your native land, I will judge you; 36 I will pour out my wrath upon you, I will blow upon you the fire of my fury, and I will deliver you into the hands of barbarous men, agents of destruction. 37 You shall be a fodder for the fire, your blood shall flow in the midst of the land, there shall be no remembrance of you, for I, Yahweh, have spoken."
Here we are mainly told about the famous blackmail by which the Adam (25) Judah here, fall also to the world. It speaks then of the sword going two ways out of the same place (for we are all loyal to the beginning) to the Ammonites (the Eves) and the Judahites (Adam). In (26) the king of Babylon seems to represent Satan and the crossroads the moment when all the traitors are called to account, in which the devil will argue as a last resort against the Adam's to achieve his own fate. Although the Adams for having betrayed by being in love with the Eves have a better omen (28), the king of Babylon "remembers their faults" which is like saying: they are also guilty of treason, I want their same destiny. Which makes them fall prisoner in his hand (29), and so here we all are. As for the devil (satan) in (30), prince of Israel now, what follows in (31) awaits him; but it will be when the hour of the last guilt comes. The Ammonites as I said are the Eves; the chapter begins by turning to those of the South who also symbolise the Eves, from the South comes the Queen of Sheba (in fact, these mock Ezekiel -5- because they are foolish and do not listen), and ends with them. For them it foretells lies (34) and vain visions (deaf and foolish of God, they will only see the world). He says: "(35) Sheathe the sword" when before He said He would not sheathe it; but now He changes to judge them (Him, God), in the place where they were created, that is, it will not be on our earth, and it will be at the end of time. (37) I will deliver you into the midst of barbarous men (the demons) and "there will be no remembrance of you", which may be a play on words to express that there will be no remembrance left in them of heaven, of the origin, or what is the same, they will be deaf and dumb of that which refers to God. From 35 to 38 it makes an enumeration of what will happen to him in the future, so they can be disorderly things, the judgment would be the last one. I say this because although the majority of the Eves will probably go to hell (-37- you will be burnt with fire), I believe that the last of this generation will open their ears; so it is written.
Eze 22:1-31 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 2 "And you, son of man, will you not judge? Will you not judge the bloodthirsty city? Make known to it all its abominations. 3 You shall say, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: City that thou sheddest blood in the midst of thee, that thine hour may come.... 6 There are the princes of Israel within thee, every one according to his power, only to shed blood. 7 In you the father and the mother are despised, in you the resident stranger is mistreated, in you the fatherless and the widow are oppressed. 8 You have no respect for my holy things; you profane my sabbaths. 9 There is in you people who slander to shed blood. In thee they eat upon the mountains, and commit wickedness. 10 ... 15 I will scatter you among the nations, I will scatter you among the countries, I will wipe out the uncleanness that is in the midst of you, 16 by yourself you shall be defiled in the sight of the nations, and you shall know that I am Yahweh." 17 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 18 "Son of man, the house of Israel has become dross to me; they are all copper, tin, iron, lead, in the midst of a furnace; dross they are! 19 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: Because I have made you all dross, therefore I will gather you together in the midst of Jerusalem. 20 As silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin are put together in the furnace, and the fire is poured underneath to melt them all, so will I gather you together in my wrath and my fury; I will set you and melt you. 21 I will gather you together, and I will fan the fire of My fury against you, and I will melt you in the midst of the city. 22 ... 24 "Son of man, say to her, 'You are a land that has had no rain or flood in the day of wrath; 25 the princes who dwell in it are like a roaring lion tearing up its prey. ... 27 Her rulers in the midst of her are like wolves tearing their prey, shedding blood, killing the person to steal his goods. 28 Their prophets have covered them with mortar with their vain visions and lying omens, saying, "Thus says the Lord Yahweh," when Yahweh has not spoken. 29 The people of the land have done violence and committed plunder, they have oppressed the poor and the needy, they have mistreated the stranger without any right. 30 I have looked for someone among them who would build a wall and stand in the gap before me, to protect the land and prevent me from destroying it, and I have found no one. 31 Then I have poured out my wrath upon them; in the fire of my fury I have exterminated them: I have brought down their conduct upon their head, O oracle of the Lord Yahweh."
In this chapter, it is worth noting the differentiation between copper, tin, iron and lead; which could designate the groups of treachery (Adam, Eve, Satan, demons), but it is not important at this point (later -20- he adds silver but only as an example). The main thing for me is that after telling all the bad things we have done, in the end (30-31), it speaks of the punishment as executed or in the past tense, not in the future tense as it usually does. It says "I have exterminated them", which, as of today, is not fulfilled for our world history because it says it is the land that has exterminated, although some translations say country, it has not exterminated Israel either; so, this would fit only within this end of the 3 ½ Times period, to my understanding.
Eze 23:1-49 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother. 3 They prostituted themselves in Egypt; they prostituted themselves in their youth. There their breasts were fondled, and their virginal bosom was fondled. 4 These were their names: Oholah, the eldest, and Oholibah, her sister. They were mine, and they bore sons and daughters. Their names: Oholah is Samaria; Oholibah is Jerusalem. 5 Ohollah prostituted herself when she belonged to me; she fell madly in love with her lovers, the Assyrians her neighbours, 6 clothed in purple, governors and prefects, all of them handsome young men and skilful knights. 7 She bestowed her favours on them - they were all the flower of the Assyrians - and, with all those with whom she had fallen in love, she defiled herself by contact with all their filth. 8 She did not cease in her prostitutions begun in Egypt, where they had lain with her in her youth, fondling her virginal bosom, and venting their lewdness on her. 9 Therefore I gave her into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the Assyrians with whom she had fallen in love. 10 They discovered her nakedness, took away her sons and her daughters, and killed her with the sword. Thus she became an example to the women, for justice had been done to her. 11 "Her sister Oholibah saw this, but her passion and her prostitutions were even more scandalous than those of her sister. 12 She fell in love with the Assyrians, governors and prefects, her neighbours, ... 14 ... she saw men painted on the wall, figures of Chaldeans painted with vermilion, 15 ... and she sent messengers to them to Chaldea. 17 The Babylonians came to her, to share the bed of love, and to defile her with their lewdness; and when she defiled herself with them, her desire departed from them. 18 So she uncovered her prostitutions and her nakedness; and I withdrew from her as I had withdrawn from her sister. 19 But she multiplied her prostitutions, remembering the days of her youth, when she prostituted herself in the land of Egypt, 20 and fell in love with those dissolute men of the sex of asses and the sperm of horses. 21 "You have thus renewed the immorality of your youth, when in Egypt they fondled your bosom, feeling your youthful breasts. 22 Well then, O Oholibah, thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will stir up against you all your lovers, from whom you have turned away; I will bring them against you from all sides, 23 the Babylonians and all the Chaldeans, those of Pekod, Soa, and Kohath, and with them all the Assyrians, handsome young men, governors and prefects, all of them squires of title and skilful horsemen; 24 and they shall come against you from the north, chariots and wagons, with an assembly of peoples. On every side they will oppose you with the breastplate, the shield and the helmet. I will give them a charge to judge you, and they will judge you according to their right. 25 I will unleash my jealousy against you, and they will treat you with fury; they will tear off your nose and your ears, and what is left of your people will fall by the sword; they will take away your sons and your daughters, and what is left of your people will be devoured by fire. 26 They will strip you of your clothes and seize your jewels. 27 I will put an end to your immorality and to your prostitutions begun in Egypt; you shall no longer lift up your eyes to them, nor shall you remember Egypt any more. 28 For thus says the Lord Yahweh: I am going to deliver you into the hands of those whom you detest, into the hands of those from whom you have turned away. 29 They will treat you with hatred, they will seize all the fruit of your labour, and they will leave you completely naked. ... 36 Then Yahweh said to me, "Son of man, will you judge Oholah and Oholibah? Reprove them for their abominations. 37 They have committed adultery, their hands are bloody, they have committed adultery with their filth, and even their children, whom they bore to me, they have caused to pass through the fire as food for them. 38 ... 49 Your immorality shall be brought upon you, you shall bear the sins committed with your rubbish, and you shall know that I am the Lord Yahweh."
This chapter is similar to that of the little lions. Here the Assyrians (5) represent the demons. Like the other stories we have seen it also concerns the Eves. When he is speaking in the past tense, he seems to differentiate between the Rebellion and the 2nd time (Cain and Abel), of the Eves themselves: Oholah in the rebellion, Oholibah after the rebellion, the latter being worse because the Eves in the 2nd time, join the blackmail of the demons (Assyrians) to try to save themselves; by blaming the Adam all is extended, this seems to be elucidated from Psalms from Heaven . This whole second betrayal is underlined in (20-21), which has different translations, and refers to the beasts, vermin = demons. Thus, in the punishment, speaking in the future, he says that God will give her (Oholibah = Evas) to her lovers and so it is, because in the world they will not be able to listen to Him, but only to the demons and their idols; in fact, he specifies (25) ‘they will tear off your nose and your ears’, referring not only to their deafness or foolishness, but that they will not even be able to smell God on earth. In (37) ‘even their children... they have made them to pass through the fire as food for them’ refers to this delivery of their lovers, not only to their fall, but to joining in blaming the Adams. Finally it is this circumstance that Jerusalem is called Jerusalem, because in them is included the fate of the Adams (though not the deafness).
Eze 24:1-27 In the ninth year, on the tenth day of the tenth month, the word of Yahweh came to me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, write today's date, this very day, for the king of Babylon has pounced on Jerusalem on this very day. 3 Compose a parable about this rebellious house. You shall say to them, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Set the pot on the fire, and stir it, and pour water into it. 4 Heap into it pieces of flesh, all the good pieces, leg and back. Fill it with the best bones. 5 Take the best of the small cattle. Pile the wood under it all around, boil it with gushing water, so that even the bones are boiled. 6 For thus says the Lord Yahweh, "Woe to the bloodthirsty city, the pot all rotten, whose rust does not depart from it! I have emptied it piece by piece, without casting lots upon it! 7 For his blood is in the midst of it, he has sprinkled it on the bare rock; he has not poured it on the earth, covering it with dust. 8 That wrath might overflow, that I might take vengeance, I have laid her blood upon the bare rock, that it should not be overlaid. 9 Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Woe to the bloodthirsty city! I also will make a great heap of wood. 10 Pile up the wood well, kindle the fire, cook the meat, make ready the spices, let the bones be scorched. 11 And keep the pot empty on the coals, that it may be heated, that the brass may become red-hot, that its filthiness may be melted within it, and its rust may be consumed. 12 But the rust of her that is filthy is not consumed by fire. 13 From the impurity of your immorality I have wanted to purify you, but you have not allowed yourself to be purified from your impurity. Therefore you will not be purified until I have poured out my fury on you. 14 I, Yahweh, have spoken, and I keep my word: I will not shrink back, I will have no pity, nor will I have compassion. According to your conduct and according to your deeds they shall judge you, O oracle of the Lord Yahweh." 15 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 16 "Son of man, behold, I am going to take the charm from your eyes at once. But you will not mourn, you will not weep, you will not shed a tear. 17 Sigh in silence, do not mourn for the dead; gird your turban on your head, put your sandals on your feet, do not cover your beard, do not eat ordinary bread." 18 I spoke to the people in the morning, and in the evening my wife died; and on the next morning I did as I was commanded. 19 The people said to me, "Will you not explain to us what the meaning of what you are doing is to us?" 20 I said to them, "The word of Yahweh has been addressed to me in these terms: 21 Say to the house of Israel, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: I have decided to profane my sanctuary, the pride of your strength, the delight of your eyes, the passion of your souls. Your sons and your daughters whom you have forsaken shall fall by the sword. 22 And you shall do as I have done: you shall not cover your beards, you shall not eat ordinary bread, 23 you shall continue to wear your ornaments on your head and your sandals on your feet, you shall not mourn or weep. You will be consumed because of your faults, and you will mourn with one another. 24 Ezekiel will be a symbol for you; you will do all that he has done. And when this happens, you will know that I am the Lord Yahweh. 25 "And you, son of man, on the day when I take away their support, their joyful ornament, the delight of their eyes, the longing of their soul, their sons and their daughters, 26 on that day the fugitive will come to you, the fugitive who will bring the news. 27 On that day your mouth shall be opened to speak to the fugitive; you shall speak, and no longer shall you remain mute; you shall be a symbol to them, and they shall know that I am Yahweh."
Well, leg (the Eves), back (the Adams), bone (the demons), represent those groups according to their treachery. Leg because they are the ones who lead or guide the back and back because they remain turned or turn their backs to God; bone is evident why. The boiling pit is where God places us: this earth. It is the last chapter of the transition that shows us the pottage He is preparing to pour it all together with the world. The rust (6) that then continues to burn (11) is the devil (iron) and that greed or iniquity that enters through it. He speaks of the blood (7) as the Spirit or Essence of God lost or shed, it insists that it will not fall to the ground surely making reference now to our not arriving with the Spirit on this earth we enter; in fact, it remains on the bare rock, which is above the "earth" / sand. It also refers to the righteousness (14) that will judge us for our deeds in the world. And He sets Ezekiel as a symbol to explain the same thing: the enchantment of your eyes (16, 21), is the Holy Spirit who takes us away at a stroke. Your sons and daughters who shall fall by the sword are we in the world, who shall come dead here. We will not eat ordinary bread (22), again the Holy Spirit; we will wear ornaments on our heads and sandals on our feet (23), it may refer to our human nature with head and limbs (it seems silly, but it is not) ; to sigh in silence and not mourn for the dead is because on earth (where you and I are now) we will not remember anything that happened in heaven, nor what we lost.
This is our farewell to heaven, and what follows is already the third period on earth.
Third Time.
I am going to summarise chapters 25 to 32 so as not to make it too long and because in all of them there are curses or prophecies against 7 peoples + Egypt. The truth is that one of the prophecies is made against two at the same time (Moab and Seir), so there would be 7 prophecies.
Prophecy against Ammon (25,1-7)
against Moab and Seir (25,8-11)
against Edom (25,12-14)
against Philistia (25,15-17)
against Tyre (26,1-21),
against Sidon (28,20-24)
against Egypt (29,1-21)
These peoples (with the exception of Egypt which seems to describe the demons in the land) seem to present us at the beginning of the earth period with these types of fallen according to their size. I have already commented on this; God has placed various ways of salvation or religions in the world because we are different from our origin in heaven, or of different ages to better understand each other. Let us not be confused between the types according to treachery. Thus, there will be people of the Christian nation deaf (Eves) and open to the Word of God, just as there are deaf among Muslims and others open to the Word of God or Allah as they call Him. The case of Tyre is exceptional, he seems to refer to those who were greater in heaven and also to the devil when he speaks of the king of Tyre. Egypt, which I also put aside, speaks of demons and satan on earth, it seems. Well, this is not important either but it is curious nonetheless, besides the number 7 in towns or "mountainous reliefs" will be highlighted by Ezekiel on other occasions. The fact that later in 30 he confronts the king of Babylon with Pharaoh also makes me think that there are some historical events (if this happened in history), because I have always thought that both represent satan. I am not going to study these chapters because it's a lot of work and I don't think it's as important as I said; besides, except for a few exceptions, like the one mentioned above, they are easily interpretable because of what we already know. I am going to put a few lines about the king of Tyre that also fit perfectly with the devil (many names have been given to Beelzebub and he has also been represented by many people.
Eze 28:12-15 Son of man, sing an elegy over the king of Tyre. You shall say to him, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: You were the seal of a masterpiece, full of wisdom, finished in beauty. 13 You were in Eden, in the garden of God. Your robe was made of all kinds of precious stones: ruby, topaz, diamond, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, sapphire, malachite, emerald; the earrings and pendants that you wore were carved in gold, set in gold from the day of your creation. 14 I have made thee a covering cherub with outspread wings; thou hast stood upon the holy mountain of God, thou hast walked among stones of fire. 15 Thou hast been perfect in thy ways from the day of thy creation, until the day that iniquity was found in thee.
Finally, out of what was said to the people, he names justice and redemption:
Eze 28:25-26 Thus says the Lord Yahweh: When I gather the house of Israel from among the peoples where they are scattered, I will manifest my holiness in them in the sight of the nations. They shall dwell in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob; 26 they shall dwell there in safety, they shall build houses and plant vineyards; they shall live in security. When I do justice to all their neighbours who despise them, it shall be known that I am Yahweh their God."."
I also put some verses about the pharaoh or demon that do not need clarification:
Eze 31:15-18 Thus says the Lord GOD: In the day that he went down to Sheol, as a sign of mourning I closed the deep over him, I stopped his rivers, and the abundant waters ceased; because of him I filled Lebanon with shadow, and all the trees of the field were afflicted because of him. 16 I made the nations to tremble at the noise of his fall, when I cast him into hell with them that go down into the pit. In the hells were comforted all the trees of Eden, the choicest and most beautiful of Lebanon, all watered by the waters. 17 And at the same time as he, they went down to Sheol, where the victims of the sword, those who were his arm and dwelt in his shadow in the midst of the nations. 18 "To whom were you comparable in glory and greatness among the trees of Eden? Yet you have been cast down, with the trees of Eden, into hell; in the midst of the uncircumcised you lie, with the victims of the sword: that is Pharaoh and all his multitude, the oracle of the Lord Yahweh."
Chapter 32 is a lament for the farón and Egypt, with nothing to clarify either.
Transition to ½ Time
Eze 33:1-33 The word of Yahweh came to me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, speak to the children of your people. You shall say to them, 'If I cause the sword to come upon a land, and the people of that land choose one of their own, and set him as a watchman; 3 and he, when he sees the sword coming upon the land, blows the horn to warn the people: 4 if it happens that anyone hears the sound of the horn well, but does not heed, so that the sword comes and kills him, the blood of this man shall be on his own head. 5 He has heard the sound of the horn and has not heeded: his blood shall be on his own head. But he who has heeded it will save his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the horn, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and kills any of them, he shall perish for his own sake, but I will call the watchman to account for his blood. 7 "You also, son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. When you hear a word from My mouth, you shall warn them from Me. 8 If I say to the wicked, 'You wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak to warn the wicked man to cease his ways, he, the wicked man, shall die for his own sake, but I will call you to account for his blood. 9 ... 10 ... 12 "And you, son of man, say to the children of your people, 'The righteousness of the righteous shall not save him in the day of his wickedness, nor shall the wickedness of the wicked cause him to perish in the day when he turns from his wickedness. But neither shall the righteous live by virtue of his righteousness in the day that he sins. 13 ... 20 And you say: "The way of the Lord is not just. I will judge you, every man according to his ways, O house of Israel."
21 In the twelfth year, on the fifth day of the tenth month of our captivity, the fugitive from Jerusalem came to me and said, "The city is taken." 22 The hand of Yahweh had come upon me the evening before the fugitive came, and had opened my mouth by the time he came to me in the morning; my mouth was opened, and I was no longer mute. 23 Then the word of Yahweh came to me in these terms: 24 "Son of man, those who dwell in those ruins, in the land of Israel, say, 'Abraham was one, and he obtained this land as his own possession. We are many; to us this land has been given in possession." 25 "Well then, say to them, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: You eat with blood, you lift up your eyes to your rubbish, you shed blood, and you are going to possess this land! 26 You trust in your swords, you commit abomination, you defile every man his neighbor's wife, and you are going to possess this land! 27 You shall say to them, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: By my life, that those who are among the ruins shall fall by the sword, those who walk in the field I will give to the beasts for pasture, and those who are in the steep places and in the caves shall die of the pestilence. 28 I will make this land a desolate wilderness, and the pride of its strength shall be destroyed. The mountains of Israel will be devastated, and no one will pass through them any more. 29 And it shall be known that I am Yahweh, when I make this land a desolate wilderness, for all the abominations that they have committed.
30 "As for you, son of man, the sons of your people talk about you on the side of the walls and at the gates of the houses. They say to one another, "Let us hear what word comes from Yahweh." 31 And they come to you en masse, and my people sit before you; they listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice. For they make love with their mouth, but their heart walks only after their own interest. 32 You are to them like a love song, graciously sung, accompanied by good music. They listen to your words, but there is no one to fulfil them. 33 But when all this comes - and behold, it is coming - they will know that there was a prophet in their midst."
This chapter is exceptional. It is the only one that does not fit into the line of three and a half times; specifically, with the end of the third time. This is because it initiates the transition to the last half-time. So we will see strange things in it:
It is the only one which begins by dating its date but in which it does not mark with it the time when the Lord speaks to Ezekiel. In all the others (1:1, 1:2, 8:1, 20:1, 24:1, 26:1, 29:1, 29:17, 30:20, 31:10, 32:10, 32:17, 40:1), 13 in all, it is Yahweh who addresses him or he sees divine visions. Here it is a fugitive who comes to speak to Ezekiel, then he writes that the evening before the Lord spoke to him.
He is the only one of the 14 who adds to the formula "The 5th, 6th, nth year..." the words "of our captivity".
On the other hand, it says that the evening before (not even the day before) the hand of Yahweh rested on Ezekiel and left him mute until the arrival of the fugitive, associating, it seems, the previous day with the fall of Jerusalem. Since the fugitive is coming from Jerusalem and he is imprisoned in Babylon (as I have seen on the internet), he would have travelled approximately 945 km (587 miles) in less than a day. Considering that he was at most on horseback and that a horse travels 35 to 45 km (21 / 28 miles) a day this would be impossible and then Ezekiel's predictions concerning those who would die by the sword (future) among the ruins of the city, become impossible as outdated. On the other hand, it took 40 years to get from Egypt to Canaan (600 km, 372 miles) (ok this is cheating because it is a symbolic number or in any case they were in no hurry). It would still seem to me to be a long time for those predicted to die among the beasts for those in the camp; perhaps dying of plague for those in the caves could be fulfilled. So, that fugitive may indicate that this chapter escapes order, but with good reason, and all these differences indicate that it shows more than meets the eye, so let's look at the chapter as a whole.
It begins by speaking of Ezekiel as Israel's watchman (1-20) and says that if he warns but they do not listen it will be their fault, but if he does not warn it will be Ezekiel's fault. This happens again at the beginning, before any prophecy, in Chapter 3. Another important thing is that this same chapter ends (30-33) talking about the same thing: pointing to Ezekiel as the (ignored) prophet of Israel. Again warning not to listen to him. It seems that the verses that do not fit (21-29) are in the middle of these two warnings as a proven sign of what he has predicted. Since in these chapters (21-29) it seems to show the rebellion and what happened in heaven (wanting to divide the Essence of God, Abraham's land here, and so we are left dead empty of the Holy Spirit), it is like saying: see, all this here in the middle has already been shown to you by my prophet, and you will not listen to him?
It is also a way of highlighting those verses that have our story of betrayal from heaven; I say betrayal and not salvation because in these verses there is not yet the resolution, the return of the Holy Spirit. We will see salvation in the other four chapters that accompany this one (34,35,36,37), that is, in the 5 that form the complete transition from the 3rd time to the ½ time (33,34,35,36,37). And we will then see that these transitional chapters are equated with the transitional chapters from the 2nd to the 3rd period (20,21,22,23,24), by narrating, as if it were a summary, what happens in each of them.
Eze 34:1-31 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy. You shall say to the shepherds, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock? 3 You have drunk the milk, you have clothed yourselves with the wool, you have slaughtered the fattened sheep; you have not fed the flock. 4 Ye have not strengthened the weak sheep, neither have ye nursed the sick, nor healed the wounded, neither have ye brought back the strayed, nor sought the lost, but have ruled them with violence and harshness. 5 And they are scattered for lack of a shepherd, and have become a prey to all the wild beasts of the field; they are scattered abroad. 6 ... 10 Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Here I am against the shepherds: I will reclaim my flock from their hands, and I will take them from feeding my flock. So the shepherds will no longer feed themselves. I will tear my sheep out of their mouth, and they shall no longer be their prey. 11 "For thus says the Lord Yahweh: Here am I; I myself will tend my flock and watch over it. 12 ... 13 I will bring them out from among the peoples, and gather them from the countries, and bring them again to their own land. I will shepherd them on the mountains of Israel, and in the ravines, and in all the villages of this land. 14 ... There they shall lie down in good pastures; and they shall graze in fat pastures upon the mountains of Israel. 15 I myself will feed my sheep, and I will bring them to lie down, says the Lord GOD. 16 I will seek the lost sheep, I will bring back the strayed, I will heal the wounded, I will comfort the sick; but the fat and the strong I will destroy; I will feed them with righteousness. 17 "As for you, my sheep, thus says the Lord Yahweh: Behold, I will judge between ewe and sheep, between ram and he-goat. 18 ... 20 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh to them: I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. 21 ... 23 "I will raise up one shepherd to lead them, my servant David, who shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd. 24 I, Yahweh, will be their God, and my servant David will be prince in their midst. I, Yahweh, have spoken. 25 I will conclude a covenant of peace with them; I will make the fierce beasts to disappear from this land. They shall dwell in safety in the wilderness and sleep in the forests. 26 ... 29 I will cause a famous planting to spring up for them; there shall be no more victims of famine in the land, nor shall they suffer the reproach of the nations any more. 30 And they shall know that I, Yahweh their God, am with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are my people, says the Lord Yahweh. 31 You, my sheep, are the human flock that I feed, and I am your God, O oracle of the Lord Yahweh."
Well, there is not much to explain. It is God who personally gathers his sheep and Jesus Christ (his servant David) will feed them. It should be noted that although it is a chapter in which we are left with redemption, there is also a judgement (17). And it all ends in heaven. However, it is not our whole story from heaven that is narrated here, but the end, our salvation.
Eze 35:1-15 The word of the LORD came to me in these terms: 2 "Son of man, turn your face toward the mountain of Seir, and prophesy against it. 3 You shall say to it, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Here I am against you, O mountain of Seir. I will stretch out my hand against you: I will make you a desolate wilderness, 4 and I will lay your cities in ruins; you shall be a desolation, and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 5 Because you have nourished an everlasting hatred, and have given the children of Israel to the sword in the day of their disaster, in the day of their last guilt, 6 therefore, by my life, O oracle of the Lord Yahweh, that I will leave you in blood, and blood shall pursue you. Yes, you are a queen of blood, and blood will pursue you! 7 I will make the mountain of Seir a desolate wilderness, and I will cut off from there him that goeth and him that cometh. 8 I will fill its mountains with victims; on your hills, in your valleys, and in all your ravines, the victims of the sword will fall. 9 I will make you eternal solitudes, your cities shall be inhabited no more, and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 10 "Because you have said, "The two nations, the two countries are mine, let us take them in possession," being so that Yahweh was there, 11 therefore, by my life, O oracle of the Lord Yahweh, that I will proceed with the same anger and the same jealousy with which you have proceeded in your hatred against them, and I will make myself known, by them, when I punish you. 12 You shall know that I, Yahweh, have heard all the insults that you hurled against the mountains of Israel, saying, "They are devastated, they have been given to us as pasture." 13 You have defied me with your mouth, you have multiplied your words against me; I have heard it all. 14 Thus says the Lord Yahweh: For the joy of all this land I will make you a desolation. 15 As you rejoiced when the inheritance of the house of Israel was a desolation, so will I deal with you. You shall be a desolation, O mountain of Seir, as well as all Edom, and it shall be known that I am Yahweh."
It evidently represents Satan, although it also refers to the demons. In (5), delivered the children of Israel to the sword on the day of their last guilt, it may refer to the final moment when we were all defeated and the devil demands the same fate as the Adams, causing us to end up in the world. In (10) the two nations are mine, they are the Adam and Eve as in 12 although perhaps here it refers only to the Adam (mountains of Israel); elsewhere we have also seen that "mountains of Israel" refers to heaven directly. In (13) "for the joy of the whole earth I will make you desolate", he refers to the time when he will cut the chains that bind us with that "blackmail" by joining us to the fate of the demons; at that time, they will be unshielded and desolate.
Eze 36:1-38 And you, son of man, prophesy on the mountains of Israel. You shall say, 'O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD. 2 Thus says the Lord GOD: For the enemy has said against you, "Ha ha, these eternal heights have become our possession!", 3 Therefore prophesy. You shall say, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Because you have been desolated and coveted on every side until you have become the possession of the other nations, because you have been the target of the talk and slander of the people,
4 therefore hear the word of the Lord Yahweh, O mountains of Israel. Thus says the Lord Yahweh to the mountains, to the hills, to the ravines, and to the valleys, to the desolate ruins, and to the forsaken cities that have been given over to plunder and to the reviling of the rest of the surrounding nations.
4 Therefore, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord, the Eternal: Thus says the Lord, the Eternal, to the mountains and hills, to the streams and valleys, to the ruins and desolations, and to the forsaken cities, which have been given over to pillage and to the derision of the nations that surround you. [Other bibles and in GREEK also name 7 geographical features].
5 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: Yes, in the heat of my jealousy I will speak against the other nations and against Edom as a whole, who, with joy in their hearts and contempt in their souls, have claimed my land in possession to give their pasture for plunder. 6 "Therefore prophesy over the land of Israel. You shall say to the mountains and to the hills, to the ravines and to the valleys, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I speak in my jealousy and in my wrath: Because ye have suffered the reproach of the nations, 7 Therefore thus saith the Lord Yahweh: I swear hand on high that the nations around you shall bear their own reproaches. 8 "And you, O mountains of Israel, you shall put forth your branches and bring forth your fruit for My people Israel, for they are about to return. 9 ...
16 The word of Yahweh came to me in these words: 17 "Son of man, those of the house of Israel who dwell in their land have defiled it by their conduct and their deeds; like the uncleanness of a menstruous woman was their conduct before me. 18 Then I poured out my fury upon them, ... 21 But I have had regard for my holy name, which the house of Israel profaned among the nations where I had gone. 22 ... 24 I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. 25 I will sprinkle pure water on you, and you shall be cleansed; from all your uncleanness and from all your filthiness I will purify you. 26 And I will give you a new heart, I will put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put my spirit within you and cause you to conduct yourselves according to my precepts and to observe and practice my rules. 28 And ye shall dwell in the land which I gave to your fathers. ... 35 And it shall be said, "This land, hitherto devastated, has become like the garden of Eden, and the ruined cities, devastated and demolished, are again fortified and inhabited." 36 ... 37
This is also clear. With "(2) eternal heights" he refers to our heavenly nature in origin. In (4) I will highlight the seven geographical features (for there are seven even though some translations like this one put six). Those, as I have already repeated many times, are the types "classified" by size of soul (in heaven as angels and here on earth in what we have left); this classification is the reason for the different paths or religions set by God. Then in (6) he refers to those of us in the world with only four geographical features. Why? Because now he calls us by type according to treachery:
mountains = Adam, hills = Eve, valleys = demons, ravines = satan.
In (8) because he is about to return, he prepares us for the entrance already of the ½ time, which begins in the next chapter.
As we see, again, this chapter speaks to us of redemption: "28.35 You shall inhabit the land which I gave to your fathers (= heaven)..."
1/2 Time (end of the Transition)
Eze 37:1-28 The hand of Yahweh was upon me, and by his spirit Yahweh brought me out and set me in the midst of the valley, which was full of bones. 2 He made me pass through them in every direction. The bones were very numerous on the ground of the valley, and they were completely dry. 3 He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" I said, "Lord Yahweh, you know." 4 Then he said to me, "Prophesy over these bones. You shall say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. 5 Thus says the Lord Yahweh to these bones, 'Behold, I will cause the Spirit to enter you, and you shall live. 6 I will cover you with sinews, I will cause flesh to grow upon you, I will cover you with skin, I will infuse spirit into you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am Yahweh." 7 I prophesied as I was commanded, and as I prophesied there was a noise. There was a shaking, and the bones were knocked together. 8 I looked and saw that they were covered with sinews, flesh was coming out and skin was stretched over them, but there was no spirit in them. 9 He said to me, "Prophesy to the spirit, prophesy, son of man. You shall say to the spirit, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Come, spirit, from the four winds, and breathe on these slain, that they may live." 10 I prophesied as I was commanded, and the spirit came into them; they revived and stood upright on their feet: it was a huge, huge army. 11 Then he said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They go about saying, 'Our bones are dried up, our hope has faded, it is all over for us. 12 Therefore prophesy. You shall say to them, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will open your graves; I will bring you out of your graves, my people, and I will bring you back to the soil of Israel. 13 You shall know that I am Yahweh when I open your graves and bring you out of your graves, my people. 14 I will infuse my spirit into you, and you shall live; I will establish you in your soil, and you shall know that I, Yahweh, say it and do it, O oracle of Yahweh."
15 The word of Yahweh addressed me in these terms: 16 "And you, son of man, take a log and write on it, "Judah and the Israelites who are with him." Then take another log and write on it, "Joseph, a log of Ephraim, and all the house of Israel who are with him." 17 Put them together one with the other so that they form one log, that they may be one in your hand. 18 And when the children of your people say to you, "Won't you explain to us what that is that you have there?", 19 You shall say to them, "Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Behold, I will take the log of Joseph (which is in the hand of Ephraim) and the tribes of Israel that are with him, I will put them beside the log of Judah, I will make them all one log, and they shall be one in My hand. 20 "The logs on which you have written, have them in your hand before their eyes, 21 and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will gather the children of Israel from among the nations to which they marched. I will gather them from all parts to bring them to their own land. 22 I will make of them one nation in this land, on the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer form two nations, nor shall they again be divided into two kingdoms. 23 They will no longer defile themselves with their rubbish, with their idols and with all their crimes. I will save them from their unfaithfulness by which they sinned, I will purify them, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God. 24 My servant David shall reign over them, and be to them all the only shepherd; they shall obey my rules, observe my precepts, and do them. 25 They shall dwell in the land which I gave to my servant Jacob, where your fathers dwelt. ... 28 And the nations shall know that I am Yahweh, who sanctifies Israel, when my sanctuary is in their midst for ever.
This chapter is the third complete period.
From (1-14) it tells us about how He infuses the Holy Spirit into man's nature. It actually tells us first of his empty creation, which happened at the beginning of the third period and the moment when He infuses him with the Holy Spirit. It is a way of showing us how man could not contain the Holy Spirit until the passion, until our nature was redeemed or justified by Jesus Christ; we were not created with Him in us, but became dead. It is noteworthy that although at first it speaks in the future tense it is something accomplished "(7) and the bones were joined one to another", "(10) and the spirit of the Lord came into the world". (10) and the spirit entered into them".
From (15-28) it speaks of the union of the Adam (the wood of Judah) and the Eve (the wood of Ephraim), or in other words, of the opening of the ear of the Eve. Something that is about to happen and that will be the last of this ½ time.
End Times
Eze 38:1-23 The word of the LORD came to me in these words: 2 "Son of man, turn your face toward Gog in the land of Magog, the ruler of Meshech and Tunbal, and prophesy against him. 3 You shall say, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Here I am against you, Gog, supreme prince of Meshech and Túbal. 4 I will turn thee about, and put hooks in thy jaws, and bring thee forth with all thine army, horses and horsemen, all well furnished, a great assembly, all with shields and bucklers, and skilful with the sword. 5 Persia, Cush, and Put are with them, all with shield and helmet. 6 Gomer, with all his hosts, Beth Togarmatha, in the uttermost part of the north, with all his hosts, many peoples, are with thee. 7 Be ready and prepare yourself, you and all your assembly gathered around you, and place yourself at my service. 8 "At the end of many days, you will receive orders. After many years you shall come to the land whose inhabitants escaped the sword and were gathered from a multitude of peoples on the mountains of Israel, which had been a permanent wilderness. Since they were separated from the other peoples, they all dwell in safety. 9 You shall go up, you shall advance like a hurricane, like a thundercloud that shall cover the land, you and all your hosts, and the many peoples who are with you. 10 Thus says the Lord GOD: In that day plans shall come into your heart, and you shall devise wicked schemes. 11 You shall say, 'I will go up against an open land, I will march against a quiet people who dwell in safety. They all dwell in cities without walls, without bars or gates." 12 You shall go to plunder, to make spoil, to lay your hand on repopulated ruins, on a people gathered from among the nations, given to replenish cattle and substance, dwelling in the midst of the land. 13 Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions will say to you, "Have you come to plunder, to make plunder, have you gathered your assembly together, to take away gold and silver, to seize livestock and cattle, to make a great spoil?" 14 "Therefore prophesy, son of man. You shall say to Gog: Thus says the Lord Yahweh: 'Is it not true that in that day, when my people Israel live in safety, you shall set yourself in motion? 15 You shall come from your place, from the far north, you and numerous peoples with you, all mounted on horses, a huge assembly, an innumerable army. 16 You shall come up against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the earth. It shall be at the end of days; then I will bring you against my land, that the nations may know me, when I shall show my holiness in their sight, at your expense, Gog. 17 "Thus says the Lord Yahweh: You are the one of whom I spoke of old by My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied at that time for years, that I would bring you against them. 18 In that day, when Gog advances against the land of Israel - the oracle of the Lord Yahweh - my fury will break out. In my anger, 19 in my jealousy, in the fierceness of my wrath I say, Yes, in that day there will be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 Then shall the fish of the sea tremble before me, and the birds of the air, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the ground, and all men upon the face of the earth. The mountains shall fall, the rocks shall fall, all the walls shall fall to the ground. 21 I will call up all kinds of terrors against him, says the Lord Yahweh. They will turn the sword against one another. 22 I will punish him with pestilence and blood; I will bring down a torrential rain, hailstones, fire and brimstone, on him, on his hosts, and on the many peoples who go with him. 23 I will show my greatness and my holiness, I will make myself known in the sight of many nations, and they will know that I am Yahweh.
Eze 39:4 On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and your hosts and the peoples who go with you. I have given you as pasture to all kinds of birds of prey and to the wild beasts of the field... 8 "Behold, all this is coming to pass, and it will come to pass," says the Lord Yahweh; "this is the day that I have spoken of. 9 "Then the inhabitants of the cities of Israel shall go out to burn and give to the flames their weapons, their bucklers and shields, their bows and arrows, their maces and spears. They shall burn them for seven years. 10 ...11 "On that day I will give Gog as a burial place in Israel a famous place, the valley of the Oberin, east of the sea, which cuts off travelers; there Gog shall be buried with all his multitude, and it shall be called the valley of Hamon Gog. 12 ... 27 When I shall bring them back from among the peoples and gather them from the countries of their enemies, I will manifest my holiness in them in the sight of many nations, 28 and they shall know that I am Yahweh their God, when, after I have led them into captivity among the nations, I shall gather them into their own land, and shall not leave any of them there. 29 I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my spirit upon the house of Israel, says the Lord Yahweh."
Well, this coincides with the apocalypse where it tells us that the devil will rise again after a pause of 1000 years. Here it says: "(38:8).... After many years, you will come to the land whose inhabitants escaped the sword and were gathered from a multitude of peoples in the mountains of Israel, which had been a permanent desert.
In (38:17) it says that Yahweh has already spoken of Gog of old and refers to the end of the world. I believe, however, that this will have already taken place, and this will be the real end of all demons, the end of time. I may be wrong, but the apocalypse also seems to indicate the same thing. The next chapter Ch. 39, which I have placed after Ch. 38, seems to indicate that Gog is buried east of the Sea (11); beyond death (super-dead). As for "(9) they will go out to burn and give to the flames weapons, bows and shields, bows and arrows, maces and spears". It seems to refer to the demons in their 7 sizes (weapons, bucklers, shields, bows, arrows, maces, spears).
The New Temple, or in reality, Heaven.
The following chapters are devoted to describing the new temple, which is actually heaven. As it will remain with the part of the faithful angels and ours. Chapters 40-46 are a phenomenal mess (God forgive me) because all the lengthy descriptions there are only meant to tell us one thing in the main:
There is an altar for sacrifice and 6 sacred courts plus the central Temple, which adds up to 7 entrance gates symbolising for those me 7 types of soul sizes or closeness to God in heaven ("you know not what you ask"), and the religions made for them. Of those 6 courts, three of them are placed in the outer enclosure and their gates therefore are the entrance to the enclosure (or the gates of the enclosure communicate with the interior through those courts); let us say then that through three gates one enters heaven (these may symbolise the Holy Trinity, perhaps).
But in addition, of course, there is a River running through the middle, representing the Holy Spirit. This River will flow out from under the central Temple towards the east gate of the enclosure (in the east court), i.e. towards the Sunrise, and from the gate the land outside the enclosure is distributed to the tribes of Israel. It is worth noting that also in the description he makes a long parenthesis after distributing the land to 7 of the 12 tribes and then continues.
I draw what interests us about the structure. There are other well done drawings on the internet but they are copyrighted, so I can't put them here.
Eze 47:1-12 He brought me to the entrance of the temple, and behold, water was coming out from under the threshold of the temple, toward the east, because the front of the temple faced east. The water came down from under the right side of the temple, south of the altar. 2 Then he made me go out through the north porch and turn around on the outside to the outer porch facing east, and behold, water was flowing from the right side. 3 And the man went out eastward with the cord that was in his hand, and measured a thousand cubits, and brought me through the water: it was up to my ankles. 4 He measured another thousand cubits and put me through the water; it was up to my knees. He measured another thousand, and brought me through the water; it was up to my waist. 5 He measured another thousand: it was now a torrent which I could not cross, for the water had risen until it became a water to be swum through, a torrent which could not be crossed. 6 Then he said to me, "Have you seen, son of man?" He led me, and then brought me back to the bank of the torrent. 7 When I came back, I saw that there were a great number of trees on both sides of the brook. 8 He said to me, "This water flows out toward the eastern region, down to the Arabah, into the sea, into the stinking water, and the water is cleansed. 9 Wherever the stream flows, every living thing that moves in it will live. Fish will be very plentiful, because wherever this water enters it makes everything clean, and life flourishes everywhere where the stream flows. 10 The fishermen will come to its banks; from Engedi to Enegláin they will spread nets. The fish will be of the same species as the fish of the Great Sea, and very numerous. 11 But its marshes and its ponds shall not be made clean; they shall be left to salt. 12 On the banks of the stream, on either side of it, shall grow all kinds of fruit trees, whose foliage shall not wither, and whose fruit shall not fail; they shall bring forth new fruit every month, because this water comes from the sanctuary. Their fruit shall be for food, and their leaves for medicine."
In (3-5) again we see the three and a half times represented. The 1st when the water reaches the ankles, the 2nd up to the knees, the 3rd up to the waist and the last ½ which is the unfinished or that cannot be measured "(5) it cannot be crossed". It says that on the bank of the torrent there is a great number of trees... (7-10) referring to what will be our heaven. Remember that this outer part will be given to those 7+5 tribes. It also says that where the water comes, it will cleanse the sea, which perhaps speaks of all those who purge their sins and end up in heaven. Although there are those who will go to hell, represented by (11) "their marshes and ponds will not be cleansed".
It is likely that with all this he is also showing us the history of salvation from heaven, being the place where we were in the beginning, the three and a half times through which we have passed and where it is flooded, the passion and the Holy Spirit returned to us (healing of the sea=death). Perhaps he wants to represent both things; I am more inclined to the first, hence the division of the outer lands:
Eze 47:13-23 Thus says the Lord GOD: This is the border of the land which you shall divide among the twelve tribes of Israel, giving Joseph two shares. 14 You shall each receive your share equally, for I swore, hand on high, to give it to your fathers, and this land shall be your inheritance. 15 This is the border of the land:
the north side: from the great sea, the way of Jethlon, to the entrance of Hamath, Zedad, 16 Berotai, Sibrain, which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Jamar, Jasher Hatticon, toward the border of Jauran; 17 the border shall run from the sea to Jashar Enan, the border of the land of Damascus being on the north, and the border of the land of Hamath. This is the northern side.
18 On the east side: between Jauran and Damascus, between Gilead and the land of Israel, the Jordan shall serve as a border toward the eastern sea, as far as Tamar: this is the east side. 19 ... 23
Well, this is equally boring, but let's stick to the fact that Damascus is named in the North and East, i.e. I suppose it will be in the North-East corner.
The important or rather interesting thing is that he will now divide the lands south of Damascus, i.e. the eastern lands, apparently among the first 7 tribes of which he had spoken and among which is Jacob.
Eze 48:1-8 "And these are the names of the tribes. From the north end, along the way of Jethlon, toward the entrance of Hamath, Jashar Enan, staying to the north the territory of Damascus, along Hamath: it shall be to him from the east side to the west side: Dan, one part. 2 Bounding Dan, from the east side to the west side: Asher, one part. 3 Bounding Asher, from the east side to the west side: Naphtali, one part. 4 Bounding Naphtali, from the east side to the west side: Manasseh, one piece. 5 Bounding Manasseh, from the east side to the west side: Ephraim, one part. 6 Bounding Ephraim, from the east side to the west side: Reuben, one piece. 7 Bounding Reuben, from the east side to the west side: Judah, one piece. 8 Bordering with Judah, from the east side to the west side, shall be the holy offering, which ye shall set apart, five and twenty thousand cubits broad, and as long as every other part from the east side to the west side. And in the midst shall be the sanctuary....
This places all of us who reach heaven organised by these 7 classes or sizes of soul and bathed by the River of which I spoke before (the Holy Spirit), constituting these terrains in our heaven, different from the one we lost but also bathed by the Holy Spirit (the 2nd tree of life of which the Apocalypse speaks). Note, moreover, in Jacob, who in the other classification, by type of betrayal, represented the Adam, or the "lesser betrayers", or the betrayers for love, here are those closest to the temple and next to the sacred offering (this is because the entire block is to the east and the "plots" are distributed from east to west), so that in the classification of soul sizes, Jacob would also correspond to the largest size.
A note on Ezekiel for pastors.
Beyond all that Ezekiel says, which like the rest of what is revealed is amazing (God is fascinating), there is something a little strange, which, as always, will have a reason to be. Why is he never called by his name but as "son of man"? And why is he so often used as a symbol for Israel?
By not using his own name, it gives the impression that it is like a reusable template. Let us think about it and about these words:
Eze 3:17-19 Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. When you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them an alarm from me. 18 When I say to the wicked, 'You will die,' if you do not sound the alarm, if you do not speak to warn the wicked to forsake his wicked ways and live, he, the wicked man, will die for his own sake, but for his blood I will call you to account. 19 But if you warn the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness and his evil conduct, he will die for his own sake, but you will have saved your life.
Eze 33:30-33 "As for you, son of man, the children of your people talk about you on the side of the walls and at the gates of the houses. They say to one another, "Let us hear what word comes from Yahweh." 31 And they come to you en masse, and my people sit before you; they listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice. For they make love with their mouth, but their heart walks only after their own interest. 32 You are to them like a love song, graciously sung, accompanied by good music. They listen to your words, but there is no one to fulfil them. 33 But when all this comes - and behold, it is coming - they will know that there was a prophet in their midst."
Jeremiah, indeed, also speaks from the three and a half times. I believe that all the prophets speak in this key. Perhaps what is revealed here is not as spectacular as in the prophet Daniel, for example, for Jeremiah also speaks from a historical context. So, rather than deciphering Jeremiah, we are going to open the hidden seal of the 3.5 ½ Times that structure his work (thus, covertly, it is called by him: "seal"). We will see that in the first two times (chs. 1-10 and 11-20) we are told of a generic northern enemy, who is never named by name. From the third or transition to this time, the enemy is identified over 140 times as Babylon (representing our world and the devil's kingdom). These heavenly times, without the name of the enemy, allude once each to a "Valley of Slaughter", both share different laments with a particular meaning each (in the 1st time a lament of God for the Adams and another of Jeremiah for the Eves) and also in both the phrase "this time I'm going to throw them with a slingshot / I will let them know my hand" is used to make reference to a jump of time. In addition, we will see that he uses certain devices to cancel out parts of the scriptures so that they do not interfere with the order of the 3 ½ times and devote them to speaking of the actual history of this world in the third time.
From our world's perspective, Jeremiah's prophecies would be continually repetitive, as he speaks over and over again of the punishment for disobedience, not keeping the Sabbath, turning our backs on God... Which, would be normal if it wasn't so, so, repetitive. He really repeats it so much because he speaks of our punishment, or the consequences of rebellion in each time (1st, 2nd and 3rd + the real history of the world, which will be corked by what was dictated to Baruch).
We will see on the other hand that after the last ½ time he speaks of 7 peoples, just as Ezekiel did, although on this occasion Egypt and Babylon are added. Let us note that the latter have a special significance. Babylon is the world we are in, ruled by the devil, and Egypt, too, is the kingdom of Pharaoh (the devil generally). So these 7 peoples + Egypt + Babylon can be counted as part of the end of the world since it is the judgement of these peoples and also just after that comes the end of Babylon (or the official end of the world), or as something independent, although I think rather that they are there as part of that end. Finally, we will see that chapter 51, ends with "thus far the words of Jeremiah", which allows the last chapter 52, to stop talking about the 3 ½ times, thus safeguarding the structure we are studying, as it did with the help of the character (prophet?) Baruch; God is Great.
So much repetition can be boring and in the end the summary is almost clearer. I put, however, the most interesting.
The readings have been automatically translated from Spanish. If you see something too strange consult your Bible.
First Time. The Rebellion.
Jer 2:1-37 Then Yahweh spoke to me in these words: 2 Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, Thus says Yahweh: Of you I remember your youthful affection, the love of your courtship; that you followed me in the wilderness, in the land not sown. 3 Israel was consecrated to Yahweh, the firstfruits of his harvest. "4 Hear the word of Yahweh, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel, and all the families of the house of Israel. 5 Thus says Yahweh, "What did your fathers find in me that was crooked, that they turned away from me, and went after vanity, and became vain? 6 But they did not say, "Where is Yahweh, who brought us up from Egypt, who led us through the wilderness, the desert, the steppe and the moor, through a dry and shadowy land, a land where no one settles?" 7 Then I brought you into the land of the orchard, to eat its delicious fruits. You came and defiled my land, and made my inheritance foul. 8 ... 11 if the nations have changed their gods - though they are not gods! For my people have exchanged their glory for the worthless. 12 Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, stand upright, and be greatly dismayed, saith the LORD. 13 My people have done double evil: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, to become cisterns, cracked cisterns, that hold no water. 14 Is Israel a slave, or was he born a servant? 15 The lions roared against him, and cried out, and made his land a desolation, and his cities burnt with fire, without inhabitant. 16 Even the sons of Memphis and Taphnis have shaved your skull. 17 Has not this happened to you because you have forsaken the LORD your God when he led you on your way? 18 And then what account is it to you to go to Egypt to drink the waters of the Nile, or what account is it to you to go to Assyria to drink the waters of the River? 19 ... 26 As a thief caught in the act of robbery is ashamed, so the house of Israel is ashamed: they, their kings, their rulers, their priests, and their prophets, 27 who say to the wood, "Thou my father," and to the stone, "Thou hast borne me." 28 For where are your gods, whom you made for yourself? Let them arise, and let them save you in the hour of your doom! For as many are your cities, so many are your gods, O Judah; (and as many streets count Jerusalem, so many altars are there of Baal). 29 Why are you angry with me, when all of you have betrayed me? - 30 In vain have I smitten your sons; they have not learned. Your sword has devoured your prophets, like a lion when it roars.
[30 I have smitten your sons with magic, you have received no instruction; the sword has devoured your prophets like a destroying lion, and you shall not fear. Greek] 31 ... 36 How light-hearted you are to change your ways! You shall also be ashamed of Egypt, as you were ashamed of Assyria. 37 From this also you will go out with your hands on your head. For Yahweh has rejected what you trust in, and you will not come out of it well.
I leave out Chapter 1 because, in short, it is the presentation of the prophet.
In (3) it refers to the apple of Eden (‘whoever eats it shall be guilty of death’). In (6) the promised land where they were already in is heaven; ‘he brought us up from Egypt’ in the past tense, may refer to the freedom or our person that he gives us in our creation, for Egypt symbolises the slavery of Israel, also the Eves, deaf, with ears only for their leader Pharaoh who symbolises Satan (Pharaoh's army = demons). From (7) already the rebellion begins: ‘you have made my inheritance filthy’, (8) ‘they have changed their gods’, (11) ‘they have exchanged my glory for the Useless One’ (demon), (13) ‘they have left my spring of Living Waters to become broken cisterns’, this is what I have been insisting that happened in heaven: we were separated from God and our soul was broken, so that we could no longer retain the Holy Spirit. The (14) may be the ‘blackmail’, whereby the Adam/Eve become spoils or shields for the demons, by asking for the same fate as they did, though they did not hate. (18) Egypt is the Eve who first convinces the Adam, so that the Adam will ultimately follow the demons: Assyria. The River is the Holy Spirit they stole. In (30) the sons in the masculine refer to the Adams and the prophets to the Eves; Jeremiah often speaks of the prophets (several times) as those who ‘say that God will not punish when He does’, i.e. false prophets (which would be the Eves, false god predicate, false prophet). In heaven, the Eves will "prophesy" to the Adams the serpent's apple, or convince them to follow and idolise the devil's plans by turning their backs on God (I have also put a bad translation from the Greek, from the synthesis of the two we can see a little more clearly).
Jer 3:1-25; 1 ... 6 Yahweh said to me in the time of king Josiah, Have you seen what apostate Israel has done? She walked upon every high mountain and under every leafy tree, and played the harlot there. 7 In view of what she had done, I said, "Do not return to me." And she did not return. 8 She saw that because of all the fornications of Israel, the apostate, I had sent her away by giving her a bill of divorce; but her sister Judah, the perfidious, did not listen, but went and played the harlot herself, 9 so that she defiled the earth with her lightness in her fornication, and played the harlot with the stone and with the wood. 10 Yet her sister Judah, the perfidious one, did not turn to me with all her heart, but deceitfully. 11 And Yahweh said to me: Israel, the apostate, has proved herself more righteous than Judah, the perfidious. 12 Go and proclaim these words to the north, and say, 'Return, O backsliding Israel,' says Yahweh; 'my countenance shall not be angry with you, for I am merciful,' says Yahweh; 'I bear no grudge for ever. 13 Only acknowledge your guilt, for you have rebelled against Yahweh your God, you have frequented strangers under every green tree, and you have not obeyed my voice," says the oracle of Yahweh. 14 Return, you apostate sons," says the oracle of Yahweh, "for I am your Lord. I will gather you one by one from every city, and in pairs from every family, and I will bring you to Zion. 15 I will appoint you shepherds after my own heart, who will give you pasture for knowledge and understanding. 16 And afterward, when you shall be many and fruitful in the land, in those days," says Yahweh, "the ark of the covenant of Yahweh shall be no more spoken of, it shall not come to mind, it shall not be remembered, nor shall it be remembered, nor shall it be remembered, nor shall it be rebuilt any more. 17 At that time Jerusalem shall be called "The throne of Yahweh," and all the nations shall be incorporated into it in the name of Yahweh in Jerusalem, no longer following the hardness of their perverse hearts. 18 In those days, the house of Judah will walk alongside Israel, and they will come together from the land of the north to the land that I gave as an inheritance to your fathers. 19 ... 25
It begins to distinguish groups according to their treachery. We are going to try to ignore, as usual, the real circumstance that the kingdom of Israel is to the north of Judah (a simple matter for a dunce like me, who was a dab hand in geography and history classes), and we are going to read the chapters as if it were talking about the names of characters or groups. Israel, from this perspective, usually refers to the Eves, although sometimes when he speaks of all those who fell to the earth, it may also include the Adams and demons. Thus, the Eves, whom he says are apostates (6), come near to fornicate under leafy trees and on high mountains, both of which he refers to as great in the Holy Spirit (which is coveted and stolen or absorbed, or whatever they did). They receive no return to God. In 8 follows the Adam (Judah), why later? Because by Eve Adam sins. " She did not return to me wholeheartedly (10) for though it was for love the betrayal, we turned our backs on God. In (11) He blames the Adam's more as he did in Ezekiel, because these were the ones who had the most love, in fact they did not covet, but it was their own love that made them betray, the pain for them or the disappointment God must have felt was even worse than with the betrayal of the Eves (we will see this confirmed with God's lament for Judah in Ch. 4), furthermore, apostasy (denying God, apostate Israel) is worse than unfaithfulness (perfidious Judah). In (12) He says to go north to Israel, not only because the kingdom of Israel is north of Judah, but because as we shall see, from the north come the demons and the people that Jeremiah says in almost all his chapters that God will send us for our sins. In the world we will also see, especially until today, that the Eves, deaf or foolish, are an obstacle for the Adam (sword I will put); so much so, that it is often difficult to differentiate these two groups (Eves and demons) in the prophecies. In fact, this Israel could be the demons here, were it not for the fact that in (14) it says that the apostates will return in the future. This "readmission" and what follows (15-18), refers to our times when the deaf or Eves will hear, "Judah will be on a par with Israel (18)". From 19-25, which I do not put here, speaks of the shame and repentance that the foolish will then feel.
Jer 4:1-31 - If you will return, O Israel, O oracle of Yahweh, if you will return to me, if you will put away your abominable monsters, and not flee from me! 2 If you swear by the life of Yahweh in truth and justice and righteousness, in him shall the nations be blessed, in him shall they glory. 3 For thus says Yahweh to the people of Judah and to Jerusalem, "Till the fallow ground, and do not sow on thistles. 4 Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and remove the foreskins of your hearts, ye men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem; lest my fury break forth like fire, and burn, and none quench it, because of your wicked works. 5 Warn ye in Judah, and let it be heard in Jerusalem. Blow the horn through the land, proclaim with a loud voice: Gather yourselves together, let us go to the strongholds! 6 Raise a banner: To Zion, to escape, do not hold back! For I am bringing calamity from the north, and great destruction. 7 The lion has arisen from his den, and the devourer of nations has set out: he has gone out of his place to leave the land desolate. Your cities will be laid waste, without inhabitant. 8 Therefore gird yourselves with sackcloth, lament and wail, "No, the fierce anger of the LORD will not depart from us!" 9 In that day," says the LORD, "the king and the nobles shall be dismayed, the priests shall be dismayed, and the prophets shall be astonished. 10 And I say, "Alas, O Lord Yahweh, how you have deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, 'Peace you shall have,' and the sword has penetrated to the soul!" 11 At that time it shall be said to this people and to Jerusalem, 'A fiery wind is coming through the wilderness, on the way to the daughter of my people, not to make her beautiful, nor to cleanse her. 12 ... 16 Proclaim, "The Gentiles are here, they are here! Enemies are coming from a far country, shouting against the cities of Judah. 17 They have surrounded it like field guards, because they have rebelled against me," is the oracle of Yahweh. 18 Your conduct and your misdeeds have brought this upon you; this your misfortune has come upon your heart, because you have rebelled against me. 19 My heart, my heart, my heart, my heart aches, my heart leaps out of my breast! I will not hold my peace, for I hear the sound of the horn, the cry of battle. 20 Destruction upon destruction is proclaimed, for the whole land is plundered. My tents are spoiled in a moment, and my tabernacles in the twinkling of an eye. 21 How long shall I see teaching, and hear the sound of the horn? 22 It is because my people are foolish: I am not known. They are foolish creatures, they lack talent. They are wise for evil, and fools for good. 23 I looked to the earth, and it was a chaos; to the heavens, and their light was missing. 24 I beheld the mountains, and they trembled, and all the hills trembled. 25 I beheld, and there was not a soul; all the fowls of the air were fled. 26 I looked, and the orchard was waste, all the cities were laid waste before the LORD, and before the fierceness of his wrath. 27 For thus saith the LORD: The whole land shall become a desolation, but I will not destroy it. 28 Therefore the earth shall mourn, and the heavens above shall be darkened: for I am determined in my purpose, and it shall not be heavy upon me, neither shall I turn back from it. 29 At the noise of horsemen and archers the whole city fled. They went into the woods and climbed over the rocks. Every city was forsaken, and there was no inhabitant left in them. 30 And you, desolate, what will you do? Though thou wear scarlet, though thou deckest thyself with jewels of gold, though thou dustest thine eyes with powder, thou art made beautiful in vain: thy lovers have rejected thee, they seek thy death! 31 And then I heard a voice like the voice of a woman in travail, and cries like the cries of a newborn: it was the voice of the daughter of Zion, who stretched out her palms and wailed, "Alas, poor me, I am fainting at the hands of murderers.
In the first verses (1-4) we see that it begins with Israel and then continues with Judah. We know that in our world the kingdoms of Judah and Israel were not united in the past, yet he speaks of them as one, which shows us the ambiguity of the term Israel as it relates to heaven; if the Eves are clearly referred to as Ephraim, cattle, daughters of Zion, Eve, fools, and women in the feminine at times, the Adams are referred to as Judah, Jacob, birds, sons of the gods, noted in the book of life, the one with ears. However, Israel is somewhat broader, depending on where it is named. In (1) "you shall take away your abominable monsters" refers, of course, to demons. From (5) onwards, it clearly specifies the Adams and speaks of the lion that rises from the den (7), which could be God as it is He who ends up bringing us down to earth, but I think it refers to the devil and his blackmail whereby we will end up receiving his same fate (as far as expulsion is concerned) for having risen up as the devil himself. In (11) the daughter of my people are the Eves. In (16-17) he refers again to the Adams and that "they will be surrounded because they rebelled against me", the perfect description of that demand for justice for their rebellion, which the demons make (perhaps the faithful angels also influenced this justice). From 19-20, it is really God's sorrow that is here recounted. This is one of the two laments at this time, being the only one put in God's mouth, which I find chilling, that God almighty shows himself vulnerable because of the love he has for us (here referring to Judah, to the Adams); "brokenness upon brokenness" because it was first the rebellion and then the blackmail that prevented the forgiveness of the Adams. Tents and tarpaulins, clothes that envelop, are us (surely tents = Adam, tarpaulins = Eves). From 23-28 is the departure of us from heaven. It is not Jeremiah's rhetoric, it is what really happened: the light of heaven was missing, because many of us lost the Spirit, the mountains trembled because great ones trembled there that day. The earth, or our heaven then, was in chaos. "All the birds of the air had flown away", it is not redundant, it is also real, because we Adam were gone. "(28) Therefore shall the earth mourn and the heavens above be darkened", the same, reality, not rhetoric or grandiloquence. Del (30-31) also speaks of blackmail, but applied to the Eves: "your lovers have rejected you, it is your death they seek", because the demons were the ones who convinced the Eves and now they bring them into this equal justice for all. But also because of their greed, the Eves will not be able to hear on earth (fools): "I fall at the hands of murderers". This first time extends to chapter 10, largely repeating much of what has been said, mentioning the "Valley of slaughter" (which he will mention again at the end of the 2nd time) and concluding with Jeremiah's lament, and a later "this time I am slingshotting you" in chapter 10.
So, for the sake of brevity, I am putting the most relevant (so far I have not been able to shorten it any further).
Jer 5:1-31 Go through the streets of Jerusalem, look well and see; search the streets thereof, and see if you meet any that doeth righteousness, that seeketh after truth, and I will spare her. 2 ... 6 Therefore shall the lion of the forest smite them, the wolf of the deserts shall destroy them, the leopard shall lie in wait for their cities: every one that goeth out of them shall be torn in pieces. For their transgressions are many, and their apostasies are great. 7 How shall I forgive you for it? Your sons forsook me and swore by the no - god. I fed them, and they became adulterers, and frequented the whorehouse. 8 They are lustrous and vagabond horses: every one neigheth for his neighbour's wife. 9 ... 15 I will bring a nation against you from far away, O house of Israel! - O oracle of Yahweh, a nation that does not fail, a nation of ancient times, a nation whose language you do not know, and whose speech you do not understand; 16 whose quiver is like an open grave; they are all mighty men of valor. 17 He shall eat up thy harvest and thy bread, he shall eat up thy sons and thy daughters, he shall eat up thy flocks and thy herds, he shall eat up thy vines and thy fig trees; with the sword he shall destroy thy strong holds, wherein thou trustest. 18 Moreover, in those days," is the oracle of Yahweh, "I will not yet make an end of you. 19 ... 26 For there are evildoers among my people: they prepare a net, they set a snare like a trap, and what do they catch? men! 27 As a cage full of birds, so are their houses full of frauds. Thus they have grown great and rich, 28 they have grown fat, they have grown glorious, for the sake of crime. The cause of the fatherless they did not judge, and the right of the poor they did not judge. 29 ... 31 The prophets prophesied lies, while the priests clapped their hands. But my people prefer it thus: where are you going to end up?
More or less what has been repeated or will be repeated. To highlight 26-27 which seems to refer to the demons or Eves, for it equates their house full of frauds to a cage full of birds (the Adams). The nation He will send us to will be those demons on earth.
Jer 6:1-30 Escape, ye children of Benjamin, from within Jerusalem, blow ye the horn in Tekoa, and set up a standard over Beth-cheren: for mischief threateneth from the north, and great destruction. 2 What if thou be likened unto a pleasant pasture, O daughter of Zion? 3 ... 7 As water gushes out of a well, so her malice gushes out of her. "Stumble!", "I am robbed!" - is what is heard there -; before me continually wounds and blows. 8 ... 12 Their houses shall pass to others, fields and women to one, when I shall stretch out my hand over the inhabitants of this land," is the oracle of Yahweh. 13 For from the least of them to the greatest of them, they all go about seeking their profit, and from the prophet to the priest, they all practice fraud. 14 ... 22 Thus says Yahweh: A people come from the lands of the north, and a great nation awakens from the ends of the earth. 23 Bow and spear they wield, they are cruel and heartless. Their voice is like the sea, and they ride upon horses, they are arrayed as one man for war against you, O daughter of Zion. 24 We hear their fame, our hands are feeble, anguish seizes us, pain as of a travailing woman in childbirth. 25 Go not forth into the field, walk not by the way, for the enemy beareth the sword: terror is on every side. 26 O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth, and wallow thyself in ashes, make thee an only son's mourning for thyself, a most bitter lamentation: for the spoiler cometh against us immediately. 27 I have made you a shrewd inquisitor among my people, that you may examine and test their conduct. 28 They are all rebels who go about slandering (bronze and iron); they are all degenerates. 29 The bellows gasped, the lead was consumed by the fire. In vain did the smelter refine, for the gangue did not fall off. 30 They shall be called "refuse silver," because Yahweh has rejected them.
More of the same. In (1) Benjamin may be the faithful angels, for he never names them. In the rest he seems to speak more of the Eves than of the others (Daughters of Zion) and says nothing new. In (27) there is something ambiguous which, according to other translations, seems to say that he puts the Eves as a witness over the demons and Satan (bronze and iron). Otherwise, it indicates that the coming of the plunderer is imminent (26), it refers to the leap of time, which will be determined by Jeremiah's lament.
Jer 7:1-34 The word that came from Yahweh to Jeremiah: 2 Stand at the door of the temple of Yahweh and preach there this reason. You shall say, 'Hear the word of Yahweh, all Judah, you who enter these gates to bow down before Yahweh. 3 Thus says Yahweh Sebaoth, the God of Israel: Improve your conduct and your works, and I will cause you to remain in this place. 4 Do not trust in deceitful words, saying, "Temple of Yahweh, Temple of Yahweh, Temple of Yahweh is this! "5 For if you really improve your conduct and deeds, if you really do justice to one another 6 and do not oppress the stranger, the fatherless and the widow (and do not shed innocent blood in this place), nor walk after other gods to your harm, 7 then I will stay with you in this place, in the land which I gave to your fathers from everlasting to everlasting. 8 ... 13 And now, because you have done all these things - the oracle of Yahweh - though I have spoken to you assiduously, yet you did not hear me, and I called to you, but you did not answer, 14 ... 15 and I will cast you out of my presence as I have cast out all your brethren, all the seed of Ephraim. 16 ... 30 The children of Judah have done that which seems evil to me," says Yahweh; "they have set their abominable monsters in the temple that bears my name, profaning it, 31 and they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of Ben-hinnon, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command them, nor did it cross my mind. 32 Therefore, behold, the days are coming - the oracle of Yahweh - when they will no longer speak of Topheth, nor of the valley of Benhinnon, but of the "valley of Slaughter". There will be mass graves in Topheth, for lack of room, 33 and the carcasses of this people will be food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and there will be none to frighten them away. 34 In the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem will I cut off every voice of joy and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride; for the whole land shall be desolate.
This is the equivalent of the previous one but speaking more of the Adam (2) "all Judah". He says that they will have occasion to recover, and even if he later says that they do not take advantage of it, he has left it there for the future. As indeed they do not take advantage of it, because they have set the abominable (30) monsters in the temple, the whole land shall be desolate (34). He designates all this (the places he names) as the "valley of slaughter", which will be repeated at the end of the second half. This, together with the lamentation of the next chapter and the "this time yes" of the following chapter, brings the first time to an end.
Jer 8:1-23 In that day," is the oracle of Yahweh, "the bones of the kings of Judah, the bones of their princes, the bones of the priests, the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, shall be taken out of their graves, 2 and scattered before the sun, the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they loved and served, whom they followed and consulted and worshipped, to be gathered up and buried no more; they shall become dung upon the face of the earth. 3 And death shall be preferred to life for all the remnant of this wicked race that remain, whithersoever I shall drive them - oracle of Yahweh Sebaoth. 4 ... 17 Yes, I will send against you poisonous serpents, against which there is no enchantment, and they shall bite you - oracle of Yahweh. 18 Sorrow is upon me without remedy, my heart fails me; 19 the piteous cry of the daughter of my people is heard from all the corners of the land, "Is not the LORD in Zion? (Why have they provoked me with their idols, with these vanities brought from abroad?) 20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, but we are not safe." 21 I am grieved at the affliction of the capital of my people; I am overwhelmed, panic seizes me. 22 Is there no sandarah in Gilead; are there no physicians left there? Why doesn't the remedy arrive in the capital of my town? 23 If only I could turn my head to weeping, and my eyes to tears, to weep day and night for the dead of my people's capital!
Here it speaks of the leap of time. We are the ones who will remain as dung on this face of the earth (2), which is that place near to God but not in God and not yet on the earth. We are exposed before the sun, the moon and the heavenly host; we are set apart. "Never to be gathered up and buried" speaks of the perpetuity of our sorrow which cannot be circumvented in our original heavenly nature (everything is spoken of in the future, the leap is not yet made). That is why there is something even worse than being dung never to be picked up again, and that is what follows in (3) "death will be preferable to life for the rest..." these are the demons, who have no remedy whatsoever. The lament that comes in 18 refers to the daughters of my people, the Eves (19). This may be because in (20) and what follows we are told of their death, or rather of the differentiation that will make them fools in the future.
Jer 9:1-25 Who would give me in the wilderness an inn of wayfaring men, that I might leave my people, and depart from their company! For they are all adulterers, a pack of traitors 2 ... 9 I sing upon the mountains wailing and lamentation, a lamentation for the pastures of the wilderness, for they are burned with fire; no one passes by, no one hears the cattle mooing. From the birds of the air to the beasts, all have fled, they are gone. 10 ... 19 Therefore hear the word of the LORD, O ye women; let your ear receive the word of his mouth: teach your daughters this lamentation, and one another this lamentation: 20 Death has climbed in our windows, it has entered into our palaces, sweeping out of the street the little child, the young men of the streets. 21 Speak! Such is the oracle of Yahweh: Human corpses lie like dung in the field, like sheaves behind the reaper, and there is no one to gather them together." 22 ... 24 Behold, the days are coming," says Yahweh, "when I will visit every circumcised person who is circumcised only in his flesh: 25 Egypt, Judah, Edom, and the children of Ammon, Moab, and all those with shaven heads, those who dwell in the wilderness. For all these nations are. But they also of the house of Israel are uncircumcised in heart.
In (9:9) it already speaks of the mountains being empty of cattle (eve), birds (Adam) and beasts (demons). Between this chapter and the next one the first time is finished. In (20) he speaks of the emptying of the spirit of the Adams (boys, lads) and the Eves (daughters), but of the latter it also says that death has entered through their window, referring to the fact that through Eve, Adam falls. In (21) that is what we are left with: dregs in the field, empty.
10:1-25 Hear the word that Yahweh dedicates to you, O house of Israel. 2 Thus says Yahweh: At the ways of the Gentiles be not accustomed, neither be ye astonished at the signs of the heavens: let the Gentiles be astonished at them! 3 ... 10 But Yahweh is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King. When he is angry, the earth trembles, and the nations do not endure his indignation. 11 (Thus shall you say to them, "The gods who did not make heaven and earth shall be exterminated from the earth and from under heaven.") 12 ... 16 Not so the "Part of Jacob," for he is the shaper of the universe, and he whose heir is Israel; Yahweh Sebaoth is his name. 17 Gather your merchandise from the ground, O you who are besieged, 18 for thus says Yahweh: I have decided to slingshot the inhabitants of the country - this time it's for real - and plunge them into anguish, so that they will give up on me. 19 - "Woe is me, how I am broken, how my wound hurts! And I said, 'It is only suffering, and I will bear it. 20 My tent has been plundered, and all my cords have been torn off. My sons have left me; there are none left. There is no one to spread out my tent or to put up my tarpaulins. 21 - It is because the shepherds have been foolish, and have not sought Yahweh; so they have not acted wisely, and all their flock has been scattered. 22 A rumour is heard, it is coming: a great noise from the north country, to turn the cities of Judah into a desolation, a den of jackals. 23 ... 25 Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not know you, and on the nations that do not call on your name. For they have devoured Jacob until they have consumed him; they have devoured him and made his mansion desolate.
It is repeated again, to such an extent that it says "(18) this time it's really going", to justify it. In reality, as I was saying, this "it's really going, I'm going to throw them with a slingshot" indicates that from this chapter onwards he sends us to the second half. Let us note that in (11) it is not a redundancy: "the gods [demons, satan] who did not make heaven and earth will be exterminated from the earth and from under heaven", but a specification; the demons will no longer be in the 2nd time (they will be "reactivated" for our justification on earth, the 3rd time). In (16) "Jacob's part for he is the shaper of the universe", it refers to the universe being created to try to save the Adams (with the prior offering of Jesus already in heaven). In (22) it speaks of the desolation of Judah (Adam), again, but as it is already here, it is the confirmation of the leap.
Second Time.
Jer 11:1-23 The word which came from Yahweh to Jeremiah: 2 Hear the terms of this covenant, and speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 3 and say to them, Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel: Cursed be the man who will not hear the terms of this covenant 4 which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them out of Egypt, out of the crucible of iron, saying to them: "Hear my voice, and do according to what I have commanded you; and so shall you be my people, and I will be your God, 5 in order to fulfil the oath which I swore to your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey - as it is fulfilled today. " I answered and said, Amen, Yahweh! 6 ... 9 And Yahweh said to me: A conspiracy has been discovered among the men of Judah and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their elders, who refused to listen to my words: they have gone after other gods to serve them; the house of Israel and the house of Judah have violated my covenant, which I covenanted with their fathers. 11 ... 17 Yahweh Sebaoth, who planted you, has sentenced you, because of the wickedness that the house of Israel and the house of Judah have committed, exasperating me by incensing Baal. 18 .... 22 Therefore thus says Yahweh Sebaoth: I have decided to take account of them. Their young men shall die by the sword, their sons and daughters shall die by famine, 23 and there shall not be left of them a remnant when I bring disgrace on the people of Anathoth, in the year when I come to punish them.
In (4) our fathers, that is us in the 1st time. It says in (5) "as it is fulfilled today", surely because in the offering of Jesus in heaven, prior to the world that is given in this 2nd time, the terms of the new covenant for man's nature that will be sealed in the passion are already established. In (10) the faults of the elders recur, because it is repeated as in Cain and Abel, although in reality, like them in genesis, we are the same. The rest is repeated..
Jer 12:1-17 1 ... 4 (How long shall the land mourn, and the grass of the whole field wither? Because of the wickedness of those who dwell therein, beasts and birds have perished). For they have said, "God does not see our paths." 5 ... 7 I have forsaken my house, I have forsaken my heritage, I have given the affection of my soul into the hand of its enemies. 8 My heritage hath dealt with me like a lion in the forest: he hath laid wait for me with his voice; therefore have I hated it. 9 My heritage is a scarlet bird, the ravenous ones are upon it: come, gather yourselves together, all ye beasts of the field, come near to the feast! 10 They have destroyed my vineyard among many shepherds, they have trodden my heritage under foot, they have made my best field a desolate wilderness. 11 ... 14 Thus says Yahweh: As for all the evil neighbours who have touched the inheritance which I gave as a price to my people Israel, I have determined to pluck them out of their lot.(And the house of Judah I will pluck out from among them.) 15 But after I have plucked them out, I will turn and pity them, and will bring them back, every man to his inheritance and to his land. 16 And then, if they have indeed learned the way of my people, swearing in my name, "By the life of the LORD! - just as they taught my people to swear by Baal, they will be restored to the same level as my people. 17 But if they do not obey, I will uproot that people, and they will be uprooted, and I will cause them to perish," is the oracle of Yahweh.
This whole chapter is Jeremiah's lament and God's answer. In (4) of mourning we are in the 2nd tense. In (9) he indicates that his inheritance is the Adam's (the red bird). The many shepherds in (10) are those who led the Adam: the Eves. In (14) the house of Judah I will pluck out from their midst, for the Adams will be the only ones who will listen on earth (the demons will not even have a body); this may also refer to the offering and subsequent passion of Jesus. In (15) it refers to when the fools will also hear, not only the Adams will be saved; it is confirmed in (16) when he goes on to speak of the Eves: "just as they taught my people to swear by Baal, they will be restored along with my people", which is like saying "just as Eve gave you the apple which you did not accept from the demon...".
Chapter 13 to 20. Everything is repeated. We are still in the 2nd time. Some interesting things but nothing new:
He gives examples of what happens to us equating us with a buried girdle spoiled (13:9). He also compares us to pitchers that can be filled with wine (13:12), but to get drunk and crash into each other (future, in the world). More references to the blindness of the Eves (I will lift up your skirts over your face 13:26). A new lament from Jeremiah telling us that where we will fall the demons will still be alive (iron and brass):
Jer 15:12-14 Shall the iron, the iron of the north, and the brass, be dented? 13 Thy goods and thy treasures will I give for free to plunder, for all thy sins in all thy borders, 14 And I will make thee a slave to thine enemies in a land which thou knowest not: for the fire of my wrath is broken out, and it shall be kindled upon you.
In chapter 16 he begins by talking about our expulsion as at other times and then mentions something about the future restoration of Israel, but then goes back to talking about our sorrow:
Jer 16:13-21 But I will drive you far away from this land, to another land which neither you nor your fathers have known, and you will serve other gods there day and night, for I will not grant you forgiveness." 14 Indeed, behold, the days are coming - oracle of Yahweh - when it will no longer be said, "By the life of Yahweh, who brought up the Israelites out of Egypt!" but, "By the life of Yahweh, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of the north, and out of all the countries into which he drove them!" For I will restore them to their lot, which I gave to their fathers. 16 I will send many fishermen," says Yahweh, "who will catch them. And after this I will send many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and from the clefts of the rocks. 17 For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from me, neither doth their guilt depart from before mine eyes. 18 I will pay double for their guilt and their sin, because they have defiled my land with the carrion of their abominable monsters, and have filled my inheritance with their abominations. 19 ... 21 Therefore I will make known to them - this time indeed - my hand and my might, and they shall know that my name is Yahweh.
Again it seems to allude to the offer of Jesus or that salvation which will indeed be given but in the empty, initially, nature of man. This offer comes up several times because he is the forerunner of the world, and the beginning of the project to save man (traitorous angel). Again he uses "(21) this time yes", it is because all these condemnations are repeated several times, but in addition he seems to use it when he is going to say something concrete about the following time. The outstretched arm, the hand of the Lord usually also refers to Jesus Christ. In (18) “I will pay double”, it may refer to that reissue of us in the world.
In ch. 17 nothing new.
Jer 17:1 The sin of Judah is written with an iron burin; with the point of a diamond it is engraved on the tablet of his heart and on the horns of his arks
Burin of iron, referring to the demons, horns of their altars, the same. It keeps repeating itself afterwards.
Example of the Potter on how he transforms a broken pot (our empty celestial nature), into a different pot (man's nature).
Jer 18:4-6 The potter's vessel that he was making was marred like clay in the potter's hand, and he began again, and made it into a different vessel, as seemed best to the potter. 5 Then Yahweh spoke to me in these words: 6 Can I not do to you, O house of Israel, as this potter has done to you? - the oracle of Yahweh. As the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.
In Chapter 19, he again speaks of the "Valley of Slaughter", which brings us to the end of the 2nd time, whose transition to the land begins with Jeremiah's experience in the next chapter. Here he again compares us to a jar that breaks because it is beyond repair. And indeed, we will never again have that heavenly nature we lost; even if we get to heaven again, we will do so as men.
Jer 19:6-11 Jer 19:6-11 Therefore the days are coming, says Yahweh, when the name of Tophet and the valley of Ben-hinnon will be no more, but the name of the Valley of Slaughter. 7 ... 10 Then you break the jar in the sight of the men who go with you 11 and say to them, 'Thus says Yahweh Sebaoth, "I will also break this people and this city, as one who breaks a potter's pot, which is beyond repair. "And there shall be burials in Tophet, until there is no more room for burial.
Transition from Heaven to Earth (20-26).
Jer 20:4 For thus says Yahweh: "I am going to make you a terror to yourself and to all your near ones, who will fall by the sword of their enemies, and your eyes will be watching. And I will also deliver all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, who will deport them to Babylon and stab them. 5 And I will give all the storehouses of this city, and all the treasures of this city, and all its treasures, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah, into the hand of their enemies, who will seize them, and take them, and carry them away to Babylon. 6...13 Sing to the LORD, praise the LORD, for he has saved the life of a poor child from the hands of evildoers. 14 Cursed be the day on which I was born; let not the day that my mother bore me be blessed! 15 Cursed be he who congratulated my father, saying, "A son has been born to you," and filled him with joy....
Ch. 20 can be considered as the last of the first time, although the second half will begin in the 25th. In between there are some transitional chapters (Chaps. 21,22,23,24,25), which seem to be the accompaniment of a sandwich, and the chapters dedicated to Jeremiah (Chaps. 20 and 26), the covers of the sandwich. In both "covers", Jeremiah is in danger of death and then saved; there seems to be a comparison between him and the Adams, but I will not go into details. Thus, in this one, Ch.20, a certain Pashur mistreats Jeremiah but then he will be saved by Yahweh. We will see that this snack is like a summary of what will happen in the 3rd time. The most relevant thing here is that for the first time he names Babylon, which as we know represents the world (and the king of Babylon the devil). This is perhaps just a curiosity, because historically it is true that the attack of Babylon is later, however, he speaks in very similar terms of this new enemy and of the previous ones, which, in the last 19 chapters (the periods of heaven) are not named with their own names, but in a generic way as those who come from the north. Why? Because we are already passing over, or are passing over, to the earth. Furthermore, we will see that in chapter 25, he unites them both: the enemies of the North and Babylon, equating them it seems, or at least making them coincide chronologically, so it makes no sense that he did not name Babylon before if it is not because we were talking about the periods of heaven before, and if not at least to have named the enemy of the first 19 chapters if it was not Babylon. In any case, this chapter is dedicated to what happened to Jeremiah, making it a full stop and forming the beginning of this transition (or the end of the 1st period, or at least a separator).
It is also worth noting this absolute language, which does not correspond to the actual story: "(all Judah) will deport them to Babylon and stab them", for we know that they did return from Babylon. Rather it seems to refer to the action of the devil towards us in the world, who by his temptations will cause us to lose the Holy Spirit again and again, actually killing us.
Jer 21:7-14 And after this - the oracle of Yahweh - I will deliver the king of Judah, Zedekiah, his servants and the people who are left in this city from the pestilence, from the sword and from the famine, into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of his enemies and of those who seek their death. He will strike them with the edge of the sword. He will give them no quarter, nor will he show them mercy or pity." 8 And to that people you shall say, "Thus says Yahweh: Behold, I will set before you the way of life and the way of death. 9...12 house of David! Thus says Yahweh: Do justice every morning, and save the oppressed from the hand of the oppressor, lest my wrath break out like fire, and burn, and there be none to quench it, because of your evil deeds. 13 Behold, for you, O people of the valley, the Rock of the Plain, says Yahweh; you who say, "Who will come upon us, who will enter our dens?" 14 (I will visit you according to the fruit of your doings, says Yahweh.) I will kindle a fire in its forest, and it will devour all its borders.
In chapter 21 he speaks to us of the righteousness that we must exercise so that He will visit us according to our actions, and before that, he tells us that he will deliver us to the king of Babylon, which he repeated, he continues to say it but now naming Zedekiah as the head of Judah. It seems like the last advice of a father to a son who sets out on a dangerous journey: "see that you go where I am, be just because I will visit you and your destiny depends on your deeds".
Jer 22:11-13 For thus says Yahweh concerning Shallun the son of Josiah, king of Judah and successor of his father Josiah in the kingdom, who went out of this place, "He shall return no more here, 12 but in the place to which they deported him, there himself he shall die, and he shall never see this country again." 13 Woe to him who builds his house without righteousness and his floors without right! He makes use of his neighbor for nothing, and his labor does not pay him.
In any case, in this period that is just beginning, it is already going to speak to us of the real history of the earth, since it is precisely our history of the world. Hence it now gives the names of the enemies and speaks of the kings in particular, something it did not do before because it was in the periods of heaven. In chapter 22 we shall see that it speaks of something that actually happened according to the story of Shallun or Jehoiakim, who reigned, it seems, for three months and was imprisoned so as not to return to Jerusalem.
Jer 23:1-8 Woe to the shepherds who let the sheep of my pasture be lost and scattered! - 2 .... 3 I will gather the remnant of my flock from all the lands where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their pasture, and they will breed and multiply. 4 And I will set shepherds over them to feed them, and they shall be no more fearful or afraid, neither shall any of them be lacking," says the LORD. 5 Behold, the days are coming," says the LORD, "when I will raise up for David a righteous seed; a wise king shall reign, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. 6 In his days Judah shall be safe, and Israel shall dwell in security. And this is the name by which they shall call you, "Yahweh, our righteousness." 7...8
In ch. 23 he speaks in a general way again and gives us a foretaste of what will be the restoration of Israel (in the future), speaking against the evil shepherds, false prophets. This restoration seems to refer to the passion and even to the later opening of the ears of the Eves (6) "Judah and Israel... Yahweh our righteousness"; for even fools will see that God did all things in righteousness, for righteousness' sake, and bound by righteousness.
Jer 24:3-10 And Yahweh said to me: "What are you seeing Jeremiah?" I said, "Figs. The good figs are very good; and the bad figs are very bad, which are not to be eaten because they are bad." 4 -.. 5 Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, "As for these good figs, so will I care for the outcasts of Judah whom I have driven out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans. 6 I will set my eyes upon them for their good, I will bring them back to this country, I will rebuild them, that I will not overthrow them, and I will plant them, that I will not uproot them. 7 I will give them an heart to know me, for I am Yahweh, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to me with all their heart. 8 But as I have done to the bad figs, which cannot be eaten when they are bad - yes, so says Yahweh - so will I do to King Zedekiah, to his chief men, and to the rest of Jerusalem: to those who are left in this country and to those who are in the land of Egypt. 9 I will make them a scarecrow, a calamity, of all the kingdoms of the earth; a reproach and an example, a derision and a curse wherever I drive them, 10 I will give loose among them the sword, the famine and the pestilence, until they are consumed from upon the lot which I gave to them and to their fathers.
In ch. 24, he speaks again of this righteousness or the need to do good in order to reach a good destination. In this case he does so by comparing good figs with bad figs (although this time within the house of Judah itself, so he does not seem to be distinguishing between groups, but rather speaking of what has happened in history). Let us bear in mind that this will be the aim of the land: to sift us.
It could also be that Zedekiah the king and the chief "guides of Judah" (and also Jehoiachin in that historical reference in Ch.22) are equated with the guides of the Adams in heaven: the Eves, (and even the demons); hence the way of speaking in (10). But all this is not necessary to demonstrate the structure of the 3 ½ Times, because as I say, in this third time it is normal to speak of real history, since it is our time on earth. In fact, just mentioning this possibility will make you think that I am going round in circles to make it all fit together; so let's discard it and think of it as just another historical reference.
End of the Transition
Jer 25:8-17 Therefore thus says Yahweh Sebaoth: Since you have not heard my words, 9 I have determined to send for all the kindreds of the north (- oracle of Yahweh - and my servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon), and I will bring them against this land and against its inhabitants (and against all these nations round about); 10 And I will make them anathema, and will make them an everlasting astonishment, and a tumult, and an everlasting ruin; and I will take away from them the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstone and the light of the candle. 11 And all this land shall be desolate, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. 12 (Then, when the seventy years are fulfilled, I will call the king of Babylon and the said people to account for their crime - oracle of Yahweh - and the land of the Chaldeans, turning it into an everlasting ruin). 13 And I will bring upon that land all the words that I have spoken concerning it, all that is written in this book. That which Jeremiah prophesied concerning the generality of the nations. 14 (For them also shall many nations and great kings bring into bondage, and I will recompense them according to their works and according to the workmanship of their hands.) 15 Thus saith the LORD God of Israel unto me, Take this cup of the wine of fury, and make all the nations drink it, whither I send thee: 16 They shall drink, and thunder, and be mad at the sword which I will loosen among them. 17 I took the cup from the hand of Yahweh, and made all the nations to whom Yahweh had sent me drink...38
Well, this time in (9) we already see associated in the same chapter "the lineages of the north" named several times in the periods of heaven, with Babylon, which from chapter 20 onwards is named 146 times. Furthermore, we are already told that we will serve the king of Babylon for 70 years, which includes this third time until the chains (passion) with which the devil binds us are cut off. So 70 is a symbolic number to refer to this period (in actual history from what I have seen, it was 49-50 years that Judah was in captivity in Babylon).
The final leap is "The cup of God's wrath" which is given to all nations to drink (15), with special mention of the shepherds. I have already quoted this reading from Jeremiah (15-38) several times, as it came to my attention one day and encouraged me to show what is revealed here. In this context, it seems to be indicating the passage towards the earth; in the context in which I read it, it was speaking of the union of peoples and the leap from our last ½ Time to the end of the world. It could be the case that this morsel is the summary of what happened on earth, since shortly before it speaks of those 70 years in the hands of Babylon and then of its complete destruction, in addition its covers are the condemnation to death and then the salvation of Jeremiah (representing Adam it seems); if so, this cup of wrath would also coincide with the end of ½ Time. This is left to free interpretation.
The third time can then be counted from chapter 27 to 29.
Ch. 26 can be counted as the end of the transition to the third time, though in reality it is a separator that exposes another experience of Jeremiah who is threatened with death and saved from it. As far as I can see, these chapters devoted entirely to one of Jeremiah's experiences constitute a point and an aside, it seems. We see then that the transition began with that persecution of Jeremiah by Pashur (ch. 20) and now ends with another persecution. In any case, this transition is bounded by two whole chapters devoted to a personal experience of Jeremiah.
Third Time.
Ch. 27 speaks again of the giving of "the land" to the king of the Babylonians.
Jer 27: 2-7 Thus says Yahweh to me: Make thee a yoke and a yoke, put it upon thy neck, 3 ... 5 I have made the earth, man and the beasts that are upon the face of the earth, by my great power and by my strong arm, and I have given it to whomsoever it pleased me. 6 Now I have given all these countries into the hand of my servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and also the beasts of the field I have given him to serve him 7 (and all nations shall serve him, his son and his son's son, until the turn of their own country also shall come - and many great nations and kings shall reduce him to servitude).
It seems that "all these countries" refer to the land mentioned a little earlier (5), which would be a somewhat exaggerated way of putting it, if we are talking about a quasi-local conflict (Babylon, Israel, Judah...). Even though this chapter and the next one also speak of historical events, there are some brushstrokes that reflect these separate groups from heaven. In the following chapter 28 there is a false prophet who predicts the fall of Babylon (the breaking of Nebuchadnezzar's yoke) to which God says through the mouth of Jeremiah:
Jer 28:14 For thus says Yahweh Sebaoth, the God of Israel: I have put a yoke of iron upon the neck of all these nations, that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and they shall serve him (and also the beasts of the field have I given him...)."
The iron, as we know, represents Satan, and the animals of the field could well be the demons, for they are almost always referred to as beasts.
Ch. 29 speaks of the development of the Third Time, and the ½ time, our restoration, is already announced.
Jer 29:4-18 Thus says Yahweh Sebaoth, the God of Israel, to all who are deported from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 Build houses and dwell in them; plant gardens and eat their fruit; 6 take wives and beget sons and daughters; marry your sons and give your daughters to husbands to bear sons and daughters, and grow up there and do not decrease; 7 seek the good of the city to which I have deported you, and pray to Yahweh for it, for its good shall be yours. 8 Thus says Yahweh Sebaoth, the God of Israel: Do not be deceived by the prophets among you, nor by your soothsayers, and do not listen to your dreamers who dream on their own account, 9 for they prophesy falsely to you in my name. I have not sent them," says Yahweh. 10 For thus says Yahweh: At the end of the seventy years of Babylon's life, I will visit you, and will confirm my favourable promise to you, to return you to this place; 11 for I know well the thoughts that I think toward you - oracle of Yahweh - thoughts of peace, and not of misfortune, to give you a future of hope. 12 Ye shall call upon me, and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 Ye shall seek me, and ye shall find me, when ye shall ask me with all your heart; 14 I will let me find you (- oracle of Yahweh -; I will bring back your captives, I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have driven you - oracle of Yahweh - and I will bring you back to the place from which I caused you to go into exile). 15 "As for that which you say, 'Yahweh has raised up prophets for us in Babylon,' 16 thus says Yahweh of the king who sits on the throne of David, and of all the people who sit in this city, your brothers who did not go out with you into exile; 17 thus says Yahweh Sebaoth, 'I will release against them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and I will make them like those figs that are broken, so bad that they cannot be eaten. 18 I will pursue them with sword, famine, and pestilence, and I will make them a terror to all the kingdoms of the earth: a curse, and an astonishment, and a reproach, and a taunt, and a reproach among all the nations whither I shall drive them,
Up to v. 7, then, is the development of the third tense and in 10 he makes the announcement. Note that it says at the end of 70 years I will visit you (personally) why? Because it speaks of Christ, whose birth and life is not in itself the end of the reign of Babylon or the devil, but it is the passion. It is at the cross that Jesus validates the nature of man, and brings us back to the place from whence He cast us out, for the Holy Spirit is the kingdom of heaven among us; His birth, the visitation (at the edge) and the 70 years being the passion itself. And that will be the beginning of the remaining ½ time (remember also that in the actual history Judah was not 70 years imprisoned in Babylon but 50 approx). In 15 he now speaks of the Eves, so represented by these false prophets, why? Because they will continue to be unable to listen to God (hence: I will put a sword, Matthew 10:34).
½ Time.
Jer 30:1-24 The word which Jeremiah received from Yahweh: 2 Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel: Write in a book all the words which I have spoken to you. 3 For the days are coming, says Yahweh, when I will bring back the captives of my people Israel (and Judah), says Yahweh, and I will bring them back to the land which I gave their fathers to possess. 4 ... 8 (And it shall come to pass in that day, says Yahweh Sebaoth, that I will break the yoke from off your neck, and I will tear off your yoke, and the foreigners shall serve you no more, 9 but Israel and Judah shall serve Yahweh their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up for them. 10 But fear not, O Jacob my servant," says the oracle of Yahweh, "and be not dismayed, O Israel; for behold, I will come to save you from afar, and your seed from the land of their captivity; Jacob shall return, he shall be quiet and at ease, and none shall trouble him; 11 for I am with you," says the oracle of Yahweh, "to save you: I will make an end of all the nations among whom I have scattered you; but I will not make an end of you; but I will correct you as is fitting, for I will not leave you unpunished. 12 For thus says Yahweh: Thy hurt is irremediable, thy wound is incurable. 13 Thou art hopeless; for a wound is healed, but for thee there is no remedy. 14 All thy lovers have forgotten thee, they have not asked thy health. For I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, the chastisement of a cruel man, (for thy great guilt, because thy sins are great). 15 Why dost thou complain of thy affliction? Your suffering is irremediable; because of your great guilt, because your sins are great, I have done this to you. 16 Yet all those who devour you shall be devoured, and all your oppressors, all of them, shall go into captivity; your spoilers shall be spoiled, and all your plunderers I will give up to plunder. 17 Yes, I will make you well, I will heal you of your wounds," is the oracle of Yahweh. For they have called you "the Reprobate", "Zion, for whom no one cares". 18 Thus says Yahweh: I will bring back the captives from the tents of Jacob, and I will have mercy on their dwellings; the city shall be rebuilt on its ruined mound, and the fortress as it was shall be restored. 19 ... 23 Behold, a storm of Yahweh has burst forth, a whirlwind is whirling: on the head of the wicked it pours. 24 The fierce anger of Yahweh will not be appeased until he executes it, and accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come you will see this.
This, it seems clear, is the restoration of Adam (Jacob). In (3) it also indicates Israel (Eve here), because the chains also imprisoned the Eves. Although after the passion they are still deaf because of the gravity of their sin in heaven, but this is already God's justice. The devil has nothing to say because man has his own right to receive the Holy Spirit, regardless of what the devil does, since it was the firstborn, the very founding principle of the heavenly nature, Jesus, who became man in order, in an act of infinite Love, to make our nature worthy to receive God. In (16) "all those who devour you" are the demons. And all that he speaks of in the future he gives as realised in (23) "a storm has burst... over the heads of the wicked". In (24) he tells us that even after the shield of the demons has been removed in the passion and we have been saved, even their fury against them has not passed away, since the demons will be destroyed after the end of the world.
End of ½ Time. Restoration of the Eves and End of the World.
Jer 31:1-40 At that time, says Yahweh, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people. 2 Thus says Yahweh: The people who are delivered from the sword have found grace in the wilderness: Israel goes to his rest. 3 Yahweh appeared to me from afar. I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore have I reserved favour for thee. 4 I will build thee again, and thou shalt be built again, O virgin of Israel: thou shalt yet again have the ornament of thy tabernacles, and shalt go forth to dance among the feasting people. 5 Thou shalt yet again plant vineyards on the mountains of Samaria: (the planters shall plant, and shall enjoy). 6 For there shall be a day when the watchmen on the mountain of Ephraim shall cry, "Arise, and let us go up to Zion, where Yahweh, our God!" 7 For thus says Yahweh: Give a cheer for Jacob with joy, and shout for the capital of the nations; make it heard, give praise, and say, "Yahweh has saved his people, the Remnant of Israel!"8 Behold, I am bringing them from the north country, I am gathering them from the ends of the earth. Among them are the blind and the lame, the one with child and the one with childbirth. 9 With weeping they come, and with supplications I bring them back, I bring them to streams of water by a level path, where they shall not stumble. For I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn. 10 .... 18 Well have I heard Ephraim lament, "You corrected me, and I was corrected, like an untamed calf. Bring me back, and I will come back, for you, Yahweh, are my God. 19 For after I have gone astray, I repent, and after I have realized it, I beat my breast, I am ashamed and confounded afterwards, because I endure the reproach of my youth." 20 Is Ephraim so dear a son to me, or such a spoiled child, that after he has given me so much to talk about, I still have to remember him? For indeed my heart is moved for him, and I shall not lack tenderness for him," says the LORD. 21 .... 27 The days are coming," says the LORD, "when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of men and cattle. 28 Then, just as I was ready against them to destroy, to cut off, to destroy, to destroy, to destroy, to destroy, to destroy, to destroy and to destroy, so will I be ready against them to rebuild and to replant. 29 In those days they will no longer say, "The fathers have eaten the unripe grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge"; 30 but each one will die for his own sake: whoever eats the unripe grapes will have the unripe grapes. 31 The days are coming," says the oracle of Yahweh, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel (and with the house of Judah); 32 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers, when I took them by the hand to bring them out of Egypt; for they broke my covenant, and I made havoc with them," says the oracle of Yahweh. 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days," says the oracle of Yahweh; "I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 No longer will they have to indoctrinate one their neighbour and the other their brother, saying, "Know Yahweh," for all of them will know me, from the least to the greatest, when I forgive their guilt, and their sin I will remember no more. 35 ... -. 38 The days are coming," says the oracle of Yahweh, "when the city of Yahweh will be rebuilt from the tower of Chananel to the Angle Gate; 39 and the measuring cord will go out straight as far as the Gareb Ascent, and it will twist as far as Goah, 40 and the whole valley of the Dead Bodies and of Ash, and the whole Camp of the Dead as far as the Kidron torrent, as far as the corner of the Horse Gate eastward, will be holy to Yahweh: It shall never again be destroyed or given to anathema ever again.
All this is addressed to the virgin of Israel and to Ephraim primarily, that is, to the Eves. And these are our times, right now, shortly. In (6) we are the watchmen: I myself, though it is wrong to say so, and the shepherds who read this, come to their senses and act, because, even if they close their eyes tightly, they will eventually react; so it is written. In (8) blind and lame are the Eves, unable to hear God. In (7) they are gathered from the North because the foolish are at odds with those who listen, not only the demons attack us, but also the Eves. In (29) "In those days they will no longer say: The fathers have eaten the bitterness, and the children's teeth are set on edge" is the same as saying: Adam and Eve represent us because God cannot be unjust and blame us for the sin of others (In those, these, our days). In (34) "they will no longer have to indoctrinate" one another, because the knowledge of the Lord will spread throughout the world; from the smallest to the greatest, the different peoples or types by age that we have already seen so many times. It is this knowledge (34) that will seal the new covenant with the Eves (33) because they will not need faith, for they will see God by reason, something unheard of that will constitute that new covenant for them. It is not the new covenant signed with the blood of Christ (although He also intervenes of course, as He potentially saves all mankind), because the Eves still continued to turn their backs on God after the passion. On the other hand, to date, there has been not only indoctrination, but even violence between some religions, and we have been so ignorant of God that we have blamed Him for the injustice of making us guilty of the sins of others, which in itself is a heresy that denies God. All this places that new covenant with the Eves, now, not in the passion.
From (38) the city of Yahweh will be rebuilt... reminds me of Ezekiel's new temple. And I think it refers to the same thing. This will be the end of the world when I measure the temple (39).
A parenthesis to talk about history
Jer 32:2-15 At that time the forces of the king of Babylon were besieging Jerusalem, while Jeremiah the prophet was detained in the court of the guard of the king of Judah's house, 3 ... 6 Jeremiah said, "I have received a word from Yahweh, saying: 7 "Behold, Hanamel, the son of your uncle Shallun, is going to address you, saying, "Hey, buy the field of Anathoth from me, for you have the right of redemption to buy it."" 8 ... 9 And I bought from Hanamel, my uncle's son, the field that is in Anathoth. I weighed the silver for him: seventeen shekels of silver. 10 I wrote it down in my deed, sealed it, called witnesses, and weighed the silver in the balance. 11 Then I took the deed of purchase, the sealed document according to law, and the open copy, 12 and I passed the deed of purchase to Baruch, son of Neriah, son of Machshiah, in the sight of my cousin Hanamel and the witnesses who signed the deed of purchase, and in the sight of all the Jews present in the court of the guard, 13 and in the sight of all of them I gave Baruch this charge: 14 Thus says Yahweh Sebaoth the God of Israel: Take these deeds: the deed of purchase, the sealed document, and the open copy, and put them in a clay jar, that they may last for a long time. 15 For thus says Yahweh Sebaoth the God of Israel, "Houses and fields and vineyards shall yet be bought in this land."
Well, this reading, from the world's perspective also breaks the continuity of Jeremiah's writing. From telling us of a new covenant, from among the nations and the restoration of Israel and Judah (chs. 30 and 31), we now move on to the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. How does he let us know that this is part of the history of the land? He says, "(14) the deed of purchase, the sealed document and the open copy you put them in a jar of clay to last for a long time", within the jar of clay, he refers to the earth (something enclosed in the land, clay), sealed document because Jeremiah also speaks in the key of the 3 ½ times, and deed is the scriptures themselves. He says in 15, that "fields and vineyards shall yet be bought in this land", it is like saying, we have already dealt with the most important thing, but there is still history in this world. Thus, we will see that what was said to Baruch is in parentheses set aside so as not to break the order, or structure, of the 3 ½ times; God tells us that what is written from now on, is part of the history of the world, although it will be a parenthesis that He Himself will tell us where to close. Somehow these verses have been written for you and for me, who have access to this knowledge and are scrutinising Jeremiah (yes, I sound like a salesman talking to you, but that's how I feel when I write this, like I'm talking to you; that's the advantage of essays, you can write as if in conversation without any literary quality). And you probably think I'm ranting; well, I too am more and more amazed at the wonders the Lord has prepared for the recovery of the Eves.
All this we will see confirmed in Chapter 36 when Jeremiah dictates a scroll (really = scroll or book he calls it later in 36:8) to Baruch with the word of God, which in the same chapter 36, will be burned by King Jehoiakim leaf by leaf (chapter by chapter?). Even so, Jeremiah dictates the scroll to Baruch again, and we will see that in Chapter 45 he finishes dictating it, to indicate to us that the parenthesis is closed.
Jer 36:1-31 In the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, Yahweh spoke this word to Jeremiah: 2 Take a scroll, and write on it all the words that I have spoken to you concerning Israel, concerning Judah, and concerning all the nations, from the time that I have spoken to you, from the time of Josiah until this day. 3 .... 21 Then the king sent Yehudi to take the scroll, and Yehudi took it from the room of Elishama the scribe. And Yehudi read it aloud to the king and to all the princes who stood around the king. 22 And the king was sitting in the winter house, in the ninth month, with a fire burning before him. 23 And when Yehudi had read three or four leaves, he tore them with the scribe's penknife and threw them into the fire of the brazier, until he had finished the whole scroll in the fire of the brazier. 24 ... 32 Then Jeremiah took another scroll, and gave it to Baruch the son of Neriah the scribe, and he wrote at Jeremiah's dictation all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned, and many other such words were added to it.
And the closing of the parenthesis (I put the whole chapter which is the shortest):
Jer 45:1-5 The word which Jeremiah the prophet said to Baruch the son of Neriah, as he was copying these words into a book at Jeremiah's dictation, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah. 2 Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, concerning you, O Baruch: 3 You said, "Woe is me, for Yahweh adds sorrow to my suffering! I have wearied myself in my panting, but I have found no rest." 4 Thus you shall say to him, "Thus says the LORD: Behold, that which I have built, I will throw down, and that which I have planted, I will pluck up, even this throughout the whole earth. 5 And you go about seeking greatness! Seek them not, for I will bring misfortune upon all flesh," says Yahweh, "but to you I will give your life for a spoil wherever you go.
We continue in the fourth year of Jehoiakim with the book that he began to dictate to Baruch in Ch. 36. And it not only takes the opportunity to close the parenthesis but to reinsert us back into the end of the world (Ch. 31) which is where we left off in the last ½ time: (4) Behold, what I have built, that will I pull down, and what I have planted, that will I pluck up, even this throughout the whole earth.
So I will skip the middle chapters (33-44) as that parenthesis, however I do stop at these verses, to tell you about the Muslims (this will be my own parenthesis):
Jer 35:14-19 The word of Jonadab the son of Rechab, who forbade his sons to drink wine, has been fulfilled, and they have not drunk wine to this day, because they obeyed their father's command. I was anxious to speak to you, and you did not listen to me. 15 ... 16 So the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have kept the commandment which their father commanded them, but this people have not hearkened to me. 17 ... 18 Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites, "Thus says Yahweh Sebaoth the God of Israel, 'Because you have heeded the commandment of your father Jonadab, and have kept all these precepts, and have done according to all that he commanded you, 19 therefore thus says Yahweh Sebaoth the God of Israel, 'Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not fail to stand before me all the days.
I don't know if these Rechabites have anything to do with future Muslims, however, it seems very clear that these verses refer to them. And what do we see here? That God admonishes Judah, his right eye, but the nomadic people of the Rechabites are rewarded for their obedience in alcohol among other things. Doesn't this seem to be directed at those who think that Christianity is the only way set by God? We are of different ages and the Rechabites only lacked obedience in their nomadic, alcohol-free life. These are different demands than those of Judah because we are of different ages (Christians, Muslims, Buddhists...). This is often represented by symbolism. I have always said that the full moon represents the good Christian, because it reflects the light of the sun (symbol of God) without the world getting in the way (Psalm 8 also says that the full moon is our feast). Muslims have the crescent moon as a representation (because of a dream of someone important). So far, in order not to offend anyone, I have not wanted to say who is the big brother or the little brother, but it doesn't really matter, because God loves us both. Perhaps he takes more care of the little one than of the older one, or in any case more is allowed or less is demanded of him. I was saying that the rules are important because in the end they determine our religion, in such a way that the Holy Spirit is in the background of these 7 religions guided by mercy (those 7 Spirits of God, 7 fires of the candelabrum, again the symbolism). Thus, action is decisive in order to receive the Spirit, otherwise why have created the world, it would be enough with an intimate conversation with God telling Him that we are one of the good ones or that we will correct ourselves. And in order to act, just as in order to build a building, we need a plan, some rules that at least outline the structure or tell us what we should or should not do, because this is not innate, we are taught it from the time we are very young. It is true that there is a natural right, an intrinsic good that we should know, but not everyone distinguishes in the same way. In any case, these norms will give us that minimum structure in which the Holy Spirit will later take root. Perhaps the larger soul needs a larger structure that will extend it without folds so that the Spirit can enter unimpeded. What is certain is that both the larger and the smaller soul will be equally happy in fullness when they are filled. Often the elder brother looks enviously at the younger and calls him spoiled, but in reality it doesn't matter, because God loves us all in the only way He knows how: infinitely.
We continue with the End of the World.
From ch. 46 to 50 God passes judgement on 7 peoples plus Egypt and Babylon. These 7 peoples are us in our different sizes. Egypt and Babylon, he separates them, because they both represent the devil's kingdom and the part of our world enslaved by him. When he refers to Pharaoh and his army, they are the Satan and the demons; the people of Egypt are the Eves. With Babylon for something similar, in Babylon we are all the fallen ones on earth, when it refers to the king of Babylon, it refers to Satan, king of the world. This is what I see.
Actually, since it is the judgement on all of us, and it is on earth, it could be placed anywhere from the third time, which would beg the eternal question, do we just die and receive the judgement that can take us to heaven, or must we wait for the final judgement? In fact, in Ezekiel there is a judgement of 7 peoples also very similar which I have placed in the third time. Perhaps I should check the two prophets to see if there is any error in the time allocation of these peoples, but that's how it came out and that's how it stays; let anyone who is curious investigate.
We already see the end of Babylon or the end of the world.
Jer 51:1-64 Thus says Yahweh: Behold, I will stir up against Babylon and the inhabitants of Leb Camay a destroying wind. 2 I will send to Babylon bewitchers to destroy her, and to make her land empty, for she will be beset on every side in the day of judgment. 3 Let the archer not shoot his bow, nor boast of his coat of mail. Have no pity on his chosen young men: give all his army to the anathema. 4 They shall fall wounded in the land of Chaldea, and pierced in the streets thereof. 5 But Israel and Judah are not widowed of their God, of Yahweh the Shebaoth, though their lands were full of transgressions against the Holy One of Israel. 6 Flee from the interior of Babylon, (and save every man his life,) perish not because of her, for it is the hour of vengeance for Yahweh: he is repaying him his due. 7 Babylon was a golden cup in the hand of the LORD, making the whole earth drunk. The nations drank of her wine, which made them mad. 8 Suddenly Babylon fell and was broken. Wail for her, take balm for her suffering, and see if she will be healed. 9 We have healed Babylon, but she is not healed; let us leave her, and let us go, every man to his own land; for judgment has come upon her in the heavens, it has risen up to the clouds. 10 ... 18 They are vanity, they are a foolish thing; in the time of their punishment they shall perish. 19 Not so the "Part of Jacob," for he is the shaper of the universe, and he whose heir is Israel; Yahweh Sebaoth is his name. 20 You were a hammer to me, a weapon of war: with you I have smitten nations, with you I have destroyed kingdoms, 21 … 22 with you I have smitten man and woman, with you I have smitten old man and young man, … 23 with you I have smitten the shepherd and his flock, with you I have smitten the husbandman and his yoke, with you I have smitten governors and magistrates. 24 And I will make Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldea pay for all the evil that they have done in Zion before your eyes," is the oracle of Yahweh. 25 Behold, I am against you, O destroyer mountain," is the oracle of Yahweh, "destroyer of the whole earth. I will lay my hand on you and roll you down from the rocks, and make you into a burnt mountain. 26 .... 29 And the earth trembles and turns, because the plans of Yahweh have been fulfilled against Babylon, to make the land of Babel a desolation without inhabitant. 30 .... 33 For thus says Yahweh Sebaoth, the God of Israel: The daughter of Babel is as she was at the time of her tamping; a little while longer, and the time of her harvest has come. 34 The king of Babylon hath eaten me, he hath gnawed me up, he hath made me as an empty vessel, he hath swallowed me up like a dragon, he hath filled his belly with my goodly pieces, he hath cast me out. 35 The people of Zion shall say, "My oppression and my suffering upon Babylon," and Jerusalem shall say, "My blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea. 36 Therefore thus says Yahweh: Behold, I will plead thy cause, and avenge thy vengeance, and will dry up her sea, and make her fountain dry; 37 and Babylon shall become a heap of stones, a den of jackals, a place of astonishment, and a reproach, without an inhabitant. 38 They roar like lions, they growl like the cubs of lionesses. 39 When they are hot, I will serve them their drink, and I will make them drunk, so that they shall rejoice, and they shall sleep an everlasting sleep, and shall not awake. ... 49 Babylon also shall fall, O wounded of Israel. By Babylon also the wounded of the whole earth shall fall. 50 ... 53 Though Babylon should ascend to the heavens, and set her power on high, yet spoilers shall come to her from me, saith the oracle of Yahweh. 54 There is a cry for help from Babylon, and a tumult from Chaldea. 55 For Yahweh will devastate Babylon, he will put out a great noise from her, and her waves shall roar like the waves of the high seas, and their sound shall be loud. 56 For he comes upon her, upon Babylon, the destroyer; her mighty men shall be taken, her bows are loosed. For Yahweh is a God of retribution: he will surely repay. 57 And I will make drunk her rulers and her wise men, her governors and her magistrates and her mighty men, and they shall sleep an everlasting sleep, and shall not awake - the oracle of the King whose name is Yahweh Sebaoth. 58 .... 59 The command which Jeremiah the prophet gave to Zerahiah, son of Neriah, son of Maxhsiah, when he went from Zedekiah, king of Judah, to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign, when Zedekiah was the great chamberlain. 60 So Jeremiah wrote all the evil that was to befall Babylon in a book - all these words written above concerning Babylon - 61 and Jeremiah said to Serayaz, "When you come to Babylon, see that you read aloud all these words, 62 and say, 'Yahweh, you have spoken concerning this place, to destroy it without inhabitant in it, whether person or beast, but it shall be desolate for ever. 63 Then when you have finished reading aloud from that book, you shall bind a stone to it and throw it into the Euphrates, 64 and say, "Thus shall Babylon sink and not recover from the evil that I myself will bring upon it."" So much for Jeremiah's words.
All these lofty expressions equating the fate of Babylon with the world, is not rhetoric or grandiloquence of Jeremiah, it is the reality of what is going to happen; we can see it in: 7, 25 29, 49. In 19 he speaks this time of Jacob also in absolute terms (shaper of the universe). In 33, the daughter of Babel, it is us, those 7 peoples, who like those 7 floors of Babel, were rammed down and were brought into this world (Babel was at the end of the 2nd Time if I am not mistaken). Yahweh says: "(34) I was eaten up by the king of Babylon...", this is the effect on God caused by the devil when he takes us hostage (he swallowed me up like a dragon = demon, he was filled with my great pieces = many great ones fell). In 53 he tells us about the unearthly nature of Babylon. From 61 to 62 it narrates exactly what we are doing now: reading aloud all these words that speak of the destruction of the world, of Babylon, and the coming end of the demons (other verses dedicated to us, it seems). And after reading this, tie a Stone to the book and throw it into the Euphrates, which symbolises the Holy Spirit. This may refer to that last uprising of the demons, which is also mentioned in Revelation, whereby they will rise for the last time against the heavenly Jerusalem after 1000 years in chains after the end of the world; or, it may also speak of something else that I have been trying to achieve for some time now.
And again Jeremiah, or rather the Lord, uses a last sentence to tell us that the next chapter, chapter 52, which I am not putting here, is outside the structure of the 3 ½ times:
64 ... So much for Jeremiah's words.
I leave you with a summary to zoom out and see it all in perspective. As always, I may have been wrong in some things and it will be necessary to refine, but I believe that the structure of the 3 and a half Times has been demonstrated, ergo, only God could have been its architect and wanted to reveal it today, ergo, those of us who have this knowledge are called to do something about it.
Let us now look at the beginning of Isaiah, who, as he himself says, writes in a cipher. We will see that he also speaks of the same thing, and in the same way as the occult of Genesis, Exodus or Revelation among others. In this case he uses historical facts, interspersing or overlapping them, to imprint a deeper knowledge and show a "dual" message, as in other parts of the Bible. The most important terms he uses to hide the message are:
"Israel" He speaks of Adam + Eve (in heaven, since the betrayal, he sometimes names Satan as his king for leading the Eves who lead the Adams).
Judah refers to the Adam.
Ephraim are the Eves.
Asshur is the devil or in general the devil + the fallen angels; Asshur is called Assyria in many translations. Aram I think refers only to the fallen angels, without Satan.
Jerusalem also changes meaning depending on whether it speaks of heaven or earth. This is an even more general term than Israel. In heaven, it refers to the "angel" or heavenly nature (created and capable of the Holy Spirit); and on earth to the Man’s Nature, created, and validated in Jerusalem by Jesus Christ; capable since then of the Holy Spirit.
Zion represents heaven. And therefore Holy Spirit (or kingdom of heaven).
Daughters of Zion, however, represents the betrayers of heaven, I believe, especially the Eves.
Mount Zion represents the highest part of heaven, where God dwells and Jesus speaks from the fountain at his right hand.
With these, and even with just the first three (Israel, Judah and Ephraim) the message can be understood. If you want to go deeper, there are other terms that represent cities or names of kings, which usually designate combined characters (Adam, Eve, Fallen).
Damascus capital of Aram whose King is Rason.
It also represents the fallen angels and its King Satan.
Samaria capital of Ephraim (Eves).
the Head of Samaria is the son of Remaliah. Remaliah is the king of Israel
In general those who represent the Eves are portrayed as fools, fools, in the Bible in one way or another. For example:
Hos 7:11-12 Ephraim is like a silly dove, without sanity; they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria. 12 Wherever they go, I will cast my net over them, like a bird of the air I will bring them down and punish them for their wickedness.
This seems to speak of the Eves just after the betrayal. The same is true of Esau, though it is not relevant here: Jacob represented the Adams and Esau the Eves (who exchanges the Inheritance for a plate of lentils, another fool).
Summary 3 ½ times (Chs. 1-5). First Time. Rebellion. Isaiah 1
Isa 1:1 The vision which Isaiah the son of Amos saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem ... 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the LORD speaks: "I have brought up children, and brought them forth, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib. Israel does not know, my people do not discern. 4 O sinful nation, you guilt-ridden people, you seed of wickedness, you sons of perdition! You have forsaken the LORD, …, you have turned your backs.
We who were created by Him, who shared something of His Essence or Holy Spirit, who were His children, turned our backs on Him in heaven by betraying Him.
1:5 Where to strike you now, if you are still contumacious? The whole head is sick, and every entrail is sore. 6 …7 Your land is a desolation, your cities are bonfires of fire; your ground is eaten up by strangers before you, and it is a desolation like the devastation of strangers.
We are all left without a "wrapper". Our soul is broken and we cannot hold the Holy Spirit. Our soil refers to this very thing, for it is our Holy Spirit that sustains us together with God (our soul which in turn contains the Spirit). It is the Holy Spirit that is drawn by God. The plague of locusts (they make Eden disappear) expresses the same thing in a similar way.
1:8 The daughter of Zion is become as a shelter in a vineyard, a refuge in a vineyard, a besieged city.
The daughter of Zion (the Eves). It makes a distinction from the Eves, who, because they listen to the demons, will not listen to God but to them in the future. Isolated or marginalised.
1:9 If the LORD Sebaoth had not left us a tiny remnant, we would have been like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah.
He now speaks in the third person of Yahweh, whereas before it was He who spoke. The minuscule residue seems to be us without Spirit. Here he continues to speak of the Eves, whereas Sodom and Gomorrah, which suffered the same fate, designate total destruction.
1:10 Hear a word from the LORD, you rulers of Sodom. Hear an instruction from our God, you people of Gomorrah.
Sodom and Gomorrah have already been destroyed; it refers to what they represent. ‘rulers of destruction’ (they lead the Adams), “destroyed people” (includes the Adams). It goes on to speak of the Eves.
1:11 "What do you sacrifice so much to me? - says the LORD. I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and fat of fatlings, and the blood of bullocks and goats is not acceptable to me, 12 … 14 Your newmoons and your solemnities my soul abhorreth: … 15 … Though you pray, I do not hear. Your hands are full of blood:
The sacrifices are a way of saying that no matter how much they do, they will not be heard, they will remain blind.
1:16 Wash yourselves, cleanse yourselves, put away your transgressions from before my face, desist from doing evil, 17 learn to do good, seek what is right, give to the oppressed his rights, do justice to the fatherless, plead for the widow. 18 Come now, and let us contend," says the LORD: "Your sins shall be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. And if they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If you will obey, you shall eat the good of the land. 20 But if you refuse, you shall be devoured by the sword, the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
God doesn't want theories, it says that on earth if we have works of love we can get the Holy Spirit again (‘you shall eat the good of the land’), otherwise we will be 'devoured' by the devil (hatred, sword). For the time being, It speaks of the earth, we are not there yet (and let us contend... let us speak; you shall eat..., future).
1:21 How is the loyal city become an adulteress! Zion was full of equity, righteousness was housed in her, but now, murderers. 22 Your silver is become dross. Your drink is watered down. 23 Your rulers are unruly and in league with bandits. Each one loves a bribe and goes after gifts. They do not do justice to the fatherless, and the widow's complaint does not reach them.
It tells us what has happened to us: We all in heaven shared the Holy Spirit but then our silver (= Spirit in some intensity) is gone; our Drink (= Spirit in some intensity, has been diluted). The Eves (23 our chiefs) who convinced or led us, had allied themselves with the fallen angels or the serpents. Each one desires more Essence. The orphan, the widow, can be the Adam already empty of God, without their Father/Husband.
1:24 Therefore I will take vengeance on my adversaries, I will take vengeance on my enemies, says the LORD Yahweh the LORD Sebaoth, the mighty one of Israel. 25 I will turn my hand against you, and I will purify your dross in the crucible, until I have taken away all your filth. 26 I will make your judges as they were at the beginning, and your counsellors as they were of old. After that you shall be called a city of righteousness, a loyal city. 27 Zion shall be ransomed by justice, and her captives by righteousness.
The crucible is our earth. Here God purifies us, He says "against you" 1:25. My enemies (1:24) are the demons. At the moment He tells: He will purify us. Turning the hand already refers to Jesus Christ who in heaven offers Himself (and will purify). It goes on to speak in the future. (1:26) 'Your judges as they were at the beginning' for great ones have fallen and when Christ (the hand of 25) validates Man’s Nature, we will again be made fit for the Holy Spirit (back as they were at the beginning). We will be delivered in an act of Righteousness, (see Justice and Redemption in Christ p.237). And Zion, heaven, will be ransomed in righteousness because after the end God will establish 'two' trees of Life (See End of Revelation p.169), one for redeemed men and one for angels (perhaps this refers to the same Holy Spirit in different intensities).
1:28 Rebels and sinners together shall suffer destruction, and the deserters of the LORD shall be cut off. 29 For you will be ashamed of the oaks for which you longed, and ashamed of the gardens which you preferred. 30 For you will be like an oak whose leaf falls off, and like a garden that lacks water. 31 The strong man shall be as fuel, and his labour as fire: they shall both burn together, and none shall quench them.
The Rebels are the demons; the sinners are surely the Eves and the deserters, the Adam who on earth do not love and remain prisoners of the idols of the world, (even though after the passion they would have been able to receive the Spirit).
Already when God broke the betrayal in heaven we were ashamed, also when the world will pass away many will be ashamed of those idols and persons by whom they were deceived. Tree refers in many passages to 'person'; "we shall be like an oak tree whose leaf falls off" or a garden without water, referring to the fact that we will not have the Holy Spirit (also not like men until the passion is actually given). The strong man refers to the Demons, perhaps the Eves (who led the Adams).
2nd Time. Offering of Jesus already in heaven. Isaiah 2.
2:1 What Isaiah the son of Amos saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2 And it shall come to pass in the days to come, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills. All nations will converge on it,
It speaks of Jesus Christ, 'the mountain of the house of Yahweh' is Christ among us, the high thing of the house of God, at the same time it speaks of the cross. (2.2) At the end of the age says almost all translations. Thus it seems to speak at the same time of the recognition of Christ as the firstborn by all nations at the end of time; it says he will rise above the 'hills' which may represent the Eves (deaf) or the non-great (mountains being great). In 2.1 Judah is the Adams, and Jerusalem may represent heaven (concerning the Adams and heaven, the hearers and heaven). Within the times, this is Jesus' offer by which, later (Ch. 4), our project of salvation will begin: Universe-earth.
2:3 And many peoples will come. They will say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways, and that we may walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4 He shall judge among the nations, he shall be the arbiter of many peoples. They shall beat their swords into pruning hooks, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they fight any more in war. 5 O house of Jacob, let us go, let us walk in the light of the LORD.
All nations will flock to Jesus Christ and all even those who have died before Him (from the cross) will be judged by Him since by Him we link back to God the Father. (2:3) Out of Zion shall go forth the law"; not only the commandments go forth from God the Father, the rules of the various religions He has set from heaven (Zion). " the word of the LORD from Jerusalem "; it refers to Jesus in the nature of man, on earth, which, moreover, in Jerusalem validates us. And the Word of Jesus will be important for all these religions that, even if they follow his law, they will know that God is Love.
2:6 Thou hast rejected thy people, the house of Jacob, because they were full of diviners and conjurers, like the Philistines, and with strangers they clap their hands; 7 Their land is filled with silver and gold, and there is no limit to their treasures; … 8 Their land is filled with idols; they bow down to the work of their hands, to that which their fingers have made. 9 A man humbleth himself, and a man abaseth himself: but spare them not. 10 Go into the rock, and sink in the dust, far from the fearful presence of the LORD, and from the splendour of his majesty, when he rises up to shake the earth.
It spoke in the future tense, now He speaks in the past tense. "(2:6) thy people" is Jacob, the Adams. The diviners and conjurers, the Philistines refer to the Eves. Let us remember that the Adams, do not wish to be more or do not desire the Essence of God, but eat the "apple" out of Love for the Eves. The idol of the Adams is therefore not to be above God, but the Eves themselves to whom they enthroned them for love to the point of turning their backs on God. The strangers are the demons (fallen angels). The result of this is that they too take of that Essence and their "land is filled with silver and gold (2:7)", both representing the stolen Holy Spirit. After the rebellion and God the Father prevails, the traitors humble themselves apart from God (hide from Him - this is also indicated by the Adam, Eve passages). It says " but spare them not (2:9)", now it changes tense, present and future (2.10), there is no forgiveness in what we were, we will fall back to our land (sink into the dust). We become unloving and only Love can live in God. It is not really that He does not forgive us, it is that we could no longer be in Him. In our freedom we become wood not attracted by the magnet. ‘to shake the earth’ is heaven here (when He rises, future).
2: 11 The haughty eyes of man shall be cast down, and the loftiness of man shall be humbled, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. 12 For that day of the LORD Sebaoth shall be for every depression, that it shall be exalted, and for every elevation, that it shall be brought low: 13 … 14 against all the high mountains, against all the lofty hills, 15 … 18 And the idols shall be utterly cast down. 19 They shall go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the clefts of the earth, far from the fearful presence of the LORD…, when he shall stand up to shake the earth. 20 In that day a man shall cast the idols of silver and the idols of gold, which he made for himself, to bow down to them, to the mice and to the moles, 21 And shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the clefts of the stones, far from the fearful presence of the LORD, and from the splendour of his majesty, when he shall stand up to shake the earth. 22 Be ye far from man, whose breath is in his nostrils only, for what is he worth?
Many 'Angel Sizes' fell. The exalted are those who stole or grew fat from the stolen Essence. It goes on to speak of the same thing, the gold and silver man will cast as always refers to the Spirit; the demons on earth will tempt men, he specifies among these the moles who are the blind or Eve, to whom He shall cast out the idols of silver and gold, for 'they' will only have ears for these idols of the world. "They shall go into the clefts of the rocks... when He shall stand up to shake the earth", that day (he continues speaking in the future) will be when we fall to the earth. There is a differentiation which I have already commented on or will comment on, the Holy Spirit himself, in heaven, becomes the desire of traitors to be above others and consequently, an idol (paradoxically). But in 2:20 it refers to the idols of the world, which He throws to the Eves (moles, blind), who are the only thing they will see down here.
Isaiah 3 (follows 2nd time and predicts what will happen in 3rd time)
3:1 For behold, the Lord Yahweh Sebaoth is taking away from Jerusalem and from Judah all sustenance and support: (all sustenance of bread and all sustenance of water); 2 The valiant man and the warrior, the judge and the prophet, the augur and the old man, 3 ... 4 I will give them young men to be their leaders, and the young men shall rule over them. 5 The people will want to rule one over another, one over another, and one over another, and one over another. The young man will revolt against the old man, and the base against the strong man.
It says he is taking away (no, has taken away) the Spirit (bread and water sustenance), indicating that we have not yet fallen to earth and are still in the time of chapter 2. Jerusalem in heaven refers to us as angels, it also highlights the Adam. It speaks of what happened and will also be on earth: down here, the size of the soul does not matter to become a 'chief'. Up there the size or quantity of the Holy Spirit determined the person. There is not only a differentiation for this reason between angels and archangels. Also between the angels themselves.
3:6 For one will seize his brother, the one of his own name, saying to him, "You are wearing a robe: be our prince, take this ruin upon you." 7 But the other will exclaim in that day, "I will not be your physician; in my house there is neither bread nor robe: do not make me prince of the people."
The garment, (robe), almost always refers to the Holy Spirit as well (gold, silver, garment, robe...). Once both the demons (serpents or fallen ones) and the Eves are empty and the rebellion has failed, they try to save themselves through the Adams, but they are also empty (in my house there is neither bread nor robe). It probably also has to do with the moment when the Demons cry out to God for justice in order to receive the same fate as the Adams (robe you wear, we will follow your destiny).
3:8 So Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen; for their tongues and their misdeeds have reached the LORD, vexing the eyes of his majesty.
Jerusalem, in heaven, is the 'angel' nature before the betrayal, for they were angels into whom later iniquity entered. The house of Judah are the Adams, who also fell. As in 3.1 it distinguishes the Adams, though this time it does not generalise so much; here it says that the angel nature stumbled, and of these it specifies the Adams.
3:9 The expression of their countenance denounceth them, and their sins, as Sodom, are manifest, they are not hid: woe unto them; for they have deserved their own evil. 10 Say ye to the righteous, that the fruit of his doings he may eat. 11 Woe to the wicked, for it shall go ill with him, for the merit of his hands shall be given to him. 12 My people are oppressed by a young man, and women have dominion over them. O my people, thy rulers waver, and thy courses confound.
The righteous of good are the faithful angels of heaven. The rebellious will get the fruit of their hands: the rebellion, the repulsion of God; the emptiness of God. This, it seems, is the moment of blackmail. The Adams fall into treachery for love of the Eves, and this love differentiates them from the other traitors, however they, Satan (a young man who being 'nothing' as regards the Spirit oppresses the Adams) and the Eves (women who dominate or manage them); finally for justice claimed by these the Adams fall too. In some places ‘young man’, ‘stripling’ is translated as distraction (divertere diverting from God?).
3:13 The LORD rises up to plead, and stands to judge the people. 14 The LORD brings the elders of his people and their rulers to judgment. "You have set the vineyard on fire; you have the spoil of the wretched in your houses. 15 But what do you care? You crush my people and grind the faces of the poor" - oracle of the Lord Yahweh Sebaoth.
Again it speaks of those who led the betrayal. The fallen angels or demons (and the Eves too surely), who set fire to the vineyard. The spoil of the wretched you have in your houses (3:14)' may refer to the fact that in their soul (house) there remains a spoil, or that the Adams (wretched) followed them, they are with them.
3:16 The LORD says, "Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with their necks stretched out, and their eyes wink, and they walk with little steps, and with their feet they jingle with their sackcloth, 17 The LORD will shave the skull of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will uncover their nakedness. 18 In that day the LORD will take away the ornaments of the ornamental ornaments, and the sunrises, and the lunettes; 19 And the jewels, and the spangles, and the bells; 20 .... 24 Under the balsam shall be stink; under the girdle, a rope; under the wig, a snare; and under the garment, a sackcloth; and under the beauty, shame.
The Eves, almost always designated as women, daughters of men, daughters of Zion... will not be open to the word of God. Since "they (femenine)" brought perdition to the Adams, on earth they will only be able to receive salvation through them (masculine – in English this gender difference is not apparent-). They only have ears for demons and their idols. That ability has been taken away from them. First it speaks of ornaments, garments and jewels (3:18-23), which could speak of the Spirit Himself. However, in 3:24 it speaks of something worse underneath (to summarise), which together with the other speaks of that lost ability to hear God.
3:25 Thy peoples shall fall by the sword, and thy champions by war. 26 And they shall wail and lament at the gates, and thou shalt be desolate and sit on the ground.
Your peoples and champions refers to those demons whom the Eves followed. They will not be given a body and will not enter ("at the gates") the world as we know it, but will whisper in our ears. The Eves on the other hand remain seated on earth, they cannot be separated from it. In many places these are designated as Cattle, who also cannot be separated from the earth (as birds or Adams can) and are easy victims of reptiles or demons, for those who have ears. It insists on the idea that they will not be able to hear the Word of God; they will be the fools of the world.
On Earth 3rd and ½ Time. Isaiah 4.
4:1 On that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, "Our bread shall we eat, and with our garments shall we be clothed. Only let us bear your name: take away our reproach."
This may refer to the same fact: that the Eves themselves cannot hear the word of God. They are not inscribed in the book of Life (let us bear your name). The Adam's name is, and the Eves on earth can only be saved by hearing or seeing the experience of some Adam (just as they were lost by those, in justice the opposite must happen on earth). Here bread and tunic do not represent the Spirit, they do not come from God (our).
4:2 In that day the seed of the LORD shall be great and glorious, and the fruit of the land shall be the pride and honour of the righteous of Israel. 3 The remnant of Zion and the rest of Jerusalem shall be called holy: they shall all be counted as living in Jerusalem.
It speaks of the ½ time. The germ of the LORD is Christ, and by Him the Spirit will come into man's nature, into the earth; this will be the ornament of the Adams. Then he continues with the 'enumeration' that he had begun in 3:16. He had told us of the daughters of Zion or the Eves and now of the Adams and the faithful angels. He is telling us about the new heaven. How it will be when we live together (God willing) the two natures, that of the saved man (those who remain) and that of the angels who remained in the 'first' heaven (Zion). The remnant of Zion are those left over from heaven with the Holy Spirit, the faithful angels. "Those remaining from Jerusalem (1st mention)" are those who keep the Holy Spirit in the human nature. The word "Jerusalem" in the 2nd mention refers to that new heaven.
4:4 When the LORD shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have cleansed the bloodstains of Jerusalem from within her with a righteous wind and a scorching wind, 5 The LORD shall create upon every place of mount Zion, and upon all the congregation thereof, a cloud and smoke by day, and the brightness of flaming fire by night. And the glory of the LORD will be a canopy over it. 6 And a tent for a shade from the heat of the day, and for a covert and a shelter from the downpour and the rain.
It goes on to speak of the future heaven, which for those who attain it, will be given after cleansing the filth of the Eves, and cleansing the bloodstains of Jerusalem from within; each bloodstain is an Adam, cleansed from within Jerusalem ("angel" nature) in the Jerusalem of earth (redeemed Man’s Nature).
This first part, which ends with the next chapter, chapter 5 (which, as we shall see, is a recapitulation of what we have seen), has described for us, independently of the book of Emmanuel (chapters 6-12), our rebellion from heaven and our punishment, or rather the consequence of this rebellion. The first chapter of Emmanuel, chapter 6 could equally well have been joined to these 5, because it is also independent and says that Isaiah writes in code, that is to say that the meaning of what he writes has a different or deeper meaning than the apparent one; something that seems evident and that I try to clarify in this essay.
Isaiah 5 Point and Apart for the "parable".
5:1 I will sing to my friend the song of his love for his vineyard. My friend had a vineyard on a fertile hill. 2 He dug it up and broke it up, and planted it with a fine vine. He built a tower in the midst of it, and he dug a winepress in it. He hoped that it would yield grapes, but it yielded unripe grapes. 3 Now therefore, ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and ye men of Judah, come and judge between me and my vineyard: 4 What more can be done to my vineyard, which I have not done to it? I had hoped that it would bring forth grapes: why hath it brought forth unripe grapes? 5 Now therefore I am going to tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it will be burned; I will break down its fence, and it will be trampled down. 6 I will make it a wasteland, and it shall neither be pruned nor weeded: the briar and the thorn shall grow up, and I will forbid the clouds to rain upon it. 7 Now the vineyard of the LORD Sebaoth is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are his choice planting. I expected justice from them, and there is iniquity; honesty, and there is shouting.
Well, it is already explained by Isaiah (5:7); as a notation the men of Judah are the Adam, exquisite seedlings, his choice planting. The hedge and fence (5:5) are our soul containing the Holy Spirit, which is broken after our betrayal and there will be nothing left in us, expressed also as I will forbid rain upon it (5:6). Then follow the 'curses' for those who do not follow the right way.
5:8 Woe to you who join house to house, and field to field you annex, until you occupy the whole place and stand alone in the midst of the land!
5:9 Thus hath the LORD Sebaoth sworn in mine ears, saying, Many houses shall be desolate, great and fair, but without inhabitant.
5:10 For ten acres of vineyard will yield but one measure, and a load of seed will yield but one measure."
The houses are our souls, of different sizes. It refers to the moment in heaven when we wanted to be more (bigger, with more Essence of God). One way or another we coveted or took to become bigger, then we became uninhabited, empty of the Holy Spirit. "great and beautiful" because great they fell. In 10, "they will give only a sock" may refer to our never being as "big" as when we were "angels" or returning to our original soul size (before we stole and grew fat). It may also indicate that the great and the small are left with the same, the freedom of choice for the Adam and the Eve (even if the latter are also deaf).
5:11 Woe to those who wake up in the morning, who walk after liquor, who stay up all night, dazzled by wine! 12 ... 13 Therefore my people have been deported without feeling, and their nobles are famished, and their people are parched with thirst. 14 Therefore the Sheol hath enlarged its bosom, and enlarged its mouth without measure, and its nobles, and its multitude, and its joyful multitude, go down to it. 15 Man is humbled, man is abased, the eyes of the haughty are bowed down; 16 The LORD Sebaoth is exalted in judgment; the Holy God shows his holiness by his righteousness. 17 The lambs shall graze as in their pasture, and and among the ruins fat goats will browse.
In 5:11 it speaks of the same, we who walk after the Spirit, understanding that covetousness as idolatry (not the Spirit itself, but the desire to be more); much wine intoxicates and even kills. "Therefore he was deported (5:13)", therefore we fell into the world, cast out of heaven. "The notables were starved to death," the rulers (devils) as hatred remained, no body was given them: dead. "Their multitude was parched with thirst (5:13)", the Adam and Eve were left empty of the Spirit (the word parched speaks even of our appearance surely). The lambs will graze as in their pasture (5: 17) and the fat goats among the ruins browse (eat the tips of the branches=> tree represents the person as I was saying), it could refer to heaven and hell, but I think the lambs are the Adam (and some Eve convinced by the Adams) who will graze in the world thanks to the trial or the world's own suffering (they will gain Spirit after the passion), and the fat goats represent the same demons who nibble especially those who are victims of idols; this is almost the same in chapter : 25.
5:18 … 20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil … 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and discreet in their own sight! 22 Woe to them that are champions in drinking wine, and valiant in pouring out liquor! 23 … 24 Such a tongue of fire devours the ears of corn, and the hay in flames is destroyed: their root shall be as a stalk, and their blossom shall come up as chaff. For they have rejected the teaching of the LORD Sebaoth, and despised the saying of the Holy One of Israel. 25 Therefore the anger of the LORD was kindled against his people, and he stretched out his hand against them, and smote them. And He slew the princes: their dead bodies lay like rubbish in the midst of the streets. Yet his anger has not been appeased, and his hand is still stretched out.
The princes (5:24-25) are the leaders of the rebellion in heaven: Satan... (who was later revived - as chaff - so that in righteousness we might pass our test; apocalypse); in almost all translations it does not speak of princes but of mountains. The demons were the angels who committed iniquity, from the good they brought forth evil; even all of us were emptied by following the devil. The truth in which they lived, they wanted to turn it into a lie, they did not accept the will of God who gave them the size they had. In the world, the same thing will happen, many, in order to justify themselves or to wallow in idols, will call evil good and good evil.
5:26 He lifts up a banner to a people from afar, and whistles to them from the ends of the earth: behold him here, he is swift, he cometh lightly. 27 There is none in him who wearies and stumbles, …. 28 Their arrows are sharp, and all their bows are drawn. The hoofs of his horses are like flint, and his wheels are like a whirlwind. 29 He roars like a lioness, … 30 It shall roar against him in that day like the roaring of the sea, and shall roar upon the earth, and there shall be thick darkness; for the light shall be darkened in the thick darkness.
If earlier it told us what became of the fallen angels or demons, now it tells us of these same ones on earth, who here tempt us at all hours (5:27) whispering in our ears, with accurate shots at our weaknesses. The roaring of the sea is a roar of death (the sea often symbolises death). In the world God will make himself disappear.
First Time. Betrayal in heaven. Isaiah 6. New Cycle.
6:1 In the year of king Uzziah's death I saw the LORD sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and his throne filled the temple. 2 Seraphim stood upright above him, each having six wings: with one pair they covered their faces, with another pair they covered their feet, and with another pair they flapped their wings, 3 And they cried one to another, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD Sebaoth: the whole earth is full of his glory. 4 The doorposts and lintels were shaken at the voice of them that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. 5 … 8 And I perceived the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? and who will go on our behalf?" I said, "Here am I: send me." 9 He said, "Go, and say to that people, 'Hear ye well, but understand not; see ye well, but understand not.'" 10 Fatten the heart of that people, make it hard of hearing, and strike their eyes, lest they see with their eyes. and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted, and be healed." 11 I said, "How far, Lord?" He said, "Until the cities are emptied, and are without inhabitant, the houses without men, the countryside desolate, 12 And the LORD hath driven away the nations, and the land is desolate in the land. 13 Even the tenth that is left in it shall be devastated again, as the oak or the oak, in the cutting down of which is left a stump: his stump shall be holy seed."
This chapter, as I said, is independent. It seems to begin with what happened in the rebellion. The seraphim (which are two since in 6:3 it says "one cried out to the other") may represent, together with the Lord, the trinity. Having 3 pairs of wings, covering the face and feet may speak of unity, one God, three persons. Thus in 6:8 it first says "Whom shall I SEND" and then "Who will go on OUR behalf? Covering the feet can also speak of the 2nd person who becomes man, and the face of the third, because the Spirit, even though He is a person, is different in the way He deals with us, He melts into us, but He is less concrete when it comes to addressing Him (it seems to me). On the other hand, both fly, close to God the Father, the fact that they are above seems to correspond to the fact that it is God the Father who speaks and who is closer to the prophet, which would coincide with the "annonadation" of the other two persons. At the moment when they cry out (6:3), this is the moment when God intervenes in the rebellion. The doorposts are shaken, our souls are broken to let the Holy Spirit escape: "the house is filled with smoke" (this may also refer to what I suspect happened, that God took the Holy Spirit away from all creatures and when all ceased gave it back to the faithful angels).
This chapter, moreover, indicates that much of what Isaiah said is encrypted; for the cause/relationship Adam and Eve, which I have already repeated so much. All must be hidden, for the hiding of God is part of the test, lest we believe without freedom and only out of fear. The deafness of the Eves is also justice.
Isaiah asks How far Lord (6:11)? Not Until when? [I don't know if this looks good in English] This must also be analysed according to the following verses, because it speaks of a heaven and earth. So God answers with "until..." in reference to "places" (until the cities, houses... are emptied). That is the emptiness of our souls, and we will be left with nothing or almost nothing (decimated). This tithed part is our man nature (= stump), then on earth, which will be holy seed, as it will be validated by christ to receive the Spirit. Thus, "(6:13) Even the tenth that is left in it will again be devastated", refers to the fact that from the misery in which we will be left, as empty men (until the passion), many will fall by the trial of the world.
2nd Time. Offering of Jesus in heaven. Isaiah 7
7:1 In the time of Ahaz the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, Rason king of Aram went up with Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, to Jerusalem to attack it, but they were not able to do it.
7:2 And it was told the house of David, saying, Aram is joined to Ephraim: and the king's heart trembled, and the heart of his people trembled, as the trees of the forest tremble in the wind.
7:3 Then the LORD said to Isaiah, "Go out with your son Shear Yashub to the end of the upper pool, by the way of the field of the fuller's field, to meet Ahaz,
7:4 And say to him, 'Be on your guard, but be calm. Do not be afraid, nor let your heart faint for the sake of a pair of smoking brands,
7:5 For Aram, Ephraim, and the son of Remaliah have plotted your ruin, saying:
7:6 Let us go up against Judah, and dismember it, and break through it, and make Tabel's son king there."
Damascus capital of Aram whose King is Rason.
It also represents the fallen angels (Aram) and its King Satan.
Samaria capital of Ephraim (Eves).
The Head of Samaria is the son of Remaliah. Remaliah is the king of Israel.
Son of' here comes to mean “that which became”, so that we on earth are sons of Adam and Eve, for it designates ourselves when we were in heaven. Since Israel are the Adams and Eves, and the Eves lead them, the son of Remaliah (Remaliah = king of Israel) would represent the Eves. We arrive at the same thing by thinking that in heaven the devil leads the Eves and the Eves lead the Adams, so he is their king. If the consequence of Eve is the fall of the Adam (you burn your children), the son of Remaliah (the devil) is Eve.
Let us think then, that Aram and Ephraim are the Fallen Angels and the Eves. The Eves coveted like the demons; they are united in their covetousness, though the Eves did not rise up or perhaps gave up or surrendered, unlike their companions who persisted in rebellion. In 7:1 it says that these (Demons and Eves) joined together to attack Jerusalem (Jerusalem of heaven are the faithful angels, or it may even generalise=>the "angel" nature). It says "(7:6) let us break him (Judah) in pieces", it tells us that the Adams, by also entering into treachery even if it was for love, break his soul like the others. "Let us dismember him" => he will be separated from God, "Let us set there for king the son of Tabel"; Tabel means "Good is God" but the Masoretic Hebrew (so the Jerusalem Bible note says), vocalised it "Tabal" = "Good for nothing". It seems that even this conversion in language corresponds to what finally happened. From having God within us to being nothing.
7:7 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall not stand, neither shall it be so; 8 For the capital of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rashon; but in threescore and five years' time Ephraim shall cease to be a people. 9 The capital of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is the son of Remaliah. Unless you are established in me, you will not stand firm."
It will not stand, it means that it will end the rebellion and that Spirit or Essence "stolen" will be taken away from them. Also, that it will end the 'alliance' of Demons (Aram) + Eves (Ephraim) that causes the Adam's to fall. Aram are the fallen angels or demons and Ephraim are the Eves. Will cease to be people, refers to their fall and differentiation or subsequent deafness from the Eves in the world, they will be unable to hear or sense God; let us also remember that Christ calls them little dogs; yes, the Eves (Matt. 15,26). In 7:8, no. 65 may refer to man - See A little numerology. p.144-, if I say 65 years will pass, at the time I say it I will be in a year other than 65, i.e. 66 is the expected year. * Some translations propose to change the order of some lines of 7.8 and 7.9 so that the number instead of 65, is '5 or 6' years, which would coincide with the actual fall of Samaria (722). I believe, however, that it is correct, as it stands, because Isaiah uses ambiguity to convey this 'dual' message; I think he meant to make the point about that number (66), the number of the man times two.
About Samaria and Damascus (7:9) I have already commented at the beginning of this point (Isaiah) that they are named to then refer to different combinations of characters (Adam, Eve, Demons...), especially from within those characters (Holy Spirit or lack of Him). Moreover, with these places one can easily name their kings or directors, or manipulators (Satan, Eve for the Adams). These verses (7,8-9) seem to have been put by Isaiah to explain these parts or protagonists and to be able to interpret what is written. Even the last phrase "Unless you are established in me, you will not be firm", which seems a little out of context there, insists on this idea: that these verses are important for the correct interpretation.
7:10 And the LORD spoke again to Ahaz, saying: 11 "Ask for you a sign from the LORD your God in the depths of Sheol or in the highest." 12 Ahaz said, "I will not ask for it; I will not tempt the LORD." 13 And Isaiah said, "Hear now, O house of David, is it a small thing for you to weary men, that you weary my God? 14 Well then, the LORD himself is going to give you a sign: Behold, a maiden is with child, and she will bear a son, and will call his name Immanuel.
After the betrayal, Jesus already in heaven offered Himself for our salvation. Thanks to this the earthly "plan" for our salvation is made. It says (7:11) "Ask for a sign from Sheol or on high", because this acceptance or offering already takes place in heaven, and then it will be realised on earth in Christ the man (Sheol is not hell but a place to wait without a Spirit); moreover, Christ will also go down to Sheol to recover the righteous who could not take the Holy Spirit because man was not validated until the Passion. The sign, of course, speaks of Mary and Jesus Christ: A virgin (maiden) is with child and the name of her son is God with us (Emmanuel).
7:15 He shall eat curds and honey until he knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good. 16 For before the child knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good, the land whose two kings make you afraid will be forsaken.
Until he learns to refuse the evil and choose the good, it refers to the time when Christ is made man, and is surrounded by traitors and evil. The angels and Christ Himself, though free, were not surrounded in heaven by evil as we can be on earth. This "learns" (7:16) refers more to "know". As for "the territory of the two kings who make you afraid shall be forsaken", before Jesus' coming to earth, both the Eves and Demons fall from heaven, lose their place and the kingdom of heaven (the Holy Spirit within). On earth these are also not together in the way they were in heaven (Adam is no longer manipulated, nor is he 'emotionally' dependent on Eve; and although demons tempt us and want to devour us, they cannot touch us unless we choose them).
7:17 The LORD will bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, such days as have not been since the day that Ephraim departed from Judah (the king of Asshur). 18 In that day the LORD will hiss for the swarm that is in the borders of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bees that are in the land of Asshur; 19 They shall come and settle all of them in the brooks, and in the clefts of the rocks, and in all the streams, and in all the creeks.
We are still prophesying (speaking in the future) about the earth project to save us. In 7:17 when "Ephraim departed from Judah (the king of Asshur)", some translations in the parenthesis put "the king of Asshur will come", because it does not make sense to the world either. Perhaps it corresponds to an expression that Isaiah takes for granted as this would be: When Eve separated from Adam (demon); that is, adding the demon as an explanation or cause, not saying that Adam is the demon.
Demons fall to the earth also: "(7:18) he swarm that is in the borders of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bees that are in the land of Asshur". After the betrayal, before the land, the demons and we also remained apart from God (confines 7:18), but up there (the rivers symbolise God, Holy Spirit; though it speaks first of those of Egypt, the demons also had Spirit before the rebellion). " They shall come and settle all of them in the brooks", speaks of demons being everywhere on earth, there will always be some to tempt us. In "all the streams and creeks", it refers to the fact that it will be difficult to pick up the Holy Spirit on earth because of these tempters; just as it is difficult for a herbivore to drink when there is a carnivore lurking near the river.
7:20 On that day the LORD will shave off the head and the hair of the legs with a razor hired from beyond the River, with the king of Asshur, and will shave off the beard also,
We continue in what will be the earth. God will use the devil to purify us. Satan, already defeated, will be "revived" to save us by fulfilling all righteousness. The term "rent" speaks of temporary (then he will be cast away), "beyond the river" which will be on our earth not in heaven; with the razor comes death, but in this case it is used to cleanse.
7:21 In that day every man shall breed a heifer and a pair of sheep. 22 And so from giving milk, he shall eat curds, for "curds and honey shall be eaten by everyone who is left within the land". 23 In that day, any place where before there were a thousand vines worth a thousand pieces of silver shall be of the briar and the thistledown. 24 With arrows and with a bow shall one go in there, for the whole land shall be briar and thistles, 25 and none of the mountains that are cleared with the hoe may be entered for fear of briers and thistles; it shall be a pasture for oxen and a pasture for sheep."
I am at a loss to find the meaning of heifer and pair of sheep; curds and honey. Perhaps it refers to all of us who dwell on earth ("that country") having guardian angels and tempters; or to their warnings and temptations, or to both. In either case, as in 7:15, it has to do with knowing the temptations, opposed to the good.
In heaven, the rebellion occurred because we took more of God's Essence, which was all around us and within our reach. We wanted to be more, to be like God and without Him. Perhaps "where there were a thousand vines" refers to those who became overly fat out of greed. On earth, the Essence or Spirit is symbolised as gold (silver, treasure), for the same similarity is found with the rich and greedy of this world. Gold has been put to the test for man by reproducing similar conditions to those in heaven for the covetousness of the Holy Spirit. That there is now "briar and thistles" means that where there was Spirit there is now none. This happens to all of us on earth, though perhaps it refers specifically to demons, for being empty is not the same as being full of bush; which would correspond better, for it would continue to speak of demons from 7:24. "With arrows and bow shall one enter there," tells us that on earth we continually struggle against the temptations of these demons. And although it says that it will not be possible to enter, nevertheless, it is "(7:25) a pasture for oxen and a pasture for sheep" why? Because it is from this battle, from this suffering, from the daily cross that the Christian, or the one who puts his faith in God and endures life's challenges with mercy and faithfulness, draws his nourishment. What is a source of evil can produce good in us, insofar as these have become a test for us; a test to obtain the Spirit (food, pasture). The oxen with horns are the demons who feed (pasture of oxen) on those who fall into their temptations.
2nd time continues. Emptying and falling to the ground. Isaiah 8
8:1 The LORD said to me, "Take a large plaque, write on it with a burin, from Maher Salal Jas Baz, 2 And take Uriah the priest and Zechariah the son of Barachiah as my faithful witnesses. 3 I came to the prophetess, and she conceived and bore a son; the LORD said to me, "Call his name Maher Salal Jas Baz, 4 for before the child knows how to say 'papa' and 'mama,' the wealth of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria will be brought before the king of Asshur."
This, which seems to be referring to a son of Isaiah, could be new information in the "dual" history of the Isaiah verses or that which tells us what happened in heaven before all else. Maher Salal Jas Baz, meaning "The spoil accelerates, the plunder hastens". Let us remember that we are still in heaven, chapter 7 spoke to us, also from heaven of the actual beginning of that uprising, and in the future, as an added information consequent upon this uprising, of what would happen on earth. By saying 'it is hastening' it says that, in heaven, it is continuing what was begun, so it tells us now of how the traitors continue to take to themselves of that Essence of God. They continue to grow fat. However, it then says that all this wealth will be brought to the king of Asshur, Satan. This is figured in several places in the bible: in Exodus 32:2, Take away the gold earrings from your wives, daughters (both Eve) and sons (Adam, handled by the mothers); they take off the gold to make the idol, the goat; Satan. Although the final meaning there is also to lose the Holy Spirit, referring to what happened in heaven. . Where it says "Before the child knows how to say 'papa' and 'mama'" in this sense it speaks of the time from the rebellion (the spoil is hastened...), to its failure. "brought before the king of Asshur" may also refer to our fall to the earth or delivery under the yoke of the demons.
8:5 The LORD spoke to me again: 6 "Because that people have refused the waters of Shiloh, which go from wandering [run meekly], and have become demoralized before Rason and the son of Remaliah, 7 therefore, behold, the Lord will cause the waters of the river to rise up against them, the waters of the river, the floods and the copious waters. He shall overflow all the banks thereof, (the king of Asshur and all his splendour) shall overflow all the banks thereof. 8 He shall go on through Judah, flooding as he goes, until he reaches the neck. And the span of his wings shall encompass the breadth of your land, O Immanuel. 9 Know this, O ye people, ye shall be destroyed: hear, all ye ends of the earth: be on your guard, ye shall be destroyed; be on your guard, ye shall be destroyed.
That Spirit that we had, that bathed us always available and that kept us in continuous contact with God the Father (waters of Siloam), we have rejected it to want to take for ourselves out of greed (or love for the Eves), separated from God. That is why our death of Being comes from within us; that stream of Water or Spirit is what breaks us, that desire for more, that desire not to accept God's will is what causes us to cease to be His desires. " It will invade all its banks" speaks to us of the brokenness of our soul, which can no longer contain the Holy Spirit. "He is demoralised before Rason and the son of Remaliah"; Rason, king of Aran represents Satan and the son of Remaliah (head of Samaria, capital of Ephraim) represents the Eves. He repeats thrice shall ye be destroyed', for the demons, the Adams and Eves, will all be emptied of the Spirit.
8:10 Devise a plan: it will fail. Speak a word: it will not come to pass. For God is with us. 11 For thus said the LORD to me, when He took me by the hand, and turned me away from going in the way of that people: 12 Call not that which that people call a conspiracy a conspiracy, neither fear nor tremble at that which they fear. 13 Count Him holy, the LORD Sebaoth; let Him be your fear, and let Him be your trembling. 14 It shall be a sanctuary and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, a snare and a trap to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 Many shall stumble there, and fall, and dash themselves in pieces, and be snared and taken.
It continues with what was left in 8:9 (ye shall be broken). It continues to speak in the future, now it seems to speak of the Stolen Spirit, which is both a sanctuary and a stumbling block and a snare, for he who is fattened with that which is stolen will come to nothing. The houses of Israel (both) are the angels Adam and the Eves, when he names Jerusalem he includes all in heaven, also those who will later become demons. In itself the Essence of God is what is desired, therefore wanting more is the snare, He is the snare; to harbour as much Essence as we wanted broke us inwardly; Yahweh will be the stumbling block. Many (Adam, Eve, Demons) will fall and crash... already refers to the earth (... will be trapped and imprisoned). We will be left empty down here without Him within us.
Third time
8:18 Here am I and the sons whom the LORD has given me, for signs and for proofs in Israel, from the LORD Sebaoth, who resides on Mount Zion. 19 And when they say to you, "Consult the necromancers and the diviners who whisper and mutter; do not a people consult their gods, for the living to the dead?" 20 for the sake of teaching and witnessing: Why will they say such a thing! That which has no profit. 21 He will pass by there lacerated and hungry, and as soon as he is hungry, he will be angry and will fail his king and his God. He will turn his face upward, 22 He shall look upon the earth, and there shall be only blackness and darkness, and thick murk, and gross gloom. 23 For is there no gloom for those who are in straits? As the former time outraged the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, so the latter honoured the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, the district of the Gentiles.
This makes another small point (16 wraps up the testimony, seals the teaching); it seems to place us on the earth, for whom also that which is revealed is sealed. In (21) he will turn his face upward, he will look down upon the earth..., he places us on the earth, (he looks down upon it). It says: as in the first time (in heaven) he outraged the earth of Adam and Eve (it seems), in the last (earth), he honoured (past) the way of the sea (death). He speaks of the demons who on earth will have no body. In any case, it seems to place us already on earth.
On earth ½ Time. Restoration.Isaiah 9
Isa 9:1 The people who were walking in darkness 2 saw a great light. Those who lived in a land of shadows, a light shone on them. You increased their joy, you made their gladness great. Rejoicing at your presence, like rejoicing in the harvest, as they rejoice in dividing the spoil. 3 For the yoke that weighed them down, and the yoke of their shoulder - the rod of their tyrant - you have broken, as in the day of Midian. 4 For every boot that stampeth with noise, and the garment dipped in blood, shall be for the burning, the fuel of the fire. 5 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. His dominion shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Ever-Father, Prince of Peace. 6 Great is his dominion, and there shall be no end of peace upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to restore it, and to establish it for equity and for righteousness, From now and forever, the zeal of the LORD Sebaoth will do that.
In this new chapter the reference to Jesus Christ is very clear. "The yoke that was heavy upon them, the rod of their tyrant hast thou broken" speaks to us of the bondage to which we were subject, for the fallen angels asked our same fate because we had become empty of the Spirit as they were (sorry to repeat this so much, but it is crucial, See Justice and Redemption in Jesus Christ p.237). This is represented a little earlier by speaking of the stump of the tree (6:13), it is the very base or beginning of the tree, which remains and from which a new tree comes forth. What was on the stump, our old angel nature disappears (is burnt up). This resurgence of the new nature is also foreshadowed by the cutting by the red sea of the thread that bound (and enslaved) us to Pharaoh, on the day of the death of the first-born. Jesus our brother in creation, God in Essence or the intensity of the Holy Spirit, is the firstborn of all, also of cattle - Eve -, reptiles (fallen angels) or birds (Adam). It is his sacrifice on the cross that frees us from our kidnapper, the devil, and all this God wanted to prefigure in the Torah, through the history of Israel. But while it is clear and even refers to "a son has been given to us" it may refer to Jesus offering to save us, to become a man when the time comes. If we are children of Adam and Eve, being that these designate us, that "son has been given to us" refers to Jesus Christ.
From here there are four separate sections of verses that speak of the consequences of the passion (9:7-11, 9: 12-16, 9: 17-20, 10: 1-4), and they all end with "and still his hand is stretched out" (= Jesus), which underlines that these are consequences of the passion.
9:7 The Lord has spoken a word in Jacob, and it has fallen on Israel. 8 Know it, all you people, Ephraim and the inhabitants of Samaria, who say with arrogance and conceit: 9 "The bricks have fallen, but of ashlar we will build; the sycamore trees were cut down, but for cedars we will change them." 10 For the LORD has given an advantage to his adversary, even to Rason, and has stirred up his enemies: 11 Aram in front and the Philistines behind, they devoured Israel with their mouths full. Yet his wrath is not appeased, and his hand is still stretched out.
This part refers to the Eves, for they remain deaf after the passion. The Eves will in fact become active enemies of the Adams after the passion, for their foolishness is unable to see and hear the Spirit as the Adams do. They will continue to pull towards the world and they will look to heaven (sword I will put). The demons will rage against both, especially the Adams, for they hate God, they hate the Holy Spirit. Before the passion, they gloated in tempting men, those who served as their shield, as their amusement or only task to perform; then they will rage.
9:12 But the people did not turn to him who chastised them; they did not seek the LORD Sebaoth. 13 Therefore the LORD has cut off from Israel head and tail, palm tree and reed, in one day. 14 The ancient and honourable is the head, and the false prophet is the tail. 15 The leaders of this people have turned aside, and their leaders have gone astray. 16 Therefore the LORD will not have mercy on their young men, nor will he have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for they are all wicked and evil, and every mouth uttereth folly: therefore his wrath is not appeased, and his hand is stretched out still.
Here it speaks of cutting off the head, or Satan (fair and beautiful angel, honourable old man 9.14) and the tail, the Eves (false prophet who leads Adam), all in one day, the day of the passion. Since the Adams will now be able to have the Spirit and see God, they will not be guided by the world, nor by the Eves, who only see the world.
9:17 For wickedness burneth as a fire, it devoureth the briar and the thorn, and it goeth forth into the thickets of the forest: they are stretched out in a pillar of smoke. 18 The earth is burned with fire by the rapture of the LORD, and the people are as grass in the fire: no man hath pity on his brother,
9:19 He cuts on the right hand, and is hungry; he eats on the left hand, and is not satisfied: every man eats the flesh of his own arm. 20 Manasseh devours Ephraim Ephraim devours Manasseh, and they both go together against Judah. Yet his anger is not appeased, and his hand is still stretched out.
This speaks of the end of the demons, for they have already lost their shield. After this ½ time there will be no more time because the demons will be "burnt up". But it also speaks of the "sword I will lay down Matthew 10:34", of the active battle of the Eves against the Adams mentioned above.
Isaiah 10
10:1 Woe unto them that decree wicked decrees, and to the scribes that write revilings! 2 excluding the weak from judgment, trampling upon the right of the poor of my people, making widows their spoil, and despoiling the fatherless. 3 For what will you do in the day of reckoning and devastation that lies ahead? to whom will you turn for help? where will you leave your gravity? 4 So as not to kneel among the prisoners, they would rather fall among the slain. Yet his wrath is not appeased, and his hand is still stretched out.
We are still talking about the consequences of passion. Now it seems to speak exclusively of the demons, and what will happen to them after the end of time (they no longer have the shield). It may refer in general to those who even after the passion are still miserable.
10:5 O Asshur, the staff of my wrath, the rod that my fury wields! 6 Against an ungodly nation I will guide him, against the people of my wrath ; I command him to plunder the plundered and to seize the prey, and to make them kick him like the mire of the streets. 7 But he does not think so, nor does his heart think so, but his intention is to ravage and exterminate a nation not a few. 8 For he says, "Are not all my leaders kings? 9 Is not Kalno like Karkemis? is not Jamath like Arpad? is not Samaria like Damascus? 10 As my hand reached out to the kingdoms of the idols - whose statues were more than those of Jerusalem and Samaria - 11 as I have done to Samaria and her idols, shall I not also do to Jerusalem and her idols?"
Asshur represents Satan. God says of him that he will send him to plunder (10:6, plunder the plundered; the Spirit on earth) and kick, but that the devil intends to ravage and exterminate. The kings are now us, the Adams especially, since man can now receive the Holy Spirit (to plunder what was plundered is to plunder again, as he did in heaven, now we have Spirit again which we lose by sinning through his temptations). He first equates the Eves to the Adams and then says that: "(10:10) just as he reached his hand to the kingdoms of idols", i.e. just as he managed to bring iniquity into heaven when he deceived us, and by his hand we were led to desire to be above God, without God;
"whose statues were more than those of Jerusalem and Samaria" => whose 'idol or that which was intended' was greater than any idol we shall have on earth (thus the "intended" in heaven was to be greater than God; the iniquity, the idol brought into heaven was to possess more Essence of God, to be like God or more than Him; there is no greater idol than that).
"(10:11) As I did to Samaria and her idols, will I not do the same to Jerusalem and her simulacra => the simulacra are men with Spirit (simulacra of the heavenly nature: angel). He compares what He did with the Eves in heaven to what He will do (He says) with the Adams (Jerusalem) referring first to what He did with the Adams in heaven and their heavenly part, and then to those on earth (simulacra).
10:12 When the LORD has finished all his work in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, he will review the fruit of the pride of the king of Asshur, and the haughty pride of his eyes. 13 For he said, "By the might of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I am wise, I have removed the borders of the peoples, their storehouses have I spoiled, and I have brought down their inhabitants like a fortress. 14 As a nest has my hand reached the wealth of the peoples, and as one gathers abandoned eggs, so have I gathered the whole earth, and there was none that flapped his wings, nor opened his beak, nor his flock."
"When I had finished the work on Mount Zion and Jerusalem (10:12)" refers to the salvation project of man. At the time when the universe/earth project is completed and the entrance into our earth is imminent. Then the devil will be called to account for what he said, or did, rather: "I have erased the borders of the peoples (10:13)" => I have broken the souls of the fallen ones. "their storehouses I have plundered" => He says that he (the devil) has taken from us (we have lost) the Essence of God.
And the following is the Lord's response to the speech to what the devil said or did:
10:15 Does the axe boast against the axe-wielder? or is the saw greater than he that wieldeth it? as though the rod moved than he that lifteth it up! as though he that is not wood were lifted up by the staff!
For it is really God who overcame the rebellion up there. We lost the Spirit by separating ourselves from Him. True it is by the devil that iniquity came in.
Does the axe boast...? => It speaks of the devil indeed being put to the necessary test to fulfil justice, for he was already defeated when God ‘revives’ him to fulfil that justice that will save us on earth. But now the time has come for his punishment. Let us remember that He is all-powerful in heaven too, quite capable of stopping an attempt at rebellion before it is carried out, but He has set us free.
10:16 Therefore the LORD Sebaoth will send a faintness among his well-fed, and will kindle a burning like a fire under his abundance. 17 The light of Israel shall become a fire, and his Holy One a flame; it shall burn and devour his thornbush and his brier in one day, 18 And the splendour of his forest and of his garden shall be consumed in soul and in body: it shall be as the languishing of a sick man. 19 What is left of the trees of his forest shall be so few that a child may count them. 20 In that day the remnant of Israel and the righteous of the house of Jacob shall no more return to lean on him that smiteth them, but shall lean firmly on the LORD. 21 A remnant shall return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God. 22 Though he be thy people Israel, as the sand of the sea, yet only a remnant of him shall return. Determined extermination, overflowing with righteousness. 23 For it is a determined extermination that the LORD Sebaoth will perform in the midst of all the earth.
It begins by saying "For this reason... (10:16)" that is, because of what was said of the devil and idols, how he deceived us, and what he accomplished, "'He shall send forth his well-fed fainthearted...'". It tells us of what the fatlings will receive as fruit of the world (speaks in the future), "(10:17) it shall burn and devour his thornbush and his brier in one day, it speaks of when he finishes with the demons, which will be in one day, still speaks in the future. It has not yet been given.
10:24 Therefore thus says the LORD Yahweh Sebaoth, "Do not fear, O my people who dwell in Zion, Asshur who beats you with the rod and lifts up his staff against you (on the way to Egypt). 25 For yet a little while, and the fury will be consumed, and my wrath will consume them." 26 The LORD Sebaoth will stir up a scourge against him, as when he smote Midian at the rock of Horeb, or when he lifted up his staff against the sea in the way of Egypt. 27 On that day he will take his burden from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck. And the yoke will be destroyed (...)
"(10:24) You who dwell in Zion" is the one who harbours the Kingdom of heaven within him (the Holy Spirit). He tells us here not to be afraid of the devil for his own sake or for the sake of those in the world who follow him and go against the Adam. Let us not be afraid of death, nor of the death of being (before others), of not having, not even of not having enough to eat, for God provides for those who trust in Him; and even if we should die, if we do so free from idols, what is the problem? The rest is clear, it tells us about the punishment that the demons will have when the end of the universe comes. Then the demons will tempt no more. If breaking the yoke before the passion refers to the passion and the end of slavery, after the passion it speaks of the end of the demons and their temptations.
10:28 He came over Ayyath, he passed through Migron, he passed through Mikmas, he passed through Mikmas. 29 They passed over the ford: "We will spend the night in Gibeah." Ramah trembled; Gibeah fled from Saul. 30 Shout for joy, O Bat Gallim; hear Laishah, answer him, O Anathoth. 31 Madmenah is disbanded. The inhabitants of Gebim are safe. 32 This very day in Nob making high he wageth his hand against the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem. 33 Behold, the LORD Yahweh Sebaoth shakes the boughs with a noise; the high places are broken, and the high places will fall. 34 He will strike the thickets of the forest with iron, and by the blows of a Mighty One, it will fall.
All this (10:28 to 10:34) I do not know how to break it down, but it seems to speak of the development of the end of the world. The mount of the daughter of Zion (10:32) are from among the Eves, those who open their ears by the work of any Adam. Thus, he equates the highest of the Eves with the lowest of the Adams. It seems that all these (who listen), will be tested and the proud will fall... (10:33).
End of ½ Time. Eves will listen. Isaiah 11
11:1 There shall come forth a shoot out of the stump of Jesse, and a shoot shall grow out of his roots. 2 The spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. 3 And he shall inspire him with the fear of the LORD. He shall not judge by appearance, nor judge by hearsay. 4 He shall judge the weak in righteousness, and the poor of the land in righteousness. He will strike the cruel man with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. 5 Righteousness shall be the girdle of his waist, and truth shall be the girdle of his loins. 6 The wolf and the lamb shall be neighbours, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the calf shall feed together, and a little child shall lead them. 7 The cow and the bear shall graze together, they shall lie down their young together; the lion, like the oxen, shall eat straw. 8 The sucking child shall dig in the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall thrust his hand into the viper's hole. 9 No one shall hurt, no one shall do evil in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. 10 In that day shall the root of Jesse stand up for a standard for the people, and the nations shall seek it, and his dwelling shall be glorious. 11 In that day shall the LORD show his hand again to recover the remnant of his people that are left of Asshur, and of Egypt, and of Pathros, and of Kush, and of Elam, and of Senaar, and of Hamath, and of the isles of the sea. 12 He will set up a standard for the Gentiles, and gather the dispersed of Israel, and gather the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the earth. 13 The envy of Ephraim shall cease, and the oppressors of Judah shall be cut off. Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not oppress Ephraim. 14 They shall fall upon the back of Maritime Philistia; they shall plunder the children of the east at once. Edom and Moab shall be under the dominion of their hand, and the Ammonites under their obedience. 15 The LORD will dry up the gulf of the sea of Egypt, and will wave his hand over the river. With the violence of his breath he will split it into seven streams, and make it possible to pass over it in sandals; 16 There shall be a royal highway for the remnant of his people who have survived out of Asshur, as there was for Israel, when they came up out of the land of Egypt.
This speaks of the end (or near end), that Jesus Christ will succeed in uniting the peoples under the knowledge of God the Father (the root of Jesse -11:10-, which will be raised up to be a standard for the peoples). The offspring (Son) of the stem of Jesse (Father) speaks of the divine nature of Jesus. The roots of the trunk are Jesus also, but in his Man’s Nature; a 'shoot' from his roots, speaks of one who will precede Jesus before his second coming, when the knowledge of the Lord will reign. An 'Elijah' who will turn the hearts of fathers to sons and vice versa see (The prophet who is to come p.284), the time of 'the sword I will lay down' will be over and the Eves will hear as the Adams did. In other words, it will make the Eves listen...
So, as I say, it is not only talking about Jesus Christ, but about the time when what Jesus achieved, the validation of man, will be known to the whole of humanity; the Eves will be able to understand by reason, that is to say, it is talking about now and about what is revealed here as well. It speaks of the fact that in no time we will all know that we are brothers, no matter what religion we belong to. In fact, it refers to religions:
(11:15) "The LORD will dry up the gulf of the sea of Egypt" -> He will dry up the death that comes from slavery.
"He will wave His hand over the river" -> The Holy Spirit will flow as He has never flowed (on earth) upon us.
"... He will divide it into seven streams and make it possible to pass over it in sandals" -> This knowledge will make it visible to us that the Holy Spirit comes to these seven religions of which I speak. And it will be possible to pass over it in sandals, because with our knowledge of God, faith will hardly be necessary anymore. It will be very easy to go through these rivers, because, although they are a renunciation of the world, which, for some people before, could mean not swimming in them, they will now be easy to pass through ("pass through in sandals").
"There will be a royal road for the rest of his people who have survived out of Asshur" It says that for those who are left at the end of time, come to nothing, there will be an easier road because with this knowledge we will be able to see it. By survived from Asshur, I think it refers to those who survived from his attack not from within him (it is convenient to compare translations).
Likewise in 11:11 when it says:
to recover the remnant of his people that are left of Asshur, and of Egypt, and of Pathros, and of Kush, and of Elam, and of Senaar, and of Hamath, and of the isles of the sea.
I think it speaks of the world in general whose prince is the Devil; represented by Asshur (the place where the Assyrian empire began), the first. Then he names seven places which I believe refer again to the 7 nations or religions (or sizes, or ages) to which God has sent us, which I speak of in the book, which are the ones through which salvation can be reached. On other occasions Egypt is named separately as the kingdom of the devil (on the spiritual plane, I would say) and Babylon, as his kingdom in the world; however here Isaiah does not name Babylon but Asshur (although later he does name it coinciding with the end of the world of the 3 ½ times), perhaps Asshur encompasses the kingdom of the devil in general. If we then count Egypt, it would be 7 nations, otherwise it would be 6 + Egypt + Assyria. In any case, the clearest mention of the 7 religions are those 7 streams into which the River splits.
Isaiah 12
12:1 And you shall say in that day, "I praise you, O LORD, for though you were angry with me, yet your wrath is turned away, and you have had compassion on me. 2 Behold, God is my Saviour; I am safe and secure, for the LORD is my strength and my song; he is my salvation. 3 You will draw water with joy from the wells of salvation. 4 And you shall say in that day, "Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, declare his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. 5 Sing to the LORD, for he has done a great thing, that is worthy to be known in all the earth. 6 Shout for joy and gladness, ye inhabitants of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of you.
The inhabitants of Zion are those who have the kingdom of heaven within them. The rest is quite clear. In this and the next it tells us that the Eves will listen and the Holy Spirit will overflow everywhere when what is rebellious here is spread (by God's will, of course, not by this text itself).
Isaiah 13
Isa 13:1 A prophecy which Isaiah the son of Amos saw concerning Babylon. ... (5) ...
Isa 13:6 Howl, for the day of the Eternal is near, it will come as the destruction of the Almighty. ... (18)....
Isa 13:19 Babylon, the flower of kingdoms, the pride and honour of Chaldea, shall be like Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed by God. ... (22)
The world (Babylon) will already be overcome, because all will have this knowledge of God. This could already be the end of the world, since Babylon represents the world. And here would be the end of the 3 ½ times structure in Isaiah (one of them could be more), however it speaks in the future and I think the end comes a little later when it speaks again of the fall of Babylon.
Isaiah 14
Isa 14:1-2 When Yahweh has mercy on Jacob and still prefers Israel, and has settled them in their land, strangers will be gathered to them, and they will be added to the house of Jacob.
The LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and will cause them to rest in their land. And strangers shall be joined to them, and they shall be joined to the family of Jacob. [Better translation]
2 They shall take other peoples and, bringing them to their place, shall appropriate them to the house of Israel in the lot of Yahweh as servants and bondwomen. They will make captives of their oppressors and subdue their tyrants.
It seems to go on to speak of the effect of their listening to the Eves. Slavery as mentioned in the Old Testament was regulated, after 6 years the slave was free and once a member of the community (among the Hebrews, not in Babylon). From the three and a half times those "strangers who join" may be the ones who listen when all is revealed; "captives to their oppressors", may refer to the Eves who pushed the Adams into the world. Speaking in the future, it seems to refer to what will happen after the end of the world.
Isa 14:3-4 In the day when the Eternal gives you rest from your toil, from your fear, and from the hard bondage in which you were made to serve, 4 you shall utter this proverb against the king of Babylon: "How the oppressor has come to an end, how his fury has ended!
What follows speaks of how the remnant of Israel will taunt Babylon, still speaking in the future. This whole chapter 14 is a continuation of chapter 13, that prophecy against Babylon.
Then, from the end of this chapter, chapter 14, to 23, it continues with prophecies against Assyria, the Philistines, Moab, Damascus, Cush, Egypt, Edom, Jerusalem, Tyre and Sidon (and Babylon in chapter 13); among which these 7 peoples may or may not be (if we remove the symbolic names: Babylon, Egypt, Assyria, Jerusalem, 7 remain), and these could be equally independent, because they occur during the time on earth (3+ ½) or occur after the end of the world, given that they are prophecies and speak in the future (this part of prophecies to the peoples, has several prophets who are structured in 3 ½ times). However, in chapter 21, before the last three prophecies (Jerusalem, Tyre and Sidon), he speaks again of the fall of Babylon, this time in the past tense.
Isa 21:8-9 And he cried out like a lion, "Lord, I am always on the watchtower, day after day, and I spend the whole night on my watch. 9 "Look, here comes a man in a chariot drawn by a pair of horses." Then he answered, "Babylon is fallen. Babylon is fallen. And all the idols of her gods are broken to the ground.
Although it only mentions this now, immediately after the last three prophecies comes the accurately narrated end of the world (ch. 24) and the destruction of death forever (ch. 25), which would now close the structure of the 3 ½ times.
Isa 24:1-23 Behold, the Eternal empties the earth and leaves it desolate. ... 3 The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly plundered. The Eternal has spoken this word. 4 The earth shall mourn and wither, the world shall be sick, the world shall fall; the nobles of the peoples of the earth shall wither. 5 ... 14 They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for joy, they shall shout for the majesty of the LORD, they shall shout from the sea. 15 Therefore praise the LORD in the morning, in the lands of the sea exalt the name of the Eternal, the God of Israel. 16 From the ends of the earth we hear them sing, "Glory to the Righteous One. .... 21 In that day the Eternal will punish in heaven the host of heaven, and on earth the kings of the earth. 22 And they shall be heaped together as prisoners are heaped together in a dungeon. And they shall be shut up in prison, and shall be punished after many days. 23 And the moon shall be ashamed, and the sun shall be confounded, when the Eternal Almighty shall reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and before his elders shall shew his glory.
That seems clear. In (21) the armies of heaven may be the (bodiless) demons and the kings of the earth, the Adam and Eve at the end also.
Isa 25:6-9 The Eternal Almighty will give to all peoples on this mountain, a banquet of succulent delicacies, a banquet of fine wines, of thick marrow, of purified wines. 7 On this mountain he will destroy the mask with which all peoples are covered, and the veil that envelops all nations. 8 The LORD will destroy death for ever, and wipe away all tears from all faces, and take away the reproach of his people from all the earth. The Eternal has said. 9 In that day it shall be said, "This is our God! We have waited for him, and he will save us. This is the Eternal One for whom we have waited, and we will rejoice and be glad in his salvation".
In ch. 25 God will destroy death forever.
Isa 26:20 Go, my people, enter into thy chambers, shut thy doors behind thee, hide thyself for a little while, until the wrath be over.
The 26th speaks of the reception of Israel and the final punishment of the demons. Several prophets and the apocalypse agree that after the end of the world there will be a time of waiting and then the devil will be annihilated.
Isa 27:1 In that day the Eternal will punish with his hard, great and strong sword the leviathan, the slithering serpent; the leviathan, the crooked serpent; and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea.
Isa 27:12-13 In that day the Eternal will thresh from the river Euphrates to the brook of Egypt. And you Israelites will be gathered one by one. 13 On that day, a great trumpet will sound. And those who were perishing in Assyria, and those who had been driven into Egypt, shall come, and worship the Eternal on the holy mountain of Jerusalem.
In (13) those who were perishing in Assyria it does not refer to the Assyrians, but to those who were perishing by them. Those who had been cast into Egypt, the same. Egypt symbolises the bondage of Pharaoh (the devil) to which we were subjected.
Other mentions of the cure for the deafness of the Eves.
From chapter 29 (or 28) onwards he laments in several chapters of those who go down to Egypt but then shows how the Eves will hear.
Isa 29:1-24 Alas, Ariel, Ariel, the village where David has encamped! Add year upon year, the feasts complete their cycle, 2 and I will put Ariel in anguish, and there shall be weeping and wailing. She shall be to me an Ariel; 3 I will encamp in a circle against you, I will tighten against you the entrenchment, and I will raise against you a trench; 4 you shall be cast down, from the earth you shall speak, your word shall be choked by the dust, your voice shall be as a spectre from the earth, and from the dust your word shall be as a whisper. 5 ... 6 From Yahweh Sebaoth you shall be visited with thunder, with noise, with roaring and clattering, with storm, with storm, and with a devouring flame of fire. 7 It shall be like a dream, a vision of the night, the multitude of all the nations that war against Ariel, all her militia, and the forces of war that oppress her. 8 ... 10 For Yahweh has poured upon you the spirit of slumber, he has glued your eyes (prophets) and covered your heads (seers). 11 And every revelation shall be to you as the words of a sealed book, which is given to one who is learned in letters, saying, 'Yes, read that,' and the other says, 'I cannot; it is sealed. 12 Then the book is passed to one who is illiterate, saying, "Please read it," and he says, "I cannot read. "13 ... 14 Therefore behold, I continue to work wonders with that people, to do marvellous wonders; I shall lose the wisdom of their wise men, and overshadow the understanding of their wise men. 15 ... 17 Is it not but a little while, that Lebanon shall be turned into a garden, and the garden into a forest? 18 In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and the eyes of the blind shall see them out of darkness and out of gloom, 19 and the poor shall rejoice in Yahweh, and the poorest of men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. 20 .... 24 The wanderers shall gain understanding, and the murmurers shall learn doctrine.
Here we are told the full story of the Eves: of their betrayal from heaven (1-9), of their blindness on earth (10-12), and of how their eyes will be opened by a book (18).
Isa 30:1 Woe to the rebellious children - oracle of Yahweh - to execute plans, which are not mine, and to make libations of covenant, but not in my sight, heaping sin upon sin! ...10 Now come, write it on a tablet, engrave it in a book, and let it endure to the last day, for a testimony for ever: 9 Which is a stubborn people... 10 Who have said to the seers: "See ye not"; and to visionaries: "See not for us true visions; speak flattering things to us, behold illusions. 11 ...18 Yet Yahweh will wait to be gracious to you, and so he will rise up to have compassion on you, for Yahweh is a God of justice: blessed are all those who hope in him! 19 ... 20 The LORD will give you siege bread and rationed water, and afterward he who teaches you will no longer hide himself; with your eyes you will see him who teaches you, 21 and with your ears you will hear behind you these words, "That is the way, go in it, whether to the right or to the left."
He laments now for the rebellious, mentioning also a book and a grace of God (of equity) that waits and arises (18). He speaks of them "seeing" the one who teaches him (20) and "That is the way, go ye in it, whether it be to the right hand, or to the left." What does this sound like to us? Doesn't it really seem to say that there is more than one way leading to the same place?
Chapters 31 and 32 also speak of those who go down to Egypt and of the indolent women, and in both God forgives them. Ch.35 also speaks of redemption and of the deaf who will hear.
Isa 41:25-29 "I have raised up a man from the north, and he is coming from the east. He will call on My name, and tread on princes like mud, as a potter treads on clay. 26 "Who has announced it from the beginning, that we may know, or from long ago, and we will say, 'It is true'? But there is no one who announces, nor who teaches, nor even who hears your words. 27 "I am the first to speak these things to Zion, and to give Jerusalem a bearer of glad tidings. 28 "I looked, and there was none. I asked about these things, and there was no counselor. I asked, and they answered not a word. 29 For all idols are vanity, and their works are nothing. Wind and vanity are their images."
This one he calls from the north is the shoot that comes out of the root of Jesse. It means that he comes from those redeemed by Jesus (the root of Jesse). From the north come the traitors, sinners (he says he raised him from there), but he comes from the east (where the sun rises = God), meaning that he was redeemed. In 26 he says what in this book I have shown; announcements made from long ago, which have only one answer: "It is true". So it seems that he does not find this counsellor, but then, in what follows, he does find him.
Isa 42:1-25 "Here is my Servant, whom I will uphold. My Chosen One, in whom I delight. I have put My Spirit upon him, and he will bring justice to the nations. 2 "He shall not cry out, nor lift up his voice, nor make it heard in the streets. 3 He shall not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smouldering wick. Faithfully he will bring justice. 4 "He will not grow weary, nor faint, Till He establishes righteousness in the earth, And the isles shall wait for His law."
This one here is not Jesus, but the shoot that comes out of Him (from His roots). "He will not break the waterfall, nor quench the smouldering wick" speaks of him, not what he will do because any normal person does not attack, break, or extinguish the weak; it would not be noteworthy that this one here will not break the weak. And if we were to speak of Jesus he would be described as a torrent of Light. This one however is in ill health (bruised reed, will not break), and is not a saint (the smoking flame will not be extinguished). It is then confirmed in:
19 "Who is blind, but my servant? Who is deaf, like my messenger? Who is blind like my envoy, the servant of the Eternal, 20 "who sees many things, and does not warn; who opens his ears, and does not hear?"
This one here will speak of justice (1), and the islands will wait for his law. I think I put it this way, the islands surrounded by sea or death may be the Eves, not those who already have a path. Since the islands are often named as part of these 7 groups, it may be that there are not really 7 religions but 6 and the "islands" group does not have a specific religion (in which case the fools would not be distributed beforehand among each religion. Both options are possible).
5 Thus says God, the Eternal One, the Creator of the heavens, who spreads them out, who spreads out the earth and its produce, who gives breath to the people who dwell in it, and life to those who walk on it: 6 "I, the Eternal One, have called you in righteousness, and I will uphold you by the hand. I will keep you, and make you a covenant of the people, a light of the nations.7 "That you may open the eyes of the blind, and bring out the prisoners from the prison, and those who sit in darkness from the prison.8 "This is my name, I, the Eternal, and to another I will not give my glory, nor my praise to graven images. 9 "The former predictions have been fulfilled. I announce the things that are to come, I announce them before they come to pass. 10 Sing to the Eternal a new song, sing his praise from the ends of the earth, sing the sea and all that is in it, the isles and their inhabitants! 11 Let the wilderness and its cities sing, the villages where Kedar dwells. Let the inhabitants of Shelah sing, and from the top of the mountains let them shout for joy. 12 Let them glorify the LORD, and preach his praise in the isles. 13 The Eternal shall go forth as a giant, and as a man of war shall he stir up jealousy. He shall cry out, he shall shout, he shall shout, he shall strive against his enemies. 14 "From everlasting I have kept silence, I have kept silence, I have held my peace. But now I will cry out like a woman in travail; I will lay waste and devour. 15 I will lay waste mountains and hills, I will wither all their grass. I will make the rivers into islands, and dry up the pools. 16 I will lead the blind by a way they have not known, I will make them tread in paths they have not known; I will turn the darkness into light before them, and the rugged into a plain. This I will do, and I will not forsake them. 17 "Those who trust in idols and say to the molten statues, 'You are our gods,' shall be turned back and greatly confounded. 18 "Deaf, hear; and you blind, look and see! 19 "Who is blind but my servant? Who is deaf, like my messenger? Who is blind like my envoy, the servant of the Eternal, 20 "who sees many things, and does not perceive; who opens his ears, and does not hear?" 21 The Eternal was pleased for love of his justice to magnify his Law, and to magnify it. 22 But this is a people plundered and trodden under foot, all trapped in caves and hidden in prisons. They are sacked, and there is none to deliver; they are trodden under foot, and there is none to say, "Restore". 23 Who among you will hear this? who will hearken and hear of the future? 24 Who gave Jacob as a prey, and delivered Israel to spoilers? was it not the Eternal, against whom we sinned? And they would not walk in his ways, nor hearken to his law. 25 Therefore he poured upon them his fierce anger, and the power of war. He set fire on them on every side, and they did not understand; he consumed them, and they did not listen.
The rest seems clear, it is what is going to happen in no time. So I leave you with the questions in verse 23.
Only studied the first few chapters, then he speaks many times of restoration (Adam + Eve). Note that in the 2nd period of 3 ½ times, it extends the last 1/2 more.
Hosea is a contemporary of Isaiah and, like him, writes in code to speak of our history from heaven as well. I do not know if both he and Isaiah really knew what they were writing, that is, the depth of the underlying message. What is certain is that it is God through his prophets and envoys who is the author of the Bible. There is no other reasoning when this encryption key, hidden for thousands of years and coinciding in different authors of the Bible, if not in all of them, I would say (I am sorry to repeat this so much, but it seems very important to me), is now discovered. We will see that God insists on repeating these ciphers to us; in this sense Hosea is amazing, this will be seen in the end. And if with all this evidence we do not see it, it is not that we lack the intelligence that Hosea mentions, but that perhaps our souls are twisted.
Beginning Hosea, we will see that Yizreel means "God sows", and it was also where Jehu killed the descendants of Ahab. In these verses we will be introduced as usual to the participants in the rebellion in heaven. Although actually in the first chapter he tells us about the stages of the betrayal. Then in the beginning of chapter 2, he will finish the summary of this betrayal and what the Lord will do to save us, establishing a relationship between the people and the stages.
In the continuation of chapter 2 he will tell it all again, and from chapter 4 onwards, but now with greater detail or development, starting again from heaven. Thus, he will tell us 3 times; (1-2;2;4-11).
Let us begin at the beginning.
Hos 1:1-9 The word of the LORD that came to Hosea son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam, son of Joash, king of Israel.
2 When the LORD began to speak with Hosea, the LORD said to Hosea: Go, get for yourself a woman of prostitution and children of prostitution, for the land prostitutes itself,a turning away from the LORD.
3 So he went and took Gomer, daughter of Diblaim; and she conceived and bore him a son.
4 Then the LORD said to him: Give him the name “Jezreel,” for in a little while I will punish the house of Jehu for the bloodshed at Jezreel and bring to an end the kingdom of the house of Israel.
5 On that day I will break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel.
6 She conceived again and bore a daughter. The LORD said to him: Give her the name “Not-Pitied,” for I will no longer feel pity for the house of Israel: rather, I will utterly abhor them.
7 Yet for the house of Judah I will feel pity; I will save them by the LORD, their God; but I will not save them by bow or sword, by warfare, by horses or horsemen.
8 After she weaned Not-Pitied, she conceived and bore a son.
9 Then the LORD said: Give him the name “Not-My-People,” for you are not my people, and I am not “I am” for you.Thus we have Yizreel [God sows], the not pitied and the not-my-people, as stages of what happened in heaven.
At first God sowed; he speaks to us of heaven (1st sowing) where then the betrayal (shed blood) will take place. There after the betrayal, he will end the reign of Israel by the blood shed at Yizreel. This means that because of the deception suffered by the Adams, which led to their emptying of the Spirit (shed blood) it will end the dominant position of the Eves (it will end Israel's kingship, since the Eves lead the Adams); as in Isaiah, Israel is the Adams and the Eves, but also the demons until the resolution of the rebellion (earth). After all, the demons also ruled the Adams through the Eves. Isaiah expressed this by saying that God would not allow the alliance of "Aram and Ephraim" (Isa 7.7). Perhaps in 5 he is speaking of the same thing (I will break the bow of Israel; a bow is formed by the tension of two points).
Now a new stage: "not-pitied". I will not pity her by enduring them still. It seems to refer to the stage next to God, but not in God (Cain Abel). It is like an added time (forbearing them still), in which he will not pity Israel, but he does announce (in the future) that he will pity Judah which represents the Adams and he will not do it (7) by bow, sword, nor war, because he will do it through Jesus Christ.
Finally "Not-my-people" (9) is the moment when God becomes invisible to us, we pass into our land. He is no longer the One who Is for us because we do not see Him. He makes himself disappear.
2:1 The number of the Israelites will be like the sand of the sea, which can be neither measured nor counted. And at the very place where they were told "You are Not-my-people", they will be called,“Children of the living God.”
2 Then the people of Judah and of Israel will gather together;they will appoint for themselves one head and rise up from the land; great indeed shall be the day of Jezreel!
3 Say to your brothers, “My People,”and to your sisters, “Pitied.”
As I said in chapter 2 man's salvation will be summed up for us. In 2:1 it speaks of all of us in the world (as the sand of the sea). Now it says in the same place where they were called "not-my-people (1:9)", that is, in the third stage, on earth (that is why it says: "in the same place"), they will be called " Children of the living God ", since on earth we will again become capable of God after the passion. In (2:2) the children of Israel shall be joined to the children of Judah, it speaks of the future union in the knowledge of God, of the cure of deafness also; thus, it says it will be great the day of Yizreel, the day of heaven, the day of the Holy Spirit.
In (2:3) it says say to your brethren "My people", therefore, we shall be fit of the Spirit, to your sisters pitied, for that cure of deafness. Note that he speaks in the plural, what before in chapter 1, were stages (singular), now he turns it into peoples or parts of the betrayal fruit of those stages (brothers, sisters). This is the end of a salvation story told from 1:1 to 2:3.
2:4 Accuse your mother, accuse! for she is not my wife,and I am not her husband. Let her remove her prostitution from her face, her adultery from between her breasts,
5 or I will strip her naked, leaving her as on the day of her birth; I will make her like the wilderness, make her like an arid land, and let her die of thirst.
6 I will have no pity on her children, for they are children of prostitution.
7 Yes, their mother has prostituted herself; she who conceived them has acted shamefully. For she said, “I will go after my lovers, who give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.”
8 Therefore, I will hedge in her way with thorns and erect a wall against her, so that she cannot find her paths.
9 If she runs after her lovers, she will not overtake them; if she seeks them she will not find them. Then she will say, “I will go back to my first husband, for I was better off then than now.”
10 She did not know that it was I who gave her the grain, the wine, and the oil, I who lavished upon her silver, and gold, which they used for Baal,
11 Therefore I will take back my grain in its time, and my wine in its season; I will snatch away my wool and my flax, which were to cover her nakedness.
12 Now I will lay bare her shame in full view of her lovers, and no one can deliver her out of my hand.
13 I will put an end to all her joy, her festivals, her new moons, her sabbaths—all her seasonal feasts.
14 I will lay waste her vines and fig trees, of which she said, “These are the fees my lovers have given me” I will turn them into rank growth and wild animals shall devour them.
15 I will punish her for the days of the Baals, for whom she burnt incense, When she decked herself out with her rings and her jewelry, and went after her lovers— but me she forgot—oracle of the LORD.
16 Therefore I will seduce her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak to her heart.
17 Then I will give her the vineyards she had, and the valley of Achor as a door of hope. There she will respond as in the days of her youth, as on the day when she came up from the land of Egypt.
18 On that day—oracle of the LORD—You shall call me “My husband,” and you shall never again call me “My baal.”
19 I will remove from her mouth the names of the Baals;they shall no longer be mentioned by their name.
20 I will seal a covenant on their behalf in that day with the beast of the field, with the bird of the air, with the creeping thing of the ground; bow, sword and war I will break them far from this land, and I will make them rest in safety.
21 I will betroth you to me forever: I will betroth you to me with justice and with judgment, with loyalty and with compassion;
22 I will betroth you to me with fidelity, and you shall know the LORD.
23 On that day I will respond—oracle of the LORD—I will respond to the heavens, and they will respond to the earth;
24 The earth will respond to the grain, and wine, and oil, and these will respond to Jezreel.
25 I will sow her for myself in the land, and I will have pity on Not-Pitied. I will say to Not-My-People, “You are my people,” and he will say, “My God!”
Now it makes a full stop, so much so that I suspect that even 2:3 should form part of chapter 1 and begin chapter 2 at 2:4; in fact, I have seen that in other bibles it is like this. Here in 2:4 we are still speaking in the plural (iudicate matrem vestram), i.e. we are still on earth, but he speaks of our mother, which takes us back to heaven again (we are the children of Adam and Eve since they are us in heaven). This mother, in addition to our origin, can speak of all of us in rebellion and at the same time refer to the Eves, who were the cause and guide of the Adams. 'They'(Eves) are the ones who guide Israel as a whole, together with the demons to whom it does not now refer, for it speaks of the origin - mother - of those of us on earth; the "not-pitied", “Not-my-people” who had become people and pitied before restarting. Well, then, we go back to the origin and it speaks to us again of our rebellion. The "wife" of God was us, but we prostituted ourselves by going after the Idols, actually after those who give us the stolen Holy Spirit: (2:7) my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink. They all refer to the Holy Spirit, but in reality it is stolen because it says "my" we want to become great without God, to separate ourselves from Him. From 8 to 15, it speaks to us of the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit, of our emptying. In 16 he sends us out into the world (I will take her into the wilderness and speak to her heart). In 17 we will come out of bondage. Note that in 18 he says he will call me my husband and will no longer call me my Baal. Which means that effectively the Holy Spirit, the very Essence of God is the one who became an Idol in heaven; you shall no longer call me Baal, because even though he was God we took him for an idol and "so we called him: Baal". The covenant in 20 I think refers either to the passion in which all are involved (the demons too who are left with nothing) or to a later and final covenant of our time in which the bullock and the calf will graze together; (20) bow, sword and war I will break them. In (25) as it could not be otherwise, it ends as chapter 2 begins, for the story of salvation ends again:
I will sow her for myself in the land, and I will have pity on Not-Pitied. I will say to Not-My-People, “You are my people,” and he will say, “My God!”
This "land" may refer to heaven, or it speaks of sowing the Holy Spirit in her (2:24 wheat, new wine, oil). I don't think it ends this cycle in Hosea 3, because it seems already concluded here.
1 Again the LORD said to me, "Go again, love a woman who loves another and commits adultery, as Yahweh loves the children of Israel, while they turn to other gods and like grape cakes."
2 So I acquired her for myself for fifteen pieces of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley.
3 Then I said to her: “You will wait for me for many days; you will not prostitute yourself Or belong to any man; I in turn will wait for you.
4 For the Israelites will remain many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, without ephod or household gods.
5 Afterward the Israelites will turn back and seek the LORD, their God, and David, their king; they will come trembling to the LORD and to his bounty, in the last days.
We start all over again, it even refers to it "(1) Go again". However, these few verses which seem to be a transition to what follows, i.e. the whole story which begins again in chapter 4, seem to speak to us also of the moment when Christ offers himself in heaven "(2) I acquired her for fifteen pieces of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley", this payment for a slave may refer to the "payment" in blood which Christ will later make for us, to free us from slavery, from the blackmail which bound us to the devil. Let us keep in mind that the prophet's life is mixed with his prophecies. Then he speaks of a time when man will not prostitute himself and God will not go to him (3). This could refer to the period with God, but not in God (Cain and Abel) or to the time on earth before the passion, understanding non-prostitution as not seeking the Holy Spirit as an idol, which is what happened in heaven; for in reality here there was such prostitution in men who idolised gold. Finally (5) ends with the statement that man will turn to God and his goods - the lost Holy Spirit - in the days to come, summarising everything in one fell swoop in 5 verses. Therefore, I count this chapter as a transitional chapter, which additionally gives us some general information, but I do not count it as a retelling of the story. Moreover, all this is spoken in the future, as if anticipating chapter 4.
From chapter 4 onwards, as I say, the whole story is retold.
Chapter 4-5 It speaks of our sin in heaven, reasons, culprits.
Chapter 6 We are on earth and we seek God.
'' 7- 10 Consequences on us of betrayal, especially on the Eves.
'' 11 Passion and healing, perhaps even for the Eves too which would end the cycle.
1 Hear the word of the LORD, Israelites, for the LORD has a dispute with the inhabitants of the land, there is no fidelity, no loyalty, no knowledge of God in the land;
2 Swearing, lying, murder, stealing and adultery break out, bloodshed follows bloodshed.
3 Therefore the land dries up, and everything that dwells in it languishes: The beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and even the fish of the sea perish.
4 But let no one accuse, let no one rebuke; with you is my dispute, priest!
4 But let no one contend, and let no one rebuke; for thy people are as they that strive with the priest. [Bible of the Americas]
5 You will stumble in the day,and the prophet will stumble with you at night; I will cause your mother to perish.
6 My people perish for lack of knowledge! Since you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you from my priesthood; Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.
7 The more they multiplied, the more they sinned against me, I will change their glory into shame.
8 They feed on the sin of my people, and are greedy for their iniquity.
9 Like people, like priest: I will punish them for their ways, and repay them for their deeds.
10 They will eat but not be satisfied, they will promote prostitution but not increase, because they have abandoned the LORD, devoting themselves
11 to prostitution. Aged wine and new wine take away understanding.
12 My people consult their piece of wood, and their wand makes pronouncements for them, for the spirit of prostitution has led them astray; they prostitute themselves, forsaking their God.
13 On the mountaintops they offer sacrifice and on the hills they burn incense, beneath oak and poplar and terebinth, because of their pleasant shade. Therefore, if your daughters and daughters-in-law prostitute themselves, they commit adultery,
14 I will not punish your daughters for their prostitution, nor your daughters-in-law for their adultery, because the men themselves consort with prostitutes, and with temple women they offer sacrifice! Thus a people without understanding comes to ruin.
15 Though you prostitute yourself, Israel, do not let Judah become guilty! Do not come to Gilgal,
do not go up to Beth-aven, do not swear, “As the Lord lives!”
16 For like a stubborn cow, Israel is stubborn; will the LORD now pasture them,like lambs in a broad meadow?
17 Ephraim is bound to idols, let him alone!
18 When their drinking is over, they give themselves to prostitution; they love shame more than their honor.
19 A wind has bound them up in its wings, they shall be ashamed because of their altars.
In these verses he does indeed speak of those guilty of rebellion in heaven, for which it refers first to the priests, it seems..... That is, those who direct the things of God, or of the Spirit, by their hierarchy. This time it does not speak directly of the Eves, but blames these priests for prostituting themselves with "them". This would be, according to a first version followed by some Bibles, among them this one from Jerusalem. In fact, this bible, like others, indicates that they have corrected verse 4:4 to fit the following. If so, to explain this from heaven, we should remember that heaven is hierarchical, as I have already commented in a letter to a Christian; there is a point at which an angel ceases to be an angel and becomes an archangel (at which point I equated our worldly priests with the archangels, keeping the infinite distances between them). I gave the example of a tree that divides into branches that support others, the sap being the Holy Spirit that circulates through them all.
However, this correction made by the Jerusalem bible is not necessary, precisely because it places us in heaven. Thus, I am left with the uncorrected version of verse 4:4 which is highlighted.
This chapter, the whole of chapter 4, begins by addressing Israel (Adam + Eve), and it is the people of Israel who confront the priests "for your people are like those who strive with the priest".
In 4:5 he continues with this sense and says that in the daytime (in heaven), your people (Israel) will stumble, and at night (on our earth) they will stumble with the prophets, for these, man persecutes in our land, because he does not usually like what they say. Continuing in the land (night) he says ... and I will cause your mother to perish [I will reduce your mother to silence, other translations]. That as he was speaking to the people of Israel, he is referring to the Eves, those who rule, reign over the Adams. The Eves will "die", they will be cut off, silenced, for God even after the Passion, only at the end of time will they listen.
In 4:6, my people perish for lack of knowledge, because you [you Israel] have rejected the knowledge.... Here my people may be the Adams, as opposed to Israel (Adam + Eve) which is led by the Eves. ... I will reject you from my priesthood. [so that you will not be my priest, other translations].
Let us keep in mind then that the priest is a guide of the people, but he is also someone who represents God in some way. That is, one cannot be a priest by himself, but it is God who will act through him. This 'not being my priest' can refer both to the knowledge or denial of him for the Eves and to the emptying of God, of the Spirit for "them –Eves-" (God will not act, nor let himself be seen through "them –Eves-", not even the Adams can contain him until the passion). Finally, it ends 4:6 by saying I will also forget your children, which means that in the world the Eves will also be forgotten (of the Spirit, deaf), they will not be His priests. Earlier He said it from earth to heaven (mothers 4:5) now the reverse (children).
Well, then it seems that the first mention of priest (4:4) referred to the royal guides (archangels and so on), whom Israel ignored in heaven to go after the fallen ones (demons later) and the Eves (case of the Adams who are also part of Israel). In the second mention (4:6) He speaks of Israel, specifically of the Eves whom he will deny in themselves their guidance (later -9- He will speak of the Adams).
It is interesting to see (4:3), we jump to the beginning, because it begins by speaking generally of the rebellion of heaven and says that it is withering away:
4:3 Therefore the land dries up, and everything that dwells in it languishes: The beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and even the fish of the sea perish.
The beasts -Eve-, birds Adam-, reptiles -demons-, fishes -faithful angels, as we have already seen-, are those who in the rebellion of heaven die or disappear. I do not know to what extent in the battle this may have been so. I really suspect that what happened must have been very serious because of the consequences, especially for the demons. As I was saying, it is interesting especially because of "the land dries up, and everything that dwells in it languishes" because in Hosea's time our land must have been wonderful, in fact, there are texts from that time or somewhat earlier that tell us how lush Lebanon was and how numerous its beasts were, for example. Nothing to do with how things are today. Which confirms that we are in heaven, talking about the rebellion there.
4:8 They feed on the sin of my people. It is the very Holy Spirit that feeds them, when it has paradoxically become an idol. This is the same sin of the Adam (my people) that "they –Eves-" have pushed into. It could even refer to somehow the Holy Spirit taken by the Adams somehow reaching the Eves or demons; this is indicated in the Exodus steps as giving the golden rings of the children to the mothers (Eves) to make the golden calf, though I think it refers to the fact that they lose it because of or by heeding the Eves.
4:9 But it will happen to the people as it did to the priest. If, as we were saying, it was the Eves who were in charge, now it begins to speak of the Adams.
From 10-13 it speaks of the Adam's having the same fate (they will be emptied of the Holy Spirit, it says it in the future tense). What he says seems quite clear (no feeling; or inner life; for idols...). Note however that verse 12 is translated in some bibles as:
4:12 My people to his wood ask, and his stick answereth him, because the spirit of fornications [has] deceived him, and fornicated under their gods. [NRSV 2000].
Perhaps others have watered it down as not making much sense and also being somewhat scandalous, but it does make sense because of what was said: it is the Holy Spirit who is persecuted as an idol, to change what we were into the will of God.
In 13-14, at the end of 13, he says that "Therefore, if your daughters prostitute themselves", I think He is again referring to the Eves and this time on earth (daughters), so it says that He will not punish them (future) because on earth "they –Eves-" are deaf, and neither will they be taught (with history). He ends by saying that the Adams (my people) are seen with these prostitutes, with the Eves turning their backs on God. This applies in heaven and will also happen on earth.
From 16-19 He clarifies it all in case there was any doubt, this time, speaking in these terms: Israel (Adams + Eves), Ephraim (Eves) and Judah (Adams). He says (16) if Israel falls, let it not be because of the Adams. If the Eves have raged like wild cows (with horns, like demons), will God give them the same as the lambs (Adams perhaps or faithful angels)? 17 Ephraim (the Eves) has joined himself to their idols, let him alone.
The rest is clear. It is the same as the above; it differentiates between the Adams and the Eves. The sin of the Eves who lead is worse.
1 Hear this, you priests, take heed, you house of Israel, you royal house, give ear, for judgment is against you; for you have been a snare in Mizpah and a net spread in Tabor;
2 they have deepened the pit of Sithin; but I will be a chastisement to them all.
3 I know Ephraim, and Israel is not hidden from me. Yes, you have played the harlot, Ephraim; you have defiled yourself, Israel.
4 Their works do not allow them to return to their God, for they are imbued with a spirit of whoredom, and they do not know Yahweh.
5 The pride of Israel testifies against him; Israel and Ephraim stumble because of their faults, and Judah stumbles with them.
6 With their flocks and herds they shall go in search of Yahweh, but they shall not find him: he has withdrawn from them!
7 They have been unfaithful to Yahweh, they have begotten bastard children; for now the new moon will devour their fields.
8 Blow the horn in Gibeah, blow the trumpet in Ramah, sound the alarm in Bethaven, after you, O Benjamin!
9 Ephraim will be a desolation in the day of punishment; in the tribes of Israel I proclaim a certain thing.
10 The princes of Judah are like those who run the boundaries; on them I will pour out my fury like water.
11 Ephraim is oppressed, the law is broken, because he delights to go after vanity.
12 For I will be as a moth to Ephraim, as woodworm to the house of Judah.
13 Ephraim has seen his sickness and Judah his sore. So Ephraim went to Assyria and sent a message to the great king. But he cannot heal you, nor can he cure your sore. [CEE 2011]
14 For I am like a lion to Ephraim, like a young lion to the house of Judah. I myself will tear and go away, I will make a prey, and there shall be none to save.
15 I will return to my refuge, until they atone for their fault and seek me. In their distress they will seek me.
Chapter 5 is quite clear. It speaks of the same thing, of what will happen (it speaks in future and present -14,15-) to the Eves (Ephraim, priests) and to the Adams (house of Jacob). Also that those responsible for what happened are the Eves "If you have played the harlot, Ephraim, you have defiled Israel" the Adams do not covet that Essence, but for love of the Eves, they betray, they defile themselves.
In 1, for the same reason it says that the Eves have become a trap on high, heaven, (Mount Tabor) or perhaps also for the great ones. Mispah is also a high place where there is also a compromise between Jacob and perhaps Eve (I don't know this, we would have to study these daughters of Laban in case they could also represent Eve; it is in Genesis 31).
In 13, that "Ephraim went to Assyria" is the Eves approaching the demons. He "sends messengers to the great king" is Satan, but it says he can't save him.
It ends in 15 with God returning to his refuge until they seek him, speaking already of the moment when he will become invisible and we will pass over to our land. From this point on he will speak about all of us on earth and he will emphasise the Eves because of their condition: deaf.
In these three chapters we will be shown the time when we were outside of God, but not yet on earth. It is the time of Cain and Abel, also when the blackmail was done and God will make the later resolution to save us on earth.
1 "Come, let us return to the LORD, for he has torn, but he will heal us; He has wounded, but he will bind us up.
2 In two days he will give us life, on the third day he will revive us, and we shall live in his presence.
3 Let us know, let us run after the knowledge of the LORD: his going forth is sure as the dawn; He will come to us as the early rain, as the latter rain that waters the earth."
4 What shall I do with you, O Ephraim? what shall I do with you, O Judah? your love is like a morning cloud, like the morning dew, that passes away!
5 Therefore I have torn you in pieces by the prophets, I have punished you with the words of my mouth, and my judgment shall break forth like the light.
6 For I desire love, not sacrifice, knowledge of God, rather than burnt offerings.
7 But they in Adam have violated the covenant, there they have been unfaithful to me.
7 But they, like Adam, have violated the covenant; there they have betrayed me. [Others]
8 Gilead is a city of evildoers, full of bloody footprints.
9 Like bandits in ambush are the band of priests: they murder by the way of Shechen, and commit infamy.
10 I have seen a horrible thing in Bethel: there Ephraim commits whoredom, Israel is defiled.
11 For you also, O Judah, there is a harvest prepared, when I shall change the lot of my people.
In 6:1 we want to return to God after our betrayal. We have realised that we cannot be without Him. It is the immediate moment after God quenches the rebellion. In this entire chapter God is considering Judgment on the rebellious, though something will come up in chapter 7 that will change the course of events.
6:2 is interesting (‘in 2 days he will heal us and on the third day we will live in his presence’). This may refer to the 3½ times, which we have already seen in Revelation and the Torah. Which puts this comment in heaven still, next to God, but not in God, when we were already defeated. Thus the cure would be the time of the passion, which would begin the ½ time and counts a new third day as the time when, redeemed, we return to heaven and live with God.
In 6:7 "In Adam/like Adam they have violated the covenant", tells us that we are as we are because of our betrayal in heaven. It is like saying: in the past, or in the time of Adam, or with that which you did to Adam, you betrayed me. He can say this to both the Adams and the Eves, although I think he is referring more to the Eves. In any case, it refers back to the past time: to heaven when we were in God.
In 6:9 he speaks again of the Eves, though this will happen on earth as well, for the Eves are the cause of the fall for the Adams among us.
In 6:10 it continues to speak of the past (heaven). Bethel means "House of God".
In 6:11 it speaks of the future passion, which will be when our (Adam's) fate will change.
7:1 When I seek to heal Israel, the guilt of Ephraim and the iniquities of Samaria are discovered; for they practice falsehood; as the thief goes inside, the gang unfolds outside.
2 And they do not reflect that I remember all their wickedness. Now their deeds envelop them, they are ever before me.
3 By their wickedness they recreate the king, by their lies the princes.
4 All these adulterers are like a fiery oven, which the baker ceases to bake from the time he kneads the dough until it leavens.
5 In the day of our king the princes are made sick by the vapour of wine, and he stretches out his hand to the stirrers.
6 When they lie in wait, their heart is like a furnace in their scheming: all night their anger sleeps, in the morning it burns with flaming fire.
7 They all burn like an oven, and devour their own judges. All their kings are fallen, but none of them calls upon me.
8 Ephraim is mixed with the peoples, Ephraim is a cake that has not been turned.
9 Strangers devour his strength, and he is not even aware of it! Already grey hairs are whitening on him, and he is not aware of it!
10 The pride of Israel testifies against him, but they do not turn to Yahweh their God, yet they do not seek him.
11 Ephraim is like a dove, and is not wise; call on Egypt, turn to Assyria.
12 Wherever they go, I will cast my net over them, like a bird of the air I will bring them down and punish them for their wickedness.
13 Woe to them, who have turned away from me! May they be disgraced because they have rebelled against me! I would rescue them, but they lie about me.
14 And they do not cry out to me from their heart when they groan on their beds; for wheat and for new wine they cut themselves in sunder and rebel against me.
15 I have strengthened their arm, but they plot against me!
16 They aim at the void, are like an unstretched bow. Their princes will fall by the sword because of the virulence of their tongue; they will be mocked in the country of Egypt!
This is the moment of blackmail. In (7:1) we are told of God's goodness even in judging the guilty, but the Eves, far from accepting the punishment, revolt and join in the blackmail of Satan and his followers: "If you condemn me, I will take the Adams with me too, for they have betrayed as I have done". This union or association of the Eves with the demons will also be seen in 7.11: "They call to Egypt they go to Assyria". Egypt is slavery, or punishment perhaps in this case and Assyria the demons as already seen. Returning to (7:1), it also says that "the evils of Samaria are discovered". Samaria, whose capital is Ephraim according to Isaiah, also represents the Eves who, although not blackmailing, argue against the Adams to extend their time (this is seen in Psalms from heaven, where the Adams are slandered by Eves and demons). As for "as the thief goes inside, the gang unfolds outside", it makes me think of that moment of blackmail in which several demand the guilt of the Adams and by these, they are inwardly emptied of the Holy Spirit.
In (3), with their wickedness they recreate Satan (king) with their lies to the demons (princes).
In (5) "our king" is God. From there on it is clear 6,7,8,9 foreign demons.
In (10) "the pride of Israel", may be the Adam.
In (12) they will be fools wherever they go. From birds to cattle that do not take flight.
In (14) it is those incisions that will not allow them to contain the Spirit. These too we Adam will have until the Passion, but ours will be acquired by the righteousness claimed by the demons + the Eves.
(16) "mocked in the country of Egypt": Fools, fools in the world.
8:1 Blow the trumpet! I am like an eagle against the house of Yahweh; for they have broken my covenant and rebelled against my law.
2 They cry to me, "My God, we of Israel acknowledge you!"
3 But Israel has rejected good: the enemy will pursue them!
4 They have enthroned kings without counting on me, they have appointed princes without my knowledge. With their silver and their gold they have made idols for themselves, for their destruction.
5 Your calf repels, Samaria! My anger is kindled against them: how long can they not purify themselves?
6 Because it comes from Israel, a craftsman has made it, and that is not God. The calf of Samaria shall be broken in pieces.
7 If they sow wind, they shall reap a storm: a stalk that has no sprout shall yield no flour; and if it does yield flour, strangers shall devour it.
8 Israel has been devoured! It is now among the nations as an unwanted object. 9
For he has gone up to Assyria, Ephraim, that solitary onager, to buy himself lovers;
10 though he buy them among the nations, I will gather them now, and they shall soon suffer under the burden of the king of princes.
11 Ephraim has multiplied altars to sin; altars have served him only to sin.
12 Even though I have written to him the excellencies of my law, he considers them a strange thing.
13 They may now offer sacrifices in my honour, and eat the flesh. Yahweh will not accept them; he will remember their faults and punish their sins; they will return to Egypt.
14 Israel forgets his Maker, and builds temples; Judah multiplies fortified cities. But I will set fire to their cities and devour their palaces.
So we are in that second time (Cain and Abel). As I said in the tower of babel they agree to try to get to God (building with empty bricks - empty souls). He says this in (2) They cry out to me, "My God, we of Israel recognise you!"
In (1) when it says "I am like an eagle against the house of Yahweh" it means that God will take away the Holy Spirit (Kingdom of heaven) or that He acts against His own.
Even (12) is clear.
In (13) it speaks of Ephraim's sacrifices being ignored, the same as Cain's versus Abel's sacrifices.
(14) reminds me of the building of the tower of babel.
In these two chapters Hosea shows us the arrival on earth; in them, as he usually does, he highlights the effects that the Eves, Ephraim, suffer here. Practically the whole two chapters speak of the same thing, so I will not put all the verses here.
9:1 Do not rejoice, O Israel, do not rejoice like the peoples, for you have prostituted yourself, far from your God, and you love that wage more than the threshing floors of wheat.
9:2 Neither the threshing floor nor the winepress shall feed them, and the new wine shall make them waste.
9:3 They shall dwell no more in the land of the LORD: Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and in Assyria they shall eat unclean food.
9:6 See, they have fled from the devastation: Egypt shall gather them, Memphis shall bury them: their treasures of silver shall the nettles inherit, briers shall invade their tents.
9:7 The days of punishment are come, the days of retribution are come. Let Israel know it! - The prophet is a fool, a madman the man of the spirit!" - Because of the magnitude of your guilt, because of your enormous hostility.
9:8 The watchman of Ephraim is a prophet beside my God: a snare of a fowler in all his ways, hostility in the house of his God.
9:9 They have come to the bottom of corruption, as in the days of Gibeah; he will remember their guilt and visit their sins.
9:10 I have found Israel as grapes in the wilderness, I have seen your fathers, as a blossoming fig tree. But when they came to Baal Peor, they devoted themselves to infamy, and became as abominable as the object of their love.
9:11 Ephraim is like a bird, his glory is blown away from birth, from the womb, from conception.
9:14 Give them, Yahweh..., what wilt thou give them? give them an aborting womb, and parched breasts! ... 17 10
10:1 Israel was a leafy vine, he gathered fruit: the more fruit he brought forth, the more he multiplied the altars; the better his land was, the better his stelae he built.
10:2 Their heart is divided, but now they will pay for it; he will break down their altars, he will demolish their stelae.
10:3 Then they will say, "We have no king, because we have not feared Yahweh; and the king, what could he do to us?"
10:4 They utter words, false oaths, they covenant alliances, and judgment flourishes like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field.
10:5 The inhabitants of Samaria tremble for the calf of Bethaven; yes, his people mourn for him, his priests tremble for him, for his glory, since he has been deported!
10:6 He also shall be carried to Assyria, as an offering to the great king. Ephraim will bear the shame, and Israel will be ashamed of his plan.
10:7 Samaria is finished! Her king is like foam on the water.
10:8 The high places of Aven, the sin of Israel, will be destroyed. Thorns and brambles will climb up their altars. Then they will say to the mountains: "Cover us!" and to the hills, "Fall on us!"
10:9 Since the days of Gibeah you have sinned, O Israel, there they continue! The battle of Gibeah against the sons of unrighteousness was not enough for them.
10 I will punish them, and peoples will be allied against them, to punish them for their double guilt.
11 Ephraim was a tame heifer, he loved the threshing; I have joined his beautiful neck; I will ride upon Ephraim, Judah will open the furrow, Jacob will destroy the clods.
12 Sow righteousness, reap love, cultivate what is fallow; it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes to teach you righteousness.
13 You have sown wickedness, you reap iniquity, you eat the fruit of lies. Because you have trusted in your chariots, in the multitude of your soldiers,
14 A tumult of war shall rise up against your people, and all your fortresses shall be devastated, as Shalman devastated Beth Arbel in the day of battle, when the mother was dashed against her children.
15 So Bethel hath gotten you for your double wickedness: the king of Israel shall be cut off at the dawn of day.
In 9:1 Do not rejoice as for this second chance that begins on earth because you Ephraim will not even be able to smell God. Likewise, this blindness of God in 9:2, 9:11 (referring to the origin of heaven), and 9:14. In 9:7 likewise, it says that to them the prophet will be a fool and the man of the Spirit a madman.
In 9:3, 9:6, he speaks of their no longer being in heaven and of the new place to which they come fleeing from the devastation. In 9:6 they return to Egypt (slavery) because their freedom to choose God has actually been taken away. Similar 10:5.
Empty, finished Ephraim: 10:2, 10:7, 10:14
10:10, Double guilt, for rising up and joining in blackmail against Adam.
In 10:11 Again refers to cattle referring to Ephraim, Eves.
In 10:12 He says what they shall do (he was speaking of Judah who will make a furrow -10:11), in the land. And then (10:13) it speaks of what they did wrong in heaven and that these now on earth will be its consequences. Your mother will be dashed against her children" may be a reference to the Eves being pitted against the Adams (future).
10:1510:15 Bethel is the House of God. ‘At the dawn the king of Israel will disappear’ I think it refers to the installation on earth, because the dawn, without double meanings, is part of our earth (these 2 chapters have spoken about what happens in this “installation”, here it seems that it is already finished, and the following - Chapter 11 - will already be the development in the world; how to say: from now on...). The king of Israel in heaven is the devil (for the Eves who lead the Adams follow him). It may refer to the fact that the Satan will not be seen on earth (without a body) or that here they do not command the Adams; although they influence us, we are no longer ‘in love’ with them. We do not remember (the king of Israel will disappear).
1 When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.
2 The more I called them, the more they turned away from me: they offered sacrifices to Baalim, and incense to idols.
3 I taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms, but they did not know that I cared for them.
4 I drew them with cords of men, with bands of love; I was to them as those who lift up a child against their cheek, I bent down to him and fed him.
5 For he shall return to the land of Egypt, and Asshur shall be their king, because they have refused to turn;
6 The sword shall ravage their cities, shall annihilate their locks, and devour by their devices.
7 My people are accustomed to apostatise from me; when they call on high, no one lifts them up.
8 How shall I give you up, O Ephraim, how shall I let you go, O Israel? shall I give you up as Admah, and deal with you as with Sheba? My heart is troubled within me, and my bowels tremble at the same time.
9 I will not give course to the fierceness of my anger, I will not again destroy Ephraim, for I am God, not man; the Holy One in the midst of you, and I will not come in anger.
10 They shall march after Yahweh, he shall roar like a lion; and when he roars, the children shall come trembling from the west,
11 They shall tremble as a little bird from Egypt, as a dove from the land of Assyria; and I will cause them to dwell in their houses, saith the LORD.
I am putting this one in its entirety so that you can see the change (thank goodness I didn't want to make the book longer). If in the previous chapters he spoke of the dire consequences for Israel, especially Ephraim, in the middle of this one he changes his answer. This change can mean two things:
- one the Passion, though in reality this does not open his ear to the Eves.
- The other is the end of our world, when the deaf (the Eves) will hear. This is seen in (10-11). In 9 it says of Ephraim that God is in the midst of him and in 10 it says, they will come trembling from the west, (where the sun sets=death). Which tells us of that revival or refilling.
So I think it is the second option. This period from chapter 4 to 11 is the third time he tells the story of salvation from heaven. It would be possible that he would have recounted here, in chapter 11, only up to the passion and then continue in chapter 12, which would end the cycle at the end, in chapter 14. However, he makes this quick end to finish that third time, although in chapter 12 he continues or rather begins with the story of salvation from the passion; thus he will recount from chapter 12 onwards only half a time and will amazingly add up, as I said, the 3.5 times.
1 Ephraim hath compassed me about with lies, the house of Israel with deceit. (But Judah still walks with God, and remains faithful to the Holy One).
2 Ephraim feedeth on wind, he goeth after the Levant all the day long; he multiplieth lies and plunder; they seal a league with Assyria, and bring oil into Egypt.
3 Yahweh will plead with Judah, he will visit Jacob for his conduct, he will repay him according to his deeds.
4 In the womb he supplanted his brother, and when he grew up he wrestled with God.
5 He wrestled with the angel, and was able, and wept, and besought him. At Bethel he met him, and there he talked with him.
6 Yes, Yahweh God Sebaoth, Yahweh is his title.
7 And turn thou to thy God: observe lovingkindness and justice, and trust in thy God continually.
8 Canaan has a tricked balance in his hand; he loves to defraud.
9 And Ephraim says, "Yes, I have grown rich, I have amassed a fortune." None of his gain will be found, because of the injustice with which he has made himself guilty!
10 I am Yahweh, your God, from the land of Egypt: I will yet make you dwell in tents as in the days of the Gathering;
11 I will speak to the prophets, I myself will multiply visions, and speak in parables by the prophets.
12 If Gilead is iniquity, they are nothing but lies. In Gilgal they have sacrificed bulls; therefore their altars shall be as rubble upon the furrows of the fields.
13 Jacob fled into the field of Aram, Israel served for a woman, for a woman he kept flocks.
14 Yahweh also brought Israel up out of Egypt by a prophet, and by a prophet he was preserved.
15 Ephraim hath bitterly provoked him: he shall bring his blood upon him, his Lord shall recompense him for his iniquity.
As I was saying, the passion has already happened, as a consequence in (1) it says "Judah (Adam) still walks with God and remains faithful to the Holy One". I have only seen this in the Jerusalem Bible and in a note it says that it comes from the Greek: "But Judah is still known to God". It used to say bad things especially about Ephraim (Evas), but also about Adam (4:5,4:10,4:12,4:14,8:14) and many about Israel (Adam + Evas). What is certain is that it coincides perfectly with what has been studied here and the times of Hosea. Perhaps other bibles have not followed the Greek version because it does not make much sense to speak suddenly well of the Adams, but we have already seen that it makes a point, and from the 3 ½ Times, after the passion, it makes perfect sense, for it is then that the Adams are able to receive the Holy Spirit.
In 3 it comes to say that the world, after the passion, will serve us to gain or lose the Holy Spirit (trade). It also speaks of Judah in Genesis, I think, it would have to be investigated if Jacob's wrestling with the angel has any reading from heaven.
The rest of 12 speaks of Ephraim who is still deaf, also of things past (13,14,15) and others that announce in the future the cure of the Eves (9-11).
13:1 When Ephraim spoke, there was terror; he had prevailed in Israel, but he became guilty with Baal and died.
2 And yet they continue to sin: they have made for themselves molten images of their silver, idols of their own devising: all the work of craftsmen; they call them gods, they sacrifice men, they kiss calves!
3 Therefore they shall be as a morning cloud, as the morning dew that passeth away, as chaff that is driven from the threshing floor, as smoke out of the window.
4 But I am Yahweh your God from the land of Egypt. You know no other God but me, and there is no saviour but me.
5 I knew you in the wilderness, in the burning ground.
6 When they were in their pasture, they were filled, they were filled and their heart was waxed fat, therefore they forgot me.
7 For I will be to them as a lion, I will lie in wait in the way as a leopard.
8 I will fall upon them like a bear deprived of her young, I will tear the intertwining of their heart, I will devour them there and then like a lioness, the beast of the field will tear them in pieces.
9 In your destruction, O Israel, who will help you?
10 Where is thy king to save thee in all thy cities, and thy judges, of whom thou saidst, Give me king and princes?
11 I give thee a king in my wrath, and I take him away in my anger.
12 Ephraim's guilt is bound up, his sin is well laid up.
13 The pains of a travailing woman come upon him, but he is a foolish son, who cometh not up in time where children break forth.
14 Shall I deliver them from the clutch of Sheol, shall I rescue them from death? where, O death, are your pestilences, where, O Sheol, is your contagion? Compassion is hidden from my eyes.
15 Though Ephraim bear fruit among his brethren, the Levant will blow, the wind of Yahweh will rise from the wilderness, and dry up his spring, and exhaust his fountain; he will snatch away the treasure, all the precious things.
Here, in (1) it tells us what we already knew, that the Eves impose themselves (command, manipulate) on the Adams, and they followed the demons, they coveted the Essence of God. In (2) it tells us already about our earth in which they are still sinning. In (3) he gives the reason why they still cannot be filled with God (even after the passion, this is from me); this will be continued in the following verses. He speaks exclusively of the Eves because they remain deaf. It is like the one who takes away the punishment from one of his children, but not from the other, and gives the reasons and explanations why he has not taken it away from the last one (his fault was much more serious).
(13) 14:1 Samaria is guilty, because she has rebelled against her God. They will fall by the sword, their children will be dashed to pieces, and their pregnant women will be cut open.
14:2 Return, O Israel, to the LORD your God, for your guilt has brought you down.
3 Prepare words for yourselves, and return to Yahweh. Say to him, "Take away all guilt; accept what is good; and instead of bullocks we offer our lips.
4 Assyria will not save us, we will not ride on horses, and we will no longer say 'Our God' to the work of our hands, O you in whom the fatherless finds compassion."
5 - I will heal their unfaithfulness, I will love them graciously; for my anger has turned away from him,
6 I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall blossom as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon.
7 His branches shall spread forth, his beauty shall be like the olive tree, and his fragrance like Lebanon.
8 They shall return that dwell in the shadow thereof; they shall bring forth wheat, they shall flourish like the vine, their fame shall be as the wine of Lebanon.
9 Ephraim... what have I to do with idols? I answer and protect him. I am like an evergreen cypress, and from me comes your fruit.
10 Who is wise to understand these things, intelligent to know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.
Verse 1 in all the bibles I have seen is in the previous chapter, which is where it fits, because it was talking about the deafness of the Eves. I don't know why the Jerusalem Bible has put it here. If those who know knew the key we are looking at perhaps the bible would show itself to be subtly different, just enough to see these things more clearly. What is certain is that it is God's will that it has come down to us from Greek and Aramaic almost all of it (as far as I know), surely to keep that key hidden to this day, precisely.
So let's take 2 for the beginning of this chapter, and we will see that it speaks to us of reconciliation. This is the end of time, for in (9) it also tells us that the Eves will bear fruit. It is the last end of the cycle that is recounted, since this part (12-14) has been told from the middle.
The Structure of the Hosea Chapters
The most important thing, or perhaps the novelty of Hosea, is not so much what he says about the Adam and the Eves, which, even if it is part of that hidden secret, is something we have already got used to (at least I have). What impresses me is the way in which he shows us those 3'5 times: not with an obscure phrase that has to be unravelled, but with the layout of his whole work. Well, finally he comes to talk to us about the same thing, about that story from heaven that we are part of, about the plot of the Adam and the Eves. It is really exciting to discover how much God loves us, his ways and the clues he has left us to reach him, also from the world. We saw then that Hosea tells the story several times and this is really because he is marking those three and a half times (3.5) that we have already talked about in the apocalypse. In fact, he already gave a warning when he started in the first chapter talking about these stages (God sows, not-pitied, not-my-people) and then in 6:2 (after 2 days he will give us life and on the 3rd day we will rise again). Thus we can distinguish the following structure:
Hosea's relation to the 3’5 Times | ||
1st Time |
Including the first 2 to 2:3, (I think it is wrongly separated). It tells it all from heaven in a few verses.
Ends with: [Short text] 2:2 The children of Judah and the children of Israel shall be gathered together as one, and shall appoint one leader over themselves, and shall overflow out of the land; for the day of Yizreel shall be great. 2:3 Say to your brothers: "My people" and to your sisters: "Pity" |
2nd Time |
Close to God, but not in God (Cain and Abel) [Short text] History repeats itself with the same ending Ends with: 2:25 I will sow it in the earth, I will have compassion on "Not-my-people", and I will say to "Not-my-people": You are "My people", and he will say: "My God!" |
Transition, with some information. | ||
3rd Time |
Tell the whole story again. This time longer, obeying our real times: [Long text] -Rebellion in Heaven 1, short (we all lived it at the same time). -Next to God, but not in God 2, short (we all experienced it at the same time). -Stage in our Earth (long, we came for generations) -Some arrive before Christ. -Others after 12-14 (last half time). |
4-5 | Start counting the betrayal from the Heaven. | |
6-7-8 | Close to God, but NOT in God. In 7 blackmail is given. | |
9-10 | Arrival on Earth. | |
11 | The complete salvation (with the deaf cure of Evas). Before he spoke about the punishments to Israel, now he changes. In 11:10 “they come from the west” equals they come from death (west where the sun sets). 11:10 They will march after Yahweh, he will roar like a lion; and when he roars, the sons will come trembling from the west, 11:11 They shall tremble like a little bird coming from Egypt, like a dove from the land of Assyria; and I will cause them to dwell in their houses - the oracle of Yahweh.. | |
½ Time |
After Christ. Here it speaks especially of Ephraim, the Eves, who will not be cleansed from their sin in heaven after the passion. This is the middle time: middle length.
However, in 14 they will end up listening. [Medium text] 14:8 Those who dwell in its shadow shall return; they shall bring forth wheat, they shall flourish like the vine, their fame shall be like the wine of Lebanon. 14:9 Ephraim... what have I to do with idols? I answer and protect you. I am like an evergreen cypress, and from me comes your fruit. |
The end of Hosea and another proof that it does not speak only of the history of "Israel" in the world.: 14:10 Who is wise to understand these things, intelligent to know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble therein. |
Note that the 3½ Times are shown by counting 3 1/2 times our story of Salvation (the last half describes the last half time as it is, from the passion), but in addition, these times coincide in their ‘temporal’ length with the length of the text.
· A bit of numerology. 777-111=666.
Let’s talk about some numbers used in the Bible.
The number 1 symbolizes God for being singular.
The number 7 symbolizes perfection, the absolute. Everything was created in 7 days; after work (6 days) comes rest, just as heaven will come for those who are fortunate after the world.
Matthew 18:21-22
Then Peter went up to him
and said, 'Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As
often as seven times?'
Jesus answered, 'Not seven,
I tell you, but seventy-seven times.
It is perfection, what should be.
The number 3 symbolizes the whole. There are three times: past, present and future. 3 is forever.
The number 6 is said to be the devil's number. Actually, it represents the number of man and, as such, could well be the devil because, as I propose, we have ceased to be what we were in order to be mediocre men because of betrayal, instigated by the devil. Our being men, then, would be an achievement of the devil.
It is the number of man because God created man on the 6th day.
6 is also a perfect number = the sum of its divisors excepting itself => 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, which may also symbolize that 6 (the devil) replaces the three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Revelation 13:18
There is need for shrewdness here: anyone clever may interpret the number of
the beast: it is the number of a human being, the number 666.
Moreover, the superlative that the Israelites made was to repeat the same word three times (Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Holiest). The same would be the case with the 6.
If we take away the superlative of the perfect 777, the Holy Trinity God 111 (superlative of 1 unique God and also 1+1+1 add up to 3 persons; 3 = wholeness, always, eternity. So 111 represents God the Trinity; one God, three persons), we are left with 666.
Perfect (777) - God (111) = Devil (666)
Which is basically what, I submit, happened in heaven. Being in the perfection of heaven, we tried to take God away deceived by the devil and found ourselves dead and also out of heaven together with the Devil. And at the same time it is the number of man, as I have already said, what we are now for having taken God from us.
Then: "for it is the number of a man. Its number is 666" means that it is the number of 'man' for man is the completion of the beast. As for some being marked with this number on the hand and others on the forehead (I think I explained it somewhere), it already happened in the rebellion in heaven, those who betrayed and acted or worked (Eve), on the hand, and those who did it in thought or doubt, on the forehead (Adam). Once emptied of God we remain dead, "thrown away" we can only exercise our freedom when God gives us our prostheses, our bodies. That freedom is buying and selling. Thanks to God and the passion we men will then have the possibility to receive the Holy Spirit, not so the demons who only hate and have no body, they are not men, they do not have the mark of the beast 666 paradoxically. Gaining and losing the Holy Spirit (you do good or evil).
Also, as far as it is the figure of a man, it is the best way to say also, that the beast was a desire (angel) like us without talking about our origin in heaven or without really mentioning it. Finally, I believe that each 6 also represents each of the actors of this world, of those of us who fell here for leaving God: Adam 6, Eve (deaf) 6 and demons 6.
Now we will study the 7 seals, 7 angels with trumpets, 7 with bowls and 7 with nothing in their hand in which the 3 ½, our salvation history as Hosea did, and Daniel announced, in three and a half times 3,5 are shown independently. Surprising but true.
As a curiosity I give you this verse that speaks of a joint creation of all before (in) the creation of the world and how we are already marked (if not, how arbitrary it would be to inscribe some and not others).
Revelation 17:8
'The beast you have seen was once alive and is alive no longer; it is yet to come up from the Abyss, but only to go to its destruction. And the people of the world, whose names have not been written since the beginning of the world in the book of life, will be astonished when they see how the beast was once alive and is alive no longer, and is still to come.
Relationship between 7 and 12.
Throughout the essay I have mentioned the number 7 a lot. Not only have we studied it as a representation of perfection, but we have also seen it as a classification of the size (soul) types of those of us on earth. This in turn made possible those 7 parallel paths guided by the mercy that God places among us to lead us to Himself, to save us. These are paths for the different "nations" or, rather, for those different sizes of soul. We gave the example of the different ages in men, which deserve different teaching and even different judgement (a child is not the same as an adult).
We have seen the 7 showing us those groups by size, in the 7 Spirits of God, in the 7 Churches (cryptically speaking), in the 7 stars in his right hand, in the 7 seals that we are also each of those types or groups, unable to receive the Holy Spirit since our betrayal, and that only christ can open. Sometimes 7 geographical features are listed, for example, to designate these "types" in a veiled way. 7 weapons, designating the 7 sizes of demons among us (which in the end speak of the same 7 sizes, because there were fallen ones from each of the 7 groups). Without forgetting that God divides his "creation" into 7 days; (Really? If the sun, moon and stars were created on the 4th day, how was it known that they were the first days, those days when the first things were done? Of course, this is written to tell us about that grouping of creation).
These sevens with prophetic value or, at least, significant, are hidden among many other sevens that are used in the routine of Israel and that seem to be symbolic numbers; they are usually used in sacrifices (7 goats, 7 sheep...) and times of sacrifices or punishments. Maybe they are not only symbolic, after all, maybe it was normal that they offered, even without them knowing it, an animal for each group or type of those who fell from heaven...
Many more occurrences of the number 7 are found even in the physical world (7 types of stars equating that intensity of light to the size of the soul, 7 colours of the rainbow, symbol also of God's covenant with us...).
But we have left out the number 12, which is also very present in the symbolism of the Bible. And moreover, it is present from heaven no less.
I was saying, that the Tree of Life represents the Holy Spirit, and this was coveted by the rebellious angels, paradoxically becoming an idol among them. Thus, according to Revelation, the Tree of Life bears 12 fruits a year. They are not different fruits, but the same one that sprouts 12 times during the year. This distinguishes the same fruit or Holy Spirit in 12 groups.
Thus, in the Bible, this hierarchy or grouping will be seen several more times; I will try to establish the relationship or equating between both the hierarchy of 12 and the hierarchy of 7 (the latter so reviewed in this essay).
But first let us review the hierarchy of 12 in the Bible.
When 12 is named, there is one of them that usually comes out wrong (this happened in a similar way with the 7 when, for example, it named geographical features, and one of them was the islands, apart and surrounded by the sea = death; the 7th day - creation - is mentioned apart from the others, in this one God does not act).
Likewise, in a way, we will see it in one of Jacob's 12 tribes, that of Benjamin, who after fighting against the rest of the tribes after committing a grave sin, were decimated and all their women killed. The survivors were assigned the women of a village of Israel whose men were killed by the other tribes for not coming before Yahweh. Subsequently they supplemented the number with other Israelites who were kidnapped. This ensured that the tribe of Benjamin did not disappear (Judges 19:22 - 21:25).
But as for the Tree of Life, is there really a fruit that has also been spoiled? Yes, so it was for many, for if we equate those fruits of the tree, not only to that hierarchy of angels in heaven, but to the fruits we know of the Holy Spirit: charity, joy, peace, patience, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, gentleness, meekness, faithfulness, modesty, continence and chastity. 12 in all, we see that the sin that brought iniquity into heaven was pride, that is, the fruit of humility or modesty failed in many. Later, because of this already faithfulness fails, but that is the sin that broke everything. Later, as with Benjamin, this humility will be restored in those who are saved. It is not that it failed as a fruit of the Spirit, but in the freedom of many this fruit was cast away.
But, speaking of the number 12, is there really a matching symbolism or is it just a coincidence that these coincide? Let's go to the New Testament. The twelve apostles of Christ, in which again there is a traitor, Judas, were not taken in this number because there were 12 tribes in Israel, Jesus did not take into account the tribe of each one (it seems, moreover, that by then several tribes had already disappeared), but he added them as he found them. It is true that in the A.T. there are many occurrences of the 12 due to the 12 tribes of Israel, but not in this case (there are 180 in the whole Bible).
And of course, what confirms this classification is Revelation, where we are told of the heavenly Jerusalem with 12 gates, and seated on 12 stones. Which would come to tell us something like heaven is supported by 12 pillars and has 12 entrances, which again leads me to that hierarchy or grouping, if you will, and again to those different ways to enter heaven (in this case there would be 12? now we will see this...).
Rev 12:1 A great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head;
Rev 21:12 having a wall great and high; having twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels; and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel.
Rev 21:14 The wall of the city stands on twelve stones, which bear the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Rev 21:21 And the twelve gates are twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl; and the street of the city is pure gold, transparent as crystal.
Rev 22:2 In the midst of the street, on either side of the river, is a tree of life, bearing fruit twelve times, once every month; and the leaves thereof are for a medicine to the Gentiles.
But let us consider the second, Rev 21:12 and go back to the Gospel, where we find this said by Jesus:
Matt 19:28 Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, I say to you, you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne, you also will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Don't we know that Christ is the Saviour of mankind? And didn't he know it? Of course He did, He always speaks globally: He refers to Himself as the "son of man"; He does not come to judge this world but to save it; salvation comes from the Jews... neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father... they will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth... (John 4,21-24). So why sit in judgement of the 12 tribes of Israel, who are insignificant, quantitatively speaking, compared to all the inhabitants of the world in all ages? And, above all, why does heaven have 12 gates and 12 pillars, and why does the Tree of Life have 12 fruits? It tells us about this hierarchy among the heavenly creatures, about heaven, about where we fell, about ourselves.
But then what are we left with, are there 7 types or 12? Well, it's a bit puzzling, because it speaks in a similar way referring to the 12 and the 7 in terms of hierarchy, but maybe these words of Jesus clarify something for us:
Mar 8:16-21 They were talking among themselves that they had no loaves. (17) When he realized this, he said to them, "Why are you talking about having no loaves? Do you not yet understand or comprehend? Is it that your minds are dull? (18) Having eyes you do not see, and having ears you do not hear? Do ye not remember (19) when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand? How many baskets full of fragments did ye gather?" "Twelve," they say to him. (20) "And when I broke the seven among the four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did ye gather?" They say to him, "Seven." 21 And he continued, "Do you still not understand?"
Now let's play with numbers, I know that many of you don't like to do the maths, but let's see.
5 loaves for 5000 leaves 12 baskets (5 : 5000 = 0,001)
7 loaves of bread for 4000 leaves 7 baskets (7 : 4000 = 0,00175)
The bread also symbolises the Holy Spirit. It seems to say that by dividing the Spirit among those we are, there will remain groups of 12 or 7. In fact, dividing one and the other to the third decimal place gives the same result (0.001). It seems that he equates these values, the 12 and the 7. But in addition he gives first 5 and then 7 (5 loaves+7 loaves=12) as if to say: there are 5 (+ 2 fish that we ignore now as we are talking about loaves Mark 6,41-43) in heaven that have exactly 0'001 each and on earth the 7:4000 that give those 0'001 and in addition, the 7 and the 5 again as 4th and 5th decimal ≅ in the 7 loaves is included the 7 and the 5, that is to say the 12.
To put a fine point on it, if we add up all the loaves and all the diners and divide them: (5+7):(5000+4000)= 0.001333..., reminding us of that periodically infinite 3 to God the Trinity. Would it be as if all the Spirit distributed, also among us, completed God entirely? Does this mean that if something of the Spirit dwells in us, that Spirit, with which we are in communion, is part, even if only in the smallest degree, of God the Trinity? And where does that leave us?
Which suggests several theories, but I'll stick with the most important for me, and that is that Hierarchisation already from heaven. Perhaps the 7 and 12 are simply differentiated for the sake of secrecy until today, as it seems to equal them now. It would be too visible if 12 or 7 had always been used. We have already seen the 7 in our daily life, and not only in what was mentioned a moment ago, but also in the days of the week which are 7 (it took God 6 days to make the world and on the 7th day he rested); but we also see the 12 in our daily life, because 12 are the months of the year and 12 are the hours of the day. In the bible, the symbolic meaning of both, in terms of hierarchy (but not in terms of the perfection of the 7), seems to be the same.
Jua 11:9 Jesus answered, "Are not the hours of the day twelve? If one walks in the daytime, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world;
And given that a separate one is named in both groups, doesn't it refer to the same thing?
If we look at the hierarchy of angels as deduced from the Scriptures (it seems), we have: cherubim, dominations, principalities, seraphim, virtues, archangels, thrones, powers, and angels. Total 9. We could think that the structure is completed up to 12 in heaven by adding the devil, since he was especially beautiful, above the cherubim I would say. And to continue above would be Jesus Christ as a heavenly creature and God the Father above them all. Which would fit with these fruits of the Holy Spirit. However, this does not fit with the verses that talk about judging all the tribes of Jacob, although it does fit with the one in Revelation that shows the Virgin Mary on the moon and a crown of 12 stars above her head, since she as a woman would be below the heavenly nature and above humanity (so those 12 stars are those groups, not so much the apostles as I have put out there).
So we will leave that as an option and as another possibility, we will place the three actors we have landed to complete that 12 (9+3). The demons, or fallen angels, the Adam, and the Eve. In this case, the 12 would tell us about the structure of Heaven, not only in terms of size, but also in terms of how it was left after the betrayal. And then our soul size as men would not be differentiated, because although it remains in us (reason for the parallel paths of God), also when those who arrive in heaven (we see this in the temple of Ezekiel, which is actually heaven p.89), we will be very different from what we were, very inferior to the angels even if we return there. In this respect Jesus also says to James and his brother (I think) when they ask to be at his side in heaven: "you do not know what you are asking".
But, even counting those additions, of us traitors, if that is the case, why reduce them to 7 on earth? That is to say, if there are 9 types of angels by size (or 10 if we count the devil), why reduce them to 7 on earth, or the other way round, let us first consider the opposite: why is the 12 also present on earth, with the 12 tribes of Jacob, the 12 baskets (joined to the other 7) or the 12 apostles (in addition to the 12 fruits of the Tree of Life, the 12 fruits of the Spirit, the 12 stars that crown the virgin, the 12 gates of heaven)? Maybe it is just to let us know what happened in heaven; just to tell us about our history there, or how it was after the betrayal. In this regard, the orphan psalms, too, describe for us 11 times + 1, the 3 ½ times of which I speak so much in the essay, with the general time, the one that is loose, the one that encompasses all the orphan psalms, being the most serious, for it forms its first time directly with the betrayal of Yahweh and his Anointed (1st and 2nd Psalms). See Orphan Psalms p.155.
As to why reduce them to 7 down here, perhaps it is because there was some kind of the higher ones that did not betray and are not present on earth, of course the devil has no way, so it would be ruled out.
Anyway, I was just interested in showing that relationship between the 12 and the 7. They are ways of reflecting that grouping already from heaven, which directly influence the ways that God has put here to save us, ways that teach us (or remind us of what we were, if you will), according to our original capacity in which God created us in heaven. This alone is enough to prove that God gives us related and coherent clues that speak in the same direction. And now I am not talking about the 3 ½ times, for these are no longer clues, they are clear teachings that, if known, can only be ignored by those who consciously want to turn their backs on God. He who has ears let him hear, for so says Jesus Christ:
Matt 10:32-33 "Whoever declares himself for me before men, I will declare myself for him also before my Father who is in heaven; 33 but whoever denies me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven.
What will become of him who directly denies the Father before men, or rather denies men the possibility of seeing the Father? I shudder at the thought of putting myself in his shoes....
· The Seven Seals
Looking at these readings from the “dual” perspective gives new meanings, as I said, to many passages. In Revelation 5, it talks about everything in the book, more than just the seven seals. It asks who will be able to open it, and then says that it is the son of David, the slain lamb...
Revelation 5:1-14
1 I saw that in the right hand of the One sitting on the throne
there was a scroll that was written on back and front and was sealed with
seven seals.
2 Then I saw a
powerful angel who called with a loud voice, 'Who is worthy to open the
scroll and break its seals?'
3 But there
was no one, in heaven or on the earth or under the earth, who was able to
open the scroll and read it.
4 I wept
bitterly because nobody could be found to open the scroll and read it,
5 but one of
the elders said to me, 'Do not weep. Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has triumphed, and so he will open the scroll and its
seven seals.'
6 Then I saw,
in the middle of the throne with its four living creatures and the circle of
the elders, a Lamb standing that seemed to have been sacrificed; it had
seven horns, and it had seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits that God has
sent out over the whole world.
7 The Lamb
came forward to take the scroll from the right hand of the One sitting on
the throne,
8 and when he
took it, the four living creatures prostrated themselves before him and with
them the twenty-four elders; each one of them was holding a harp and had a
golden bowl full of incense which are the prayers of the saints.
9 They sang a
new hymn: You are worthy to take the scroll and to break its seals, because
you were sacrificed, and with your blood you bought people for God of every
race, language, people and nation
10 and made
them a line of kings and priests for God, to rule the world.
11 In my
vision, I heard the sound of an immense number of angels gathered round the
throne and the living creatures and the elders; there were ten thousand
times ten thousand of them and thousands upon thousands,
12 loudly
chanting: Worthy is the Lamb that was sacrificed to receive power, riches,
wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing.
13 Then I
heard all the living things in creation -- everything that lives in heaven,
and on earth, and under the earth, and in the sea, crying: To the One seated
on the throne and to the Lamb, be all praise, honour, glory and power, for
ever and ever.
14 And the four living creatures said, 'Amen' and the elders
prostrated themselves to worship.
That book would be each one of us, on each of its pages. Thus in Jesus Christ all the souls of men, of every creed and nation, are healed. Those pages are all mankind and God's heavenly creatures (front and back, for as the firstborn [=first created], through His complacency [=maintains the Essence of God in its highest intensity] in God, the angels were created afterwards), and He opens for us the possibility of returning to God, life itself, He opens the world and the Universe as the stage of a History of Salvation which without Him could not have been given; for He frees us from the former righteousness (heavenly, for that was our nature before the betrayal) by making a new nature for us fit to receive the Holy Spirit. He makes everything new, we can start from scratch.
Revelation is written without time, for it finally predicts the end of the world. Jesus Christ is described in the future as the one who will open the 7 seals by his sacrifice. This is like saying that without the passion of Jesus Christ the world would not have existed. From a future for the origin of the world, without Him it would disappear to our past in the world. This is so because God is outside of time, and because Christ already offers Himself to save the desires (us treacherous angels) after our rebellion in heaven. Thus, God's plan to give us our new nature to try to save us begins before the world and the Universe. Furthermore, the 7 Seals also symbolise the seven types of angels by size (or ages, if you will). Because in the world, as in heaven, there are people of 7 sizes of soul, so there are demons of 7 sizes, not all are the same. God has set 7 paths or religions for 7 sizes, and we will have to fight against our particular size of demon. Hence, these different paths; we need different training, because a child is not required to do the same as an adult, and a special operations soldier is prepared differently to solve more difficult missions. We were blocked or sealed like those seals, which only Christ could open so that the Holy Spirit could enter again.
In chapter 6 he continues with the seven seals. These now seem to speak chronologically of the history of mankind, but starting from heaven as God's creatures were left after the betrayal. To understand the seals it is helpful to read these verses from Chapter 4 which speak of heaven and its powers.
Revelation 4:5-8
5 Flashes of lightning were coming from the throne, and the sound of peals of
thunder, and in front of the throne there were seven flaming lamps burning,
the seven Spirits of God.
6 In front of
the throne was a sea as transparent as crystal. In the middle of the throne
and around it, were four living creatures all studded with eyes, in front
and behind.
7 The first
living creature was like a lion, the second like a bull, the third living
creature had a human face, and the fourth living creature was like a flying
8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was studded
with eyes all the way round as well as inside; and day and night they never
stopped singing: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty; who was,
and is and is to come.'
Imagine for a moment that these “living creatures”, full of eyes, are the peoples or types of angels according to their faithfulness and size, (this will be understood better later in the seals). Then, in the first four seals it will tell us about the "sides", let's say, present in heaven after the betrayal. Let us think that "living creatures all studded with eyes" seems to describe an essence, or something common, with different people (one does not imagine the eyes ahead and behind coordinated, but each one to his own).
Revelation 6:1 Then, in my vision, I saw the Lamb break one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures shout in a voice like thunder, 'Come!' 2 Immediately I saw a white horse appear, and its rider was holding a bow; he was given a victor's crown and he went away, to go from victory to victory. |
The first seal (6:1), has a Horseman riding a white horse with a crown and is the victor and will be the victor. It seems to refer to Jesus Christ, first wish of God who remains in Him and vice versa. The beginning of everything, even for the angels. The 1st Living Creature would be the people of God, the faithful Angels => like a lion. |
3 When he broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature shout, 'Come!' 4 And out came another horse, bright red, and its rider was given this duty: to take away peace from the earth and set people killing each other. He was given a huge sword. |
The second seal (6:3), has a Rider on the back of the red horse. Luzbel is also granted freedom and he uses or will use it to remove peace from the (earth = heaven). He will decide to rise up in rebellion. He has a big sword; this can refer to his power or to his size, I believe we all have different sizes of souls, I will explain this in the parable of the talents. I think Luzbel must have been of considerable size. In the Bible he is described as a beautiful and fair angel before the rising. The 2nd Living One would be the fallen angels => Horned steer, but not with the presence of a bull. |
5 When he broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature shout, 'Come!' Immediately I saw a black horse appear, and its rider was holding a pair of scales; 6 and I seemed to hear a voice shout from among the four living creatures and say, 'A day's wages for a quart of corn, and a day's wages for three quarts of barley, and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.' |
The third seal (6:5), has a Horseman riding a black horse. With a scale. I believe it is the Holy Spirit because he is in charge of measuring our capacity of "God", by instructions of God himself => "voice from the midst of the 4 living ones" thus the 3rd Living One: it seems to be us, from the rest of God's desires =>"he has a face like a man". Of us who were then made man. It speaks of capacities measured per denarius, just like the parable of the talents as I was saying. He took the Essence of God from us, taking care not to damage it (wine, oil represent the Spirit). He left us our empty soul measured by sizes (denarii), for the Adam and Eve (wheat, barley, or vice versa); it does not speak of the Spirit (bread, wheat) but of what it occupies (litres) = empty. * In other translations it says ‘do not waste the oil and wine. |
7 When he broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature shout, 'Come!' 8 Immediately I saw another horse appear, deathly pale, and its rider was called Death, and Hades followed at its heels. They were given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill by the sword, by famine, by plague and through wild beasts. |
The fourth seal (6:7), has a Rider on the greenish horse, called death and is followed by Hades. 'Death' is the result of betrayal, Hades the 'dead' who persecute or poison the Adams, (with power over 1/4) and also the Adams (Hades’= abode of the dead’ follows, Adam is also emptied). The 4th Living, are those who listened to Satan, the Eves, those who cannot listen here. It is the eagle as a representation of death, both for the one who hunts (demons, Eve afterwards) and for the hunted (Eve Adam) =>as an eagle in flight, on the lookout. |
9 When he broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of all the people who had been killed on account of the Word of God, for witnessing to it. 10 They shouted in a loud voice, 'Holy, true Master, how much longer will you wait before you pass sentence and take vengeance for our death on the inhabitants of the earth?' 11 Each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to be patient a little longer, until the roll was completed of their fellow-servants and brothers who were still to be killed as they had been. |
The fifth seal (6:9). There is no longer a horse. It is no longer shown by a Living Creature. All of the positions or participants have been described. In this seal, it speaks of those who fall in the battle of heaven (and also of earth) against the followers of Lucifer and the justice they claim. |
12 In my vision, when he broke the sixth seal, there was a violent earthquake and the sun went as black as coarse sackcloth; the moon turned red as blood all over, 13 and the stars of the sky fell onto the earth like figs dropping from a fig tree when a high wind shakes it; 14 the sky disappeared like a scroll rolling up and all the mountains and islands were shaken from their places. 15 Then all the kings of the earth, the governors and the commanders, the rich people and the men of influence, the whole population, slaves and citizens, hid in caverns and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They said to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us away from the One who sits on the throne and from the retribution of the Lamb. 17 For the Great Day of his retribution has come, and who can face it?' Revelation 7:1 Next I saw four angels, standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the world to keep them from blowing over the land or the sea or any tree. 2 Then I saw another angel rising where the sun rises, carrying the seal of the living God; he called in a powerful voice to the four angels whose duty was to devastate land and sea, 3 'Wait before you do any damage on land or at sea or to the trees, until we have put the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.' |
The sixth seal (6:12). Earthquake..., the stars fall from the sky and it is taken away like a book that is rolled up... and what follows. The fall of the doubtful angels (stars) and of the traitors. There is no more heaven for them, they fall to the ‘earth’ and it will not be destroyed until the servants of our God are marked. This is the 3rd Time, the earth, but also includes the ½ Time in Ch. 7, and prior to the 7th seal, where it names those who wash their robes in the blood of the lamb. |
Revelation 8:1-2 1 The Lamb then broke the seventh seal, and there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2 Next I saw seven trumpets being given to the seven angels who stand in the presence of God. |
The seventh seal (8:1). The ½ hour is a parenthesis in which our history on earth is recounted, although in it the 3 ½ times (with the Trumpets, Bowls, A Great Sign) will be recounted again. It is like having told everything in the previous seals and in this one, an independent parenthesis, our history on earth as seen from heaven. |
This is what I see. God shows us everything, from the beginning in heaven. And by everything I mean the book of life with its seven seals. In Revelation there is the before and the after. God tells us that He is at the centre, that there are 4 types of 'desires' or creations around Him, which are the result of how they have exercised their freedom and what they have become.
Only the first Living Creature is in the middle (of Him), true to His Essence, and the Horseman, Christ also remains in Him, represented by the lion and the crown of victory. The others are around the throne. The distance is not specified. They are the angels, archangels and faithful beings.
The red horse also seems obvious, with the horns and all.
The most complicated is the black one, referring to the Spirit. It seems that the voice is God, because it says that it comes out of the midst of the 4 living ones. The living one, us (with the appearance of a man). It distributes the volume (litres) of our soul or capacity to receive the Holy Spirit. Represented by the black because what he does in the end is to take away the Life, the Holy Spirit, or at least distribute what is left of the soul without the Spirit; he measures and gives us the size of our empty ‘bags’. It says: ‘'A day's wages for a quart of corn, and a day's wages for three quarts of barley, and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.’ (quart is here a measure of volume, in Greek χοῖνιξ, choinix, widely translated as litre). This quantification speaks of those 7 different measures of the soul that we have, and they organise the 7 paths or religions fit for the return to God of each of the 7 nations. Well, the differentiation between the Eves who will not be able to listen on earth because they have listened to the devil in heaven, and the Adams who fell for love, is seen in the distinction barley and wheat. Presumably the wheat were the Adams, though they are more denarii for barley, so I don't know which represents which, but it makes no difference. It says Do not cause harm to the oil, wine, because at this time they take it away from us ‘with care’ to leave us empty, that is why it speaks of volume of ‘cereal’, volume of Spirit that we have left.
The greenish one is the only one with a name, so I think it is the consequence in itself of those who have followed it. It is death. And his followers (the Living One) are those who pursue Life to destroy it both in heaven and on earth. They are the Eves who listened to Satan and on earth they only have ears for idols (the world) they cannot hear the Word of God, and they are the devils, possessed, etc. They have power over the fourth part of all, which I believe are the Adams. Those who kill are; the wild beasts of the earth (the idols and their devils), the pestilence (the Eves convince or infect), the sword I don't know if it refers to something the fallen ones used in heaven or to the tongue or refers to the fear of death; the famine to the need. They are represented by the eagles in flight (on the lookout for Adam).
It seems clear then, that we already existed before the world and when we stopped being, God gives us the world to try to recover us. This is the conclusion I have come to because I get to the same place here as from Genesis and other passages of the Bible. Everything is confirmed in the first chapters of the Apocalypse. What do we want to deny? Everything, even the obvious can be denied in our freedom.
It follows then that Jesus Christ opens the seven seals (begins creation), and even opens the possibility for a new nature of salvation, man redeemed or potentially able to receive the Spirit (also written on the reverse side). And he not only opens the seals to us, but also for all celestial creation (obverse), because everything else is created because of God’s first wish, Jesus Christ, who in His infinite love pleases God and maintains His own Essence, creates everything else. He validated the heavenly nature as He also validated the nature of man.
Now let's look at this part from what it really wants to express which are those 3 ½ times of our salvation history.
1st time in seals.
We see that the seals speak to us of the betrayal in heaven in the first four seals not only describes something of the participants but also what happens to them in the rebellion. The first, the winner; the second the devil, who will be left with the sword to tempt us; the third the man from whom the Holy Spirit is taken away; the fourth a mention of the Eves (as by them the Adams fell), who will not be able to receive the Spirit, the plague is certain death (deaf later).
2nd time in seals.
The fifth seal, without a horse, tells us that after the rebellion God could have annihilated all the rebels by heeding the blood shed for justice, but He does not do so. He wants to wait to tell the rest of the faithful.
3rd Time on stamps and ½ Time as seen from the heavens.
The Sixth seal is our fall to the earth and includes the ½ time, the passion (blood of the lamb). The falling stars are us, the Eves, the demons.
Again all times detailed within ½ hour in tropetas, copas...
The 7th seal, (Ch.8). And it counts our time on earth and all at once.
Rev 7:9-17 Then I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from every race, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands. 10 And they cry out with a loud voice, "Salvation is of our God, who sits on the throne, and of the Lamb." 11 And all the angels standing around the throne of the Elders and the four Living Ones fell down before the throne, with their faces to the ground, and worshiped God 12 saying, "Amen. Praise, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honour, power and might, to our God for ever and ever. Amen." 13 One of the Elders spoke up and said to me, "Those who are clothed in white robes, who are they, and where have they come from? "14 I answered him, "My Lord, you will know." He answered me, "Those are they who come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore they are before the throne of God, worshipping him day and night in his sanctuary; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. 16 They shall hunger no more, neither shall they thirst any more; neither shall they be troubled by the sun, nor by any heat. 17 For the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will feed them and lead them to the springs of the waters of life. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
So, that half time constitutes these verses and the opening of the seal is in 8:1. Why does he put this before opening the 7th when it refers to our time on earth? Because Jesus Christ already offers Himself in heaven before the creation of the world to save us; He is the solution to the blackmailing of the devil asking for the same righteousness as Adam. This, moreover, tells the story on the front and on the back. It seems as if it tells everything from heaven (until the 6th seal) and, the world, it explains it as a parenthesis (silence of ½ hour), although in this time the trumpets and so on will be given that tell again the 3 ½ times. Thus, in the apocalypse we see the times because these (the 3 ½) times are counted independently 3 times and the ½ time is counted clearly differentiated.
We used to think of the four horsemen of the apocalypse as Victory, War, Famine and Death, but in reality it has little to do with that.
· Continuation of the Exegesis of the Revelation
We will now see that there are 2 more structures of 7 angels that also independently represent the 3 ½ times. If you like, you can think of each angel with his trumpet/cup as speaking of his corresponding seal, and then you will see that they coincide. In reality it is because they are also describing what happened, in their own way. Revelation sets out the 3 ½ Times independently 3 times and once more in general between all its verses.
Revelation too, as with Genesis, Daniel, Ezekiel, Hosea... is arranged to represent those 3 ½ times that are our salvation history since our betrayal in heaven. Which, again, is amazing.
We will also see that these structures have points in common. For example, just before the seventh seal and the seventh trumpet an Angel appears (from the east in one case - Rev 7:2 - where the sun = God rises, and from heaven in the other - Rev 10:1) who speaks of what the prophets will do and suffer on our earth. These pauses (also: the first Woe is past, Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and his shame be seen"...) are changes of step or time.
First structure of 7 Angels (these have trumpets) and structure of 7 Angels with cups, compared.
We have seen then the structure of seals and now we will look at those related to them.
1st Time in Trumpets and Cups
First Trumpet
Rev 8:7 The first angel blew his trumpet, and there followed
hail and fire, mixed with blood, which fell on the earth; and a
third of the earth was burnt up, and a third of the trees
were burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
First Bowl
Rev 16:2 So the first angel went and poured
his bowl on the earth, and foul and evil sores came upon the men
who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
First Trumpet.Hail and fire destroy a third of the earth, trees.... are scorched. Those trees are us, all the angels who arose. Once alive, now dead or without Spirit. Thus, the hail and fire mixed with blood, speaks to us of the treachery and iniquity that leads to the death of life, to its loss. It indicates that, of the loyal angels represented by the 1st seal of the white horse, 1/3 are lost. This is equivalent to the first cup that produces malignant ulcers in these same angels through which the blood, the life, is lost. Through the "broken" ones, the Spirit is lost. "Ulcer", moreover, speaks to us of a wound that does not close, because in reality it does not heal, we will never be angels again. We will have to move on to a new nature that is validated by Jesus Christ.
Second Trumpet
Rev 8:8 The second angel blew his trumpet, and something
like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the
sea; 9 and a third of the sea became blood, a third of the
living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were
Second Bowl.
Rev 16,3 The second angel poured his bowl into the sea, and it became like the blood of a dead man, and every living thing died that was in the sea.
Second Trumpet.A great mountain falls burning into the sea. Mountain speaks of something high and big. And it falls burning (full of hatred) into the sea (death of being). It refers to Satan who falls from Angel of the greatest and most beautiful (see Ezekiel 28:12-17) to the worst because of his iniquity, which he infects. This causes, by his action, many to be convinced; many who had water mixed with salt (sea) not pure water, which refers to hatred, iniquity or simply greed. In this case he is equating the sea to the revolted since they are dead, and the sea symbolises death, as a kind of metaphor. These are all those who hated as Luz Bel, the rest of those who will be fallen angels. It says that the third part of the fish, (who were once living angels), die as such, and their vessels (or persons with freedom) are destroyed; the demons now only hate, they will not keep their person with freedom as we keep it even when we are fallen on earth. It has equivalence with the second cup. When he speaks of water or sea he usually speaks of Essence (water) or of the turbid state of "Essence" (sea). The sea represents here, as I say, the fallen angels and the consequence for them is the same, "blood as of the dead" and death of the soul. And both trumpet and cup speak of the 2nd seal, the rider on the red horse, or what is the same of them in rebellion; this is part of the 1st time which is repeated 3 times (the 3 ½ times).
Third Trumpet
Rev 8:10 The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell
from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of
the rivers and on the fountains of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters
became wormwood, and many men died of the water, because it was
made bitter.
Third Bowl
Rev 16,4 The third angel poured his bowl into the rivers and the
fountains of water, and they became blood. 5 And I heard the angel of water say, "Just art thou in
these thy judgments, thou who art and wast, O Holy One. 6 For men have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and
thou hast given them blood to drink. It is their due!" 7 And I heard the altar cry, "Yea, Lord God the Almighty,
true and just are thy judgments!"
Third Trumpet.A big star falls. Again it is the devil (Wormwood), which falls on fresh water; the Adams, they did not hate. He repeats it again because now he speaks of the effect on the Adams, and also on the Eves. Let us bear in mind that the rebellion, iniquity or hatred comes out of Satan and his; then he convinces or poisons Eve. That is to say, when the demon, the great star, falls, he makes the pure water of the Eves turn into "Wormwood"; it will be later when the Eves make the Adams fall, also by the first "push" of Satan. All this is as it then follows in his cup, an action of justice, including the emptying of the Adams because these, although for love, were also traitors and so it says here we also intervened in the battle of heaven. Trumpet and cup correspond to the rider of the black horse who divides the Adam, Eve according to their guilt; i.e. they also speak of the rebellion of heaven 1st Time.
Fourth Trumpet
Rev 8:12 The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the
sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of their light was
darkened; a third of the day was kept from shining, and likewise
a third of the night.
Fourth Bowl
Rev 16,8 The fourth angel poured his bowl on the sun, and it was
allowed to scorch men with fire; 9 men were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the
name of God who had power over these plagues, and they did not
repent and give him glory.
Fourth Trumpet.A third of the sun, moon and stars were wounded. The day loses a third part of its brightness. This is a consequence of the same thing, the Water or the Essence of God disappears from these. I won't say that it became a shadow because I don't think that can happen. I think it fled from them or from us I should say. So, the lack of light is darkness. If in the 2nd seal (red horse) it spoke of the demons and Satan, and in the 3rd of the traitorous Adam and Eve, here it encompasses all the dead (it is the green horse, death). The corresponding cup also speaks of this, although it says: "and he was appointed to scorch men with fire"; which is the same thing, but now he makes a nuance and it is that the demons will then scorch us on earth, even though we are part of this same group of God's emptied ones, those who darken the sun. He then refers to the continual temptations experienced without the Holy Spirit. By saying that day and night lost light, it specifies both Adam and Eve (day) and the demons (night). We see that although the 3 ½ times are drawn in the 3 structures (seals, trumpets and bowls), in the trumpets the consequences are shown more, so that they will be reflected more on the earth.
Separation between times
Rev 8:13 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice, as it flew in midheaven, "Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets which the three angels are about to blow!"
SeparationNow an eagle marks a separation (8.13). Woe to the inhabitants of the earth when the voices of the trumpets of the other three angels sound! Factions have already been distinguished by how they have acted in the battle in the heavens.
2nd Time in Trumpets and Cups
Fith Trumpet
Rev 9:1 And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a
star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of
the shaft of the bottomless pit; 2 he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the
shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun
and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. 3 Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they
were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth; 4 they were told not to harm the grass of the earth or
any green growth or any tree, but only those of mankind who
have not the seal of God upon their foreheads; 5 they were allowed to torture them for five months, but
not to kill them, and their torture was like the torture of a
scorpion, when it stings a man. 6 And in those days men will seek death and will not find
it; they will long to die, and death will fly from them. 7 In appearance the locusts were like horses arrayed for
battle; on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold;
their faces were like human faces, 8 their hair like women's hair, and their teeth like lions'
teeth; 9 they had scales like iron breastplates, and the noise of
their wings was like the noise of many chariots with horses
rushing into battle. 10 They have tails like scorpions, and stings, and their
power of hurting men for five months lies in their tails. 11 They have as king over them the angel of the
bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abad'don, and in Greek
he is called Apol'lyon.
Fifth Bowl
Rev 16:10 The fifth angel poured his bowl on the throne of the
beast, and its kingdom was in darkness; men gnawed their tongues
in anguish 11 and cursed the God of heaven for their pain and sores,
and did not repent of their deeds.
Fifth Trumpet.We have already been defeated. It is the second time when we are not in God but also not on earth. Beginning with the fall of satan, it indicates that he will be the one who produces the "smoke". And this smoke is the blackmail or the demand for justice by claiming the same fate as the other traitors. In reality it is a lie because we are not all the same, some of us betray for love; the smoke obscures the vision like the lies. This is what is described in the trumpet as "the key to the abyss". This will cause God the righteous one par excellence to revive the already vanquished demons (the locusts) to justify us in the world. And they will torment us for a certain time on earth. As a consequence, he mentions in the cups, in the world these will have no body, the demons have no freedom. It also seems to designate the locusts as the fruit of this abduction (they have us in their grasp in order to save themselves), so they have the crown of the Adam, the hair of the Eve and they constitute themselves as the shield or armour of the demons (iron). These locusts will not only torment us in the next time, now for us they eat the earth we are on to fall in the third time, in our world.
Trumpet and Cup correspond to the 5th seal in which the loyal fallen by battle (in heaven) ask for justice and are called to wait to count or complete the number of the righteous. The cup is the consequence of many "good" ones having fallen: the destruction of the demons. As an aside, the faithful angels also intervene in justice, perhaps not actively, but under this premise: the unfaithful should not be paid the same as the faithful.
Third Time in Trumpets and Cups
Sixth Trumpet
Rev 9:13-21 Then the sixth angel blew his
trumpet, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden
altar before God, 14 saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release
the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphra'tes." 15 So the four angels were released, who had been held ready
for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, to kill a third
of mankind. 16 The number of the troops of cavalry was twice ten
thousand times ten thousand; I heard their number. 17 And this was how I saw the horses in my vision: the
riders wore breastplates the color of fire and of sapphire and
of sulphur, and the heads of the horses were like lions' heads,
and fire and smoke and sulphur issued from their mouths. 18 By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed, by
the fire and smoke and sulphur issuing from their mouths. 19 For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in
their tails; their tails are like serpents, with heads, and by
means of them they wound. 20 The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these
plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up
worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and
stone and wood, which cannot either see or hear or walk; 21 nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries
Sixth Bowl.
Rev 16:12 The sixth angel poured his bowl on the great river
Euphra'tes, and its water was dried up, to prepare the
way for the kings from the east. 13 And I saw, issuing from the mouth of the dragon and from
the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet,
three foul spirits like frogs; 14 for they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go
abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for
battle on the great day of God the Almighty. 15 ("Lo, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is he who is
awake, keeping his garments that he may not go naked and be seen
exposed!") 16 And they assembled them at the place which is called in
Hebrew Armaged'don.
Sixth Trumpet.The Euphrates clearly refers to the Holy Spirit, the great river of fresh water. The 4 angels can speak to us of cardinal points or the whole of the river Euphrates. Although it seems to make a distinction with the previous trumpets; now it is not the devil (Wormwood or a big star that falls), now it is 4 angels that are next to the Euphrates River that eliminate that 1/3. It tells us that this annihilation is at God's command. It tells us of the fall of all of us to the earth. At this seal we will be in our world, although right now it is talking about the passage from heaven to earth; and of course without the Holy Spirit. We arrive dead.
Thus, the cavalry troop are those who expel us; their colours and what comes out of their mouths refer to the damned for different causes: fire to Satan as the flame is the most destructive, intense and painful thing. Smoke and Hyacinth speak to us of the Eves and Adams, as we fall by that lie, kidnapped by the demons. Sulphur represents the demons themselves, or else demons are exchanged for satan, sulphur for fire (it could be another way, but I think it is like that).
Then, the sixth cup coincides, it speaks of the Euphrates which recedes (withdraws) to make way for the kings of the east (= where the sun rises), the faithful angels. Again it refers to effects, first in heaven, from where we are already the betrayers. Then on earth where it refers to those who will be a test for the Adam. They are represented in the mouths from which these three unclean spirits and the unclean spirits themselves (like frogs) come out. The Dragon, would be Satan, the "beast", his body, the demons, and the false prophet the Eves, for they "preach" to the Adams an idol (knowledge, being like God, the apple), thus, false god preached, false prophet. This that happened in heaven and is why we fell will continue to happen in the world where the Eves, laugh and push the Adams away from God. In 14-16 "They are spirits of demons who ... go where kings ... 16 ... summoned in the place called in Hebrew Harmaguedon" is telling us that these (satan, demons, Evas) gather kings (Adam) and summon them in death (Armageddon). Both trumpet and cup coincide with his seal in which after an earthquake the stars (angels) fall from heaven... the kings are hidden... It is our fall to earth (heaven withdraws). In (15) Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth... he refers already to the time of the earth.
Now he makes another small separation
in which it speaks of an angel who gives a little book to John, who devours it, and which tastes like honey but which will embitter his bowels. It also speaks of two important witnesses who are always in front of God, who I don't know who it refers to. He tells John to seal what he has heard, that when the Mystery of God is consummated, something that by his will is revealed here, the end of time will come. Well, I reckon that in about 7 years from when this is known the end will come, about 2025 (God only knows). What would be the point of continuing if God's concealment has ended? In this section we also find Revelation 11:1-13, which tells us about what is happening on earth; when it says "measuring the sanctuary" it refers to marking the faithful or waiting for the result of our test in the world.
Rev 11:1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. 2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. 3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
Rev 11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
This earthquake seems to be separating us because now the 7th seal will come, which was announced earlier:
Rev 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
The mystery of God is that salvation by Jesus Christ, that act of infinite love to save us that even the demons did not know about even though it was planned from heaven.
½ Time in Trumpets and Cups.
Seventh Trumpet
Rev 10:7 but that in the days of the trumpet call
to be sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery of God, as he
announced to his servants the prophets, should be fulfilled.
Rev 11:15 Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud
voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of the world has become
the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign
for ever and ever." 16 And the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones
before God fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying,"We give thanks to thee,
Lord God Almighty, who art and who wast, that thou hast taken
thy great power and begun to reign. 18 The nations raged, but thy wrath came, and the time for
the dead to be judged, for rewarding thy servants, the prophets
and saints, and those who fear thy name, both small and great,
and for destroying the destroyers of the earth." 19 Then God's temple in heaven
was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his
temple; and there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of
thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail.
Seventh Bowl
Rev 15:17 The seventh angel poured his bowl into the air, and a loud
voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, "It is
done!" 18 And there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of
thunder, and a great earthquake such as had never been since men
were on the earth, so great was that earthquake. 19 The great city was split into three parts, and the cities
of the nations fell, and God remembered great Babylon, to make
her drain the cup of the fury of his wrath. 20 And every island fled away, and no mountains were to be
The Seventh Trumpet. If we were cast out of heaven and fell to earth at the sixth trumpet, here it speaks of Jesus Christ (ark of the covenant establishing his reign) who makes the new nature fit and enables us to receive the Spirit.
The 7th cup also corresponds to the passion. This cup in the air can be the cup poured over the man Jesus (the wrath of the passion), or over the Adams (air, birds; the effect of the passion, to receive the Spirit). The end can already speak of the end of ½ Time, which is the end of the world.
Thus, the effects of the passion are clearly seen in the text; ‘to destroy those who destroy the earth’ (in trumpet), is to destroy the demons who destroy heaven, because in the passion the validation of man as capable of receiving the Spirit becomes effective and the demons no longer have the blackmail that protected them, because if in justice we could not live (with capital letters) as angels, we can now live as men. Without their shield then, the demons, when the trial of the world is over, will fall forever into hell or be destroyed.
And it ends with the opening of the sanctuary of God in heaven and the appearance of the Ark of the Covenant; Christ is the Covenant, he is the Ark, symbolising the covenant as something marvellous created and the inner God himself; created person through whom the Essence of God flows in full intensity (this is also a prefiguration of Christ in the Exodus which I have not put in the point of the prefigurations). After this it will link to a great sign that appeared in heaven which also speaks of heaven and earth, and the 3'5 times. It is explained immediately.
In the 7th cup, when it speaks of the Great City divided into three, it refers to demons, Evas and Adams. Now more than ever there will be differentiation between the Adams and the Eves (sword I will put), because now many Adams will regain the Spirit and the foolish will not understand. The rest about the destruction may refer to the consequences it will have on the demons, who are left without a shield and after this time will be destroyed, perhaps also of this differentiation of the Eves, or even already speaking of the end of the real world which would be at the end of ½ Time (Babylon usually represents the world).
And that is the end of the structure of the trumpets that I have examined together with the bowls. But now it speaks of "a great sign appeared in heaven", which is the same as the salvation that comes to us through Jesus and is also counted as an offering in heaven and done on earth. This could therefore be included in the ½ Time of salvation.
A great sign appeared in the sky
Rev 12:1 And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; 2 she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery. 3 And another portent appeared in heaven; behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems upon his heads. 4 His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bear a child, that he might devour her child when she brought it forth; 5 she brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne. 6 and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which to be nourished for [1260] one thousand two hundred and sixty days. [7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world--he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. 11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. (12) Rejoice then, O heaven and you that dwell therein! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!"] 13 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had borne the male child. 14 But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time. 15 The serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, to sweep her away with the flood. 16 But the earth came to the help of the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed the river which the dragon had poured from his mouth. 17 Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus.
We end with the structure of 7 angels. And we continue to talk about the ‘birth’ of Jesus told as a story. Clothed in the ‘sun’ it seems evident, that He is Christ, the Essence of God within. The moon under her feet refers to the Adams, who will reflect the light of the sun, i.e. hear and follow (many) His word; if we look at the moon, when the earth or the world gets in the way, the sun is no longer seen or reflected. The more it crosses the earth, the less it is seen, even disappears. This happens to man who puts the things of the world before God (and again it speaks to us of the intensity of the Holy Spirit in us, again God speaks to Nature).
The Virgin is our queen and guardian, protector and most loving as a mother (remember: she does not keep the exact Essence of God, but she never emptied herself, she betrayed neither in heaven nor here below and willingly took our nature as well). The twelve stars, I suppose, are the apostles, not the tribes.
There are 3 parts to this reading. The first one from 1 to 6 inclusive. The second from 7 to 13-14 and the third from 14-15 to 17.
In the first 1-6, we are introduced to the participants in the story. On the one hand, the virgin with Jesus and on the other hand the devil. And this is a way of exposing that, after the betrayal of heaven, when the devil made his equalising blackmail (I want the same destiny as the Adams), there was no way to expel him from there, to defeat him, without taking the Adams (who betrayed for love), and it was at that moment when Christ, already in heaven, offered to validate the new nature of man. It is at this moment that the Universe or Planet Earth project begins to save us. The scriptures use this rapture or caught up to pass the story from our supposed Earth to heaven (5), when in reality we are in heaven from the beginning, but it must be kept hidden. The (6) And the woman fled into the wilderness ... to be nourished there 1,260 days, (1260 days= 3.5 years) is indicating to us that we change ‘time’, i.e. we pass into heaven. It is not exactly like the times we are studying, because this first part is a presentation that from earth would not fit (even if it was messed up), because Jesus is not caught up at birth. It is a way of telling us about that offer that unblocked the castle in which the devil had taken refuge (blackmail).
Thus, the second part follows (7-14), it is then when in heaven the definitive defeat of the demons took place (they had already been defeated, but behind this blackmail they could not be expelled). It is worth noting those accusations in (10) which are the lies and complaints that are poured out on the Adams in order to make us equal to them in their condemnation. These are a clear common denominator of the 2ndTime, and are seen especially in Psalms from Heaven. As Christ offers Himself already in heaven, we will be able, thanks to Him, to free ourselves from that righteousness which the demons claim. Thus the devil is cast down to earth in 13. This last verse together with verse 14 tells us again that we are on earth and again uses the key, it names the 3.5 Times ‘where a time and times and half a time must be nourished’. It should be noted that both verses 6 and 13 speak of the same thing, how the Virgin, who was an angel who did not commit treason, is sent to the earth, to the desert.
6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which to be nourished for [1260] one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
14 But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.
In (6) because as we said we were already in heaven, and that presentation 1-5 that coincides with the birth of Jesus is a concealment that everything takes place there. Of course there are things that happen on earth, hence the concealment, but not those cries of childbirth. The cries represent the pain of the offering of Jesus already in heaven, and of the Virgin Mary herself who volunteers to bring us the vaccine down here. It is such a pain for us that makes both of them, together with God the Father, offer themselves for that birth of Jesus as man, for our validation, our salvation.
In (15) we are already in the third part 15-17, on earth and now the passion is narrated, also in a hidden way. The dragon is the demon that vomits a river of water, the Holy Spirit; it refers to the fact that the Holy Spirit is taken away from Jesus Christ on the cross (my God, why have you forsaken me), to prove or validate the nature of man, only as man. This is an achievement of the devil, i.e., because of him Jesus Christ has to undergo the whole passion (to save us voluntarily). Christ could really have ceased to be infinite Love like the Father if He had not forgiven His torturers. The Holy Spirit would not have returned in the Highest intensity to dwell in Him. It was a very serious thing. However, He did not die in what He was, and validated man, enabling us to receive the Holy Spirit. This is described as the Earth (our nature) swallowing the Water (16). At the same time, at His death Jesus descends into hell for all the righteous who could not receive the Spirit before, which would also draw that Spirit away from Jesus returning to Him, following Him underground. Had Jesus failed when he was deprived of the Holy Spirit, of that Water, Jesus and Mary would have been swept away, and so would we all because man's nature would not have been validated.
Once we are fit, it says that, scorned, the devil has nothing more to do (because he is effectively lost), but to persecute all who are able to receive the Holy Spirit.
So to tie up a few loose ends, to emphasise that in the Lord's offering in heaven there is already great suffering. If in the prayer in the Garden of Olives, Jesus sweated blood because of the sufferings that awaited him, imagine offering to leave his heavenly nature to become man. It would be part of his passion if we had known it; it would be another sorrowful mystery in the rosary. So those verses 1 & 2, speak of that painful moment (I had initially confused it with the passion). Perhaps these passages confused Luther and his people, because of the cries and the pain, but it does not refer to the birth as such but to the offering of both of them already in heaven. As an aside before I continue, I add this:
Isa 66:7Isa 66:7 Before she travailed she brought forth, before her delivery she brought forth a man. 8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such a thing? is a nation brought forth in one day? or is a people born all at once? Well then: Zion travailed, and brought forth her children. 9 Shall I open the womb without bringing forth,’ says the LORD, ’or shall I shut it, who brings forth? - says your God. 10 Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all ye that love her, and rejoice for her, all ye that mourn for her; 11 That ye may suck and be satisfied with the bosom of her consolations, that ye may suck and be satisfied with the breasts of her glory....
Of course things are hidden with facts of the world, for example the red dragon is equated to the Roman empire (7 diadems, 7 hills), and the flight of Mary to the historical fact: Mary flees with the born Christ because Herod wanted to kill him. But this is the genius of the Lord who has kept hidden from us what was right under our noses for thousands of years. And note that the sign of heaven speaks exclusively of that half-time, of salvation through Jesus Christ, in heaven (offering) and on earth (passion), and does so with rare resources (he was taken away at birth) to conceal until today what is revealed here.
This occurs similarly in the parable of the mine, where it is concealed that the mine takes place entirely in heaven (the 3.5 times), and the master makes a long journey to earth, in order to gain a Royal Investiture. (the Holy Spirit for us to see The mine ). Why did God want to hide it, and why is it being revealed now?
After the 7 trumpets and a great sign, pause to talk about the Beast.
Rev 13:1 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems upon its horns and a blasphemous name upon its heads. 2 And the beast that I saw was like a leopard, its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth was like a lion's mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth followed the beast with wonder. 4 Men worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?" 5 And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months; 6 it opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven. 7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation, 8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, every one whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain..
This first part tells us about the beast that emerged from the sea. And this beast represents the fallen angels. The sea is turbid or dirty water, which is not pure. The sea also symbolizes death. Death of being or rather, of not having the Water of Life. The ancient serpent or Satan is the one who convinces the fallen angels, gives them the power of beast, they also hate. In this "Beast" is included Satan himself who is part of the fallen angels. (Then in Rev 17:11 it says: And the Beast, which was and is not, makes the eighth, but is one of the seven). Thus the mortally wounded head that was healed is Satan himself, who, after being overcome by the sword in heaven, is "healed" to fulfill all righteousness in the salvation of the Adams on earth (See Justice and Redemption in Christ p.165). When it says the whole earth followed the dragon, it means that all of us on earth in one way or another have followed the Dragon (or we have believed him if we are Evas, or we have followed the Evas if we are Adams); That is to say, it is true that the whole earth followed him, but not the faithful angels who did not fall to the earth. Everything he says afterwards also refers to what happens on our earth...
Rev 13:11 Then I saw another beast which rose out of the earth; it had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. 13 It works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of men; 14 and by the signs which it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast, it deceives those who dwell on earth, bidding them make an image for the beast which was wounded by the sword and yet lived; 15 and it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast should even speak, and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. 16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.
This second part tells us about the Beast from the earth. These are the Eves, they do not hate, with two horns like a lamb, but they speak like serpents. The Eves, remember, persuade the Adams, exercising the same power as the same Satan who convinced the Eve. It brings fire down from heaven to earth, I believe it means that they cause some great faithful angels to fall (or convince), or even that by means of the eves they come to hate becoming other fallen angels. If there had been no Eves, the Adams would not have fallen, for these "doubted" for the love of the Eve. That is to say, without the Eve, it would not have been necessary for God to have created the world to try to redeem the Adams, since these would remain angels. In this way, infusing breath into the image of the Beast, that is, "healing" it to make it present in the world, is the responsibility of the Eve. To Satan, once overcome (killed by the sword), God recovered him so that, in fulfilling all justice, he could also recover the Adams in the new man nature; Which also has to pass the test that the angels passed in the heaven and we there we failed: to despise to Satan. On earth many have been killed (physically) for not worshipping idols. This Beast is then called a false prophet. In effect, the Eva make the cause of Satan their own, promoting it and announcing it as god (false god, false prophet).
Regarding the 666 I have already explained in "Before a little Numerology (should read)," which comes from 777-111 = 666; Of the perfect we take away God and we stay with the devil. In addition, this number (6) is the number of man, also the attainment of the devil, because without him there would be no men but angels. Thus, 666 = man = Number of the Beast. Thus it says that all of the earth (big, small, kings ...) have the mark of the beast in the hand or in the forehead. We have been made men by action (Eves, hand) or by doubt (Adams, front). Once empty of God we remain dead, "thrown away" We can only exercise our freedom when God puts our prosthesis, bodies. That freedom is to buy and sell. Thanks to God and to the passion men will later have the possibility of receiving the Holy Spirit, not so the demons that only hate and have no body, are not men. We can win and lose Holy Spirit (buy: you get rid of "gold of the world", you win Spirit; sell backwards). It is important to differentiate between bearing the mark of the Beast, which is worn by all men, and "accepting" the mark of the Beast which, I believe, later on, refers to accepting to live as man for the world, also by action, many Rich people... or by desire: the one who does not have but idolizes and desires riches.
Then continue with those who accompany the lamb. Rev 14: 1-7..
And a new structure of seven angels (in our land, after passion, ½ time):
Rev 14:6 Then I saw another angel flying in midheaven, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; 7 and he said with a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come; and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of water." 8 Another angel, a second, followed, saying, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who made all nations drink the wine of her impure passion." 9 And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If any one worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he also shall drink the wine of God's wrath, poured unmixed into the cup of his anger, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever; and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name." 12 Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. 13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord henceforth." "Blessed indeed," says the Spirit, "that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!" 14 Then I looked, and lo, a white cloud, and seated on the cloud one like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand. 15 And another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to him who sat upon the cloud, "Put in your sickle, and reap, for the hour to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is fully ripe." 16 So he who sat upon the cloud swung his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped. 17 And another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle. 18 Then another angel came out from the altar, the angel who has power over fire, and he called with a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, "Put in your sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for its grapes are ripe." 19 So the angel swung his sickle on the earth and gathered the vintage of the earth, and threw it into the great wine press of the wrath of God;
Again the structure is repeated: four angels first give the general announcements and three more serious angels speak of the harvest, reaping the good and the bad. It begins after the Passion, because it starts with "the good news" speaking of praising God and the beginning of the Judgement, and then goes on to say in the second that the great Babylon has fallen. It is after the passion that the shield that cemented the supports of the demons falls irremediably. It is a new structure of 7 angels that now speaks only of salvation. It seems that they also refer to the moment when Jesus offered himself in heaven. That doesn't matter, the important thing is that these, by speaking only of salvation or from the moment of salvation, constitute the general ½ time of the whole apocalypse (remember that we have already seen the 3 ½ times exposed independently with the seals, trumpets and bowls). The order is not decisive in the apocalypse (in fact, the bowls that speak of the whole history of salvation until the victory - as the seals and trumpets speak - come after these angels), the seals already anticipated that this would be the case. On the other hand, it is not entirely wrong, because the structures that tell our complete salvation history end with the subsequent victory and judgement of heaven. While it is true that by the passion, which is the last part, the battle is won, it is not subsequent to the final judgment that will take place in heaven; moreover, the moment of Jesus' offering in heaven is the beginning, shall we say, of that plan of salvation. On the other hand, these angels speak after the ‘A great sign...’ (with the parenthesis of the Beast), which ends with the passion of Jesus and confirms that this new structure is the last half-time (3'5).
We continue with the 3rd which tells us of the sufferings that those far from God will undergo, at the hands of the demons and Satan himself (brimstone and fire), and makes a notation "14:12 Here the patience of the saints is required, of those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." which places us, as I say, in the period we are in (after the passion, following Him).
The 4th is not identified as an angel, but gives a message from the Spirit so we rule Him out as an angel and I don't think He is God the father either as He is usually identified with some title or characteristic (the one who speaks among the 4 living, for example); and this one says: 14:13 "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. From now on, yes," says the Spirit, "let them rest from their labours, for their works are with them". After the Passion we can receive the Spirit, and already at death the righteous do not go to Sheol, as was the case until then, they can ascend to heaven. With regard to these he says a little before this structure of angels, and a little after A great sign (i.e. we situate ourselves after the passion) that:
Rev 14:3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. 4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. 5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
These then, are those righteous and we see that it indicates that they are "firstfruits" (4) or foretaste of the righteous to come. It is never a limit, heaven has no limit of size as some think or maximum number of saved. If this number (144000) is real, it would speak of Saints (not only righteous, because it says virgins without blemish) who lived before the passion and who, after the passion, being able to receive the Spirit as men, went headlong to heaven because they did not need to attend the final judgement (mercy laughs at judgement). As an annotation: they say that St. Dismas, the good thief, was the first to get to heaven because the Lord promised him on the cross that he would take him, but immediately after his body died, Jesus descended to hell (Sheol), as it could not be otherwise, to recover these righteous who could not receive the Spirit before the passion, then, any of them could really be the first (ok, this is nonsense).
The 5th cries out to Jesus ("14:14 ... and on the cloud one sat like the Son of man, wearing on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle") to reap the harvest. The 6th with another sickle to harvest the clusters of the earth and a 7th with power over fire who is the one who tells the last one to do it and throw it all into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
All of them speak of what happens from ½ Time onwards.
Then would follow the angels with the 7 bowls which I have already shown compared to the 7 trumpets.
The Great Babylon.
If the previous was the last ½ Time, here the end of the world is narrated. Great Babylon, although it is then explained by an angel as being Rome, I believe (the city of the seven hills), to me also refers to our world. From what it says about her it could be those on earth who exercise evil, but as in (18:4) he exhorts us (come out my people) to come out of her, it is referring to the world in general. It says:
Rev 18:2 And he called out with a mighty voice, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! It has become a dwelling place of demons, a haunt of every foul spirit, a haunt of every foul and hateful bird; 3 for all nations have drunk the wine of her impure passion, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich with the wealth of her wantonness." 4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues;
Here the birds refer as always to the Adams that can, or in this case could have been, lifted from the world; see Noah. Of course, we all live in the world with the Great Babylon, so says, come out of her my people.
Rev 18:8 so shall her plagues come in a single day, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she shall be burned with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who judges her."
Rev 18:21 Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, "So shall Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and shall be found no more;
It is worth mentioning that after all, the end times come for Greater Babylon in just one day. That is, perhaps when the end of the world comes it will be swift. Which is in contrast to how widespread the end times prophecy of the apocalypse seemed to be.
Seals |
Trumpets |
Cups |
Describes the loyalists in heaven (white horse). All the good ones at the beginning. |
3rd part (of the 1st seal) is scorched. Of the former, those who hated, the demons and Satan. |
Ulcer (not cure) through which life goes. |
Describes the demons (red horse) |
Thrown into the sea large mountain. Ships destroyed. Those of the sea (death) lose Spirit and Freedom, soul (ship). Demons will not be able to choose. |
Every living soul died in the sea. The same, referring to the demons. All who were in the sea (without the Holy Spirit, without pure water). Sea = Death. |
Black, living horse with the face of a man. It represents men (Adams, Eves) who are emptied of the Spirit although wine and oil (freedom, person) will be respected. |
EBig burning star falls on the rivers. The fresh water represents the lost Spirit of the Adams and the Eves (the Eves were also angels who were convinced then convinced, they are in 2 groups). |
Cup over the rivers and over the springs of water; and they became blood. Adam and Eve. |
Describes all those who kill and the dead. Demons, Evas ("kill" the Adams), & Adams also it seems. |
Wounded 3rd part of the sun, moon, stars. Loss of clarity. Becomes shadow. Holy Spirit lost total of all: Satan, demons, Evas, Adam. A recapitulation of those fallen for any cause. |
He poured out his cup upon the sun; and he was commissioned to scorch men with fire. However, it is also clarified that we will be burned by the demons that will accompany us on earth. |
The righteous slain cry out for justice. But we have to wait for the number of their fellow servants and brothers (righteous) who were to be killed like them to be completed. |
The star falls with the key to the abyss. The smoke is the lie by which Satan asks for our destiny. The locusts come out because the demons revive to justify us. |
He poured out his cup upon the throne of the Beast; and his kingdom was in darkness. Consequences of blackmail: All traitors, including the Eves, are the kingdom of the Beast, (he leads them). Some are bodiless, others are blind and deaf. |
Earthquake, stars fall (angels) Heaven is free of all traitors. We fall to earth. |
He releases the four bound angels by the river Euphrates. The outside of the temple (Adams Eves) which will be trampled by the Gentiles (demons) is measured. The 3 groups that fall. Earthquake. |
Withdrawal of the Spirit (Euphrates). The traitors (Eves also) summon the kings in the place called Armageddon. The deaf Eves pull the Adam also in the world. |
Before the seal is opened it already speaks of salvation. Silence in heaven for half an hour and then an earthquake. |
The reign of our Lord and of his Christ is come upon the world; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Then Earthquake and hailstorm. Passion and Last Judgement (all encompassed it seems). |
He poured out his cup into the air; then a loud voice came out of the sanctuary saying, "It is done". Violent earthquake. Great Babylon cup came in fury. Islands and mountains disappear. |
All three tell our story of salvation in three and a half times. The Trumpets may speak more of the consequences in heaven and the bowls on earth, although they are somewhat mixed.
The end of the Apocalypse, the End Times and the new heaven.
Regarding the ending it is quite clear, the reward of those who succeed. Although it then says that Satan will be imprisoned for a thousand years and then allowed to come out to fight one last time against the Beloved City and be destroyed. This means that, after the destruction of the world, God will not break time immediately, but will wait a thousand years. And how could it be otherwise? As I maintain, purgatory is the time it takes for a soul, when its body dies, to reach the edge of the universe; depending on the Holy Spirit it has, it will go up in more or less time, or if it has none it will go down. If He were to break time by destroying the world, what would happen to those who have not been purged? Or to those who were alive at the time? Would He take them back directly? Perhaps that would not be too fair to those who died thousands of years before and waited until they reached the edge of the universe (where the universe grows, filling the "gap" with God) or in any case until they passed through purgatory, subject to time (the parable of the labourers Mt 20:1-16, speaks of reward given, not punishment taken away).
Thus, after the thousand years, he will break the time (the vibrating sword), which is that which limits Satan, and then again he will want to fight against the Beloved City, against the angels and those who washed his soul with the blood of Christ. And it will definitely be destroyed because it can no longer use the Adams as a shield. We will not be kidnapped by him anymore.
The last two, chapters 21 and 22, speak clearly of heaven, or of our heaven perhaps, for those men who have achieved it (two trees of life, there will be separation with heaven from the angels probably).
As a last note, I would like to tell you that for me, besides those types of "beings" according to the betrayal (faithful angels, Adams, Eves, Demons), we were initially of seven different shapes or sizes. I know that God provides what is necessary for our salvation, hence the different religions I speak of at the beginning, and this comes from what we were in heaven. We are not arbitrarily born into a Christian or Muslim or Taoist nation... Also, he makes a lot of references always to 7 diadems, 7 heads that seem to allude to seven (types, peoples, supports, sizes or whatever). Even the 7 hills maybe God put them on Rome as well to give a "dual" sense to all this. In these 7 types of beings, Satan, whom he calls "the eighth" several times, is part of one of the 7 groups (of the biggest ones, because big mountains fell), but he is mentioned separately because he is the trigger. These 7 religions run alongside Love, profiling it in particular. It is not by chance that in the promised land, symbol of heaven, there are also 7 peoples (beyond the seven
deadly sins represented by these peoples, see Judaism and the Conclusion of the essay)Furthermore, these groups of 4 and 7 are continually repeated in the prophecies studied because they symbolise us; even the churches described here can refer directly to these types by size, not to the religions.
On the other hand, I think I have said it somewhere, what is the justice of this being revealed and understandable to the deaf today? What about those who lived before this was published, would it not be unjust to them? The reason is that God will suddenly cut off the life of those who live now in the world and will already cease to act in His history of salvation by correcting them and drawing them in. This disadvantage of the last ones is compensated by this revelation, this cure for deafness.
Well, of course I will have made mistakes. It's easy to confuse demons with the Eves, for example. But that's the way it goes. It would be good to make some adjustments, but I think the important thing has been demonstrated, and that is that only God could make Genesis, the prophets and the apocalypse of John coincide in the same coded message, which speaks of our history from heaven no less. I want to emphasise that if this has been revealed to us today, it is because without a doubt the end of the world is near, for God is just and what we now know could serve others who did not know Him before, He gives to us because He will cease to act in our history of salvation by eliminating the world all at once, which is a disadvantage for us. Or do you not already know that if this were not so, the devil would brand Him as unjust again? God loves us, but He cannot be unjust.
1st TIME.
Micah 1:3-9 Behold, Yahweh is coming out of his dwelling, coming down and walking on the heights of the earth. 4 The mountains melt under him and the valleys crack, like wax by fire, like water rushing down a slope. 5 All this for the crime of Jacob, for the sins of the house of Israel. What is Jacob's crime? Isn't it Samaria? What is the sin of the house of Judah? Isn't it Jerusalem? 6 “I am going to turn Samaria into a field of ruins, a plantation of vineyards. I will roll its stones down the valley, I will leave its foundations bare. 7 All his idols will be crushed, all his profits will be burned in the fire, I will destroy all his images, because he has gathered them with the profits of prostitution and to the profits of prostitution they will return." 8 Therefore I will weep and lament, I will walk barefoot and naked, I will howl like the jackals, and mourn like the ostriches; 9 because his wound is incurable, it has spread to Judah and has knocked on the door of my people, even to Jerusalem.
This describes the resolution of the rebellion in heaven: Yahweh leaves his dwelling, the mountains (great fell) melt beneath him, the valleys (demons) crack like wax by the fire, waters (Spirit) rush down the slope (leaves them).
(5) Jacob is Adam as usual, Israel includes also Evas (and demons for sure). Judah is also, as always, Adam. The offence of Adam (Jacob, Judah) is Samaria, i.e. Eve, who makes him sin against the Kingdom of heaven (Jerusalem), God Himself.
(6) Samaria, the Eva, are a field in ruins, for they will not only be empty, but also unable to hear (their foundations are bare). (7) Their crushed idols are demons, their profits are their increase in size. (8-9) lamentations of God because his evil has spread to the Adam (Judah) and touched heaven (the gate of my people, Jerusalem).
Of the (10-16) that I do not put here, it names many places (around 10, a bit confusing because it seems that there are named cities within previously named areas) that can refer to the types or sizes of angels, souls, in the darling.
2nd TIME
Mik 2:1-13 Woe to those who plan injustice, who plot evil in their beds and at dawn carry it out, because they monopolize power! 2 They covet fields and steal them, houses, and usurp them; They attack the man and his house, the individual and his inheritance. 3 Therefore, thus says Yahweh: Behold, I am planning a disaster against these people from which you will not be able to keep your necks out. You will not walk with arrogance, because these will be disastrous times! 4 On that day they will dedicate a couplet to you, and sing an elegy, saying: "We are completely ruined; they have sold the inheritance of my people, and they will not return it to me; the invaders are raffling off our fields!" 5 Well then, you will have no one to divide lots in the assembly of Yahweh. 6 “Don't babble - they babble - don't babble like that! We will not be affected by disgrace! 7 Is the house of Jacob cursed? Has Yahweh lost patience? Is that his behavior? Are not his words propitious to those who act correctly?" 8 It is you who rise up as enemies against my people. In addition to the tunic you tear off the cloak of those who parade confidently upon returning from war. 9 You expel from their comfortable homes the women of my people and deprive their children of my honor forever. 10 “Get up and go, for this is no resting place!” Because of impurity you will pay a mortgage, an overwhelming mortgage. 11 If a prophet should come telling lies: "I will babble for you for wine and liquor," he would be a charlatan worthy of this people. 12 I am going to gather all Jacob, I am going to gather the rest of Israel; I will gather them like sheep in the fold, like a flock among their pastures, they will riot far from men. 13 He who opens the way will go up before them; They will make a way, they will pass through the gate, and they will come out through it; His king will pass before them, and Yahweh will go before them.
Above all, this occurs in the 2nd Time, where the demons will ask for the same fate of the Adam, for which they will brand them as traitors (when they never stopped loving, they did not betray out of greed but out of love). The first verses (1-4) talk about what happened and about these deceivers (demons who lie about the Adam). In (6) he continues talking about these deceptions, “you babble”, then he talks about the Adam again and in (8) he returns to the demons who take away the Adam's tunic (Spirit) and mantle; This may refer to the celestial nature, because if God had forgiven the Adam in heaven and the devil had not filed a lawsuit for an alleged injustice, we would still be there. In (9) the women are the Eves and their children again the Adam's, surely, who are “directed” by them. In (10) he already tells us that the demons will not be eliminated but they will pay an overwhelming mortgage, because they will surely be destroyed when time passes. In (11) “I will babble for you wine and liquor” is what they did (worthy of this people = demons here), because they tricked them into drinking more Holy Spirit (wine, liquor).
Starting on the 12th, the creation of the world (“far from men” = angels here) and the salvation of the Adam are already announced. He speaks in the future and this corresponds to the offer of Christ, who will be our savior (13 he will ascend - to heaven - before them, since He validates all human nature).
Mic 3:1-12 But I say, Listen, leaders of Jacob and leaders of the house of Israel: Is it not your duty to know the law? 2 But you hate good and love evil, you tear the skin from the top, and the flesh from the bones. 3 Those who have eaten the flesh of my people, have torn off their skin, have broken their bones, and have torn them to pieces like meat in the cauldron, like slices in the pot, 4 they will cry to Yahweh, but he will not answer them: then he will hide them from them. their faces for the crimes they committed. 5 This is what Yahweh says against the prophets who lead my people astray, who, while chewing with their teeth, shout, "Peace!", but declare holy war on anyone who puts nothing in his mouth. 6 Therefore you will have night without visions and darkness without omens; The sun will set on the prophets, the day will darken on them! 7 The seers will be ashamed, the soothsayers will be made ridiculous; and everyone will cover their beard, because God does not answer. 8 I, however, am full of strength, of the spirit of Yahweh, of justice and of courage to denounce to Jacob his crime and to Israel his sin. 9 Hear this, leaders of the house of Jacob and rulers of the house of Israel, who hate justice and pervert all justice, 10 who build Zion with blood and Jerusalem with crimes. 11 Their leaders judge by bribery, their priests teach for hire, their prophets prophesy for money, and they rely on Yahweh saying, "Is not Yahweh in our midst? He will not overtake us!" 12 Therefore, because of you, Zion will be a plowed field, Jerusalem a heap of ruins, and the temple mount a wild hill.
[12 Greek: Therefore, for this reason, Zion is plowed like a field, and Jerusalem like a garden, and the mountain of the house like a grove of trees. ]
In (1) leaders of Jacob and leaders of the house of Israel, they are the Eves (heads of Jacob, Jacob = Adam ) and the demons (ultimately lead all of them). We are already in the 3rd period, here we are men and this is referred to several times with flesh and bones. At this time, the demons tempt and the Eves who are not open to the Word of God, not even in the OT, also pull towards the world. From (4) he speaks of the deafness of these “prophets who lead my people astray” which designates the Eva, deaf, fools, and from (9) of their sins and how they have left Jerusalem [the Greek translation is better] , plowed, that is, as threshed, filtered, and the temple mount as a grove of trees, for that very reason, because many of us fell from there; In Greek it does not speak in the future.
Mic 4:1-13 At the end of time, the temple mount of Yahweh will sit on the top of the mountains and will rise above the hills. The peoples will flock to him, 2 numerous nations will come, saying: "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the Temple of the God of Jacob; he will teach us his ways, and we will follow his paths." For out of Zion will come the Law and out of Jerusalem the word of Yahweh. 3 He will judge between numerous peoples, and will arbitrate between powerful nations; They will beat his swords into plowshares, and his spears into pruning hooks. He will not lift up the sword nation against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. 4 He will sit each one under his vine and his fig tree, without anyone troubling him, Yahweh of Hosts has spoken! 5 For all people walk, each one in the name of his gods, but we walk in the name of Yahweh our God forever and ever. [Greek: 5 Let all nations walk, each one in his own way, and we ourselves walk in the name of our Lord, our God, forever and ever.]
6 On that day - declares Yahweh - I will gather the lame (sheep), I will gather the strayed and the one I have mistreated. 7 With the lame I will form a remnant, with the distant ones a strong nation. Then Yahweh will reign over them on Mount Zion from now on forever. 8 And you, tower of the flock, hill of the daughter of Zion, will recover the sovereignty of old, the kingship will return to the daughter of Jerusalem. 9 And now, why are you shouting so much? Is it that you have no king, or has your advisor perished, that you have convulsions like a woman in childbirth? 10 Writhe and cry out, daughter of Zion, like a woman in labor, for now you are going to leave the city and live in the countryside! You will go to Babylon and there you will be delivered, there Yahweh will rescue you from the hand of your enemies. 11 Now many nations are gathering against you, saying, "May it be defiled and let our eyes rest on Zion!" 12 But they do not know the plans of Yahweh nor understand his plan, that he has gathered them like sheaves on the threshing floor. 13 Arise and thresh, daughter of Zion! I will give you horns of iron and hooves of bronze; you will crush numerous peoples; you will consecrate their spoil to Yahweh, and their wealth to the Lord of all the earth.
Here, as for the world, Micah makes a leap to the moment before the end, that is, now, soon. In any case, this entire text speaks in the future, although there is a small break within it as we will see.
I have already explained 1-5, it talks about what will happen, the union of all peoples in the knowledge of God, each one following his path, each one calm. From the 6th it speaks of the opening of the ear to the Eve (lame, mistreated), and they will be a remnant, because those are the Eve that listen, they will be the ones that remain of all those who have passed through the world, also those who did not listen. who lived before now. Again he speaks in the feminine to designate these: (8) daughter of Jerusalem. From (9) it seems that he makes a break or change of time that begins by saying: And now...? Because from here it narrates what has happened to the Eve from heaven: you have lost your counselor (demons), convulsions of a woman in labor (they lose the Spirit), you will live in the field (earth), you will go to Babylon (the same land but together with, dominated by, the demons or with allusion to them), and you will be freed, again return to the current time that had begun in (6) that day I will pick her up... (thus, this break is the same from the meaning of the world , I can't get it out of my sleeve); Note that he returns to the current tense of the word but from the beginning he speaks in the future tense and now he does it again. The rest (7) are the Eves who live in these future times, since many others passed before and many will have been condemned. The complaints (numerous nations are gathering against you) will be those of the demons who, I suppose, will also want to falsely cry out against them when they can be saved, however, God does not commit injustice because the chains that bind us to his destiny are already broken, to the of demons, and He has given the nature of man to whom He willed. The Eva may even complain that they did not have the opportunity to listen to the secrets of the Bible revealed here, but these secrets were always available to men since they were written, God has not committed any injustice.
Mic 5:1-14 As for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, the least among the clans of Judah, from you I will bring out one who will be the governor of Israel; The origins of it are ancient, from ancient times. 2 Therefore he will abandon them until the time when the woman in labor gives birth and the rest of her brothers return to the children of Israel. 3 He will shepherd firmly in the strength of Yahweh, in the majesty of the name of Yahweh his God. They will live well, because then he will grow to the ends of the earth. 4 He will be peace. When Assyria invades our land, and sets foot on our soil, we will oppose him with seven shepherds and eight captains. 5 They will shepherd Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod with steel. He will deliver us from Assyria, when it invades our land, and sets foot on our territory. 6 The remnant of Jacob will be among numerous peoples like the dew that comes from Yahweh, like rain on the grass, which does not wait for man nor depends on humans. 7 The rest of Jacob will be among the nations, among numerous peoples, like a lion among the animals of the forest, like a young lion in a flock of sheep, which if it passes by, tramples and tears, and there is no one to defend.
(8) Raise your hand against your adversaries | and all your enemies will be destroyed.
(9) That day - oracle of the Lord - | I will start your horses, | I will spoil your cars;
(10) I will uproot the cities of your country, | I will suppress all your strongholds;
(11) I will remove your sorceries, | You will no longer have witches left;
(12) I will tear down your idols and stelae, | you will no longer worship the work of your hands;
(13) I will destroy your sacred poles, | I will destroy your cities.
(14) I will do it with anger, | I will take revenge with fury | of the nations that have not paid attention.
Now he speaks of ½ Time, which will begin with the passion of Christ. Let us keep in mind that the above mentioned in Chap. 4, he said it in the future tense, so the order has not been broken. Here he begins to tell us about his arrival in Bethlehem, it seems clear that there is no need to comment on it. In (4) it may refer to the action of Jesus Christ in those 7 sizes, although I do not know that they could be the 8 captains. Assyria is the demon from whose chains Jesus frees us, this is already the passion. (6) The rest of Jacob are the Adam from now on, of the passion, since there were also before, but they could not receive the Spirit, these righteous who went down to Sheol are gathered by Christ after the passion (he descended to the hell). The Adam then, from now on will be like dew, that is, like drops of Water (Holy Spirit) among the people, like a victorious lion since this animal also designates the Adam, before the angels. Starting with (9) he tells us about how he “tears” from us those 7 sizes of demons that attack us, that is to say the same thing as before about breaking the chains that bind us to them, but now he does it by separating the sizes. I have included the translation of the CEE2011 Bible, because it seems the most appropriate to me, there are others that coincide as well. Here we see that (9) the chariots are spoiled because the horses are started, as a consequence, but what is started are the horses, which are the ones that are counted, as in (10), the sorceries are started (counted) and as Consequently, you will no longer have witches left (it is not counted).
Micah 6:1-16 Listen to what Yahweh says: "Arise, call the mountains to judgment, and let the hills hear your voice!" 2 Hear, you mountains, the judgment of Yahweh, give ear, foundations of the earth, for Yahweh brings judgment against his people, he makes a complaint against Israel: 3 “My people, what have I done to you? How have I bothered you? Answer to me. 4 For I brought you out of the land of Egypt, rescued you from slavery, and sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam before you. 5 My people, remember what Bala, king of Moa, plotted, and what Balaam, son of Veo, answered him, ...from Satin to Gilallo, so that you may understand the justice of Yahweh." 6 - "With what shall I present myself before Yahweh and bow down before the God above? Will I present myself with burnt offerings, with old calves? 7 Will Yahweh accept thousands of rams, myriads of rivers of oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my crime, the fruit of my womb for my own sin?" 8 - "You have been made to know, man, what is good, what Yahweh wants from you: just respect the law, love the loyalty and humbly walk with your God." 9 The voice of Yahweh cries to the city: Listen, tribe and council of the city! 10 Must I endure the house of the wicked with unrighteous riches and a meager and outrageous measure? 11 Will I consider the cheating scales and the bag of fraudulent weights to be fair? 12 Its rich people are full of violence, its inhabitants speak falsehoods and have lying tongues! 13 For now I begin to hurt you, to devastate you for your sins. 14 You will eat, but you will not You will be satisfied, hunger will devour your bowels. You will save, but you will not save, and what you save I will give to the sword. 15 You will sow, but you will not reap; you will tread the olive, but you will not anoint yourself with oil; you will make wine, but you will not drink wine. 16 You observe the decrees of Omri, all the actions of the house of Ahab, and you conduct yourself according to their advice, so that I may turn you into ruin and your inhabitants into gossip, and you may have to endure the humiliation of my people.
Chapters 6 and 7 talk about the final judgment and the bad things that the demons did in chapter 6 and the Adam Eves in chapter 7. Also about the consequences, it seems clear.
Mic 7:1-20 Woe to me, for I am like the summer gatherings, the gleanings of the vintage! Not a bunch to eat, not a single fig that I like! 2 The faithful have disappeared from the country, there is no righteous person left among men! They all plan murders, each one sets traps for his brother. 3 They train their hands for evil: the prince makes demands, the judge acts by bribery, the powerful declares his own greed and he and they plot it. 4 His goodness is like a thistle, his righteousness is like a thorn. The day of judgment and its inspection has arrived! Now his misfortune will come! 5 Do not trust your companion, do not trust your friend; He guards the doors of your mouth from the one who sleeps in your arms! 6 Because a son dishonors his father, his daughter rises up against his mother, his daughter-in-law rises up against her mother-in-law, and each man's enemies are those of her house. 7 But I wait for Yahweh, I wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. 8 Do not rejoice because of me, my enemy, for if I fall I will rise; If I live in darkness, the Lord is my light. 9 I will bear the wrath of Yahweh, for I have sinned against him, until he judges my cause and gives me justice. He will bring me to the light, and I will behold his salvation. 10 My enemy will see it and be covered with shame, she who said to me: "Where is Yahweh your God?" My eyes will feast on her when she is trampled like the mud of the streets! 11 The day has come to rebuild your walls! The day of enlarging your borders, 12 the day when they will come to you from Assyria to Egypt, from Egypt to the River, from sea to sea, from mountain to mountain! 13 And the country will be desolate because of its inhabitants, in retribution for their behavior. 14 Feed your people with your staff, the flock of your inheritance, who live alone in the forest, in the middle of Carmel. Let them graze in Bashan and Gilead as in ancient times. 15 Just as when you left the land of Egypt, show us wonders. 16 The nations will see it and will be ashamed of all their arrogance; They will put their hand in their mouth and their ears will be deaf. 17 They will lick the dust like the serpent, like the reptiles of the earth. They will tremble from their dens, they will come trembling to Yahweh our God, and they will be afraid of you! 18 What God is there like you, who forgives sin and absolves the rest of the inheritance from it? He will not hold his anger forever for he loves mercy; 19 He will have compassion on us again, he will destroy our sins and throw all our sins into the depths of the sea! 20 And you will maintain your faithfulness to Jacob and your love to Abraham, as you swore to our ancestors from the days of old.
And this, far above too, is the same, the end of the world judgment but this time for Adam and Eve. (4) “The day of judgment and its inspection has arrived!” Perhaps the verses of (1-3) tell us about what they did or do now in the moment before the end of the world, in our times. It speaks of the Eve's mockery towards the Adam, because this is how non-believers behave towards us, “where is your God?” and how the trial will be resolved for them. In (8) the Adam say “do not rejoice for me, my enemy, for if I fall I will rise,” referring to the fall to earth and its return to heaven. (12-14) everyone will come to the judgment. Until the end it is judgment; forgiveness is for the Adam (18-20) who will return to heaven.
We will see that the parables of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ also speak of the 3 ½ times. This is already forewarned by Jesus Christ in several verses. But before we look at those verses, let's look at those parables. Then we will arrange them in order of times.
Mt 18, 21-35 At that time Peter came to Jesus and asked, "If my brother offends me, how many times must I forgive him? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "Not only up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
Then Jesus said to them, "The kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. The first one who was brought to him owed him many millions. Since he had nothing to pay, the master ordered him, his wife, his children and all his possessions to be sold to pay off the debt. The servant threw himself at his feet and begged him, saying, 'Have patience with me and I will pay you everything. The king took pity on the servant, released him and even forgave him his debt.
But no sooner had the servant gone out than he met one of his companions who owed him a little money. So he grabbed him by the throat and almost strangled him, saying, 'Pay me what you owe me. The companion knelt down on his knees and begged him: 'Be patient with me and I will pay you everything'. But the other would not listen to him, but went and threw him in jail until he paid the debt.
When his companions saw what had happened, they were filled with indignation and went to tell the king what had happened. Then the lord called him and said to him, 'You wicked servant. I forgave you all that debt because you begged me, and should you not also have had compassion on your companion, as I had compassion on you?' And the lord was angry and handed him over to the executioners, so that they would not let him go until he had paid what he owed.
My heavenly Father will do the same to you, if everyone does not forgive his brother from his heart.
This parable could well be told by Jesus without putting "the kingdom of heaven is like...", because in reality it serves to tell us that we must always forgive. The fact that he puts it in the kingdom of heaven is simply because that is what happened. And it happened to every one of us. We betray in heaven and God gives us another chance. Had it not been so, he would have struck us down directly. So those millions are the debt we each owe from heaven, for which we lost the Holy Spirit and which He forgives us with the sacrifice of the firstborn who will enable us to receive that Spirit again. This debt would not be the same if it applied only to one person (Adam or Eve), i.e. since the traditional original sin we cannot understand man's debt to God in Eden as personal, but of Adam, as is natural. Of course to any already initiated believer this parable is useful, since we know that we are forgiven by Him in our sins in the world, but not so much to those to whom this was first proclaimed, it seems.
Thus, normally when He makes a parable of the type "The Kingdom of heaven is like..." it is to tell us something of what happened in heaven, or else He speaks of the Holy Spirit Himself (which is also for us the Kingdom of heaven), distinguishing these parables, from those where He makes no initial reference to the Kingdom. Thus we find:
The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field that is found by someone who sells everything to buy it... (Matt 13:44).
The pearl of great price... [same as above] (Matt 13:45)
These two parables speak of the Holy Spirit and for that reason alone they should be introduced with "The Kingdom of Heaven..." but they also have another meaning that you will find daring, but given that all the parables of the Kingdom... speak of what happened in heaven, let us see: That Man may refer to God the Father, who sells all that He has, His firstborn whom He gives up for torture, to obtain that Pearl of great value, which is the Holy Spirit and is for us men, for the new nature of man. For in justice He could not give it to us once we lost it, even though it was His own Spirit.
It is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field. 32 It is indeed smaller than any seed, but when it grows it is greater than vegetables, and becomes a tree, so much so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches (Matt 13:31).
This also speaks of the Spirit that can grow if we keep it in us, but it has another interpretation. It also refers to how it was One (who became the least) who made the whole of man Nature fit, i.e. magnified "man" in such a way that the birds of the air (the Spirit-capable Adams) can live with the spirit as men. I think I have somewhere posted that the tree is indeed man nature and the birds are the Spirit, but it is odd that both the mustard seed and the birds represent that same Spirit. This would even have a similar meaning if the man were taken by the seed (not the seed by the man), this play on words does not only work in Spanish, and so this seed designates Jesus heavenly nature, which takes man to become the structure in which God can be housed (in fact the tree symbolises God, Holy Spirit, in the tree of Life, so I have put it on the cover of the Logic of God):
Jesus (mustard seed, annonated) took the nature man (takes a man) and was introduced into the earth (sowed in his field), after his life in the field (when it grows), after his rising on the cross, that man taken by the mustard seed (Jesus), becomes a tree (structure), where the birds of the air (the Adam and Eve's in the end) can nestle as what they once were.
Like leaven that a woman takes, dips it in 3 measures of flour and it ferments...(13:33)
This refers to the betrayal of heaven. The woman is the Eve who puts "leaven", i.e. sin, the intention to become bigger and take from the Essence of God, into 3 measures of flour, which designates the Adam (leaven/3, one third of the stars fall from heaven). Thus, the bread is made with Flour and Water, the Water is the Holy Spirit and there is no need to mention Him now because He is blameless. In fact, the Adams are better designated as Flour only, for they will be empty of the Spirit (Water) afterwards. As for the fermentation produced by the leaven is the best way to describe what happened in heaven, so much so, that for me God put bread and leaven in the world so that we see the similarities between the Spirit and the sin that brought us here. For in alchemy, putrefaction is the same as fermentation, so that a substance can rot or decompose without altering (in fact putrefaction also decomposes molecules but of animal origin, with nitrogenous compounds). And that is what happened: out of greed to be bigger (yeast), as big as God, the Eves (woman) took of that Spirit and convinced the Adams (Flour) to do so too, even if it was for love of them. Let us remember that the world has been created to try to save the Adams, the Eves who are saved will be an addition.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a net that is cast into the sea and gathers fish of all kinds...then the good are separated from the bad (13:47).
In this parable it is interesting to look at the net, since it is the net that is similar to the Kingdom, the Kingdom is what it contains. And this seems clear, which would justify the entry into the "Kingdom of heaven...", but in reality, did this distinction of good and bad also occur in heaven? Yes, the betrayal took place in heaven, and thanks to God and His Spirit (and Christ), the Kingdom of heaven has functioned as a net that has held us after introducing us into death (sea), already in heaven, which would have happened otherwise if God were not eternally merciful. But as I say, there was already a "filtering" in heaven when the death or emptying of the Spirit arrived there (I also believe that there was a complete emptying by God the Father when he struck a blow on the table and stopped everything, and then gave back to the faithful, but this is another matter). So that first filtering separates the demons from the Eves and the Adams; and even the Eves will be left deaf and blind later on earth for everything to do with God. It is interesting about "gathering fish of all kinds" because it makes a distinction prior to the good and bad fish, which seems to refer to the types or sizes of soul (which give rise to the 7 ways of God we have spoken of, in whose followers there are good and bad).
It is like a landowner who goes out at the first hour to hire, at the third hour to hire, at the third hour to hire, at the sixth hour... and he pays all alike for different times of work; the last shall be first (Matt 20:1).
This word for the world is not too representative, since paying the same to those who work the least does not necessarily mean that the last will be first (or that the last will be ahead of the first), but that the last will be equal to the first (=).
Seen from heaven, this tells us about the different sizes of souls and the different paths set by God for them. Thus, a religion with "rules" that are easier to follow than another, leading to the same salvation, could be seen as unfair by the one who has it harder. However, it is God who has set these ways, and He has destroyed any clause of justice that bound us to the fate of the devil by validating the new nature of man by the hands of the firstborn, the "validator" of all creation, in heaven and on earth. Thus, God gives this valid nature to whomever he wills. But this also fulfils justice, because little souls need less in order to be filled. Here the one who works the most or the one with the bigger soul, is like the elder brother who complains about the little one because he is allowed to do foolish things in the house that he does not do and still receives the same love as the Father; being of smaller size, he is filled before the elder (the one who was given/lost the most, the more he has to give back/fill up).
Of course, "the last shall be first" is a real thing that holds true in either size, where humility is what wins the Holy Spirit in the world. However, as I say, this parable is not the right one to highlight the latter but rather the differentiation of our types or sizes of soul, which are here reflected as that reward of the Spirit "paid" for different times of labour. There is no correspondence in scripture between more humility (being smaller) and receiving the same payment since it does not speak of quality, or differentiation by quality, but differentiation by quantity worked, it speaks of sizes, sizes of soul.
The king who held his son's wedding feast, called the guests but they did not come and invited all at the crossroads (Mat 22:1)
This also speaks to us from heaven, because it highlights the differentiation between Adam and Eve.
It may seem that it was dedicated to the Jews and then extended to the Gentiles, but it is not, or it is not only that. Seen from heaven, the guests at the wedding are the Adams, those inscribed in the book of Life (guests), for whom God has made the world, to try to save them in righteousness, for they, though they betrayed, never ceased to love and God is love. Thus, today that we are fit to receive the Spirit, if the Adam's do not go to the feast, all the Eves will also be accepted who are found at the crossroads of the roads. These roads seem to designate religions and the crossroads is what all religions have in common, where they all touch, it is mercy. So it is no longer that He goes looking for the guests of the roads or religions, but He looks for anyone who has mercy; perhaps He can directly refer to the fact that by His mercy all will be able to enter. This will happen when by logic God can be understood, that is, when what is revealed here is extended. Of course, not only knowing all this will not suffice, in fact, knowing it will detract from faith, since by seeing and touching God, what was once faith will become understanding or reasoning. That is why it then specifies that the one who does not have the Spirit (party garment) at the final judgment will also go out.
Matt 25:1-10 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which, having their lamps in their hands, went out to meet the bridegroom: 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3 The foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them; 4 but the wise took oil with their lamps in their vessels. 5 When the bridegroom delayed, they all slumbered and fell asleep. 6 But at midnight there was a cry, "The bridegroom is here, come out to meet him!" 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise: "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out." 9 But the wise replied, "No, lest there be not enough for us and for you; it is better for you to go to the sellers and buy it for yourselves." 10 While they went to buy it, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut.
This tells us about the differentiation between the Eves and the Adams, and in such a clear way that he calls the Eves foolish. It says that they do not provide oil for the lamp, not that they run out of oil for the lamp and then those who had a spare, the wise, are saved. Thus, at first both go out with the lamp in their hand empty, for in this they are equal in the first verse 25:1 and then we know that the foolish ones had no oil 25:3. The information that the wise take oil is later 25:4. All of this is purposely set apart, it is not said, "there were 5 virgins with lamps full of oil and 5 with empty lamps". It is describing that after the betrayal (which is not mentioned here) we come out of heaven with the lamps, our souls, empty. Later the wise or Adam will "take" oil along with their souls, this happens to us after the passion. The departure from heaven to earth is to seek our beloved God, the Holy Spirit that we have lost, but it already tells us from there that we are different, some foolish and others prudent (although both leave without oil, they are so designated from the beginning). The fact that they are virgins may refer to that heavenly nature that we still have in the 2nd time, just before we go out into the world (to the 3rd time, to the night).
In 25:5 the time of falling asleep refers to that, that we are in the night, the global time of the earth, of our world, which also includes the last ½ hour. When he speaks of the middle of the night he is emphasising that the night, the world, will be interrupted all at once, he is not referring to measurements.
He then says that in the middle of the night, when the Lord comes, that is at his 2nd coming, right now, if the Eves or fools do not have oil, the Adams will not give it to them. What does this mean? The Eves since the passion have been able to be saved by the experience or influence of some Adam (so it is in justice, because of what happened in the opposite way in heaven). However, now, when the Lord is coming, it is very difficult for any deaf person to be converted by the Adams (give us oil), it is more and more complicated because of the great influence of television and so on (it seems that the tap has been turned off, perhaps this is how the Lord wants it so that we get out of our routine and save the Eves). So, only through the salesmen, and only if they do it before the coming of Jesus Christ, can the Fools or the Eves be saved. Who are the salesmen? Where is the Spirit to be found? In the Church. But it does not say salesman (or go to the shop), but salesmen because 7 are the ways, 7 are the Churches. And in fact, these salesmen have nothing today that the foolish or the deaf can hear. The Churches will have to make public what is revealed here to save the Evas. Yes, all the religions (7 or 6 if we discount the islands or the loose) will be able to make use of what is revealed here because all of them are driven by it, and all of them need the reason that God reveals to us today, because in all of them there are Evas, or fools, whom the world is devouring. Since Jesus Christ is the one who has validated mankind, there are different valid ways to fill men with God, and this is not because of a whim, but because a Muslim cannot be filled, or at least it is much more difficult for him to be completely filled with God (Allah) through the Christian way, and the same happens to a Christian if he leaves his way.
Thus this word is fulfilled in all these parables:
Matt 13:34-35 All these things Jesus spoke in parables to the people, and He spoke nothing to them without parables, 35 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, I will open My mouth in parables, I will declare that which was hidden from the creation of the world.
And so it is set out in the parables:
1st Time.
Betrayal: Parable of the woman and the Leaven.
2nd Time.
The forgiveness of heaven: The king who forgives the immense debt (Matt 18:21-35).
The net in heaven: Joined to the last one, it is the one that sustains us from falling (forgiveness), it discerns the Adam from the other traitors (Matt 13:47).
3rd Time.
The parable of the talents (1,2,5) and the parable of the man who hired at different times of the day to pay the same at the end.
Our differentiation from the origin, Adam, Eve with the king who made a party for guests and then called anyone. And with the parable of the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins.
I put these last two in the 3rd time because, although it is a reflection of how we were in heaven, it is how we are on earth: deaf the Eves and all with a debt of Spirit (talents) to fill.
½ Time.
The pearl of great price, and the treasure in the field, which from heaven are: The only way to save us by getting the Holy Spirit, in righteousness, to be able to dwell in us, for which He sells all that He has (gives His Son).
The mustard seed: The validation of the structure man (tree) so that the birds of the air (the Adams, -and the Eves through the Adams-) may nest, through the annonation of the Son (mustard seed).
Two words that do not belong to these but speak of the 3 ½ times:
I put two other words that do not begin with "The Kingdom of Heaven is like...". I put them as a curiosity and because being from Matthew they refer to those 3 ½ Times:
"From the fig tree learn this parable: when its branches are already tender and its leaves sprout, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors. 34 Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (Matt 24:32-34).
This refers to the last ½ Time. Thus "I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" refers to this ½ Time, there will be no more times. This is not the first time the Bible refers to one of the times as a "generation". In other places it says "I punish the iniquity of the fathers in the children unto the third and fourth generation" which speaks of the 3rd and last ½ Time. Since all of us who betrayed went through the 1st Time (betrayal in heaven), 2nd time (next to God but not in God), and as men some came in the 3rd Time (before Christ) and others in the last ½ time, after the passion, and we are all fruit (children) of our betrayal in heaven (1-2 Times), the punishment reaches down to earth, 3rd generation (3rd time) and 4th generation ( ½ time). If he wanted to speak of actual generations he would have said: "Punishment until the 4th generation", which, apart from anything else, is totally impossible because it would be to make God unjust, as I have been insisting.
Mt 17:22-27 At that time Jesus was with his disciples in Galilee and said to them, "The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men; they will kill him, but on the third day he will rise again. When the disciples heard this, they were filled with sadness.
When they arrived in Capernaum, the tax collectors for the temple came to Peter and said, "Does not your teacher pay the tax?" He answered, "Yes, he does. When Peter entered the house, Jesus went forward and asked him, "What do you think, Simon, on whom do the kings of the earth levy taxes, on their children or on strangers?" Peter answered, "On strangers. Then Jesus said to him, "Therefore the children are exempt. But so as not to give them cause for scandal, go to the lake and cast a hook, take the first fish that strikes, open its mouth, and you will find a coin. Take it and pay for me and for you".
He begins by putting us in the situation and tells us about Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, which will happen soon. Then he asks for the tax for the "Temple". Let us suppose that this word also speaks to us of the reason for the sacrifice of Jesus which he has just quoted, and let us think that this Temple is heaven. Strange it is that, from the world, he asks tax for the master and not for him too (Don't you pay taxes?), but well, let's put ourselves as I say in heaven. Peter, who here would be like an Adam who wants to return, or enter heaven (Temple), is asked if Jesus Christ is not going to pay the tax, that is to say: I ask you Peter, is Jesus Christ not going to pay the tax for you? For at no time does he ask Peter for money for himself.
Then (continuing in heaven) Jesus Christ speaks of this differentiation between those who love and are inscribed in the book of Life, that is to say the Adam, which he here calls "sons", confronting them with the term "strangers", which would be the Eves or Deaf, those who betrayed out of greed. "Whom do the kings of the earth tax, the children or the strangers? In other words, Jesus Christ is making clear the deception of the demons: "the Adam's have also betrayed, give us their fate", because although traitors, the Adam's betray out of love, they do not cease to love, and God is Love. Just as the tax collector asks for money from children and strangers, the devil extends the sin of betrayal to those who did it out of love for the Eves, the Adams (children) and to those who betrayed out of greed (strangers). "Therefore, the children are exempt. But in order not to give them cause for scandal...", here it says that indeed the Adams should not be condemned but as we know that God cannot even seem to be unjust, he goes on to say that he will pay "in order not to give them cause for scandal".
As for the "imagery" or symbolism used later in the Word, Jesus Christ is the "first" fish, for He takes on the form of sin by becoming man. The fish represent us men in the world, for here we are surrounded by death = sea. It does not say catch a fish, but the first one, alluding to the birthright of Jesus, which is not trivial because saying "a fish" would have communicated the same message, since one would be the first. The first fish that "bites" alludes to his death on the cross, for it must be very painful to die by a hook (which here symbolises the cross), which is what pulls the fish out of the sea, that is, the one that pulls Christ out of the world or the death (sea) of the world that surrounds men. Then he says: "open his mouth and you will find a coin". This coin also represents the Holy Spirit, for in the bible He is sometimes referred to as treasure, gold, pearl, silver. "Open your mouth" may refer to His Word, once He has passed through the cross and we can receive the Spirit, the Spirit may come to us by His Word, although the latter may not mean that. Ultimately it is that Holy Spirit, which we can access through Jesus Christ and His Passion, that gives all of Man Nature access to heaven (to the Temple): "Take it and pay for me and for you".
Thus, in this Word the explanation of the beginning of the Word itself is developed, the reason why Jesus Christ was to be delivered up and killed at the hands of men. And it highlights that differentiation between Adam (sons) and Evas (strangers). It does not only speak of providence.
To conclude:
If he had already warned us of what he was going to hide with the prophecies of the Kingdom (I will open my mouth with parables, I will publish what was hidden from the beginning of the world Mat 13:34-35), now he finishes confirming it with another riddle. After speaking of the Parables, after expounding a few that begin with "The Kingdom of heaven is like...", Jesus asks them if they have understood and says to them:
Matt 13:51-52 "Have you understood all these things?" They said to Him, "Yes." 52 And He said to them, "So every scribe who has become a disciple of the Kingdom of Heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his ark new things and old things.
This house is the soul from which old things (of our time in heaven) and new things (of our human nature) are brought forth. And so it is reflected in the Parables of the Kingdom, so that we until today have only seen in them the new things (of the earth), and the things of heaven were hidden, here unveiled. The reference to the scribe is like a reference to what was said, what was recorded, what was published, for they acted as notaries as well. It is as if I were to say, "a notary of heaven would write about the things that happened there and the things here". In the normal sense, from the world, these words of Jesus have no meaning, only seen from heaven and after speaking of the Parables of the Kingdom, which indeed speak to us also from heaven, they find their meaning. Why did he say it this way? To leave it hidden until today. Why is it Paco?
Thus, in Kingdom Prophecies we find once again revealed that common thread that God left hidden in the Bible so that only now can we see it. And this time it is Jesus Christ himself who speaks to us in a veiled way of our history from heaven, just as Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Hosea, Genesis, the Psalms, Revelation and Micah have done. This time, in the Gospel, it is Jesus' own Word that speaks to us of the 3 ½ Times, which is also the last one discovered (for Micah, although I developed it immediately afterwards, I had already discovered it before, as you may have seen in the notes I have been writing on the web). Jesus does not speak in as much detail as those mentioned, which have very long texts if we compare them with his little parables (from which, moreover, there are also teachings for the world), however, as if to counteract this, He Himself warns us that He is going to do it (I will open my mouth with parables, I will publish what was hidden from the beginning of the world). And, if you remember, they are 10 like those plagues that preceded Israel's deliverance, like those Exodus steps that took us up to heaven (promised land down here) on Jacob's ladder, culminating in the commandments (also 10). And if you remember, the death of all the firstborn in the 10th plague prefigures the passion of Jesus Christ, the firstborn of us all, and brings about the liberation of the people of Israel which prefigures the liberation of the Adams (from then on, the passion, the Adams will be able to receive the Spirit, -only some Eve will be saved by listening to another Adam, but they will still not listen to God; all this is to fulfil the Justice of what happened in the betrayal of heaven). The Lord now seems to be telling us that these 10 warnings in which he has recorded our history from heaven in the bible (Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah..., which coincidentally conclude with the discovery of Jesus speaking of this very thing), are the Lord's commands to the Pope (who would represent Pharaoh) and the Roman curia (Egyptians) to deliver the people of the Eves, this time. For nothing will be done without Peter, who was given the key to the Kingdom of Heaven, surely to designate this moment in future history for man then, not for God who is timeless.
Unravelling according to the Keys...
The Nativity Scene
Let's take a look at the nativity scene or Bethlehem according to the keys. First of all, it is not mentioned in the Gospels as we know it (with the ox and the mule), although the tradition of the Church, iconography and apparently some apocryphal Gospels do mention them. Not forgetting Isaiah 1:3, which has another meaning. Let us think that the donkey represents those cattle that cannot rise from the ground as the birds (Adam) can; that is, the donkey would represent the Eves, deaf at the complete mercy of idols, snakes, demons and so on. The ox, with horns would represent the demons, not Satan, but in general. The three wise men from the east (3) symbolise the third person of God, the Holy Spirit (east, where the sun rises). They bring the endowments or gifts of the Spirit. In a catechesis from our land, we could say that we are the manger (or temple, the Adam) and when the child Jesus is born inside us the Holy Spirit gives us gifts (varied, different). But it symbolises something else; the Star, visible and big as no other in our firmament, is Jesus Christ in His heavenly nature, the child Jesus of course Himself, in His human nature. The Star, Jesus, is followed by the Holy Spirit (the three kings), who meet Him in His human nature and give themselves to Him as man, as Man Nature. Certainly, Mary is a sent from God, without stain or betrayal in heaven, she would not have to suffer the world, but she is charged with carrying the child and caring for him in the early years. I would venture to say that St. Joseph was also immaculate, before and after, he was not one of the traitors, but I don't know. And what does the Ox and the Donkey mean in relation to Jesus or to us? Simply that He becomes man in the world surrounded by demons and the Eves or fools, just like all of us, there is no distinction for Him. Let us remember that the Eves with a tendency to the world also pull the Adams down to earth. As for:
1:3 The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib. Israel does not know, my people do not discern.
Most likely it has nothing to do with the nativity scene and simply speaks of the ox (fallen ones, satan's minions) knowing its owner (satan) and the ass (the Eves), who feed on the lies of the demons (knows its master's manger).
Thus, it would not be true of the apocrypha, which seems to have been written by someone who saw the passage in Isaiah and sought a justification for it or wanted to convince the Jews with it in order to bring them to Christianity. It reads as follows:
Apocrypha. On the third day after the birth of the Lord, Mary came out of the grotto, and went into a stable, and laid the babe in the manger, and the ox and the ass worshipped him. Then was fulfilled what the prophet Isaiah had foretold: The ox has known its owner, and the donkey its master's manger.
To begin with, being literal, this is false because the holy family did not own the ox or the manger. Rather, it seems that Isaiah in 1:3 speaks in the key studied, for Isaiah often does so. Moreover, it correlates with what follows: "Israel does not know, my people do not discern". He is not saying, 'see how well the ox and the ass do, and how poorly my people', but he makes a point, and this first part was an argument leading into the second part:
"The ox knows his owner [Satan, a bad thing] and the ass his master's crib [also a bad thing]. Israel does not know...".
So, from the evidence, we could not say that there was an ox and a mule at the birth, though by its significance perhaps there was. Because everything happens the way God wants it to happen. Thus, that crib or that temple that represents us, without Jesus, without the Holy Family, would be lifeless and surrounded by idols (and demons, ox) and fools (donkey) leading us as happened in heaven when we emptied ourselves of God by following them. Moreover, they would eat of us, of our things (straw) which means that they have found a prolongation of time (feed) from the blackmail of heaven at the cost of emptying our inner self, or simply that they feed on our distractions and tasks of the world.
When Jesus is there, He is already the main thing, and the idols and the Eves are relegated, we still live with them in the world, they are around us, but they are no longer our centre of attention. The animals cannot come to eat from us because Mary and St. Joseph are watching over us. In this case Mary would represent herself, because she looks after us too, I feel, and St. Joseph the guardian angel who would also be attentive to scare away the ox and the mule; but for this we need the child Jesus to be born in us, because with the Holy Spirit it is indeed less easy to sin. Without Him, the beasts of the world feed on us, the world hurts us at the slightest opportunity and we have to go to confession to be cured.
On the other hand, speaking of man's nature, the three wise men (Holy Spirit), without the newborn, would never have gone to the manger to give Himself, nor to the ox and the mule; they went for Jesus, and they would not have gone if the animals (demons and Eves) were alone beside the manger, beside us (I speak of you as if you were an Adam), because for the Spirit after the betrayal, we were only a thing full of dead straw, empty and useless (useful only for the ox and the mule). And even now, if we are empty that is what we are, a place where the demons come to eat and the fools in the end too, because we are a target for them because they consider us crazy or even ignorant, what a paradox! Thus, we must empty ourselves of the world's chaff, for too much of it leaves no room for the child Jesus. We must care, first for the cradle by making preparations, then for the very Holy Spirit as a baby, which is how He takes root and grows within us; His endowments will be the gifts. It is true that the devil (Herod also here) persecutes more those who have the Spirit (follow the 3 kings), but He protects us. Still, let us keep in mind that the Spirit flees from chosen evil like a fawn, this is the meaning here of the baby.
So it makes clear sense following the clues, but I don't think Isaiah was speaking of the birth of Jesus there, even though in both the Isaiah 1:3 and Bethlehem, ox and donkey represent the same, as they do in many other places in the Bible when God uses His key. Isaiah will speak of the birth of Jesus later.
The ten plagues also show us what happened from the beginning.
The Jacob's
If you want to compare, the plagues are in the chapters of Exodus 7,8,9,10,11,12. In addition, this list of events is also reflected in the Revelation (p.180) in an encrypted way as here.
We have already seen who Pharaoh symbolizes in our story: the devil. And slavery, sin, the impossibility of receiving the Holy Spirit, the death within. I will expound the relationship of the ten plagues that God sends for our deliverance (although as will be seen, they also show our fall from heaven), and their correspondence with the ten steps (or events that bring us closer to heaven), present in Exodus. The plagues are constituted as steps downwards and the events of the Exodus as steps upwards (all perfectly ordered as they appear in the Bible). Since, as I say, we were angels and ended up on earth, is this not Jacob's Ladder that was prefigured in a dream for Isaac? Please read this carefully and check that it is not nonsense.
At the beginning, before the plagues, the rod (wood) becomes a snake. It refers to the moment in which Satan changes Angel, or being that contains the Essence of Life, the Holy Spirit symbolized as the Tree of Life in the Old Testament (this has already been explained), to a serpent. From one part of the Tree of Life changes to serpent. A "part" of God before Pharaoh (Satan), from his thought or iniquity or freedom, it becomes a serpent; i.e. Satan who was once an angel becomes a serpent. But his magicians also turn the rod into serpents, which means that by the hand of Satan others also became fallen angels.
The fact that Moses' rod becomes a serpent also refers to Jesus Christ, who being part of the 'Tree of Life' takes the form of a man. This one will eat the other snakes making reference to what will happen in the passion.
Exo 7:8 And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 9 "When Pharaoh says to you, 'Prove yourselves by working a miracle,' then you shall say to Aaron, 'Take your rod and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.'"10 So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did as the LORD commanded; Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. 11 Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers; and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same by their secret arts. 12 For every man cast down his rod, and they became serpents. But Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods.
The Jacob's Staircase (descent)
The 1st plague: Water becomes blood.
The water of the Nile is the water that irrigates Egypt. Again, water symbolises the Essence of God. We all used to share ‘something’ of that Essence (here and now on earth, also those who are in Grace). He says that he turns with the staff (the one that represented part of the tree of life before), that Water into blood. The Water disappears and only blood remains. Those who rise or doubt cease to be watered by the Essence of God. They are emptied. Fish whose natural medium is Water, die. We die as desires of God. We no longer have His Essence. In reality, this happens first to those who arose and by the work of the devil (the magicians who also turn water into blood), the others suffer the same fate. The latter are the angels Eve and for their sake also the angels Adam.
There'll be blood... even on the trees and stones. The trees represent the free 'people', perhaps referring to the Adam-Eve or just the Adam; and the stones to The Eves (stone that does not feel, does not hear) or the other case to the fallen (dead stone).
As a note to keep in mind, this plague is not recorded as being removed like other plagues in which Pharaoh repents and asks Moses to remove them; which means that we lose our heavenly nature forever and only those who succeed will again contain the Holy Spirit in the human nature (a point not yet reached in these plagues). Of course the risen or fallen angels will never be able to do so because they will never even take on the body of man.
Exo 7:17 Thus says the LORD, "By this you shall know that I am the LORD: behold, I will strike the water that is in the Nile with the rod that is in my hand, and it shall be turned to blood, 18 and the fish in the Nile shall die, and the Nile shall become foul, and the Egyptians will loathe to drink water from the Nile."'" 19 And the LORD said to Moses, "Say to Aaron, 'Take your rod and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt, over their rivers, their canals, and their ponds, and all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and there shall be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone.'" 20 Moses and Aaron did as the LORD commanded; in the sight of Pharaoh and in the sight of his servants, he lifted up the rod and struck the water that was in the Nile, and all the water that was in the Nile turned to blood. 21 And the fish in the Nile died; and the Nile became foul, so that the Egyptians could not drink water from the Nile; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. 22 But the magicians of Egypt did the same by their secret arts; so Pharaoh's heart remained hardened, and he would not listen to them; as the LORD had said.
The 2nd plague: The Frogs.
With the rod Moses makes the frogs of the Nile jump all over Egypt. This is what we become: frogs that are amphibious, but not like fish. We have gone from being in the river to being out of it, as if we were weak green sachets. It is a previous leap to living on earth (perhaps the time when we were no longer in God but close to Him– Tower of Babel p.170 -). As always this is for those who first rose up in revolt, but equally for the Adams and Eves. By the hand of the devil (his magicians) many fell. This is due to the concept of Justice, for although some hated, all of us who ended up on earth emptied ourselves (see Justice and Redemption in Jesus Christ p.117). Satan and his demons demand the same fate as we do for having betrayed God as they have.
Exo 8:1 And the LORD said to Moses, "Say to Aaron, 'Stretch out your hand with your rod over the rivers, over the canals, and over the pools, and cause frogs to come upon the land of Egypt!'" 2 So Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt. 3 But the magicians did the same by their secret arts, and brought frogs upon the land of Egypt.
The 3rd plague and 4th plague: Gnats and flies.
[The Jerusalem Bible, which is the one I used, puts 4 verses of chapter 8 at the end of 7, which does not match the numbering of 8 in the rest of the Bibles: 8.12=8.16; Gnats=lice.]
This is the first plague that the "wizards of Pharaoh" can not repeat. Gnats appear on men and on cattle (13 beast = latin:iumentis = animals; Spanish:cattle; they are domestic animals). Let us think that cattle refers to eves as I explain in this point a little later, in Noah and other places (Birds = adams - they can be separated from the world / cattle = evas - defenseless victims against the reptiles, the only ones who listen / and reptiles = demons; are placed all in the Ark). Men can be the Adams or the raised ones. The gnats, and the flies afterwards, I believe are the angels struggling with the lifted. I believe that in these we speak of the battle of angels and archangels against the emptiness of God.
Exo 8:12 Then the LORD said to
Moses, "Say to Aaron, 'Stretch out your rod and strike the
dust of the earth, that it may become gnats throughout
all the land of Egypt.'" 13 And they did so; Aaron
stretched out his hand with his rod, and struck the dust of
the earth, and there came gnats on man and beast; all the
dust of the earth became gnats throughout all the land of
Egypt. 14 The magicians tried by
their secret arts to bring forth gnats, but they could not. So there were gnats on man and beast.
Exo 8:17 Else, if you will not
let my people go, behold, I will send swarms of flies on you and your servants and your people, and into your
houses; and the houses of the Egyptians shall be filled with
swarms of flies, and also the ground on which they stand. 18 But on that day I will
set apart the land of Goshen, where my people dwell, so that
no swarms of flies shall be there; that you may know that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth. 19 Thus I will put a
division between my people and your people. By tomorrow
shall this sign be."'" 20 And the LORD did so;
there came great swarms of flies into the house of Pharaoh
and into his servants' houses, and in all the land of Egypt
the land was ruined by reason of the flies.
It should be noted in the plague of the horseflies that there is no choice for the Pharaoh, that is, there is no consultation; he does not remove the mosquitoes once the Pharaoh repents and then the horseflies come out. Probably because mosquitoes and horseflies correspond to the same moment in heaven: to that heavenly battle in which angels and archangels attacked the fallen together. But a differentiation had to be made between the participants; name that first it was the angels and then the archangels came together, because later it will be God Himself who will intervene. The reason why the hierarchy is indicated is that we will all, sooner or later, fight according to our ability, this is complemented by the steps corresponding to this plague, steps 8 and 7.
The 5th plague: livestock die.
The Eves perform a worse sin than the adams, because they desire the Essence of God, although they do not uprise. As I have said several times, for justice the Eves can not receive God except through the work of the adams, just as they were condemned by the former. I think this is the plague that erases the eves from the Book of Life. Here ‘cattle of Israel’ as opposed to ‘cattle of the field’ would be the Adams.
Exo 9:2 For if you refuse to let them go and still hold them, 3 behold, the hand of the LORD will fall with a very severe plague upon your cattle which are in the field, the horses, the asses, the camels, the herds, and the flocks. 4 But the LORD will make a distinction between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt, so that nothing shall die of all that belongs to the people of Israel."'" 5 And the LORD set a time, saying, "Tomorrow the LORD will do this thing in the land." 6 And on the morrow the LORD did this thing; all the cattle of the Egyptians died, but of the cattle of the people of Israel not one died.
The 6th plague: The ulcers.
I think it refers to how our soul or empty pouch containing the empty Spirit is then impaired (ulcerated) unable to receive the Holy Spirit. We are no longer desires of God even when we next become men. This happens to men, cattle and magicians, that is to say, Adams, Eves and demons (or raised).
It is not the same as what happened in the previous plague because the ulcers symbolise the breaking of the soul, not just the emptying, and they are produced to all those who lose the spirit, the fallen ones are also not given a body (they are hate), and the Eves in the world have the impossibility of hearing the Lord on their own. They are one of the millions of
walking dead out there, but they are also incapable of changing their situation by themselves. It is true that as I have already said, the Adams can revive them through their love (they can show them God in their life) in
the same way that they were killed for love of Eve.
Exo 9:8 And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Take handfuls of ashes from the kiln, and let Moses throw them toward heaven in the sight of Pharaoh. 9 And it shall become fine dust over all the land of Egypt, and become boils breaking out in sores on man and beast throughout all the land of Egypt." 10 So they took ashes from the kiln, and stood before Pharaoh, and Moses threw them toward heaven, and it became boils breaking out in sores on man and beast. 11 And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boils were upon the magicians and upon all the Egyptians.
The 7th plague: The hail.
It says here that he will send all the plagues at once (14). The gnats and horseflies referred to the fight of the angels and archangels, but here it is God the Father who is present. He strikes a blow on the table. The hail referring to the hardened water can speak to us of that. That all the cattle and the men who do not enter the house will die; it says that the God-fearing did so and those who did not, died. Perhaps he means that repentance of what was done was necessary in order to move on. Or it is simply placed to differentiate between the faithful angels and the others, even this moment can differentiate the Eves from the demons, for the Eves sooner or later are differentiated from the latter who hated and will not be given a body. Thus, repentance, the fear of God, was necessary to one day be able to regain the Spirit in God's plans or simply those who did not repent at this time ended up as fallen, demons. The house can refer to our soul as will be seen in the 10th plague. To restrain ourselves. Not to want more than we are.
It is interesting to see how in this plague (the only one), there are Egyptians who shelter their servants and cattle. Who are these servants and cattle? He speaks again of The Eves and perhaps of the Adam, since they (plus the Eve) have idolized the fallen, followed them and turned their backs on God. It may also refer to the fact that it was the last chance for the fallen to repent. If they were pro-rebellion activists, and had Eve-Adam followers (of whom this is stated in the Bible, who idolized reptiles...), perhaps they were given an ultimatum to appease themselves. Or perhaps none was yet fallen (demon) to this point; when after this moment or ultimatum they did not surrender. Then in the verse (31) it says: The linen and barley were spoiled, for the barley was in spike and the linen was blossoming. (32) The wheat and spelt were not spoiled, because they were late.
This, a bit obscure, seems to refer also to the different types of angels. I think barley refers to the demons (the ear is a male flower and I seem to remember that it pricks), flax to the Eves (in bud) and wheat to the faithful angels. The spelt surely to the Adams, as these were late in the rebellion, they were following (behind) the Eves, the faithful angels of course did not join the rebellion, perhaps it can be described as such because of their tranquillity (late).
Another notation is that this is the 7th plague, this number (7) which as will be explained symbolises perfection.
Exo 9:14 For this time I will
send all my plagues upon your heart, and upon your servants
and your people, that you may know that there is none like
me in all the earth.
Exo 9:18 Behold, tomorrow about
this time I will cause very heavy hail to fall, such as
never has been in Egypt from the day it was founded until
Now therefore send, get your cattle and all that you
have in the field into safe shelter; for the hail shall come
down upon every man and beast that is in the field and is
not brought home, and they shall die."'" 20
Then he who feared the word of the LORD among the
servants of Pharaoh made his slaves and his cattle flee into
the houses; 21 but he who did not regard the word of the LORD
left his slaves and his cattle in the field.
Exo 9:22 And the LORD said to
Moses, "Stretch forth your hand toward heaven, that there
may be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man and beast
and every plant of the field, throughout the land of Egypt." 23 Then Moses stretched
forth his rod toward heaven; and the LORD sent thunder and
hail, and fire ran down to the earth. And the LORD rained
hail upon the land of Egypt; 24 there was hail, and
fire flashing continually in the midst of the hail, very
heavy hail, such as had never been in all the land of Egypt
since it became a nation. 25 The hail struck down
everything that was in the field throughout all the land of
Egypt, both man and beast; and the hail struck down every
plant of the field, and shattered every tree of the field. 26 Only in the land of
Goshen, where the people of Israel were, there was no hail. 27 Then Pharaoh sent, and
called Moses and Aaron, and said to them, "I have sinned
this time; the LORD is in the right, and I and my people are
in the wrong. 28 Entreat the LORD; for
there has been enough of this thunder and hail; I will let
you go, and you shall stay no longer." 29 Moses said to him, "As
soon as I have gone out of the city, I will stretch out my
hands to the LORD; the thunder will cease, and there will be
no more hail, that you may know that the earth is the
LORD's. 30 But as for you and your
servants, I know that you do not yet fear the LORD God." 31 (The flax and the
barley were ruined, for the barley was in the ear and the
flax was in bud. 32 But the wheat and the
spelt were not ruined, for they are late in coming up.) 33 So Moses went out of
the city from Pharaoh, and stretched out his hands to the
LORD; and the thunder and the hail ceased, and the rain no
longer poured upon the earth. 34 But when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail
and the thunder had ceased, he sinned yet again, and
hardened his heart, he and his servants. 35 So the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did
not let the people of Israel go; as the LORD had spoken
through Moses.
The 8th plague: The locusts.
It is the moment when God has us all standing firm and asking for explanations. And, above all, it is the moment when Satan and his people blackmail God; they cry out to righteousness to receive the same fate as the Adam-Eve. Reason why the world or our salvation history develops as it does.
The Lord wants to save the Adam especially (3... Let my people go, that they may serve me, 9... we will go with our young and our old...)
He also refers to the actual moment of expulsion. Locusts will cover the land, which until then was the garden of Eden.
It is the punishment that falls on all of us who are left after the hailstorm, after God Himself has put order in the battle. What happened in heaven is so serious that perhaps even the faithful angels themselves were questioned, because Lucifer was an angel before and had conceived iniquity. But finally, these remain: '11 Go, the men among you, '.
The trees and their fruits disappear, perhaps the freedom and person of the fallen (in all the land of Egypt). Our existence, empty of God, moves on to another place.
Exo 10:3 So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and said to him, "Thus says the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, 'How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, that they may serve me. 4 For if you refuse to let my people go, behold, tomorrow I will bring locusts into your country, 5 and they shall cover the face of the land, so that no one can see the land; and they shall eat what is left to you after the hail, and they shall eat every tree of yours which grows in the field, 6 and they shall fill your houses, and the houses of all your servants and of all the Egyptians; as neither your fathers nor your grandfathers have seen, from the day they came on earth to this day.'" Then he turned and went out from Pharaoh. 7 And Pharaoh's servants said to him, "How long shall this man be a snare to us? Let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God; do you not yet understand that Egypt is ruined?" 8 So Moses and Aaron were brought back to Pharaoh; and he said to them, "Go, serve the LORD your God; but who are to go?" 9 And Moses said, "We will go with our young and our old; we will go with our sons and daughters and with our flocks and herds, for we must hold a feast to the LORD." 10 And he said to them, "The LORD be with you, if ever I let you and your little ones go! Look, you have some evil purpose in mind. 11 No! Go, the men among you, and serve the LORD, for that is what you desire." And they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence. 12 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come upon the land of Egypt, and eat every plant in the land, all that the hail has left." 13 So Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and the LORD brought an east wind upon the land all that day and all that night; and when it was morning the east wind had brought the locusts. 15 For they covered the face of the whole land, so that the land was darkened, and they ate all the plants in the land and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left; not a green thing remained, neither tree nor plant of the field, through all the land of Egypt..
The 9th plague: The darkness.
This is the time when God is hiding from us. We come to have a new "life" in the new man nature, in which we are born without knowing where we come from or where we are going. This is also represented as the tower of Babel and Noah, and although the tower of Babel emphasizes the distinction of religions, the origin is the same: the darkness or hiding of God that allow us to choose without fear of reprisals, That is to say in freedom. The darkness here in the world does not allow us to see each other either. In heaven we were able to feel each other, for the Holy Spirit flowed through all of us, here no longer until the passion, and then the one who is filled with the Spirit will not do so in the heavenly intensity and will not feel the brother in the same way as there.
Exo 10:21 Then the LORD said to
Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward heaven that there may
be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness to be felt." 22 So Moses stretched out
his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness in all
the land of Egypt three days; 23 they did not see one
another, nor did any rise from his place for three days; but
all the people of Israel had light where they dwelt. 24 Then Pharaoh called
Moses, and said, "Go, serve the LORD; your children also may
go with you; only let your flocks and your herds remain
behind." 25 But Moses said, "You
must also let us have sacrifices and burnt offerings, that
we may sacrifice to the LORD our God. 26 Our cattle also must go
with us; not a hoof shall be left behind, for we must take
of them to serve the LORD our God, and we do not know with
what we must serve the LORD until we arrive there."
Exo 10:29 Moses said, "As you
say! I will not see your face again."
The 10th plague: The death of all the firstborn. Announcement of Jesus Christ.
Exo 11:1 The LORD said to Moses,
"Yet one plague more I will bring upon Pharaoh and upon
Egypt; afterwards he will let you go hence; when he lets you
go, he will drive you away completely
Exo 11:4 And Moses said, "Thus
says the LORD: About midnight I will go forth in the
midst of Egypt; 5 and all the first-born
in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of
Pharaoh who sits upon his throne, even to the first-born of
the maidservant who is behind the mill; and all the
first-born of the cattle. 6 And there shall be a
great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there
has never been, nor ever shall be again. 7 But against any of the
people of Israel, either man or beast, not a dog shall
growl; that you may know that the LORD makes a distinction
between the Egyptians and Israel.
Thus, says Yahweh: At midnight, I will pass through the midst of Egypt. All the firstborn shall die in the land of Egypt.
At midnight, it seems to refer to half of our dark period, the life of humanity in the world. Let's see why all the firstborns say. Jesus Christ is the first created person through whom the Essence flows in the intensity of God (unique in the latter except for God the Father and the Essence or very Holy Spirit). To the extent that we all participated in the Holy Trinity by being created persons and maintaining in a small part or intensity the Essence of God, for all of us Jesus Christ is the firstborn. If I am the smallest of a family of four brothers, my elder brother to me is my first-born brother. Thus, Jesus Christ is the Firstborn of all the following created persons. Both of those who became demons, like cattle (eves) like all of us.
The rest I have already said several times: It is the death of the firstborn, his sacrifice on the cross and his infinite act of love which makes it possible for man to be filled with the Holy Spirit again, that is to say: ESCAPING THE SLAVERY OF THE PHARAOH. Remember: the body dies; the person of Christ as God's redeemer does not cease to be, and although the Spirit is taken away from him during the Cross, he dies loving in an absolute way, and by the permanence of the person in absolute love (exclusively as a man) the Holy Spirit returns in the same intensity of God, in the new nature forged in the crucible, (this happens just a second before the body dies perhaps). And why should it be Jesus Christ? Because Jesus Christ was the first created. He who pleased God. The one who loved God as much as God loved him and shares the Essence of God or is in the same source. The one who validates the nature of "creation" as capable of receiving the Holy Spirit. Thanks to him God will create new beings independent of Him capable of receiving the Holy Spirit in one measure or another (angels). And He will create them in the image and likeness, also of the relationship God-Jesus Christ by sharing the Holy Spirit. He created us already in heaven as One + Other + Holy Spirit in between. Because our raison for being, and our happiness lies in loving and giving ourselves. And not only your partner but God and your neighbor; these are represented by the Holy Spirit, Essence of God himself shared by all in heaven and by many as men behind the passion. Jesus Christ is the founding principle that allowed the angels to be, and later also us traitors. It must be the same founding principle showing the same love that makes man's nature worthy, without anyone being able to claim injustice. For to make a new saving nature, arbitrarily for one criminal and not for another, could be branded as unjust by the latter (this claims the devil).
There are some details to note in the description of the plagues. The first and most important one is that God compels Pharaoh (meaning the one on earth, not Satan) to manifest his power and to have his name proclaimed throughout the earth. Indeed, God has no time. Although He respects our decisions, He can go as He pleases, from the beginning to the end of human history and act in it for our salvation, in the knowledge of what will happen, but respecting our freedom.
Thus, here, He draws our salvation history with what happened before all times and with what was to happen on the cross of Christ. That is why He makes Pharaoh obstinate, in order to show us today what happened in heaven. Thus, He made the day of the sacrifice of the lambs or goats without blemish on the day of the Jewish Passover coincide with the day of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the day of our Passover; because they come to represent the same thing, our liberation from Pharaoh's slavery, from the devil.
Thus, He had the two doorposts and the lintel of their houses anointed with the blood of the lambs so that death would not enter them. For this will be a sign that the blood of Christ (the spotless lamb) closes that spigot or door which, broken, open and festering, prevented us from being able to retain the Holy Spirit; it prevented life from entering us and kept us in death. Thus equating those houses with our own soul.
There are other details, such as that in some plagues it specifies that they will not touch his people, the people of Israel. I understand that, as far as heaven is concerned, it refers to the faithful angels, at other times, among us, to the Adams.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the Egyptians represent the enslavement of Israel, so this term usually includes the Eves who follow the devil in heaven and on earth (they only have ears for idols, not for God). Their chief Pharaoh is Satan. In ‘Israel’ also the Eves are included, why? Because the Eves join in heaven to the argumentation of the demons against the Adams to extend their life (God wants to save especially the Adams they loved), finally because of the love of the Adams to the Eves (rib of the heart) they are given the opportunity (also with the justice of deafness). This change of attitude of the Eves, from joining the demons to fleeing from them, is seen in several places in the prophets, e.g. Jeremiah 4:30 ... your lovers have rejected you, it is your death they seek (you have to read 3'5 Time in Jeremiah to see this). Thus, when I designate Egypt in the steps, I will refer only to the demons who follow Pharaoh (usually referred to as Pharaoh's army).
The plagues have a logical order according to what happened in heaven as well; perhaps some that speak of how our being was could have happened almost at the same time as others (for example, the 1st and 2nd); does this suggest that there was some kind of time in heaven? In the Steps you will see, almost everything described is a consequence or are ‘graces’ gained in passion, so they would be almost immediate. However, it seems clear that they are placed in strict order in the Exodus to coincide with the plagues. Even the 6th step (water from the stone, in reference to The Eves cure) that has not yet occurred, is aligned with the 5th plague (the deafness of The Eves or fools).
La Jacob's Staircase (ascent)
The 1st Step. and 10th plague. The sacrifice of the firstborn.
As we said Christ is the first created and only one through whom the Essence of God flows in the intensity of God. But He becomes man (sin, citizen of Egypt), to deliver us from the justice that Satan claimed for us, to make us fit and to save us.
Passion is the real moment from which we can receive the Holy Spirit, see God again, whoever has his Spirit. The following steps are a consequence of this, which will make the downward direction bounce upward.
It is noteworthy (35) that they ask for silver, gold and clothes; all representative of the Holy Spirit. This means that after the passion the Egyptians (the demons) are stripped of their shield (blackmail), because at last Christ justifies the new nature of man. That is to say that from then on we can receive the Holy Spirit (gold, silver...). And how do we do this? By fighting with the demons on earth, for they are also here for our justification (the Egyptians give it to us). If you notice this is the opposite step to what happened in heaven: Exo 32,2 ‘...Take away the golden earrings of your wives, your sons and your daughters, and bring them to me’ to make the golden calf. This, which will occur on the 10th step tells us about what happened in heaven, referring to the 1st plague. From the world it is not very realistic: golden utensils? and the Egyptians give it to them?
After many years of abduction (42), the Lord, awake (observed, awake spanish) in the night (our world) leads us out of Egypt. To open the sea that symbolises death (14:21), and then to close it over Pharaoh, is to break the chains of our bondage then (Israel) and later (all humanity). By validating man's nature in passion, the blackmail of Justice to which we were subjected by the devil (Pharaoh) is broken: 'if you condemn me, condemn them too, for they also betrayed'. God made the Hebrew Passover coincide with the Passover of Jesus to make us see it from the future.
Exo 12:34 So the people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneading
bowls being bound up in their mantles on their shoulders. 35 The people of Israel
had also done as Moses told them, for they had asked of the
Egyptians jewelry of silver and of gold, and clothing;36 and the LORD had given
the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let
them have what they asked. Thus they despoiled the Egyptians.
Exo 12:41 And at the end of four hundred
and thirty years, on that very day, all the hosts of the LORD
went out from the land of Egypt.
Exo 12:43 And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "This is the ordinance of the
passover: no foreigner shall eat of it; 44 but every slave that is
bought for money may eat of it after you have circumcised him. 45 No sojourner or hired
servant may eat of it. 46 In one house shall it
be eaten; you shall not carry forth any of the flesh outside the
house; and you shall not break a bone of it. 47 All the congregation of
Israel shall keep it. 48 And when a stranger
shall sojourn with you and would keep the passover to the LORD,
let all his males be circumcised, then he may come near and keep
it; he shall be as a native of the land. But no uncircumcised
person shall eat of it.
The 2nd Step. The Pillar of Fire, the pillar of protective clouds.
This step cancels or counteracts the ninth plague in which God made Himself disappear from us. Now the Holy Spirit within us (God Himself) guides us through the gloom of the world; this is symbolised as the pillar of fire, but, in addition, the one who possesses Him lives the sufferings with hope and in a more 'softened' way; this is the pillar of clouds. The one who has the Holy Spirit within him already has the kingdom of heaven within him; in a way he already sees God.
Exo 13:21 And the LORD went before
them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and
by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might
travel by day and by night;
3rd Step. Red Sea Passage.
This step eliminates the eighth plague in which Satan cried out to righteousness to receive the same fate from us for having been left empty like us. This is what'bound' God, for He could not save us without saving them, and since they were hatred He cannot mingle with them (They cannot receive the Holy Spirit). Opening (21) the Red Sea speaks of opening a way for us among death. We can now pass through it, and close the Red Sea behind us, over the Egyptians, which means that the bond of justice that we had with them is severed. Our destiny is separated from theirs, which was and is death (symbolized by their drowning in the sea).
The first verse (14:20), may refer to the separation of demons who are not given a body or perhaps it refers to how God prevented the righteous who lived before Christ (passion) from being tortured by demons in hell when they died. He kept them apart until they were 'picked up' by Jesus Christ when He descended into hell.
Exo 14:20 coming between the host
of Egypt and the host of Israel. And there was the cloud and the
darkness; and the night passed without one coming near the other
all night. 21
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the
LORD drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night, and
made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. 22
And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea
on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right
hand and on their left. 23
The Egyptians pursued, and went in after them into the
midst of the sea, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. 24
And in the morning watch the LORD in the pillar of fire and of cloud looked down upon the host of the
Egyptians, and discomfited the host of the Egyptians, 25
clogging their chariot wheels so that they drove heavily;
and the Egyptians said, "Let us flee from before Israel; for the
LORD fights for them against the Egyptians." 26
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over
the sea, that the water may come back upon the Egyptians, upon
their chariots, and upon their horsemen." 27
So Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the
sea returned to its wonted flow when the morning appeared; and
the Egyptians fled into it, and the LORD routed the Egyptians in
the midst of the sea. 28
The waters returned and covered the chariots and the
horsemen and all the host of Pharaoh that had followed them into
the sea; not so much as one of them remained. 29
But the people of Israel walked on dry ground through the
sea, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on
their left. 30
Thus the LORD saved Israel that day from the hand of the
Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the seashore.
Exo 15:12 Thou didst stretch out thy right hand, the earth
swallowed them. 13 "Thou hast led in thy
steadfast love the people whom thou hast redeemed, thou hast
guided them by thy strength to thy holy abode. 14 The peoples have heard,
they tremble; pangs have seized on the inhabitants of Philistia. 15 Now are the chiefs of Edom dismayed; the leaders of Moab, trembling
seizes them; all the inhabitants of Canaan have melted away. 16 Terror and dread fall upon them; because of the greatness of thy arm,
they are as still as a stone, till thy people, O LORD, pass
by, till the people pass by whom thou hast purchased. 17 Thou wilt bring them
in, and plant them on thy own mountain, the place, O LORD, which
thou hast made for thy abode, the sanctuary, O LORD, which thy
hands have established. 18 The LORD will reign for
ever and ever."
You stretched out your right hand, they were swallowed up by the earth (15:12) Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father. The right hand of the Lord is Jesus Christ Himself, in saying extended it refers to the life of Jesus on Earth, specifically to the moment of the passion again. The moment when God rescues us from our kidnappers and leads us to his holy dwelling place, which on earth is the moment when He brings his Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of Heaven, to us.
He continues to speak of the terror that the demons felt, for he left them without a shield.
While your people were passing by', speak of the history of mankind, for it was not at the beginning but in the time of the Romans.
The 4th Step. The water is sweetened.
This step counteracts the 7th step, the hail step. It symbolizes the Love of God; if the hail symbolized that He Himself rose up 'angry' to put order in His 'ranks'; or rather it shows us the incompatibility of the Holy Spirit with what we became; here it shows us God as He is: Love, for it is not that God changed, but that we changed, but now He does not flee from us, for He did so before. Now it is coming around and soon we will be able to drink it again or contain it in our new container, the man (this is symbolised in the following, although all of these consequences are immediate). Again he refers to the cross, the wood that makes this possible, that changes everything. In addition, it also refers to some norms or laws, advancing the commandments, which are also a further step.
Exo 15:22 Then Moses led Israel onward from the Red Sea, and they went into the wilderness of Shur; they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. 23 When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter; therefore it was named Marah. 24 And the people murmured against Moses, saying, "What shall we drink?" 25 And he cried to the LORD; and the LORD showed him a tree, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. There the LORD made for them a statute and an ordinance and there he proved them, 26 saying, "If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give heed to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon you which I put upon the Egyptians; for I am the LORD, your healer." 27 Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees; and they encamped there by the water.
The 5th Step. Quails and Mana
This step counteracts the 6th plague, the ulcer plague. If we remember, ulcers make us unable to receive the Holy Spirit. The lack of love has'broken' our soul and we have emptied ourselves. On this step we are once again able to rise from the world, to separate ourselves. This is symbolized by quails; I have already commented that, in various parts of the Bible, birds symbolize the Adams, who have ears for God. As a notation, Num 11:31 specifies that quails come from the sea (symbol of death). But even with ears we needed to be capable of the Spirit. Thus, we are given that flesh symbolizing that our ulcers are healed, but, moreover, on this very step we are given what we lost when we ulcerate: the Holy Spirit, symbolized as that manna that fell from heaven. The one appears in the afternoon (passion) and the other the next day, the Holy Spirit.
In (16:18) I think it is referred to that each one has specific needs of the Spirit or different sizes, but that when we get to heaven, we will all be full in our size; perhaps the one who has taken less, through purgatory will be completed... I don't know, this is speculating more than anything else.
This Holy Spirit is already available from the first step (the passion) to the end of the world or the arrival to the Promised Land (35) for those who achieve it.
Exo 16:11 And the LORD said to
Moses, 12 "I have heard the murmurings of the people of Israel;
say to them, 'At twilight you shall eat flesh, and in the
morning you shall be filled with bread; then you shall know that
I am the LORD your God.'" 13
In the evening quails came up and covered the camp; and
in the morning dew lay round about the camp. 14 And when the dew had gone up, there was on the face of the wilderness a
fine, flake-like thing, fine as hoarfrost on the ground. 15 When the people of Israel saw it, they said to one another, "What is
it?" For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them,
"It is the bread which the LORD has given you to eat. 16 This is what the LORD has commanded: 'Gather of it, every man of you,
as much as he can eat; you shall take an omer apiece,
according to the number of the persons whom each of you has in
his tent.'" 17 And the people of Israel did so; they gathered, some more, some less. 18 But when they
measured it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing
over, and he that gathered little had no lack; each gathered
according to what he could eat.
Exo 16:35 And the people of
Israel ate the manna forty years, till they came to a habitable
land; they ate the manna, till they came to the border of the
land of Canaan.
Núm 11:31 And there went forth a wind from the LORD, and it brought quails from the sea, and let them fall beside the camp…
The 6th Step. Moses makes water come out of a stone.
This step counteracts the fifth plague, the death of the cattle. As I was saying, these cattle represent the EVAs who are deaf. To make water sprout from the stone represents the same thing. This step has not yet been taken, for the so-called fools in the Bible are still fools. However, it has been prophesied on several occasions. For example:
Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;
All the people left the desert of Sin in stages' (1) can refer to the passage of humanity through the world, from generation to generation. Finally, the miracle of the stone takes place at the end of time.
Well, this can't be proven until it happens, but I think we're almost there.
Exo 17:1 All the congregation of the people of Israel moved on from the wilderness of Sin by stages, according to the commandment of the LORD, and camped at Reph'idim; but there was no water for the people to drink. 2 Therefore the people found fault with Moses, and said, "Give us water to drink." And Moses said to them, "Why do you find fault with me? Why do you put the LORD to the proof?" 3 But the people thirsted there for water, and the people murmured against Moses, and said, "Why did you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?" 4 So Moses cried to the LORD, "What shall I do with this people? They are almost ready to stone me." 5 And the LORD said to Moses, "Pass on before the people, taking with you some of the elders of Israel; and take in your hand the rod with which you struck the Nile, and go. 6 Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water shall come out of it, that the people may drink." And Moses did so, in the sight of the elders of Israel. 7 And he called the name of the place Massah and Mer'ibah, because of the faultfinding of the children of Israel, and because they put the LORD to the proof by saying, "Is the LORD among us or not?"
The 7th and 8th Steps.
Battle against Amalek and the council of Jethro.
These counteract the 4th and 3rd plagues, in which mosquitoes and flies or horseflies attack the people of Egypt. Curiously, although he distinguished between the two plagues, he did not give the pharaoh the opportunity to repent between them, as he did with the other plagues. According to this, as I said, a distinction is made between the attack of angels and archangels, but it is a single battle. Specifying a 'fight' hierarchy.
Here he also speaks of a battle and a hierarchy and it is also a family struggle (descendants of Esau and Jacob).
But Amalek represents the demons on earth (16) and this time we fight against them, but with the help of God (Father and Son - arms on the cross). The opposite of what happened in the parallel plagues.
Jethro's counsel, right afterward (18:1), invites Moses to delegate to righteous men, so that a hierarchy is established for the development of camp life. This, in addition to telling us that we keep our 'soul' sizes here, tells us that we will be tempted by demons that are comparable; God does not burden us with what we cannot. As in the plagues these two steps could have become one. And those on both sides speak to us of hierarchy in heaven and in our souls.
Exo 17:8 Then came Am'alek and fought with Israel at Reph'idim. 9 And Moses said to
Joshua, "Choose for us men, and go out, fight with Am'alek;
tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God
in my hand." 10 So Joshua did as Moses told him, and fought with Am'alek; and Moses,
Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. 11 Whenever Moses held up
his hand, Israel prevailed; and whenever he lowered his hand,
Am'alek prevailed. 12 But Moses' hands grew weary; so they took a stone and put
it under him, and he sat upon it, and Aaron and Hur held up his
hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; so his
hands were steady until the going down of the sun. 13 And Joshua mowed down
Am'alek and his people with the edge of the sword. 14 And the LORD said to Moses, "Write this as a memorial in a book and
recite it in the ears of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out
the remembrance of Am'alek from under heaven." 15 And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The LORD is my
banner, 16 saying, "A hand upon
the banner of the LORD! The LORD will have war with Am'alek
from generation to generation."
Exo 18:20 and you shall teach
them the statutes and the decisions, and make them know the way
in which they must walk and what they must do. 21 Moreover choose able
men from all the people, such as fear God, men who are
trustworthy and who hate a bribe; and place such men over the
people as rulers of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of
tens. 22 And let them judge the
people at all times; every great matter they shall bring to you,
but any small matter they shall decide themselves; so it will be
easier for you, and they will bear the burden with you. 23 If you do this, and God
so commands you, then you will be able to endure, and all this
people also will go to their place in peace." y podrás resistir,
y el pueblo se volverá a casa en paz».
The 9th Step. Israel on Mount Sinai.
This step counteracts, only in part, the second plague, in which we come out of the water like frogs, no longer like fish, and move away from God. Now it is God who is approaching us: on Mount Sinai, He says that 'I have carried you on eagle's wings (Holy Spirit) and brought you to Me'.
But even so we cannot reach Him as before. We can't go up Mount Sinai. Now we will have man-made nature forever, and though we may reach heaven in infinite happiness, we will not be what we once were: angels. If the passage of the water (God), fish, to be empty, was symbolized by the frog and its jumps, now God appears on the top of Sinai to which we can not even approach. Even though the Holy Spirit has reached us, we will not reach the lost heavenly nature. Just as the frog spoke to us of the impossibility of dwelling with the Spirit, since they voluntarily go out to die outside the river, this step speaks to us of the recovery of that possibility of cohabitation, but at the same time it informs us, as did the second plague, of our change of nature. This step is closely related to the next step.
Exo 19:3And Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him out of the mountain,
saying, "Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the
people of Israel: 4 You have seen what I did to
the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings and
brought you to myself. 5 Now therefore, if you
will obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my own
possession among all peoples; for all the earth is mine, 6 and you shall be to me a
kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which
you shall speak to the children of Israel."
Exo 19:10 And the LORD said to Moses, "Go to the people and consecrate them today
and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments, 11
and be ready by the third day; for on the third day the
LORD will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the
people. 12 And you shall set bounds for the people round about, saying, 'Take heed
that you do not go up into the mountain or touch the border of
it; whoever touches the mountain shall be put to death;
The 10th Step. The 10 Commandments
This step reverses the first plague. Water, the sign of the Holy Spirit becomes Blood. We are disconnected from God; this is the first plague, although it speaks later of the consequences (frog, mosquitoes...). This is the beginning of everything. We cease to be in God and share his Spirit and become blood (there symbol of death). The commandments are a 'structure' that remakes and reconnects us. Like the sticks and ribbons that scaffold a graft onto a plant, the commandments bind us back to God and why? Because most of them are based on Love and others on faithfulness. If the steps were necessary to get there, the commandments are the hitch that grabs us to heaven.
But the 10 commandments are given twice. What does this mean? The first time refers to our first nature that we lost: the heavenly one. So it tells us of the betrayal of God in the idolatry of the ram (32:1). Again the Holy Spirit is represented or symbolised by the gold, which is 'extracted' more from the women than from the men: (women, sons and daughters). This refers to the Eves coveting the apple, the Essence of God or making gods of themselves. In the 'sons', I see the Adams, for they represent innocence that is carried away by the Eves (by the mothers here). Notice that the first time He delivers these 10 commandments, (heavenly nature) they come from God the Father (31:18); not only the writing, but also the tablets themselves, but not in the second, for it is Christ who redeems our new nature.
Exo 20:1 And God spoke all these
words, saying, 2
"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land
of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 "You shall have no
other gods before me. 4
"You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any
likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the
earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5
you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the
LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the
fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation
of those who hate me, 6
but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love
me and keep my commandments. 7 "You shall not take the
name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold
him guiltless who takes his name in vain. 8 "Remember
the sabbath day, to keep it holy. …
Exo 31:18 Exo 31:18 And he gave to Moses, when he had made an end of
speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, the two tables of the
testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God.
Exo 32:1 When the people saw
that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people
gathered themselves together to Aaron, and said to him, "Up,
make us gods, who shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man
who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what
has become of him." 2 And Aaron said to them,
"Take off the rings of gold which are in the ears of your
wives, your sons, and your daughters, and bring them to me." 3
So all the people took off the rings of gold which were
in their ears, and brought them to Aaron. 4 And he
received the gold at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving
tool, and made a molten calf; and they said, "These are your
gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!"
Thus the tablet itself is made by Moses (prefiguring Christ), though not the writing inside it (34:1). After the breaking of the first tablets, he (Moses) personally makes them as a copy of the first ones so that God (He, it says at the beginning - 34:1), re-carves the commandments. What does this tell us? That Christ validates our human nature (symbolised here as the uninscribed tablets), so that we can receive within us the Holy Spirit (= that which is written within us by the finger of God). But, although in 34: 1 it says that He (God) will write on them the words, in 34:27 It tells Moses, why?Because Moses is a foreshadowing of Christ and because it is now speaking of the validation of man's nature, made by Jesus Christ. If God the Father created the person of Christ and this pleased, it is Christ in whom, and by whom, the dead, the lost (us) is reinstated or recreated; in the passion. Let us see, in verses (6,7) it says: The Lord passed before him proclaiming 'Lord, Lord, God...' But it is not the person of God (father) speaking of Himself, but Christ interceding for us in heaven after the betrayal; He does not yet have human nature (the passion has not yet taken place, although the prefiguration of it in the departure from Egypt has taken place). It is also a scene of what happened before the creation of the world, as a vision coming from heaven (5), for already in heaven, after the betrayal, Jesus offers Himself to save us; being so, He is not proclaiming God the Father to Himself but God the Son to the Father. In the next verse (8), it says: Moses bowed down and prostrated himself on the ground, this refers to the moment when Christ becomes man (earth). In the next (9) it says 'If I have obtained your favour, may my Lord go with us' referring to the moment when He validates the man nature to receive the Holy Spirit (the moment of the passion), now He can come or enter into us. The answer to this is in (11), the covenant by which with his help we will recover the promised land (heaven), expelling the Amorites, Canaanites....
In 34:27 God also speaks of the covenant He makes with 'Moses' (a prefiguration of Christ) and with Israel. Indeed, our new covenant is made in Christ; thanks to him we can reconnect with God, it is not in vain that he names 'Moses' (prefiguration of Christ) before Israel, making him the key or cornerstone, otherwise why not name only the people? Was Moses not part of the people?
Exo 34:1 The LORD said to Moses, "Cut two tables of stone like the first; and I will write
upon the tables the words that were on the first tables, which
you broke. 2 Be ready in the
morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present
yourself there to me on the top of the mountain. 3
No man shall come up with you, and let no man be seen
throughout all the mountain; let no flocks or herds feed before
that mountain." 4
So Moses cut two tables of stone like the first; and he
rose early in the morning and went up on Mount Sinai, as the
LORD had commanded him, and took in his hand two tables of
stone. 5 And the LORD
descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and
proclaimed the name of the LORD. 6 The LORD passed before him, and proclaimed, "The LORD,
the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and
abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, 7
keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity
and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the
guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
and the children's children, to the third and the fourth
Exo 34:8 And Moses made haste to
bow his head toward the earth, and worshiped. Exo 34:9 And he said, "If now I
have found favor in thy sight, O Lord, let the Lord, I pray
thee, go in the midst of us, although it is a stiff-necked
people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thy
inheritance." 10 And he said, "Behold, I
make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels, such
as have not been wrought in all the earth or in any nation; and
all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the
LORD; for it is a terrible thing that I will do with you. 11 "Observe what I command
you this day. Behold, I will drive out before you the Amorites,
the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Per'izzites, the Hivites, and
the Jeb'usites.
Exo 34:27 And the LORD said to
Moses, "Write these words; in accordance with these words I have
made a covenant with you and with Israel." 28 And he was
there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he neither ate
bread nor drank water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of
the covenant, the ten commandments.
In 34,27 God also speaks of the covenant He makes with 'Moses' (prefiguration of
Christ) and with Israel. In fact, our new covenant is made in
Christ; thanks to him we can reconnect with God, not in vain,
but rather name `Moses' (prefiguration of Christ) rather than
Israel, making it a key or angular piece, otherwise why not name
only the people? Wasn't Moses part of the people?
The end: The Arrival in Heaven.
It's already said. We have been saved from our inability to receive God. From the passion we can return to heaven, something that the Holy Spirit helps us to do.
Many of the rules of coexistence, beyond the 10 commandments (many inspired by Love), that God provided to the people of Israel, were to artificially subject what is naturally subject to Love. It is true that others were precisely given so that without love they could live together. To keep a large plastic bag open upside down, holding it with hands, so that it is open in all its volume, it would take many hands and still not be swollen at all; however, with a hair dryer or an air hose blowing from below, it would fill completely and still push us up. This is the Holy Spirit from whom we are disconnected, who from passion can return to us.
Well, Solomon, wise among the wise, found this antagonistic relationship between some of the plagues and some of the events of the Exodus (we see it in the book of Wisdom), but the Lord hid the meaning of this from him. He could not imagine that the plagues described our descent here from heaven itself and that those events initiated at Christ's Passover described the ladder that led us back there.
All that is said is very clear to anyone who reads this carefully. If I were a Jew I would be proud to have been chosen as my people to introduce the savior of humanity; to have been chosen to draw the history of Salvation and to be able to make it present to us who dwell here below. If I were a Jew I would be the most fervent of Christians, for what will be clear to other nations should be crystal clear to the Jewish people.
About Jacob's Staircase
In Jacob's dream, Gen 28:10, Isaac was shown a staircase through which angels went down and up. As I have described, the events of the Exodus from the Passover have a meaning linked to the corresponding plagues. In this way, the plagues in exegesis are revealed as events that happened to us from the time we lived in heaven to the time we reached earth. In fact, until the Passover of Christ, the first event or step upwards without which the following could not have taken place. These steps, moreover, are in strict order and correspond to each of their respective pests.
Thus, as I said, the staircase is made up of a descent like the plagues and a climb like the following events of the Exodus. To think that Isaac was figuratively shown this ladder not only coincides with the message of his dream, but confirms what I believe I have already demonstrated or will demonstrate in this essay. We were indeed angels and went down to earth in another nature for our salvation. Thank God we can return to heaven and the way to do it was described in the Exodus thousands of years ago, as these steps whose base or angular step is the passion of Jesus Christ. The fact that the vision was at Bethel may be significant because it was the first place in Canaan where Abraham put a temple to God. Thus, Bethel could be the fulcrum of the ladder, and the first step, as has been said, the passion of Jesus in Jerusalem. Bethel is the second most named city in the Bible. This city is called the house of God, but also the house of iniquity by the prophet Hosea (here was erected the golden calf, it seems). The world as we know it is the house of idols, but also the place where we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. As in Jacob's dream, we observe a similarity between the opposites up/down and God/ Idols.
I invite you to ask yourselves these questions:
Why did the Lord want it to happen this way: with clear steps up and down that correspond? It was enough for Isaac to show him the dream. Was it so important to leave it so exposed for our time? It may be one more evidence for the people of Israel, but in any case, why does the Lord want this to be revealed now? It seems a further sign that the prophesied union of nations and the subsequent 'quench and release' are near. Perhaps our Israeli brethren will be the first to recognize the Truth? Will Muslims recognise Christ as the one who justifies their (also true) faith? Others? Or will it be all at once? I don't know how the Lord will do it, but He will do it because it is written: not only those who hear in religions but also the deaf will hear.
Gen 28:10 Jacob left Beer-sheba, and went toward Haran. 11 And he came to a certain place, and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep. 12 And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! 13 And behold, the LORD stood above it and said, "I am the LORD, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your descendants; 14 and your descendants shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and by you and your descendants shall all the families of the earth bless themselves. 15 Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done that of which I have spoken to you." 16 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place; and I did not know it."
Job 1:1-22 Once upon a time there was a man named Job, who lived in the land of Us. He was a man of integrity and uprightness, fearing God and turning away from evil. 2 He had seven sons and three daughters. 3 He owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred burras, and many servants. He was the richest of all the people of the East. 4 His sons were accustomed to meet together to eat in the house of one of them by turns; and they sent for the three sisters to eat with them. 5 When these feast days were ended, Job called them together to purify them; and the next day early in the morning he offered a burnt offering for each of them, for he thought that perhaps they had sinned by cursing God within themselves. He always did the same thing.
Although this is written as something fictitious, even with a dialogue of God, the numbers used in this book can make us think that they also hide a second meaning. Let us leave aside for the moment the 7 sons treated differently from the daughters as it was done then (they used to eat together and sent for the three sisters), and let us look at the donkeys. Why have only female donkeys? The only reason would be to feed on their milk, but we know that at that time they mainly drank sheep's and goat's milk; cow's milk seems to have been considered of inferior quality. In any case, why not have males, not even for breeding? These donkeys also have another meaning from heaven. The richest of the east also speaks to us of the heaven, from where the sun rises.
6On the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh, Satan also appeared among them. 7Then Yahweh said to Satan, "Where did you come from? The Satan answered, "From wandering about the earth and walking on the earth. 8 And Yahweh said to the Satan, "Have you seen my servant Job? There is no one like him on earth; he is a man of integrity and uprightness, a man who fears God and turns away from evil.
9 Satan answered Yahweh: "Do you think that Job fears God for nothing? 10 Do you not see that you have surrounded him and his house and all his possessions with protection? You have blessed his activities, and his flocks are spread over the land. 11 But try to lay your hand on his possessions; I bet you he will curse you to your face." 12 Yahweh replied to Satan, "All right. Mess with his possessions, but don't lay your hand on him." And the Satan went out from Yahweh's presence.
The book of Job seems to represent the rebellion of heaven and the consequences of betrayal, as seen from the perspective of the Adams (they betrayed because they were in love with their Eves). Thus the 7 brothers would represent the "Adam" of the 7 sizes and the three sisters could be the ones who out of justice will intervene in the blackmail (Eves, demons and even angels, it will be seen later). In fact, this part could be the same blackmail scene that chains the Adams (they are traitors too, I want their same destiny).
As the Adams, even under the pressure of their love for the Eves, have not hated God, here Satan advocates banishing them too or equal to him, to match their fate. "12 Mess with his possessions” Empty them of the Spirit and they will hate you (…like the other traitors, he remains to say).
13On a day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking at their eldest brother's house, 14a messenger came to Job, saying, "The oxen were plowing and the burras were grazing beside them, 15and suddenly the Sabeans fell upon them and carried them away, having slain the servants with the edge of the sword. Only I was able to escape and tell you about it. 16While he was still speaking, another came with the following message: "Fire from God has fallen from heaven and has set fire and consumed the sheep and the shepherds. Only I have escaped to tell you about it. 17While he was still speaking, another came with the following message: "The Chaldeans, divided into three groups, have fallen upon the camels and carried them away, having slain the servants with the sword. I was the only one who escaped to tell you about it. 18While he was still speaking, another came with the following message: "Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking in the house of the eldest brother, 19 and suddenly a violent wind from the other side of the desert blew against the four corners of the house, and it fell on the young men, and they died. I alone have escaped to tell you about it. 20Job arose, tore his robe and shaved his head; then he fell to the ground in humiliation 21 and said, "Naked I came forth from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return to it. Yahweh has given it to me, and Yahweh has taken it from me. Blessed be the name of Yahweh. 22Yet Job did not sin, nor did he impute anything unworthy of God.
Thus, everything begins (14) with the 'oxen ploughing and the female donkeys grazing beside them'. The horned oxen are the fallen ones, the donkeys the Eves, as always in the feminine and next to those who 'convince' them. Physically it would not fit very well, 500 yoke of oxen I don't know how many hectares they could plough, but it seems that many, and in the plough they can't graze, so it is difficult that the 500 donkeys were next to those oxen. Rather, it seems that these, ultimately demons, were preparing the ground for rebellion and the Eves were feeding on their lies.
Then (16) he goes on to say that fire from God falls and consumes the sheep and the shepherds. These I believe are the same, the fallen ones (shepherds) who lead the Eves (sheep), and are emptied of the Holy Spirit by the action of God Himself. The shepherds could refer to the Eves and the sheep to the Adams, for they were led by 'those', but I believe the Adams are referred to later (camels).
Thus in 17, the Chaldeans divided into three groups, (something irrelevant to the transmission of the news), take away the camels. These three groups, I believe, refer again to the groups present after the rebellion, when the blackmail of the devil is done. These groups are parts of the justice that is claimed by Satan: the demons, the Eves, and the faithful angels, for these too are taken as an argument (are they to receive the same reward as the faithful angels?). It is then that the Adam who still had the Holy Spirit, because they failed out of love for the Eves, are also emptied (though not in the same way, - just carried away, not annihilated later with the fire of God - will be of those who listen, in fact, to call him as a camel only differentiates them because I believe it empties them at once).
In 19, we are told of the fall of all of us to the earth. Four corners, usually referring to the cardinal points, our earth. The collapsing house is our dwelling place in heaven and death is the first death as heavenly creatures.
From 20 to 22, the same thing is spoken of, to tear garments = to be emptied of the Spirit; he falls to the ground in humiliation, our arrival here. God fulfils justice, because thanks to the Adam, the demons and Eve are not annihilated immediately.
Job 2:1-11 Now it happened one day when the sons of God came to appear before Yahweh, that Satan also appeared among them. 2 And Yahweh said to Satan, "Where did you come from? He answered, "From wandering about the earth and walking on the earth. 3 Yahweh said to the Satan, "Have you seen my servant Job? There is no one like him on earth; he is a man of integrity and uprightness, fearing God and turning away from evil.
Yet it perseveres in its integrity; and yet you have incited me to destroy it without cause. 4Satan replied to Yahweh: "Skin upon skin. A man gives for his life all that he has. 5But try to lay your hand on him, strike him in bone and flesh; I bet you he will curse you to your face." 6Yahweh replied to the Satan, "I leave him in your hand, but respect his life." 7The Satan went out from the presence of Yahweh. And he struck Job with evil sores, from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. 8Job sat down in the dust and picked up a hoof to scratch himself with it. 9Then his wife said to him, "Do you still persist in your integrity? Curse God and die. 10Job said to her, "You speak like a fool; we are ready to receive good from God, but we are not ready to receive evil. Nevertheless, Job did not sin with his lips. 11 Three of Job's friends heard of the misfortune that had befallen him and came from their respective countries. They were Eliphaz of Teman, Bildad of Shuach, and Zophar of Naamath.
It begins as at the beginning [1-3], even with the same words, but this time for me that on earth; just as the badly separated psalms we have studied are repeated (p.405 from the other book), just as our life in the world after the first death in heaven is repeated. The children of God as we know are the Adam's (remember the confrontation between 'Sons of God and Daughters of men' in Genesis) and Job in this part seems to represent these, the righteous, who are those who have come with hearing, before all saw and heard God, all were children of God (although we will see that he has answers that are not proper to the Adam's). Now he speaks of the physical body and our history in the world with its sufferings as well (he sat in the dust, on our land). The woman (11) is depicted as his enemy "Curse God and die..." (... so swine, she just needs to say); again the Eves, the woman, do not listen and the Adams do accept God's will. Eves invites them to disown God here on earth, which also happened in heaven when we separated from God and died.
As for the three friends, I think they correspond to specific characters or 'parties'. In some translations it says that they come from different countries, in others from different places, and all three coincide at the same time and at the same hour they arrive to see Job from afar. Their dialogue is short compared to the rest, occupying more or less two sides of A4 compared to almost 14 for the rest, with tiny print. And different styles can be distinguished in them. They speak in three rounds, each with Job's response. I put first the interventions of the friends.
I believe he speaks in the 1st cycle of the Adam, in the 2nd of the Demons and in the 3rd of the Eves. Both Eliphaz of Teman and Bildad of Shuah intervene three times. Zophar of Naamat only twice.
Eliphaz speaks with a certain authority and almost always in the present tense, giving the impression that he speaks from heaven, he could even represent the angels of heaven. In this sense, Habakkuk 3:3 says: God comes from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran..., perhaps this is related.
Authoritative verses.
15.7 Art thou the firstborn of men, begotten before the hills?
15.8 Have you attended divine counsel and assimilated wisdom?
15.9 What do you know that we don't know, what do you understand that we are not clear about?
15.10 There are among us grizzled and aged, more full of days than your father.
4.9 At the breath of God they perish, at the breath of his wrath they perish.
4.10 The lion roars, the wild beast growls, but the cubs' teeth are torn out.
4.11 Lion dies for lack of prey, lioness cubs disperse....
From here I highlight 4.9-11 which seem to speak of the rebellion of heaven, and are a little obscure. 4.9 however is not in doubt. (4.10) The lion roars may refer to Satan and the beast to the fallen or the lion to the fallen in general including Satan and the beast to the Eves. The cubs would be the Adam perhaps, they tear out their teeth, they don't fight. "Cubs" in Spanish is masculine, I don't know in the native language of this. The lion dies for lack of prey may refer to the fact that when God ended the rebellion they no longer had the food at their disposal, the Spirit or even emptied themselves. The lioness's cubs scatter I think it refers back to the Eves, in which case the lioness would be the fallen ones.Well, all of this would be a somewhat adventurous option.
Speak to the Adam's about what happened to them (1st cycle):
5.3I have seen a foolish man take root and his dwelling suddenly fall into disrepair, 4 his children in distress, beset at the gate without a defender.
5.5 The hungry eats his harvest, for God takes it from between his teeth; the thirsty drinks his heritage.
6 Misery does not come out of the dust, nor does suffering spring from the ground.
7 It is man who is born to suffer, like sparks to take flight.
8 If I were you, I would go to God, I would plead my cause with God.
9 He works unfathomable wonders, wonders innumerable.
10 He pours rain on the earth, He sends water on the fields, 11 He sets the lowly on high, the afflicted in safety.
17 Blessed is the person whom God corrects! Do not despise the lesson of Shaddai, 18 for he wounds and puts on the bandage, he strikes and heals; 19 he delivers you six times from trouble, and a seventh time he spares you pain. 20 In the midst of famine he will save you from death, in the midst of battle from the sword.
(5.3) The Adams, like all traitors, spoil their dwelling place, but they are also "beset at the gate" and driven out by the incriminating finger of the demons and even of the Eves, perhaps even of the faithful angels (remember that, because God tries to save the Adams, in justice the Eves are given the chance to live longer and the demons not yet to die at all; as for comparative justice, if the Adams had not been cast out, they would have remained the same as the faithful angels), so they are harassed at the gate without a defender. The (5.5) may refer to the same or simply to being stripped of what was taken. In (6) he tells us that our sin and suffering on earth comes from what we did in heaven, even though we are here. In 7 he equates us to birds (Adams) that can be separated from the world, sparks also fly with the suffering of this world, burning. In (10) it is clear, he pours out the Spirit upon the earth and sets the lowly on high, these are especially the Adams. He will continue to speak of them to the end.
Then he speaks of Blessed is the person whom God corrects...! and of all the good that you will find if you follow him, also for the Adam.
Speak to Adam of the Demons (2nd Century):
15.20"The life of the wicked is spent in torments, the years of the oppressor are numbered; 21 his ears hear voices of terror, bandits assail him in full prosperity; 22 let him not trust to return from darkness, for he is destined for the sword; 23 assigned as fodder to the vultures, he knows his impending ruin.
The hour of darkness 24 frightens him, anguish and anxiety invade him like a king launching himself into attack. 25 For lifting up his hand against God, and daring to challenge Shaddai, 26 charging headlong at him behind the massive belly of his shield, 27 with cheeks brimming with fat and his loins covered with tallow, 28 he ended up living in ruined cities, in uninhabited houses on the point of collapse.
29 His wealth will not grow rich and his fortune will not endure, nor will his shadow be long in the land. 30 He shall not escape the darkness, the flame shall wither his branches, his blossom shall be swept away by the wind. 31 Let him not trust in his goodly stature, for it will end in vanity. 32 Her branches shall be scorched before their time, and her boughs shall not bud. 33 It is a vine that loses its fruit, and an olive tree that drops its blossom. 34 The stubble of the wicked is barren, the fire devoureth the house of the selfish. 35 He that deviseth mischief conceiveth mischief, his belly bringeth forth falsehood.
This is quite clear, to emphasise: (15.20) the years are numbered that are kept for the oppressor; (22) let him not trust to return from darkness, for he is destined for the sword; 23 assigned as fodder to the vultures, he knows his impending ruin. And all the rest, special attention to 24-28 which tells us clearly of the rebellion in heaven and how fattened on the stolen Essence of God, they dared to attack.
After these demons he does not call for their reconciliation, nor does he give hope that they can return to the fold by doing God's will.
Speak to The Eves (3rd cycle), what they did... there is still hope.
22.6Thou didst unreasonably demand garments of thy brethren, thou didst strip the naked of their clothing; 7 thou didst not give drink to the thirsty, thou didst deprive the hungry of bread; 8 as the mighty owner of the earth, as the privileged inhabitant of it, 9 thou didst send widows away empty, thou didst tear in pieces the arms of the fatherless.
10 Therefore nets surround you, you are suddenly seized with terror; 11 the light is darkened and you do not see, mighty waters engulf you. ....
13 And you say: "What does God know, can he see behind clouds?
14 The clouds cover him, he does not see when he walks in the orbit of heaven.
15 Do you want to follow the ancient path that wicked men trod, 16 who were driven before their time, when a river swept away their foundations? 17 They said to God, "Go away from here, what can Shaddai do to us?
18 Though he filled their houses with good things, they excluded him with their wicked plans.
19 The righteous rejoice to see him, the upright mock them:
20 Behold, our adversary is destroyed, the fire has devoured his abundance.
21 Be reconciled to him and make peace with him, and your happiness will be restored to you. 22 Accept the teaching of his mouth, think always of his words. 23 If you return to Shaddai in humility, wickedness will depart from your tent; 24 if you cast gold to the dust, Ophir to the stones of the brook, 25 Shaddai will be your treasure, your silver will be in abundance....
Because of the faults committed in heaven (22.6-8), they are of those who do not see (10), which is also said in 13-14: Can he see behind clouds? 14 The clouds cover him, he does not see when he walks in the orbit of heaven". It is they who do not see God (the clouds cover him). From 15-20 he speaks of demons, but addressing the Eves: Do you (Eve) want to follow the ancient path trodden by wicked men (demons) who went before their time (of the world/universe/time)? But to these, to the Eves, he does give the opportunity for reconciliation (21-30).
It seems that in biblical Hebrew Sûaj is Shuah, and would be defined, according to internet dictionaries, as hole, depression, (some even define it as 'sûaj=waste', Adventist dictionary). So, this friend I believe represents those who fell (the Adam, The Eves and the demons), we will see that their dialogues coincide. Bildad usually speaks in the past tense, unlike Eliphaz, he does not have his authority.
Speak to Adam/Eve of the demons (1st cycle). There is still hope for "He/She".
8.4 If your children have sinned against him, he has already put them in the power of his crime. 5 But if you seek God diligently and address your supplication to Shaddai, 6 if you are blameless and upright, he will immediately watch over you, he will restore your rightful possessions. 7 Your past will be a pittance compared to your splendid future.
8.8 Ask, if not, past generations, meditate on the experience of their elders. 9 Of yesterday we are, we know nothing; our life on earth passes like a shadow.
10 But they will instruct you, they will speak to you with maxims drawn from reflection:
11 "Does the papyrus grow out of the marsh? Does the reed grow out of the water?
12 Still green, uncut, before any grass withers".
13 Such is the end of him who forgets God; the hope of the wicked fails. 14 His confidence is but a thread, his security a web.
15 He leans on it and does not hold on, he clings to it and does not resist.
16 Full of sap, in the sunshine, his young shoots sprang up in his garden; 17 his roots were entangled in the rock, he lived clinging to the wall.
18 But they pluck him out of his place, and he denies him: "I have never seen you. 19 That is where his joyful life leads him, while others will spring up from the earth.
20 But God does not reject the righteous, nor lend a hand to the wicked.
21 He can still fill your mouth with laughter, your lips with rejoicing.
22 Your enemies will be covered with shame, the tent of the wicked will disappear.
In (8.8-9) he seems to put a riddle to us: Ask past generations, from yesterday we are us, we know nothing…, it places us in heaven and at the same time identifies us as those who fall to earth (Adam, Eve), we discard the demons as they do know what happened (they recognise Jesus when they see him, "you come to torment us before the time"); our life passes on earth as a shadow, it may refer to the shadow of what was in heaven, a 2nd chance. From 11-12, it speaks of our separation from God, emptied of God. In 13 it speaks of the wicked, the demons, "their confidence is a thread, a web..." it refers to blackmail, a trap that like a shield of thread gives them security. From (16-17) it tells us how they were in heaven (sun, rock, wall = God/Spirit) before the betrayal. In (18) after the betrayal, God denies them "I have never seen you", it seems definite, not like the Adam. In 19 "while others will spring up from the earth", It refers to the not-so-traitorous traitors: the Adam and Eve. In (20-22) a "but" to stop talking about the demons and go back to talking about those who are honest.
He speaks of the demons (2nd cycle) to the Eves, perhaps comparing himself to them.
8.5The light of the wicked is extinguished, the fire in his hearth no longer shines. 6 The light in his tent is extinguished, the lamp that shines on him goes out.
7 His firm step is shortened, his own projects lose him. 8 His feet go into the net, he walks between the meshes.
9 A noose is fastened around his heel, the snare is closed over him.
10 Hidden in the earth is a knot, a snare awaits him on the path. 11 Fear and terror surround him, they hinder his walk.
12 He faints in full vigour, misfortune takes hold at his side.
13 Evil devours his skin, the Firstborn of Death gnaws at his limbs.
14 They tear him from the shelter of his tent, they drag him before the King of terrors.
15 They occupy his desolate tent, they spread sulphur in his habitation. 16 Their roots are dried up underneath, and their boughs are withered above.
17 His memory is erased in the country, he remains nameless in the county.
18 He is driven from the light into darkness, he is driven out of the world, 19 without family or offspring among his people, without a survivor in his homeland. 20 His destiny frightens the West, the East is shaken.
21 So ends the dwelling of the wicked, the house of him who does not know God.
The light (8.5) refers to the Spirit, tent our soul. The earth (10) is heaven here, (12) in full vigour=full of God's stolen Essence, (13) the firstborn of death and the king of terrors are Satan, desolate tent = soul destroyed, sulphur = hell... (20) his fate frightens the west are the Adam/Eve, where the sun sets, east shuddering = faithful angels, where the sun rises.
Speaks of men (Adam/Eve) as demons (3rd cycle).
25.2 God is a fearsome ruler who imposes peace on his heights.
3 Who can count their troops?
On whom does its light not rise?
4 How can man be just before God?
How can he who is born of a woman be pure? 5 If even the moon has no brightness, and the stars are not pure in his eyes, 6 how much less man, that carrion! how much less the human worm!
Here he speaks of man in general, Adam and Eve. By saying (5) "not even the moon has brightness" he can speak of the Eves who do not reflect the light of the sun or also specify the Adam before Christ (not even the moon reflects the light of the sun, God), the Adam today without a state of grace, either. Of course, you cannot compare the faithful angels with God (the stars are not pure in their eyes) and it even seems that the angels weighed in deciding on the Adams, I explain this in the Discourses of Yahweh. Note that here he seems to speak contemptuously of "man", "that carrion, the human worm", which would coincide with this friend speaking here as a demon. Later, looking at it in general, it will become clearer.
Naamat is not known, although it is supposed to be a place in Arabia.
In many translations it comes as the Naamatite who is a native of Naama.
Since the book is set in Arabia. Some think it refers to Jebel-el-Na`ameh which translated from Arabic is a mountain to sleep on. Consider that in many places angels are referred to as mountains (great mountains fell). There is no greater blind man than he who sleeps and neither does he listen who remains asleep. Na`ameh, on the other hand, is "asleep". All this makes me think that this "man" could represent the Eves since they sleep, they will wake up and listen (they are not dead).
This friend only intervenes twice, both times he talks about or to the Eva. In this first one there is a mention that I would say refers to the Muslims, strange as it may seem.
1st cycle speaks to the Eves
11.10 If he appears and commits to prison, if he is summoned to trial, who will prevent him?
11 For well he knows false people; when he sees wickedness, he pays attention.
12 But the fool shall learn to reason when the wild ass is born a man. [Jerusalem Bible]
12 A vain man shall be wise, though he be born as the foal of a wild ass. [Valera]
12 In the day when the wild ass ceases to be wild, in that day the fool will come to his senses. [God speaks today]
13 If you hold your heart steadfast and stretch out your hands to him, 14 if you reject the wickedness that is in your hands without giving place in your tent to unrighteousness; 15 then you will lift up a clear brow, you may be harassed, but you will not fear; 16 you will come to forget misfortune, like water under the bridge you will remember it; 17 your life will shine brighter than the noonday, your darkness will be like the dawn; 18 you will live confident in hope, even confused, you will sleep peacefully; 19 you will lie down and no one will frighten you, many will seek your favours. 20 But the eyes of the wicked are consumed, they are bereft of refuge, their hope is the last gasp.
In (11.12), The Eves (the foolish) is spoken of but at the same time a prediction seems to be made. Since we know that the Eves will have their ears opened at the end of time, the scripture could not say "he will never reason", nor can that phrase mean an impossible one like: "it will be when the frogs grow hair", so it has to link to what will actually happen which seems, according to this, would have to do with the Muslim people. It is true that it is too specific talking about Adam and Eve in general, but this could be a reason. Regarding this, we have already seen in Islam Today (from the other book), p.88, that the descendants of Ishmael would be like onagers or wild donkeys (Genesis) and this is how it has been maintained because they consider those who are not like them (infidels) worthy of death already here in the world; being so, they marginalise themselves by considering themselves superior to the others.
Verse 11.20 is perhaps related to this because does the wicked really put his hope in the last breath? Not even the demons among us, who said to Christ something like: Are you come to torment us before the time? (Matt. 8.29) put their hope in the last breath, they do not wish it. As for the surface meaning of the story, it seems a bit excessive to call friend Job evil, but then, everything is written ambiguously for a reason. To me this last breath thing reminds me of those who, full of hatred, blow themselves up by killing people in the hope of finding Eden in that last breath. These, on the other hand, I have always thought that they would be people tormented by very serious past sins (Christianity provides for forgiveness of sins, I don't know about Islam), and of course manipulated (Salafist Imams do not usually blow themselves up), who try to exonerate themselves with these verses taken out of God's merciful context. Perhaps also some suicidal people who, in desperation, are looking for a wrong way out that does not lead them to hell, since Islam forbids it. Indeed only a fool, (deaf or Eve) can learn hatred from the Holy Qur'an.
Well, this part has gone a bit off the general theme, maybe it is a bit adventurous after all. However, leaving aside the Muslim people, I clearly see the Eves here.
2nd cycle, concerning Eve.
20.6Even if his stature reaches to heaven and his head reaches to the clouds, 7 he disappears forever, like dung, his acquaintances say: "Where is he?
8 Like an invisible dream it vanishes, like a night vision it dissipates.
9 The eye that saw him shall see him no more, his dwelling shall behold him no more.
10 Their children shall compensate the poor, their hands shall restore their wealth.
11 His bones full of energy will lie with him in the dust.
12 Wickedness tasted sweet to him, he hid it under his tongue, 13 he kept it with care, not releasing it, retaining it within his mouth; 14 but that delicacy is corrupted in his bowels, it is turned within him into the venom of vipers, 15 he will vomit out the riches he has devoured, for God takes them out of his belly.
16 He sucked the venom of vipers: the tongue of the asp shall slay him.
17 He will no longer enjoy streams of oil, rivers of honey and cottage cheese.
18 He will return his profits without tasting them, without savouring the fruit of his business.
19 For destroying the huts of the poor, stealing houses instead of building them; 20 for not knowing how to appease his appetite, his treasures will not save him; 21 as no one escaped his voracity, his prosperity will not endure.
22 His own abundance shall beset him, the hand of misery shall overtake him.
23 God will send the fierceness of his wrath upon him, like a shower of arrows in his flesh.
24 If he is saved from the iron weapon, they pierce him with a bow of bronze; 25 an arrow sticks out of his back, a burnished point through his liver, terrors come upon him; 26 hidden darkness is reserved for him, an unkindled fire devours him, consuming the remnants of his tent.
27 The heavens reveal his guilt, the earth rises up against him.
28 A flood ruins his house, the torrents of the day of wrath.
29 This is the fate that God has in store for the wicked, this is the inheritance that He destines for his person.
In (20.6) it speaks of the heavenly and in what remains, from angels to dung, from having everything to being empty of the Spirit; then they fall to the earth (11) their soul that was full of energy now falls (lies) to the earth (dust). The acquaintances of heaven no longer find it (where is it?). These first verses could apply to all who fell, though perhaps the demons do not fall to the "dust". (12) Evil under the tongue because with it “she” convinces the Adam (15), he will vomit up the stolen riches because God empties them like the other betrayers of the Essence, of the stolen Holy Spirit. (16) “She” sucked the poison or the lies of the vipers (demons) that convinced them (the Eves); 17,18,19 are clear (huts of the poor = souls of the Adam). In (10) the sons will indemnify the poor, it may refer to the fact that on earth (sons), as deaf will be proof for the Adams and through them these can have Holy Spirit gains (trade, sword I will put). (24) The soul is broken, and loses the Spirit. (27) falls from heaven, comes to earth. (29) summary of what happened. This text could be attributed to the demons but I think it is more in line with the Eves.
With regard to God's speeches, the first one seems clear that it speaks of the clearing up of the rebellion in heaven.
Yahweh's 1st speech
38.4 Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know and understand so much.
5 Do you know who fixed its measures, or who measured it by line? 6 Where are its foundations laid?
Who laid its cornerstone 7 between the shouting of the morning stars and the shouting of the Sons of God? 8 Who shut up the sea with floodgates, when it was running wild from his bosom, 9 when he put clouds for blankets, storm clouds for swaddling clothes, 10 when he marked its boundaries with gates and bars?
11 I said to him, "This far you shall come, you shall not pass over; here the pride of your waves shall crash." 12 Have you ever commanded the morning or assigned its place to the dawn, 13 to seize the earth by the edges and shake the wicked from it, 14 to take shape like sealing clay, and to be coloured like a garment, 15 to deny the wicked their light, and to be broken by the upraised arm?
(38.5) The cornerstone is Christ who already in heaven offers Himself for the salvation of the "loving" traitors, the morning stars and the Sons of God are the angels and those Adam who, before forgetting our history in heaven, saw there the project of salvation. (8) The sea is the fallen ones and the Satan, who are also limited in here, perhaps the clouds refer to their non-corporeal state among us. (12) The earth here is heaven, from which the wicked are shaken off. The sealing clay is Jesus Christ, the firstborn (aurora) takes the form of clay or man and at the same time of a seal, for He is the mould or seal that will shape our formless clay so that it will erect walls containing in the new nature the Spirit, like a bowl containing the Water. (14) to be coloured like a garment, is to take on the "appearance" of the Spirit (garment as always is Holy Spirit), i.e., it will not have the Holy Spirit of itself, but will be fit to receive Him. Like lining a container with gold paper to receive something excellent. (15) It is Christ who breaks the chains and condemns the demons forever (there will be no more seasons for them).
2nd Yahweh's speech
9 Do you have an arm like God's, a powerful voice like his?
10 Gird thyself therefore with greatness and majesty, clothe thyself with glory and splendour; 11 give vent to thy wrath, strike down the arrogant at a glance, 12 humble the proud at a glance; crush the wicked where they are, 13 bury them together in the dust, shut them up together in the dungeon. 14 Then I will sing your praise, "Your right hand has given you victory."
15 There you have Behemoth, whom I made like you, who feeds on grass like cows?
This part I believe refers to the victory of Jesus Christ, that is, the passion in the world. This he puts in Job's mouth, of course, because he has done it. The arm (9) represents Jesus and at the end the right hand (14) also. In the passion all demons lose their shield and are condemned to death, only the day of the end must come for this to be executed.
Behemoth obviously represents the devil, whom God also overcomes by his right hand and whom God made like us, for he was our brother and was nourished, filled, with the Spirit like us, although he was one of the big ones (cow). Let's keep in mind that if a murderer takes cover behind an innocent child with a knife to his neck and a policeman shoots him with a sawed-off shotgun (let's get cinematic for a moment) and kills them both, he would never count that as a victory, least of all if this child was one of his children. God could crush the demons as He crushed the rebellion, but we were in the way. The victory is through his right hand, Jesus. Everything else, which I do not put here, still speaks of the characteristics of the devil.
God finally blames the friends and exonerates Job. Elihu, the young man, is not named. What is certain is that this young man says things similar to what the friends say, even though he himself says that this is not so; after him Yahweh appears.
However, Job, after God's speeches, hardly says anything, he just keeps quiet. Even so, God says that he has spoken well about His person, unlike the three friends who defended God Himself, and we will see that this is not so in the next point (Job 9.22-24, for example). This does not make sense, so it makes me think that the friends represent those parts we were talking about earlier. According to what has been said, it is also strange that these friends come from three different places (or countries according to the translation Job 2.11), and that they coincide before arriving at Job's house, whom they see from afar; even more so if they are different "countries", moreover, this fact would be irrelevant to write. I rather think that with "places/countries" it indicates that they have different origins or belong to different groups or types. It would be interesting to know more about the place or the word "Naamat", but for me what I have found is sufficient in the belief that it all takes place in Arabia. According to tradition (and Wikipedia), "Moses may have learned the story of Job during his flight from Lower Egypt. If this were the case, Job was an inhabitant of the Arabian Peninsula, located to the east of the empire". Thus, these would be the elements present in the blackmail of heaven (let us remember: they have also betrayed, I want their same fate) and Job generally to the Adams, even if his dialogues seem to represent others as well, we see it right away. These elements present in the blackmail as we have seen are the Eves, the demons and even the angels, who are also part of justice, because the Adams, if they stayed in heaven, would receive the same reward as the faithful angels; perhaps there was even one of them who made this detail present, remember the Parable of the prodigal son and his brother p. 117. Thus, God comes from Teman which Habakkuk 3,3 says, just as Eliphaz comes from Teman (angels). Shuah seems to be defined as a pit, depression (and even rubbish), where we Adam, Eve and demons fell, as well as Bildad from Shuah. And Sophar of Naamat I have already explained why for me they are the Eves.
On the other hand, there are their own discourses and ways of speaking that confirm these differentiated origins or groups.
As for Job, the main character, he also says interesting things, although he is very redundant, so much so that I never completed it until now, because it seemed so heavy. From the dual perspective, which we will see, it is much more interesting.
- The interesting thing about Job the character, the speaker
With friends it would be enough to verify this coded language that we are so interested in studying. Job also seems to respond to this key; in many interlocutions he responds as the questioner, in others with the particularities of the questioner.
Reply to Eliphaz (1st Cycle) As Adam
6.15My brothers are as deceitful as a torrent, like streams of water after the flood:
16 They run down in the thaw when the snow melts on them, 17 but in the time of low water they dry up, and in the heat their streams evaporate. 18 They divert the caravans from their route, they go into the wilderness and disappear.
19 Teman's caravans are glimpsing them, the convoys of Sheba go in search of them, 20 but their hope is disappointed, they arrive there and are disappointed. 21 So are you now to me: you see my horror and fear it.
(15) The Adams after betrayal are deceived by their brothers, the Eves and the demons who lead them astray and dry up (they die after fattening of ‑grown stolen Essence‑). The caravans of Teman (from where God comes) can be the angels; at the time of blackmail they see horror and fear it, they do not help, they want to separate themselves from them, to make the difference between them and the Adam (they glimpse, they do not approach). The convoys of Sheba may refer to The Eves (Queen of Sheba), who will indeed go with the Adam, although they will not end up like them, disappointed, they will not listen. All horrified, they fear.
He continues as a man, following the story, or as a demon?
7.7Remember: my life is but a breath, my eyes will no longer see joy.
8 I will be invisible to all eyes, you will look at me, but I will not be there.
9 Like a cloud that vanishes and passes away, he who goes down to Sheol goes up no more.
10 He returns no more to his house, his dwelling place no longer recognises him.
11 Therefore I will not hold my tongue, I will speak in anguish, I will complain in bitterness. 12 Am I the sea or the dragon, that you set a guard over me?
Here he could answer as demon, which would link later with Bildad which follows this discourse, though 12 would not fit, or he may refer to man in general, let us bear in mind that even the Adam, or/and the righteous go to Sheol before the passion.
Reply to Eliphaz (2ndcycle) As Adam
16.9The wrath of God harasses me and tears me; he shows his gnashing teeth against me, my adversary looks at me with evil eyes.
10 They threaten me by opening their mouths, they reproach me with blows, they are all allied against me.
11 God has delivered me into the hands of the unjust, he has cast me into the hands of the wicked.
12 I was living in peace, and he shook me, he seized me by the back of the neck and tore me to pieces, he made me his target.
13 His archers compassed me about, he pierced my bowels without mercy, he poured out my gall upon the earth.
14 He tore my body through breach after breach, and he rushed at me like a warrior.
15 I have sewn a sackcloth upon my skin, my strength is ended in dust.
16 Weeping reddens my face, a deadly shadow covers my eyes, 17 though there was no violence in my hands and my prayer was sincere.
19 For I have my witness in heaven, my advocate dwells on high, 20 who interprets my thoughts before God, before whom I shed my tears.
21 Let him judge between man and God, as it is between mortals, 22 for my years are numbered, and I will go on a journey of no return.
17.12They want to make me see that night is day, that light is near when there is only darkness. 13 I only hope to dwell in Sheol, to make my bed in darkness; 14 I call the grave "my father", the worms "mother and brothers".
15 Where is my hope now? who has seen my joy?
16 They will go down with me to Sheol; we will sink together in the dust.
(10) All are allied against me, it is the time of blackmail (11) He hands me over to the unjust, for we are with the demons and the Eves in the world. Our souls were broken and we lost the Spirit (9,13,14). In 15 it speaks of the brokenness of the soul and that the Spirit is poured out, it is simultaneous to 16 which speaks of the lost Spirit (weeping) until we become empty (mortal shadow), I don't think it speaks of the Eves (who don't see) in this case. 19 may refer to Jesus, mediator between God the Father and man, who already in heaven offers himself. (17) seems to speak of man in general or follows the story; remember Sheol: certain destiny before Christ.
Reply to Elifaz(3rd cycle) As Eve
23.3If only I knew how to find him, how to reach his dwelling place!
7 He would see in his adversary a righteous man, and I would be rid of my judge for ever.
8 But I go eastward, and he is not; I go westward, and find him not; 9 I seek him in the north, and he cometh not; he hideth himself in the south, and I see him not. 10 But he knows my conduct; if he proves me, I shall come forth as gold.
16 God disheartens me, Shaddai terrifies me, 17 for I did not disappear in darkness, and he has covered my face with darkness... 23.25 ...24.25
Eve, the fool, does not see, does not listen, is neither taught nor corrected. That's why everything that follows talks about how well the wicked are doing, who in reality in the world are the Eves too, those who are doing well. If that is how I see it here, he speaks as Eve, but then goes on to say particularities of the Eves in the 3rd person.
Responds to Bildad (1st cycle) As Adam / Eve
9.5He moves the mountains unnoticed, when he overturns them in his anger.
6 He shakes the earth out of its place and shakes its pillars.
7 He commands it, and the sun does not shine, and He seals up the stars.
8 He unfolds the heavens unaided, He crushes the back of the Sea.
11 If he passes by me, I don't see him, he brushes past me and I don't notice him.
21 Am I innocent? I don't know myself, I despise my life!
22 But it is the same thing indeed: it destroys the innocent and the guilty alike. 23 If a scourge kills suddenly, it laughs at the anguish of the innocent.
24 He leaves the earth in the power of the wicked and covers the eyes of the rulers; who else does it?
29 And if it turns out that I am guilty, why should I labour in vain?
30 Even if I washed myself with snow water and wiped my hands with soda, 31 you would rub me in the mud until my clothes disgusted me.
32 He is not a man like me to tell you:
"Let us stand together in judgment." 33 There is no arbiter between us who lays his hand between us, 34 Who turns his whip from my sight and does not frighten me with his terror.
35 Then I would speak without fear of him, for I believe that I am not guilty.
10.5Is your existence that of a mortal, are your years that of a man, 6 that you should rummage through my guilt and investigate my sin, 7 though you know that I am not guilty and that no one will snatch me out of your hands?
10.21before I go away, and return no more, into the land of darkness and of shadows, 10.22 into the dark and disorderly land, where light is like a shadow.
(5) the mountains are the treacherous angels, on 6 earth is heaven and speaks of the same thing. (7) "the sun does not shine" as I suppose, the Spirit was withdrawn from all at once, also from the faithful to give it back to them later. In (7) "shut up the stars with a seal" may refer only to the demons or to Adam and Eve until the passion. (8) the back of the Sea, because, even if He destroys the souls of the demons, their container, their backbone, will still be present for our justification. In (11) he tells us that it speaks of the Eves, he will alternate them with the Adams (guilty, innocent). What he says in (9.22), would be a heresy, for he accuses God of being unjust (this among others is what did not make sense when God says that Job speaks well of Him), and he comes to say that both the Adam ("innocent") and The Eves (guilty) fall to the earth. In (30-35) he speaks of the Eves (guilty) and says that there is no mediator between God and "them", when before he said there is (answer to Eliphaz 2Cic. 16,19-21). Before he answered as Adam, here as Eve. From 10.1 onwards he seems to be Adam again. Now it is very clear to him that he is innocent (10.7) when before he was not (9.21). In (10.21-22) he ends up as Eve, although he could also be Adam as all go to Sheol, at this time, before Christ.
Reply to Bilbad (2nd Cycle) Reply as Eve
19.2How long will you torment me, crushing me with so many words?
8 He has set an impassable wall in my path, He has filled my paths with thick darkness.
9 He has stripped me of my honour, He has left my brow uncrowned.
10 He has razed my fence, and I must go away; He has uprooted my hope like a tree. 11 His anger has raged against me, He has considered me his enemy.
12 His troops are coming en masse, they are making their way in pursuit of me, they are encamped around my tent.
13 My brothers are far from me, my friends regard me as a stranger. ...
20 My bones stick to flesh and skin, I have escaped with my skin between my teeth....
25 I know that my Advocate lives, that the last one will rise from the dust, 26 that after I am skinless and fleshless, I will see God.
27 Yes, it will be I who will see it, my eyes will see it, and not a stranger.
(8-10) This would be typical of the demons, but it also happens to the Eves "impassable wall", time or the universe, "thick darkness", the world itself, "my brow uncrowned" because they were also angels, "He has razed my fence", the soul is broken. (13-19) The Adams no longer know the Eves, indeed, since christ they are enemies (sword I will put) and the demons likewise pursue them as they do all men. (25) At the end of time the Eves will be able to see God like the Adams (27), they will cease to be deaf, those who are saved will reach heaven; Defender, it could also refer to Jesus, who has made human nature fit, although the Eves after the passion are still deaf. As another possibility, it could refer to a last "defender" who has already passed the test of the world (dust) and will return as the last one sent now ("the last one will rise from the dust") before the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, who will come from the heavens, not from the dust; this one, not immaculate like the virgin or a faithful angel, but redeemed in Jesus Christ, "a shoot from his roots will spring up", see The Prophet to come (from the other book)
Responds to Bildad (3rd cycle) As Adam/Eve responds to demons.
26.5The shadows tremble under the earth, the waters and their inhabitants tremble.
6 Sheol is naked before Him, Perdition is uncovered.
7 He stretched out the Septentrion over the void, he suspended the earth over nothingness.
9 He covers the face of the full moon, spreading its cloud over it.
10 He made a hedge on the face of the waters, on the borders of light and darkness.
11 The pillars of heaven tremble in terror when he threatens. 12 By his strength he cleft the sea, by his cunning he crushed Rahab.
13 His breath cleansed the heavens, his hand pierced the slippery serpent. 14 And this is only a sample of his works, only a muffled echo that reaches us. The roar of its power, who will catch it?
27.13This is the lot that God gives to the wicked, the inheritance he receives from Shaddai the violent.
14 If he has many sons, they will fall by the sword, their offspring will never be satisfied with bread; 15 the plague will bury the survivors, their widows will not mourn them.
16 If he heaps up silver like dust, if he gathers garments like clay, 17 let him heap them up: the righteous shall wear them, the innocent shall inherit his silver.
18 A spider's house was built, a guard house was made:
19 He lies down rich, but for the last time, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself with nothing. 20 In the day terrors take him by surprise, in the night the hurricane carries him away.
21 He is swept away by the east wind, the storm tears him out of his place, 22 then tosses him about mercilessly, though he tries to avoid its impetus.
23 The people applaud his ruin, they whistle for him wherever he goes.
After the rebellion the demons (shadows, Sheol) are exposed (5-6). In (7) when He puts the universe, it speaks of the real earth perhaps. In (9,10) he speaks again of the demons (it could also be of the Eves), they do not reflect the light of the sun, but because of a cloud that God places, not of the world that is placed in the middle as it happens to the Adams. When he speaks of a hedge between the light and the darkness, he is referring to the demons who are prevented from approaching the Holy Spirit. 13 speaks of the devil and the other traitors (Eve, Adam). 14 bread is Spirit, silver and clothing also Spirit which come to nothing. In (19) rich, for full of stolen Essence they were, but it was taken from them. (21) East wind, from God (where the sun rises).
Responds to Sophar of Naamat (1st Cycle) As/of the Eves
12.2Of course, you are the voice of the people, with you wisdom shall die.
6 But the robbers live in peace in their tents, and those who provoke God, who bring God into their fist, are quite safe.
7 But ask the beasts, and they will instruct you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; 8 if not the creeping things, and they will tell you; the fish of the sea will tell you; 9 who does not know among them all? that all this was done by the hand of God, 10 that his hand retains the breath of the living, the spirit of every human being?
12.17 He makes the counsellors of the country stupid, the judges mad.
18 Unbind the band of kings and put a rope across their loins.
19 Lead the priests barefoot, put an end to the established powers.
20 He taketh away the speech of those that speak with confidence, he taketh away the judgment of the aged. 21 He fills the nobles with contempt, He loosens the girdle of the strong.
22 Unveil the depths of darkness, bring the shadows to light.
24 He leaves the rulers of the land without talent, he leads them through a desert that is impassable; 25 they grope about, without light, in darkness, staggering like drunken men.
13.15 Even if he wants to kill me, I will wait for him, for I intend to defend myself to his face;
13.16 By that I would be saved, for the wicked will not stand before him. 17 Listen carefully to my words, give ear to my testimony; 18 I have already prepared my defence, I know that I am innocent.
13.24 Why do you hide your face from me and make me your enemy?
26 You record my rebelliousness, you make me pay for my youthful faults, 27 you put my feet in stocks, you watch all my steps, you trace all my footsteps. 28 He wastes away like a rotten log, like a moth-eaten garment,
14.10But man dies and is inert, when the mortal expires, where is he? 11 The water of the sea evaporates, the rivers dry up and dry up, 12 and man lies down and does not rise, the heavens are spent and will not awake, he will not awake from his sleep...14.21
In (12.2) it says that he responds to the foolish Eve "wisdom shall die" (Sophar of Naamat 1st cycle). In the way it refers to all the living (7-10) we can deduce that it is speaking with the key here studied present in the bible; beasts (not the beast) is sometimes also called cattle in general and quadrupeds that do not separate from the earth, the Eves; birds the Adams, reptiles the demons, fish of the sea angels (the 10 plagues, fresh water and apocalypse, of the sea), besides, all these do not speak and if it generalised are not reptiles beasts? Breath of the living refers to the Holy Spirit that gives life; then it equates it to the Spirit of the human being in particular (not his breathing). From (12.17-13.24) it speaks of removing garments, as always, Spirit, or of making stupid or foolish, Eve again. In 13.16 it states that ‘she’ is innocent, which might tell us about the Adams but everything else is a function of the Eves, so I think here ‘she’ is comparing ‘herself’ to the demons and although ‘she’ was greedy, ‘she’ did not attack or depose in time (just before in 16 ‘she’ speaks of the demons, "the wicked do not appear before him", that is my defence -18-, I am innocent because I will appear, perhaps). From (13.24-28) it goes on to speak of the Eves (you hide your face). From 14.10 it speaks of death as a dream from which man will not awake, which can be framed in his superficial history or as the thought of a foolish Eve.
Reply to Sophar Naamat (2ndCycle) As/of the Eves
21.7 Why are the wicked still alive, who grow old and increase in power?
8 They live securely with their children, they watch their offspring grow up:
9 a home in peace, without fear, without tasting God's punishment.
14 And to think that they said to God, "Get out of here, we are not interested in knowing your ways.
15 Who is Shaddai to serve him? What can we gain by calling on him?
22 Who can teach God, who judges the heavenly beings?
23 There are those who die in full vigour, full of joy and peace, 24 with their loins covered with fat and the marrow of their bones tender.
25 And there are those who die in bitterness, not having tasted joy.
26 But together they shall lie in the dust under a quilt of worms. …21.34
The Fools who ignore (14 they neither know nor want to know the ways of God) and are ignored, also unlearned, it seems that everything goes well for them. It is interesting to see how here he speaks in the 3rd person the same as Sophar of Naamath in his interlocution. If the other spoke from the treachery of heaven, this one seems to speak of the good fortune of the wicked (Eve it seems) on earth.
Well, as I said, Job in general has always seemed to me to be very redundant and interminable, many answers to the dialogues did not make much sense to me because they were repeated and unnecessarily long. If we read the friends with Job's answers in order, thinking about who the real (or secondary, let's say) characters in these dialogues are, the perspective changes and takes on different meanings. Some of them are not as representative as in the superficial reading of Job, which makes me suppose that I may have misidentified some of the characters, but overall the theme changes a lot and I find it much more coherent and entertaining. To sum up (a lot):
Friends' Speech |
Job's reply |
Eliphaz Cycle 1 From Teman Heaven's Friend |
It speaks of the bad things that the Adam's did, but says that these corrected ones will get to heaven. |
He responds like Adam with excuses about those bad things he reproaches (he blames his brothers who twisted him). |
Cycle 2 |
It speaks of the punishments suffered by the demons in heaven. |
He responds like Adam to the punishments he had and complains with resentment that God has placed him among the unjust and wicked on earth. |
Cycle 3 |
He talks about the bad things the Eves did, but gives them hope because the righteous can get to heaven. |
He responds like Eve who, no matter how hard she seeks God, does not find him (fools, blind). He also mourns for the wicked. |
Bildad Cycle 1 From Suaj / Shuah Friend of the Hole (Adam/Eve/demons) |
Speak to Adam and Eve about the demons. She/he" still has hope of getting to heaven. |
They respond by alternating between Adam (innocent) and Eve (guilty). They lament the punishments received by God. |
Cycle 2 |
He speaks to Eve and describes the punishments or penalties of the demons, almost like an enumeration or list. |
It describes the punishments or penalties of the Eves. It looks like a competition between the punishments of some (demons) and others. |
Cycle 3 |
Speak as a devil with contempt of men |
Answer like Eve for what God did and all the evil the demons (and you more) received. |
Sofa Cycle 1 From Naamat Sleeping Friend (Eve in particular) |
He talks about the Eves, predicts when they will start to listen (it seems). What they have to do to get to God. |
He replies that God has taken away the knowledge, the knowledge, of the Eves and that they are beyond remedy. Nevertheless, they insist on their innocence. |
Cycle 2 |
It speaks of the evil that came to the wicked (Eve, it seems) or the tares received by the rebellion. |
Answer, (from the earth) that here they are very well, for God does not correct them and after all they will have the same fate as the righteous. |
As a final detail from Job, no other reading in the Bible, to my knowledge, names God in three different ways (Yahweh, God, Shaddai). Perhaps it wants to tell us that this reading in general is addressed to those of us who call our same God differently. In particular it would be addressed to Jews (Yahweh), Christians (God) and Muslims (Shaddai); the latter because of the word which I believe comes from Arabic (at least it sounds Arabic to me, I don't really know) and because the story takes place there.
- The Prophet Nahum (11-6-2021)
1.1Poem on Nineveh.
Book of the vision of Nahum of Elkos.
1.2 The jealous and avenging God, the Lord;
the Lord is an avenger and an expert in wrath;
the Lord is an avenger of his enemies,
hard on his opponents.
1.3 The Lord is patient and strong,
The Lord leaves nothing unpunished.
Walk through storm and tempest
the cloud is the dust of his feet.
1.4 Increases the sea and dries it up,
He chokes all the rivers;
Bashan and Carmel wither away
Lebanon's flora withers.
The mountains tremble before him,
the hills dissolve;
the earth rises up before him
the mainland and all its inhabitants.
1.6 Who will resist his wrath?
Who will withstand the fierceness of his anger?
His fury pours out like fire,
the rocks break before him.
1.7 The Lord is a good refuge
the day of misfortune;
recognises those who take refuge in it.
1.8 With the passing flood
ruins enemy territory
and darkness pursues them.
1.9 What are you plotting against the Lord?
He causes destruction,
the misfortune will not be repeated.
1.10 For although they are resistant
like a tangled bramble,
in their drunken drunkenness
are consumed like parched esparto grass.
1.11 From you comes the one who plans
evil against the Lord,
the perverse counsellor.
1.12 This says the Lord:
"Even healthy and numerous ones will be shaved, and it will be a thing of the past.
If I humiliated you, I will humiliate you no more.
1.13 I will break the yoke that weighs on you,
I will tear off your chains.
1.14 This is the Lord's command to you:
"Your lineage shall not be perpetuated;
of the temple of your god
I will tear down idols and images.
I prepare your grave, you wretch!
Let us look at this from heaven and think that Nineveh also represents those who in one way or another rose up against God (demons, the Eves, the Adams). The first verses (1.1-3) speak in general of the Lord. In 4 the sea may refer to the essence (water) of the revolted (sea=death), although as I said it is quite possible that God put an end to the rebellion by setting aside all the Holy Spirit, His Essence, and then returning that of the faithful (1.4 all the rivers), this is more likely to refer to the stolen Essence of the Adam and Eve. The mountains tremble refers to the angels, perhaps not only to those that fell (rebels of the great ones) but in general, because of what was said about the subtraction of all Essence. The hills dissolve, perhaps speaking of the demons who will have no body down here. Earth=heaven, all the inhabitants because I believe, he took away the Spirit from all and gave it back to the faithful, as I say. In 1.8 the flood may refer to Himself, the immense source of the Holy Spirit, the Water of Life. In 1.9 he says that, although they have been filled with stolen Essence (drunkenness), it will not be repeated because the demons are condemned forever, and the others empty, all expelled; perhaps it refers to the future passion that ends the blackmail. In (1.11) it may refer to the demons certainly, but also to the Eves who give evil advice to the Adams. (1.12) The healthy and numerous are the Adams (who do it out of love), and they will also be "shaved" but it will be a thing of the past because in the passion He will break our yoke (1.13), our chains, the blackmail. In 1.14, he seems to speak again of Nineveh in general, perhaps of the Eves or the demons.
2:1 Behold, upon the mountains the feet of the messenger proclaiming peace.
Celebrate your feasts, Judah, fulfil your vows,
that the wicked will no longer pass by you;
destruction is over.
2.2 He that scatters is come up against thee: watch the fortress, watch the way, temper thy body, arm thyself with strength. 2.3 Restore, O LORD, the dignity of Jacob and Israel:
the desolators had ravaged them, they had broken their branches.
2.4 His warriors with scarlet shields; his soldiers, crimson. The chariots, at the ready, flame, the spears are waved.
2.5 They go mad, chariots are thrown, through streets and alleys.
They look like lightning, thunderbolts from one side to the other.
2.6 He appeals to his mighty men, they stumble in their march, they run to the walls, the shield is ready.
2.7 The gates of the rivers are opened, the palace is in chaos. 2.8 He stands, and she, uncovered, is carried away with her handmaids, moaning like doves, beating her breast.
2.9 Nineveh, a pool of leaking water:
Stop, stop! But there is no one to turn back.
2.10 Plunder silver, plunder gold, the storehouse is endless, heaps of precious objects.
2.11 Where is the lion's den, the feeding place of the cubs? When the lion went to get food, his cubs stayed there undisturbed.
2.12 The lion who butchered for his cubs and strangled for her lionesses, who filled her den, her den of offal, with pieces.
2.13 Here I am, I am coming for you,"says the Lord of the universe. I will turn your hordes into smoke, the sword will devour your cubs; I will tear your prey from the earth, the voice of your heralds will no longer be heard.
3.4 All this because of the many prostitutions, of the beautiful and graceful prostitute, expert in sorceries, who dragged the peoples in her prostitutions, and the people in her sorceries.
3.5 Here I am against you," says the Lord of the universe, "I will lift up your skirts to your face. I will lift up your skirts to your face,
I will show the peoples your nakedness and the kingdoms your shame.
3.6 I will cast filth on you, I will dishonour you publicly. 3.7 Everyone who sees you will flee from you, saying, "Nineveh is devastated, who will have pity, where will I find someone to comfort you?
And in 2.1 it speaks again of the Adam (Judah). A somewhat abrupt change of "thread" which would also occur in the version from the world. In saying that it shall be no more the wicked one speaks of there being no more ages because the blackmail will have been broken (passion), then man will again have the Spirit (watch the fortress 2). 2.3 speaks of the same thing, though at the end it begins to speak of rebels in general which follows in 2.5 lightning and thunderbolts, it speaks of the rebellious heavenly nature. 2.7 The loss of the Spirit or Essence. 2.8 He is the Adam who will be left with hearing afterwards (active in the world), for they were there out of love She the Eves. 2.9 The same, Spirit emptied. 2.10 Gold and silver alike, the Stolen Spirit they took from the tree of Life and their own they had before the rebellion.
2.11 the lion may be Satan and the cubs the fallen ones or the Adam perhaps, the lionesses the Eve. 2.13 In smoke without body, the devils will no longer have a body later in the world, up there their soul was broken without remedy. Earth here is heaven, perhaps referring to the fact that when God withdraws the Spirit from everyone, there is no more food or prey. The heralds again are the Eves who spread the lie among the Adams and perhaps the fallen ones as well.
3:1-3, which I do not put here, speaks of the bloodiness of the battle. In 3.4 it speaks of Eve, a beautiful and graceful prostitute who makes Adam fall in love but is unfaithful to God. 3.5 I will lift up her skirts to her face, it says that He takes away her Spirit (garment, clothes) and at the same time she will not see in the world (the skirt on her face). In 3.6 it speaks again of Nineveh in general (all traitors).
3.8 Are you better than Thebes,
Settled on rivers, surrounded by water everywhere, with a sea for defence and more than a sea for a wall?
3.9 Its strength was the Ethiopians, countless Egyptians; Libyans and more Libyans defended it.
3.10 Thebes (She) too, destined for exile,
His sons, too, were torn to pieces at the crossroads; his notables were cast lots, all his nobles were put in chains.
3.11 You will also get drunk and hide yourself;
you too will try to save yourself from the enemy.
3.12 Your strongholds are fig trees with figs; if they are shaken they fall and are eaten.
3.13 The people inside you
act like women in the face of the enemy:
wide open have been opened the gates of your country, the fire has consumed your locks.
3.14 Draw water for the siege,
strengthen your defences, tread mud, squeeze clay, hold the mould.
3.15 There the fire will burn you,
will shatter your sword,
will devour you like a lobster;
multiply like the locust,
multiply like a grasshopper.
3.16 Even if you increase your traders
like the stars in the sky,
the lobster changes its skin and flies away.
3.17 Your bosses are a plague,
a plague your generals;
perch on the walls on the day of the frost;
the sun shines and they disappear;
no one can find their place.
Where are they?
3.18 Your shepherds, king of Asshur,
have fallen asleep; your leaders are at rest.
Your people are scattered
in the mountains, with no one to gather them together.
19 There is no remedy for your wound,
your injury is incurable;
everyone who hears your cry applauds for your cause, for who was not a victim,
again and again of your wickedness?
3.8 This comparison may speak of the Adams also destined for exile (3.10) who are chained by blackmail (nobles chained 3.10, the Adams). The very scene of blackmail in which everyone has an opinion about the justice of the situation (especially the demons) could be interpreted as this crossing and casting lots (3.10). It could also be a parallel and equal comparison to Nineveh where Egyptians would be the demons (enslavers) and Ethiopians and Libyans, the Eves and Adams or vice versa.
From 3.11 it speaks of Nineveh in general, but in particular first of the Eves and then of the demons. To make drunk is to be filled with stolen Essence. As women (3.13) it refers to the Eves. Doors and bolts to break the soul and cause it to lose its stolen Essence and its own. Mud, clay, holds the mould (3.14) is that breaking of the soul which in the demons will be irretrievable; this scene is very descriptive. (3.15-16) refers to those demons, perhaps the multiplication is due to those who from our earth fall into hell, hence increases their traders, for here we "trade", we gain or lose Holy Spirit. The locust changes its skin and flies, it may refer to the loss of the body for the demons or the passing from life to death for those who go to hell from here. From 17 it clearly speaks of demons (chiefs), who will not be seen in the world (where are they?) and flee from the light, they flee from God. The king of Asshur is Satan (3.18) already seen in Isaiah p. 173 , (3.19) speaks of their complete doom.
Of course, God uses history to get his message across. There was a city called Nineveh, apparently situated at the confluence of the Tigris and the Khosr, which they conquered through the dry riverbed of one of the rivers they had previously diverted. This city had iconic lions at its entrance.
But the strange or ambiguous language used by Job or by this and other prophets, which finds similarities with history, is clearly understandable from the keys analysed in the essay, and they show us again and again our own history from heaven. Enigmatic texts from our world take on meaning seen from our origin in heaven. Thus, the bible is that marvellous plane of God spread out on the table, which at first sight is already grandiose, but which, in addition, from time to time, appears in the form of numbers or a strange phrase, a fringe that we can pull to discover our own origin, the very meaning of life, God, the only possible architect of this second level or subsoil present in the whole bible and ignored for millennia until today.
It is true that even knowing the keys it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the main characters Adam and Eve, but in general, there are nuances that differentiate them.
I am sure there are many readings other than those reviewed in this essay that speak of our history in heaven. Regarding the ones studied, perhaps you would have changed in some places what I call Adam to Eve or vice versa, perhaps you would have exchanged Eve for demons. There are probably conclusions that I have reached that are not quite correct, or are simply wrong; in any case, the important thing is to understand that there is this hidden key, underlying the whole bible, because in itself it proves the existence of God.
Other Ways of God
All these proofs are already valid to demonstrate God. But it doesn't stop there. God has a logic, which is what this essay is about. In the same way, there is a reason for the different ways He has set up to return to Him, and it is very simple: God loves us and will demand the minimum from us in order to save us. We are already different from heaven, and we have different capacities. The test of the world is adapted to our capacities as if it had levels, nations or religions make up these steps of difficulty adapted to our capacity. Of course, these paths are all guided by and towards mercy.
The Bible speaks of seven churches that, (as I will show), represent seven religions ( See The Seven Spirits.. I am interested in proving whether this can really be so. Moreover, verifying these religions as valid; as paths set by the same God, adapted to different nations, makes everything square also according to prophecy. It is interesting to know that all these religions have as a common denominator the mercy of God, which invites us to imitate. Here it has been proven by studying the prophecies, prefigurations and "post-figurations" that Jesus Christ created as a person who maintains the Essence of God in its maximum intensity, makes man's nature capable of receiving that Essence of God within us.
This qualification, legitimizes the new Man Nature, saving us from the death we reached up there, when we went from being a heavenly nature or God's desires, to being nothing at all, God's empty worms. The confirmation of this will also be a proof of all that has been said, and moreover it adds a clear logic to everything that surrounds us, including the sufferings and "injustices" of our world. Well, I suppose that no faithful person of any religion will think that this can be so, but I ask you for a little patience because this is proof for the world, also for atheists, and far from denying your faith, if you process one of these religions, it confirms it as true. I would invite you Christians to complete this point, with the Conclusion
· When God Painted Islam.
What are you doing? -a young boy asked God.
D o you like it? I am painting a frame on which I will later draw something for your Muslim brothers.
But won't such bright red straight lines look strange on the big, softly coloured canvas you are making? -he said, looking at the small white rectangle within the large canvas already painted in pastel colours.
T hat's precisely why I do it. I want them to stand out and look good so that they don't go out of the frame and into the rest of the canvas.
And why is that?
T us Your Muslim brothers are tough and very pragmatic, they are also of a different age to you, it is only fair that I set them on a different path, adapted for them, but parallel to the others so that they go in the right direction and get here. That is why I am painting them this picture which I will call Qur’an, if they leave it and go down another lane they will almost certainly not be able to get here.
Not all roads are made for the same travellers.
And will you then use different colours?
N o, the colours inside will be the same. I'll change just a few tones. This blue, for example, do you know what it is?
Well, seeing as you've put it all over the canvas outside this frame it must be... mercy?
H eh, Heh... Clever boy. Yes 'mercy'..., pink... I call it 'love' yellow… 'pity', orange... 'compassionate'... Look, look... - and God amused began to brush strokes until Satan who was listening behind the canvas stepped forward
So a red frame... I like it, it is the colour of blood... I can do a lot with that.
Y ou look at the lines and not at what's inside, can't you see that it's the inside that's important? I only put this frame so that they are not tempted to leave the path that will lead them to me...
Well, you know me... Give me a bandage to cure and I'll strangle you with it... I assure you that many will come with me for praising the colour of that frame and despising the ones inside, yours... Ha, Ha, Ha..." he said, and went away.
Don't listen to him, one has to be very foolish not to see the way you really are, what you like," said the young man.
Y eah... but just in case, give me the brushes... I'm going to put more strokes of the mercy one and the slightly darker blue one, the merciful one, bring it over here, plus the.... -God began to say.
And He continued to dabble back and forth.
Have you noticed that you have painted 125 strokes of mercy as opposed to the 100 you have painted for the Christians? And yet their piece of canvas is wider," said the young man.
Yes, just to make it clear that hate red is not my colour.
Yes, but you have given 16 strokes of the 'merciful' tone to Christians and 229 to Muslims.
Yes... How colourful! It's for them to see what my colours are.
Well... and if we look at the compassionate brush... I think you've put a lot in there: 171 as opposed to 13 for the Christians.
Y aaa," answered God patiently, "but then it evens out, look, between the brushstrokes 'Mercy', 'Merciful', 'Compassion', 'Compassionate', 'Pity', 'Pious', 'Indulgence', 'Indulgent', 'Love', 'Loving' and 'Patient', 'Patience', the Qur’an adds up to 738 brushstrokes and the Bible 740. And I will tell you more, in case it is not clear to them, I will inform them that they can look at the piece of canvas of the Christians to see that I have used the same colours there... without leaving their frame limited by these thin red lines, of course; that is what they are there for. I would like none of them to get lost, and I know that they need a lot of emphasis, because as I said, they are tough and pragmatic, sometimes a little stubborn. They don't distinguish pastel shades very well, one has to emphasise them very strongly.
Well, they'll be fools if they stare at the red line... although it's very striking, perhaps it stands out too much...
Y es, I tell them, whoever steps out of line and is unfaithful to me... Ggggg," He made a sign with his finger on the young boy's neck. And it's true, if they don't follow the path I've set out for them, it will be very difficult for them to get here.
From what I see in your drawing, they might not think they're your children...
Y es, I will tell them so, because it will be difficult for them to think that I, being their father, can allow them to end up far from me. But how can I explain to them that they've already left and I'm giving them another chance, that my love can only respect their freedom to leave me? As I said, they are very pragmatic. Besides, I have to differentiate their way from the Christian way and so, I won't talk to them about children with regard to you either. And I won't lie to them, because I will tell them that I created you by my desire, and they will think no more, for as I tell you, they are very upright and so I like them to be, provided they do not let themselves be deceived. If they would look at themselves, they would know that the souls of the children they procreate are not made by them, it is I who put them in each one. They, to the end, must not understand under any circumstances, that this Spirit, this Grace or Sakina that they feel is my Essence and that the closer they are to me the more intensely they feel it. For thus, they will never understand that you, the first created, my firstborn, sit at my right hand and are so close to me, that you share my Essence in the utmost intensity; as for the others, the less they contain of me the further away they will sit. And thus will I speak to them of you, for otherwise their path would be too much like the Christian path and they are not prepared to tread it. So I will tell them that it seemed that they killed you on the cross, but they did not, and I will not lie to them, because your real life, the one you led wrapped in that man nature, did not die. Because you suffered while loving on the cross, you made human nature fit to receive my Essence, the Spirit. For those who said to you at the foot of the cross "heal yourself, you who have healed so many" were driven by demons and really thought that you would hate them, which would have led to the real death of your being, for I am love and you could not then share my Essence. They thought that you had hated and died, but it was not so, and so I have told them. For the rest, it is not so important for their salvation that they do not believe in your resurrection, for this was a support for the Christians, the Vital thing happened on the cross. In fact, Christians do not know that the most important resurrection took place on the cross itself, for I took my Essence from you just before so that you could prove the nature of man on that cross with your person alone, for the Holy Spirit, my Essence, the Essence that you and I share and that emanating from where I am reaches angels and men in grace, did not need proof. Do you remember what you said to me? Father, why have you forsaken me? Yes, when the martyrdom was over, you recovered the Spirit and did not die in your Being, although those demons thought you did. From the worst death, from the most absolute emptiness of the Spirit, you returned to Life. Thanks to that, all men can now contain Me as before the betrayal in heaven, when they were in Eden and their nature was heavenly.
Yes, as if to forget it. But how to explain to them without being able to tell them everything. For them and for everyone else, I suppose, it would be laughable to tell them that they were angels before the first death, just as Satan was, and look what it turned into. How to explain to them that they betrayed and that this emptied them of your Essence? That the worst was Satan and his henchmen, but that there were others who coveted but did not hate, and that there were others who betrayed for love of the last? How to tell them that the only way to save those they loved was to make everything new with a new nature that escaped celestial justice? If they had been present when Satan asked for their same fate claiming that they were all equally traitors…
Y es, they were, but as you say, everything must be made new and so they remember nothing, otherwise they would not be free to choose and must choose me in one of the ways I have set them in order to save themselves. That is also why I have let Satan and his minions whisper in their ears in the world, for here too he was doing it; everything must be reproduced in a similar way. Your part has been to make human nature fit, for as you were the first-born who pleased me with love and by whom I made the other heavenly creatures, you were to be the one to please me with love in the new nature. You validated the rest of the heavenly creatures, you should be the one to validate the human nature. Thus, no one can say that creating human nature was unjust, for that would be to say that his own creation as an angel was unjust.
Well, with all those strokes they must be very foolish if they think you can hate.
I am who I am and I cannot be unjust, Satan knew that and that is why he cried out for justice to receive the same fate as those who betrayed for love. The problem is that there are some who do not listen, also out of justice, for up here those who coveted had ears for the demons. On earth it is the same, these covetous only listen to the demons and their idols, and they are distributed in all nations of every walk or creed. This way the loving traitors will get a 2nd chance, in exactly the same circumstances as here. But well, at the end of time they too will be able to listen, because then I will reveal everything to them.
And how will you do that? Will you show yourself to them?
o. They will still have to use their freedom to save themselves. I have managed to leave it said to them in the scriptures of my envoys, though I have left it encoded for them to discover only at the end. Look, I will call the greedy: Eve, daughters of men, cattle, the deaf, the foolish... Those who betrayed for love of these I will call: Adam, sons of God, birds, those who listen, those inscribed in the book of life... The demons: serpents, reptiles, vermin... and though they have it all in front of their noses, they will not see it until the end. Even though I have drawn this picture for the Muslims to separate themselves from the Christians and go their own way, I have told them here that you were not born of man and did not die*[1], which makes you different from any man or prophet. At the end of time they too will understand your true nature and, even if they follow the way I have now drawn for them in the Qur'an, they will understand why I should have pointed out to them that you were different. Then all will be exposed, and they will believe that you saved them from their treachery in heaven, for just as I cannot be unjust, so man cannot extinguish the light of day. Then their path will be adorned by your words for whatever they do they will do in the knowledge that I am Love
I have finished it! Do you like the way it turned out?
I love it, very colourful.
Y es, just as they are. Seeing so much soft colour they will know that these red lines are only to limit my work and its path... right?
Surely. Only fools will be able to ignore the inside to keep the frame. But they will have to be careful because there are fools everywhere and these are the ones who have ears for the devil, the father of hatred.
1 Note: when Jesus raises Jairus' daughter from the dead, he says:
Mar 5:39 Why do you fuss and weep? The child is not dead; she is asleep.
Did Jesus Christ lie? No, he and God the father, and even the angels, see everything from the outside. Does an ant in a valley that man is going to flood to make a dam know what its future is? It sees only the dark walls of its anthill and little else (and even that is not comparable because God is infinite). He knows us inwardly, he knows our true being. He sees everything from the outside and knows what real life is, for him our body is only an image of our being, of our inner self. And in that knowledge, will God speak like man? It would be easier for an ant to speak like a man than for man to speak like God. However, the words of the prophet Mohamed were the words of God. I don't know if he understood them and it doesn't really matter. We know he was a chosen one, but he was also a man like us. The important thing is that God wanted him to transmit it that way. God was speaking and referring to the Christ Self, that's why his words are so difficult for us to understand.
Surah 4,56 Being that they neither killed Him nor crucified Him, but it seemed so to them
As difficult as it would be for me to suggest that Christ lied about the child. He did not, but was speaking of the real life of the child, of the being who will transcend to Eden or hell when we pass our 2nd death. Then Sura (4:158) says of Christ: "...but He took it to Himself"; nothing could be more descriptive, for one does not take to oneself a ball or a body, but a food or something to assimilate or unite in oneself.
Regarding the cross, it is historically proven that this is how the Romans executed, and by the Bible that Jesus Christ suffered the cross. The question is, why did they think so? To say "it seemed to them" is like stating the historical fact: for those who were there, they crucified Him, which speaks to me of the real meaning of our death of Life, for Christ did not die as what he Is. The goal of the demons who led those who called for Jesus' crucifixion was for him to hate being tortured (what's worse than being tortured by those you want to save). That would have been the death of Jesus as the firstborn who holds the Essence of God in the highest intensity, because the Holy Spirit cannot coexist with hatred. If he had hated, he would also not have validated man as capable of infinite love, i.e. of receiving the very Holy Spirit, and we (all mankind) would still be condemned.
In relation to the Tale, and in the knowledge that translations of the Qur'an are considered "interpretations":
J ust a curiosity, but God speaks in little signs that fools do not understand.
No. of words |
Koran |
Bible |
Mercy |
125 |
100 |
Merciful |
229 |
16 |
Compassion |
0 |
69 |
Compassionate |
171 |
13 |
Pity |
19 |
124 |
Pious |
2 |
20 |
Indulgence |
0 |
4 |
Indulgent |
109 |
8 |
Love |
13 |
325 |
Loving |
0 |
2 |
Patience |
62 |
47 |
Patient |
8 |
12 |
738 |
740 |
Number of pages A4 |
264 ! |
1833 ! |
I have counted the words of the Spanish translated version (by Julio Cortés) of the Holy Quran: Centro Cultural Islámico "Fatimah Az-Zahra" E-book Nº 0008 And from the complete Holy Bible:
Holy Bible of Jerusalem 1976
Excluding added commentaries and indexes.
I have used the words that describe God's relationship to us in both Islam and Christianity. The noun and its adjective.
The amazing thing (or not) is that, with such a large page difference, there is so much similarity.
If we were to remove "loving", an adjective that we do not use with God, and that even for men it is sometimes used with negative connotations (Spanish, amorous), there would be no difference and we would make it square to 0, but we would not be honest. If you want to do the test you can use Word and replace the word in question by the same word with the option search only whole words and not distinguish capital letters. It will count them in the singular and without derivatives.
In older English versions of the Bible such as the King James, despite being Protestant, the word count is very similar (although with the same words, curiously changed in the quantities - it has a difference of less than 1% in this case, from 738 to 744-). However, I have seen new English translations such as "The New Jerusalem Bible" that simplify the adjectives, so that this one in particular, had the word "love" 669 times (although in the verse I have seen Gen 21:23, it does not alter the meaning much; they change benevolence -kindness- to love -love-). This, I fear, is part of the goodness in society or the "it is enough to be good, to love" that some German bishops are now saying. As I said at the beginning, even love is measured, let us not risk being self-taught in this. That's why God has set different valid ways of salvation, because we are not all the same, some of us need Super petrol. Maybe these bibles with adapted texts are useful in general (just maybe), but not for research.
Note: The data in the table are from the Spanish version. I have not found the Jerusalem Bible in English without commentary. The King James Bible (Davince 2001/2004) data are Mercy: 276, Merciful:40, Compassion:41, Compassionate:0, Pity:30, Pious:0, Indulgence:0, Indulgent:0, Love:311, Loving:3, patience:34, patient:9. Total 744
· Non-Catholic Christians
What happened in Luther's time? The Church at that time was very bad about politics and so on. Perhaps the Lord used the push of some who were well intentioned (but very fast, like me), and said to themselves: something must be done; and they made the mistake, or the right one (I say this because of the consequences in the Church in general), of rolling up their sleeves and starting to interpret as men what the word said to each one (like what I’m doing, I admit). And while it is true that Jesus Christ is the Word of God, it’s very pretentious to think that everyone of us is going to understand it as he meant it, with its exact meaning or the different things he meant in a single word, for every era, every people, etc. It is the Word of God (infinite) and must be interpreted in the light of the Holy Spirit. That’s why Christ leaves us in the hands of Peter - in the hands of the Church.
Matthew 16:13-18
When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he put this question to his
disciples, 'Who do people say the Son of man is?'
And they said, 'Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or
one of the prophets.'
'But you,' he said, 'who do you say I am?'
Then Simon Peter spoke up and said, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living
Jesus replied, 'Simon son of Jonah, you are a blessed man! Because it was no
human agency that revealed this to you but my Father in heaven.
So I now say to you: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my
community. And the gates of the underworld can never overpower it. I
will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven: whatever you bind on earth
will be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in
However, he makes use of the lutherans, of evangelists later... for what? To save his people and to fulfill his word (the gates of Hades will not prevail against it), to correct us among ourselves. Let us keep in mind that it is not men who keep the Church in God, but God himself through the work of the Holy Spirit. If some angels became crooked up there, imagine us here as men, crooked already, how we might become crooked again.
And why does God allow this? Because He would rather have part of us diverted and the stone rooted in place, than to have us all dead.
But I know that God loves non-catholics too. They have become self-educated as to the Faith, and they muddle along. If Jesus Christ is the head of the Church, we might say that they have dismembered themselves from her, but I still believe the Spirit reaches them.
They, I as far as I can tell, think that one only needs to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation, and they don’t necessarily need to perform “works” (of Faith) to get to heaven, which is certainly questionable. All we have to do is look at the Holy Spirit - the grace of God which sometimes fills us and flees from sin. I would argue that it is this that leads us to paradise, and not just after death, but here on earth, as you can already live in heaven. And I ask you, if today I am blissfully accompanied but in my weakness I sin and the Holy Spirit leaves me, have I stopped believing in Jesus Christ? No. I stumbled, however; I was emptied of life. The “doing” is determinant in the permanence of the Spirit, doing both good and bad. And the fallen angels who saw God, did they not believe in Him? Yes, and look where they ended up because of what they did. Who could argue that demons or Lucifer do not believe in God? It’s not just about believing, or at least not an empty belief.
Perhaps they think this because of this passage:
John 3:17-21
For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that
through him the world might be saved.
No one who believes in him will be judged; but whoever does not believe is
judged already, because that person does not believe in the Name of God's
only Son.
And the judgment is this: though the light has come into the world people have
preferred darkness to the light because their deeds were evil.
And indeed, everybody who does wrong hates the light and avoids it, to prevent
his actions from being shown up;
but whoever does the truth comes out into the light, so that what he is doing
may plainly appear as done in God.'
According to what has been said so far, it is clear that Jesus came to save
us because we are those who in our freedom have fallen from heaven and we
are dead (without the Holy Spirit until his passion). Therefore without
God’s intervention, we are already dead, judged (if we do not believe in
Jesus Christ, we do not grab the hand that God extends to get us out of the
If we consider Lucifer to be the prince of the world, and that he is here so that we can exercise our freedom to choose, not believing in Jesus Christ is to stay with the world, its prince and his idols. If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, you are not aware that He is our salvation; you don’t seek him out and will continue your life in the world, in death. But, as I said, we’re not talking about an empty belief. We’re talking about finding life here in the world, filling ourselves with the Holy Spirit. There are many people today who, when you ask them, they say, “Yeah... sure there’s a higher being out there,” so nonchalantly, without looking any further. In fact, agnosticism considers understanding the absolute or infinite, God in particular, to be inaccessible to humans. It doesn’t deny God as atheism does, just that, “if I can’t understand it, why should I investigate it or even think about it?” And again, they are so nonchalant. They don’t know what is at stake.
Well, those who claim that there is a higher being, but they don’t know because blah, blah, blah..., they believe in God, but in an empty way. Believing in Jesus Christ is to live in Jesus Christ, in the world, in our relationships. It is part of the body of Jesus Christ, the Church whose head is Jesus and that is built on the stone foundation: the apostle Peter. On the other hand, let us think that those who do not believe, it is because they surely belong to the Eves, they have already had their Judgement since their betrayal, even if they can be brought back to life by the Adams, if they do not believe, it is because this miracle has not taken place.
Furthermore, when it says No one who believes in him will be judged, it refers to a whole, to believe in Jesus and what he says, in keeping his Word:
When it says No one who believes in him will be judged, it refers to a whole, to believe in Jesus and what he says, in keeping his Word:
John 12:47-48
If anyone hears my words and does not keep them faithfully, it is not I who
shall judge such a person, since I have come not to judge the world, but to
save the world:
anyone who rejects me and refuses my words has his judge already: the word
itself that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day.
In short, Christ comes to fix the mold and now all men can receive
the Holy Spirit, but it up to us to follow him; believing without following
would be like really seeing him, but watching him go without following
It is true that the devil has poisoned the water to catch more fish and no longer uses a rod, which, unfortunately, has caused many to stay away from God, thinking that following Him is something more or less old-fashioned. But this is the test. Today when people openly call themselves Catholics, it’s because they are (or at least try to be). A Muslim in his community might be afraid to say the opposite: that he does not believe in Allah or doesn’t follow that religion, so it may be the case that they themselves are living in an uninhabited castle or surrounded by “infidels” as they say. Which, in the end, is always a victory for the devil, because, if they seek God and do it from a place of love, they will find heaven.
And that's the real test. The test is not to win the world. Nor is it to kill another because he has attacked you, which even dogs will do; if one bites another, it will bite back. Like animals, we come from the law of retaliation, but Christ makes everything new. Through him, we evolve.
Something that Non-Catholics christians throw in our face as Catholics is they say that we “worship” the Virgin Mary. I would assume that when they say this it is out of ignorance, since we do not worship her, but we do venerate her. We worship God alone and know that she is not God, but she is a wonderful medium to reach Him.
In the same way, they say they we worship the saints and their images, when neither is true. When you look at a photo of your child with appreciation, you're not thinking about the paper and ink, but what it represents. It’s not the same to invent a figure to idolize. The Saints are mediators of grace, and knowing that the apostles worked miracles, because I think that they admit that much, isn’t this fact obvious?
Acts 5:15
so that the sick were even taken out into the streets and laid on
beds and sleeping-mats in the hope that at least the shadow of Peter might
fall across some of them as he went past.
Do not the apostles act as mediators? It was God who cured the sick through
them, not them alone. If they had not approached the apostles, would He have
given them the miracle? Certainly not in the same way and at the same time;
one can never say what the Lord would have done or what He will do, but it
seems pretty clear.
And seeing this reading of Acts 5:15, doesn’t it seem that it’s in the Bible precisely to discern this that we talked about? Nothing is written by chance. It says that at least the shadow of Peter might fall across some of them. The shadow, not the body, as if were sufficient or valid to ask for the intercession of the spirit of the saints (in prayer) to get it.
It is also curious that Muslims believe in the Virginity of Mary and they do not. Maybe sometimes in looking for the logic of everything, we end up removing the Divinity from God.
What I write now it is known by most Catholics, but I will extend it with what you can find on the internet. It’s very interesting.
↓↓ Internet. Based on
Wikipedia.org ↓↓
- Non-Catholics christians believe that Jesus had brothers because the Bible names Jesus as the “firstborn”, that is, “the first son of Mary” and that means that Mary had more children.
Jesus being the “firstborn” doesn’t mean that the Virgin Mary had more children after Jesus. “And she gave birth to a son, her first-born” (Luke 2:7) means that “Before Jesus was born, the Virgin had not had another child.” And this was essential for the Jews, because being the firstborn, the first son, Jesus would have been completely dedicated to God (Exodus 13:2), since the Law of the Lord commanded that the first son was consecrated or offered completely to God (Ex. 13:12 and Ex. 34:19). Being the firstborn was like having a label saying “consecrated to God”, and that is what is meant by firstborn.
- The Bible names four “brothers” of Jesus (Matthew 13:55-56).
In this reading we find the names of four “brothers” of Jesus: James, Joses (or Joseph), Simon and Judas. Of these brothers of Jesus above, two were apostles: James, “the brother of the Lord” (Galatians 1:19) is the Apostle James “the Younger” (Mark 15:40.), and Judas, “servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James”.
The mother of the Apostle James the Younger is named Mary, and this Mary, mother of James and Joseph, stood by the Jesus’ cross (Mark 15:40) and was “sister of Mary the Mother of Jesus” (John 19:25) and aunt of Jesus. She is who the evangelists call Mary of Clopas (John 19:25).
Comparing the biblical texts to each other, it is clear that neither James nor the other three named “brothers of Jesus” were sons of the Virgin Mary and Joseph, but cousins of Jesus.
Joseph (putative father) + Mary = Jesus
(Alpheus or Cleophas) + Mary = James, Joseph, Simon and Judas.
- In Aramaic, “brother” means relative (the same word is used to express different degrees of close kinship, such as cousin, brother, uncle, nephew, second cousin).
Gospel of Matthew 13:55-56
This is the carpenter's son, surely? Is not his mother the woman called
Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Jude?
His sisters, too, are they not all here with us? So where did the man get
it all?'
Other cases where this is confirmed: Abraham called his nephew Lot
“brother” (Genesis 13:8 and Genesis 14:14-16), Laban calls his
nephew Jacob “brother” (Genesis 29:15).
For example, in the Bible the word “nephew” does not exist, but those who are descended from the same grandfather are called brothers. In Genesis 14:12, some translations say nephew when others say: son of Abraham’s brother; the word nephew only appears twice and is by translation. The words uncle or cousin are not often used.
Then to avoid confusion, the Bible uses various modifications. For example, in the case of true brothers, sons of the same mother, the expression was used, “Your mother and your mother’s sons.” This was the only correct way to express it. Hence the frequent use of the phrase “son of” => “Simon, son of Jonah” specifies that Simon’s father is Jonas.
In the Bible, no brother of Jesus appears in the flesh because nowhere in the Gospel are “children of Mary”.
- In the Gospel of Luke it is written that Jesus went to Jerusalem with Mary and Joseph. The child Jesus was 12 years old. This story does not mention any brother of Jesus in the strict sense. What follows then is that Jesus is the only son of Mary (Luke 2:41-52). It could have been the case that family was left out, which is not usual, if had it said: he went with his parents.
- On the cross, Jesus entrusted his mother Mary to the apostle John, son of Zebedee, because Mary was alone, without children of her own and no husband; otherwise, it would be an intrusion to his hypothetical brothers (for Jews, a woman who was alone was a sign of malediction, so Jesus entrusts Mary to John and also John to Mary).
Gospel of John 19:26-27
Seeing his
mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her, Jesus
said to his mother, 'Woman, this is your son.'
Then to the
disciple he said, 'This is your mother.' And from that hour the
disciple took her into his home.
↑↑ Internet ↑↑
Regarding Mary's virginity it is worth reading A Great Sign Appeared in heaven, which might have confused Luther. But speaking only from logic, I have already shown that it is totally normal, that God would want to bring his Son to be cared for by someone without sin in heaven. Without betrayal, for indeed, we have all betrayed there in one way or another. Not the Virgin Mary, she is immaculate in heaven and on earth. Besides, her virginity is foreshadowed by Isaiah, for example, she is quoted in the Gospel of St. Matthew and St. Luke (also in Protestant Bibles).
Mat 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Here ‘to take unto thee Mary’ refers to what Joseph was thinking of doing, to secretly repudiate her (Matt. 1:19), for that was the alternative, the law was to stone her. (King James Version).
The tranquility that we Catholics have is the passage from the beginning,
especially ‘the gates of the underworld can never overcome it’.
The Catholic Church has been the most persecuted in history *1,
but against God nobody can win. This persecution, which today there are many
martyrs who die for their faith, also extends to the “civilized” West, where
Catholics especially are looked down upon and where the media scratches us
out of anything. And this is what we are called to by the will of God. Why?
Because salt, as they say, has to fall apart and die in order to be salty.
And just a pinch of salt is enough to give good flavor to a dish; notice
that One “validated” man and made him edible or conceivable for God the
Father and His Spirit. Indeed, not everyone is called to be salt. If we
were, God would not be cooking trying to save this disastrous concoction
which we have become; we would be in His pantry all together in the salt
shaker (how we were at the beginning – that’s what I believe). Perhaps those
who doubted the least as wishes (angels), those who are open to His Word, are called
to be salt.
Lutherans sought logic, as do I and as I think deep down we all do, but they dumb things down and eventually change things. If we say that the world, in its apparent sufficiency, is a fool for looking only at its logical laws without knowing how to see God, in a way they took some of that foolishness. As I said, it seems that they took divinity away from God to seek explanations from the world.
And I say this with regret, because they lose an invaluable aid (of
which I would emphasize the Holy Eucharist), that God has
given us to fight against evil (there are some who are closer to Catholics, as they think that the body and blood of Christ coexist with the bread and wine of the Eucharist, many others consider it symbolic).
NOTE (*1). The Catholic Church has been persecuted since its inception. Here, I put some data that I have taken from the book 'Para Salvarse. Author Jorge Loring' (who accurately cites references).
During the Roman Empire (1200 years), it suffered persecution 249 years in which more than 100,000 martyrs died.
Hitler (National Socialism) and Stalin (Marxism) persecuted the Catholic Church (both emerged from the Left of Hegel, where the State takes precedence over the person and their dignity).
In the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), nearly ten thousand martyrs.
The Cardinal Swiatek arrested by the KGB, imprisoned in Minsk for ten years of forced labor in Siberia, says: Stalin eliminated 90% of priests.
By order of Stalin, seven million Ukrainians died of starvation, just because of being Catholic.
In Soviet Russia, fourteen thousand temples were closed. In Moscow, in just one year (1935), eleven million atheist books were printed. And yet in Russia, after 79 years of Communist persecution, the Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church persists.
The genocide of almost two million Christian Armenians by the Ottomans in 1914.
The persecution of Christians in Muslim lands today, where they are considered inferior, in some cases forced to wear a sign on their skin or their houses are marked, when they are not killed or exiled.
Justice and Redemption in Jesus Christ
When we lived together with God we shared some of His Essence (which we know here as the Holy Spirit), this 'quantity' being what determined our Being and even status and hierarchy. This is what was coveted by Satan, by whom iniquity entered the kingdom of heaven. Many others followed him, these, his minions will be the fallen ones. There were others who were deceived by them. These will be the ones the bible designates as 'Eve' (which we will treat as a collective name). Finally there are others who did not covet more Essence of God, but followed the rebellion for the love of the 'Eves'. These will be the Adam. So the reason for the betrayal of God by the Adams is Love, and what is God if not Love? And being so, will he not try by all means to save at least these? But Satan, who knows the qualities of God, cries out to justice on the grounds that the Adam (or loving betrayers) also betrayed, so he wants their same fate. God is who he is and cannot be unjust. But instead of condemning the Adams as well, in order to fulfil that justice he seeks another solution also within justice. And the only way to achieve this is to make everything new in a new nature that escapes the justice of heaven, but for this it must be the first created one, the one for whom everything was made, who was the testing foundation of the heavenly nature that validates the new nature. In this way no fallen angel could cry "Injustice! For it would be like declaring his own creation unrighteous. We must know that Jesus was the first created; already in heaven He has two natures, one as creation (or heavenly or God's desire or angel or whatever we want to call it) and one as God because He shares the Essence of God in its fullest intensity, He speaks from the source. That being so, he validated the angelic or celestial nature, or independent being capable of containing the Essence of God in some intensity, it was to be he in justice that validated the new nature. Thus to maintain that righteousness, in the world there is also the devil tempting us as he did in heaven, furthermore the Eves will not be able to listen to God, but to the devil. Everything must be like heaven for the Adams to be saved or justified.
Then, if God had put us into the human nature without justifying it, we would not be able to receive the Holy Spirit. For if we had done so, the devil would also have asked for a body for himself, under the same argument: they are traitors like me. But Christ takes our nature to prove that his infinite love, without the help of God (his perfect garments were taken from him, my God why have you forsaken me?) can still love in the same way as a mere man. That is, he himself makes the new nature fit to receive the Holy Spirit, just as he made the heavenly nature fit in the beginning. For he is the firstborn who infinitely lovingly pleased God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. All angels (and we when we had a heavenly nature) who are those who are truly made in the image and likeness of God, were created in the heavenly nature validated or proved by Jesus Christ. For we are now a surrogate, an adopted son derived from a full son; in fact, Genesis speaks of that Image and Likeness when we still had a heavenly nature. Yes, it spoke of us as angels, even if it shocks you, or do you think that God has arms and legs? No. It is literal: He made us in His image and likeness as angels.
Of course, the devil could not claim anything before man received the Holy Spirit, nor was he interested in it, for as empty men we were the same as in the 2nd Time, after the rebellion, empty carcasses of God. It is Christ in the Passion who makes our bodies temples of the Holy Spirit. All for justice, for even if God could have done it by decree, it would have been counted by some as injustice, and He cannot be unjust, or even appear to be unjust.
This is the righteousness that is named hundreds of times in the Bible, and it is the same righteousness for which God will never blame us for the sin of others, even if they are our ancestors (Adam and Eve; original sin); it was our personal sin that cast us out of heaven. It is the same justice for which He will not ask the same of one who lost less Spirit than another. Yes, we had different sizes in heaven, this is also known to the church, the hierarchy of the different types of angels. It is quite normal then, that God has set different but parallel paths in the direction of Love and Mercy, in order to reach Him. Anything else would not be fair, just as it is not fair to give an 8th grade exam to a 3rd grade child. The world is a test, or an exam, which is made to justify us men, because there was one who claimed, and this is the one who is supervising that we comply with justice. Jesus Christ and God the Father, are on our behalf, but the inquisitorial devil is watching to complain against us. That is why, to our disgrace, hell exists. If it were up to God he would save us, at least all of us Adam, for he loves us dearly.
Now let’s look at this reading which also speaks of justice
This time from the side of the good, who could also “justly” say they felt slighted. This is so from the normal perspective, but also from heaven.
Gospel of Luke 15:12-32
The younger one said to his father, "Father, let me have the share
of the estate that will come to me." So the father divided the
property between them.
A few days later, the younger son got together everything he had
and left for a distant country where he squandered his money on
a life of debauchery.
'When he had spent it all, that country experienced a severe
famine, and now he began to feel the pinch; so he hired himself
out to one of the local inhabitants who put him on his farm to
feed the pigs. And he would willingly have filled himself with
the husks the pigs were eating but no one would let him have
them. Then he came to his senses and said, "How many of my
father's hired men have all the food they want and more, and
here am I dying of hunger! I will leave this place and go to my
father and say: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against
you; I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as one
of your hired men."
So he left the place and went back to his father. 'While he was
still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with
pity. He ran to the boy, clasped him in his arms and kissed him.
Then his son said, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and
against you. I no longer deserve to be called your son."
But the father said to his servants, "Quick! Bring out the best
robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on
his feet.
Bring the calf we have been fattening, and kill it; we will
celebrate by having a feast, because this son of mine was dead
and has come back to life; he was lost and is found." And they
began to celebrate.
'Now the elder son was out in the fields, and on his way back, as
he drew near the house, he could hear music and dancing. Calling
one of the servants he asked what it was all about. The servant
told him, "Your brother has come, and your father has killed the
calf we had been fattening because he has got him back safe and
sound." He was angry then and refused to go in, and his father
came out and began to urge him to come in; but he retorted to
his father, "All these years I have slaved for you and never
once disobeyed any orders of yours, yet you never offered me so
much as a kid for me to celebrate with my friends.
But, for this son of yours, when he comes back after swallowing up
your property -- he and his loose women -- you kill the calf we
had been fattening."
'The father said, "My son, you are with me always and all I have
is yours.
But it was only right we should celebrate and rejoice, because
your brother here was dead and has come to life; he was lost and
is found." '
We are the ones who went off with the inheritance, or intended to, to Be by ourselves, but we fall into a “distant country” (world) where we no longer have the Spirit; we are empty and against the hardships of the world, have a terrible hunger to be alive. So much so that we even want to give ourselves to the world and eat the husks (idols) of the pigs (of the Eves). Now repentant, like a wretch who has nothing to do with his father, we say: I will get up, I will go to Him (history of Israel)... I have sinned against heaven and against you (in other versions, he says against you and against God, who would represent the Holy Spirit as in the foreshadowing with Abraham). It is then that man is prepared for salvation, and God approaches him and gives him many kisses (history of Israel) and tells the servants:
Bring out the best robe (Holy Spirit) and put it on him, put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
Robe as it almost always refers to the Holy Spirit, in this case it refers to Jesus Christ; "the best robe", Christ is the desire through which the Essence of God flows exactly as it is, in the other desires it passes filtered or adapted in intensity (remember: Water vapour=Water; the Spirit does not change in what It Is); He is the best of those who share our nature in heaven (desires) since, even being a created person He is God Essence.
The person of the Son (God’s Essence) becomes man. Clothing him refers to Jesus himself (becoming man) or to man in the figure of Jesus. The one who arrives back in heaven is man in general, man's nature as represented by Jesus the Validator.
“A ring on his finger and sandals on his feet” talks about to make Him nature of man; desires of God are like bags with Liberty and containment (or not) of the Essence of God , without hands or feet (angels are sexless according to the church), but not us in our new nature.
Then he says: bring the calf we have been fattening, and kill it. Here it differentiates between Jesus’ person and Jesus the man: this is the sacrifice of the man (to understand this, it’s important to read 5.7 Foreshadowing of Christ in the Torah -Isaac- p 111). The fatted calf represents:
The best calf: The higher because more ‘food’ is given.
The approval and blessing of the father; it is sacrificed on acceptance of son.
A cause for celebration and a meeting point around which all will meet; the eldest son will also meet them at the end, even if it isn’t written in the scripture, as his father’s reasons are self-evident.
These are not things ordained in the reading, though Jesus is already offered in heaven before the creation of the Universe; He is already a sacrifice (fattened steer) known to all who were left in heaven before our history in the world. Jesus is God's plan to save us by which He creates the Universe and our own world.
The fatted calf, as I say, is Jesus Christ who reconciles heaven and earth. And who is the eldest son? In this dual perspective, he is the angels, those who were always faithful to God. Those for whom justice is also served, that is, for whom the Lamb is sacrificed. Because the lamb, which is and will be the meeting point, does not belong to the eldest son, but to the father. The son is offended, especially by that sacrifice, but can say or do nothing else but go to the meeting. The words dedicated to him can be no others, according to what is outlined in this essay regarding what we were and how the angels were created by God (person + “adapted” Essence): "My son, you are with me always and all I have is yours.”
Anyway, this reading from the normal perspective has a lot of catechesis, and from heaven I think they could also give it a spin or two; but what seems clear in both cases is that is speaks of justice and mercy. A key that isn’t given much importance in the normal perspective is the fatted calf. From this perspective, it’s odd that the calf is almost what bothers the older brother most, when the other has squandered half of the estate more or less (a lamb or calf would be nothing in comparison).
Now an example of balance between the world and what was in heaven.
This reading that comes now is difficult to interpret completely from the earth, we are going to see it with its origin in heaven, as I insist, it happened. And to do so, let us think that what was desired by the fallen angels and by The Eves angels in particular, was the Holy Spirit, or precious Essence of God , formerly "accessible" in heaven; that which made them Be. God in this world has put "gold" as the most desired object of man; a little to reproduce what was in heaven: a desire that can break our love for God and neighbor, a trial that allows us to recover what we lost.
Luke 16:1-13
1 He also said to his disciples, 'There was a rich man
and he had a steward who was denounced to him for being wasteful
with his property. 2 He called for the man and said, "What is
this I hear about you? Draw me up an account of your stewardship
because you are not to be my steward any longer."
We were in heaven and squandered the Holy Spirit (through doubt, betrayal...). We are dismissed, out of heaven, the reading now takes place on earth.
3 Then the steward said to himself, "Now that my master
is taking the stewardship from me, what am I to do? Dig? I am
not strong enough. Go begging? I should be too ashamed.
4 Ah, I know what I will do to make sure that when I am
dismissed from office there will be some to welcome me into
their homes."
We are already on the ground, in fact, he said that we were already fired, it doesn't make much sense to "before I get kicked out of the administration" and it doesn't make much sense that I can change receipts as it happens afterwards. Here administration refers to our life, in which we gain or lose the Holy Spirit according to our history. To dig or beg "may be interpreted as such and this reading is directed at those who can use money for their salvation. A wealthy old man, or most of us, does not have the strength to go on missions for our neighbor, or to give everything and go to the streets to ask for it as St. Francis of Assisi did.
5 'Then he called his master's debtors one by one. To
the first he said, "How much do you owe my master?"
6 "One hundred measures of oil," he said. The steward
said, "Here, take your bond; sit down and quickly write fifty."
7 To another he said, "And you, sir, how much do you
owe?" "One hundred measures of wheat," he said. The steward
said, "Here, take your bond and write eighty."
The debtors of their master are all men who are in the world, all those around us. Here he already speaks of unjust money; although we all have that debt, in some way sharing our gold of the world or unjust money (differentiation with the just money that in this' parable' is the Holy Spirit), we can make them welcome us at home, in the eternal abodes. Why is that? Why is money the same as Spirit? No. Because the world is a trial, and renouncing the world for the other or for God is an act of love, and love is what the Holy Spirit seeks. And do we each owe different amounts to God? Yes, we have different amounts to fill in, sizes of soul we emptied up there (parable of talents). But I think he means something else, I think he talks about everyone's story. That which God has with us in the world or in the material, and which can be "changed" with unjust gold. Because God provides what is necessary for our salvation. You mean the rich are so good? No. In fact, there are many rich and poor, who are not inscribed in the book of life (Eve), who seem to move with the randomness of the things of the world. It is true that God provides for the unrighteous also, but does He provide salvation history for all? I don't think so, because of the readings we see in the Bible (I speak in parable so that they don't understand me...), and because of justice, since The Eves believed Luzbel and because of these the Adams fell. It is righteousness that The Eves can be saved only by the Adams (from Adam's rib makes Eve) and continue to hear only the world. Perhaps it has happened to you that you have prayed for someone who is lost from God and a misfortune has occurred to him; he has broken a bone or something. I do, and I've heard other people say that. Why? Because God provides what is necessary for our salvation; so do our needs. And you can change someone's story by helping him with unjust gold and that help will be good for you and also for his story because the love received always leaves a mark; and by the mark you will act in his part of Spirit and by the value of gold (money, time...) in his story, intimately related to the administration of the Spirit.
And after all, will our soul debt (lost spirit) not be related to our history here (where, how were we born, in what religion do we grow...)? This is only aucubrations and in any case it would be for our salvation. As an example, the innocence of children with Down syndrome; perhaps their lack of it was somewhat minor, and this is the story they live here. And if the beginning of the story here had to do with the lack of there, if so, everything would be especially fair.
8 'The master praised the dishonest steward for his
astuteness. For the children of this world are more astute in
dealing with their own kind than are the children of light.' 9 'And so I tell you this: use money, tainted as it is, to win you
friends, and thus make sure that when it fails you, they will
welcome you into eternal dwellings.
10 Anyone who is trustworthy in little things is
trustworthy in great; anyone who is dishonest in little things
is dishonest in great.
11 If then you are not trustworthy with money, that
tainted thing, who will trust you with genuine riches?
12 And if you are not trustworthy with what is not
yours, who will give you what is your very own?
God congratulates him, welcomes him back. From the world it doesn't make any sense (after having robbed him), from heaven it does. The sons of this world, refers to all of us, not the wicked who are super smarty pants. The sons of light, refers to us too, but in what we were before we were 'cast off', when we were God's lost desires.
the sons of this world (men) are more crafty with their people (men) than the sons of light (doubtful desire) are with their people (doubtful desire).
This is so because the ‘we’ who try to ‘acquire’ the Holy Spirit on earth, know that we have to do good, share, etc... However, the ‘we’ in heaven who betray, try to get hold of the Spirit the hard way in a battle against other angels. (See Three and a Half Times in Genesis)
The rest is clear from both perspectives. If you are not generous with money, if you do not love, how will you receive the Holy Spirit? The least is money, the most is the Spirit.
If you are not trustworthy with what is not yours, who will give you what is your very own? = “the Essence or Holy Spirit that you lost in heaven”
13 'No servant can be the slave of two masters: he will either hate the first and love the second, or be attached to the first and despise the second. You cannot be the slave both of God and of money.'
That said, money is the representation of all idols because with it everything in the world can be achieved. As proof is set and the proof is precisely to use it for the good of others, not to worship it as a false god or idol. Obviously, we cannot worship the world and God, because by definition that is the proof. A test that will allow us to love and recover the Holy Spirit, 'ours' if God wills.
In heaven it happened, that iniquity entered into the fallen angels when they desired the Essence of God, and not for what it is, but to be more, to be by themselves and without God; when they emptied themselves because the Spirit could not live with the lack of love, they ended up hating God. They just hate, they lost their freedom. With money, something similar happens, it is not bad in itself, but when it makes you hoard without taking into account your neighbor or God (or his Word), in the end you only have ears for yourself and the world. And so it is all done so that we may be saved, it is not a trap, it is not to judge us, because we have already come condemned, because we freely "commit suicide" by hating like fallen angels, by unloving like The Eves angels (fools of the world) and by doubting like the Adam angels. All empty, some still free and of these last, some deaf (Evas) and others inscribed in the book of Life (Adam).
In the same way that biological life endures as long as it can until our physical body is no longer compatible with it, God stays in us by helping us not to sin and endures until we sin. You, I and others can sense God within ourselves (some just identify it as a sense of well-being, of inner peace) so that He makes us ‘big on the inside’ and able to forgive and be merciful or to live through illness without suffering in despair. This is being in ‘God's grace’ for Christians or feeling Sakina for Muslims, others call it nirvana..... In this way the Holy Spirit adapts himself to our person by becoming one with us (with you and with the other) until our freedom decides to sin and abandons us (God is the One who Is, he cannot not be, he cannot unite with sin). How is it possible that you can live with God within you, as so many others also do at the same time as you, if we know that there is only one God? This is the principle of the Holy Trinity of which we were all (minimally) once a part. A sap that goes through the trunk, continues through its great trunk branch from which other smaller branches grow until it reaches the leaves (men in grace). The fact that you may at times feel more or less full of God, or more or less in grace, speaks to us of the capacity and variety of Life under the mantle of the Lord. It is this variety that allows for the different ways of salvation or religions (straight paths in the right direction). The seven around Love and mercy.
There are as many sizes of 'containers of God' (angels or men in grace) as there are sizes of stars in the sky. In fact, stars are symbolic of angels in many places in the Bible, but I go further: Is it a coincidence that there are also 7 types of stars in heaven? Is it a coincidence that, in the promised land, symbol of heaven, there were 7 nations living? (without thinking of those 7 deadly sins represented here below). I rather believe that God has created the universe as a reflection of heaven for our knowledge. I know that God provides what is necessary for the salvation of all and it is not by chance that you were born among Christians or that one among Muslims. In the end it is love that saves. Maybe a luminous Giant star needs to recover less light than a very luminous Supergiant to become what it was. Just as a weather balloon (probe) needs more gas than a small balloon to fly, and both are balloons and both fly. And will I put a thick hose to blow the gas into a small balloon? Will I put the same hose as the one for the balloon probe? No, because I will break it before filling it. Perhaps this is the key to the seven churches or religions. A question of capacity, but we all have in common the Gas, the same God, love and mercy. This is what the parable of the talents refers to, the size of the soul or the capacity of the Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit is 'condensed' Love or 'Essence' Love and something else that merges with our person). Talents, in addition to money, speak to us of potential, of something to develop. We had a size of soul in heaven (which we emptied), and it is the one we have to refill here (double in the parable), since our soul is the same as there (the one He gives us in origin), but it arrives empty held by a body.
Mat 25:14 For it will be as when a man going on a journey called his servants and entrusted to them his property; 15 to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them; and he made five talents more. 17 So also, he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money. 19 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. 20 And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, 'Master, you delivered to me five talents; here I have made five talents more.' 21 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master.' 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, 'Master, you delivered to me two talents; here I have made two talents more.' 23 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master.' 24 He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, 'Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not winnow; 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.' 26 But his master answered him, 'You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sowed, and gather where I have not winnowed? 27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has the ten talents. 29 For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.' 31 "When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33 and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left.
Or do you really think that the Lord is going to demand something from you that He has not given you? No, He gives everything, and only asks us to recover the Life we had (for our sake). It is true that Christ validates our nature and then we can fill ourselves again with God (after emptying ourselves, original sin, we could not), but we must fill ourselves, that is our option to choose, our freedom. That is why the unfaithful servant buries his talent in EARTH. He was able, he had talents (he could fill his soul size with love), but he chose to stay in the things of the world (earth). The pew may represent the churches (religions) or the commandments and rules given to the churches, because the fact of fulfilling them, does not assure that we have love in our heart, but without doubt, fulfilling them, we will do works of love. (When I speak of sizes, adapt, bigger or smaller, store, buy... regarding the Holy Spirit, I always speak of changes in the intensity of the Spirit, which cannot change in what It Is, but in intensity, and even not to be in us. As an example I gave the water vapour, which is still water, and can show itself in different intensities or pressures; we can see it in the shower with the hot water as time goes by).
All of this coincides with Luke 16:1-13 (the shrewd administrator) which I have explained in Righteousness and redemption in Jesus Christ p. 131. Also with that of the virgins and their lamps Mateo 25. They spend the oil (away from the beloved), if they had taken recharge in the shop... (buy/sell: see Revelation Behind the 7 trumpets, pause to tell us about the Beast p. 23).
Luke 19:12 He said therefore, “A nobleman went into a far country to
receive for himself a kingdom and then return. 13 Calling ten of his servants, he gave them ten minas, and said to
them, ‘Engage in business until I come.’ 14 But his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him,
saying, ‘We do not want this man to reign over us.’ 15 When he returned, having received the kingdom, he ordered these
servants to whom he had given the money to be called to him,
that he might know what they had gained by doing business. 16 The first came before him, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made ten
minas more.’ 17 And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant! Because you have
been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over
ten cities.’ 18 And the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made five
minas.’ 19 And he said to him, ‘And you are to be over five cities.’ 20 Then another came, saying, ‘Lord, here is your mina, which I
kept laid away in a handkerchief; 21 for I was afraid of you, because you are a severe man. You take
what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.’ 22 He said to him, ‘I will condemn you with your own words, you
wicked servant! You knew that I was a severe man, taking what I
did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow? 23 Why then did you not put my money in the bank, and at my coming
I might have collected it with interest?’ 24 And he said to those who stood by, ‘Take the mina from him, and
give it to the one who has the ten minas.’ 25 And they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten minas!’ 26 ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but
from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
[English Standard Version]
As for Luke's parable of the mines (Luke 19,12-27), which seems parallel, God gives a mine, referring to the opportunity (one) to replenish ourselves. This is the moment when he (Jesus) decides to go for the royal investiture, already in the decision, which brings about the creation of the universe, our second chance. It was in heaven that God laid out His plan of salvation ‘man’ after our betrayal; it was in heaven that Jesus Christ accepted or offered Himself, before the creation of the Universe. Note that when He returns again, in heaven, the others have also ended up in the mine, on earth. That period in the mine is skipped to make everything coincide before heaven and after earth, i.e. to speak to us from outside the earth. If the final judgement is in heaven, everything takes place in heaven. Thus, the far country to which the noble one (Jesus) goes is our earth. The royal investiture is our validation -man- as kings, as capable of containing God. Again the word ‘mine’ has two meanings: one as a ‘power’ to be exploited (gold can be extracted from the LAND; the first), and another as coins (1 mine = 3 months' wages). The first mine is for us this opportunity, the earth, our time here, where we must find love, which later (for many already here on earth) will turn God into Holy Spirit, Kingdom of Heaven (cities). The one who returns the opportunity 'empty', without multiplying or producing, is the unfaithful servant, who keeps the soul, ultimately capable, but empty in a canvas (our skin). 'Mine' moreover, in the first meaning, symbolises a dark place into which we plunge, to extract with difficulty that precious ore; and what is the earth to a good man but that? A place surrounded by temptations and necessities for oneself, which hinder the production of that precious love, and whose prince, moreover, is the devil. It has nothing to do with the enlightened heaven; here we can inversely compare our passage from the dark womb to the 'enlightened' earth. Likewise, the word talent, speaks to us of capacity (properties, possibilities) first and then of money (Love, Holy Spirit to replenish us). The difference with the mines, is that in the talents a specific measure is specified for each of us, in the mine the opportunity won by Christ for us in the passion is highlighted, the rest is pretty much the same, because our 'work' is to get that gold or love or Holy Spirit. Indeed to have the Holy Spirit on earth already, is a Gift, is a down payment, is to have your love + faith exchanged for the Holy Spirit ahead of time. In reality, thanks to this nuance or difference between the two readings, I believe that rather than being parallel, both complement each other. Then it says, 'he will gather all nations', again I insist, it refers to all churches (religions).
Such equivalence is established between 'gold', 'oil', 'wheat'... and the Holy Spirit, for our understanding, that there are words that can serve equally for us on earth, when speaking of earthly goods, and for the angels in heaven, speaking of the Spirit. For example:
Luc 12:16 And he told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man brought forth plentifully; 17 and he thought to himself, 'What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?' 18 And he said, 'I will do this: I will pull down my barns, and build larger ones; and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry.' 20 But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?' 21 So is he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God."
For us it is clear, but does it not apply to what happened to us in heaven? There the Holy Spirit was everywhere; and the devil tempted us, directly or through Eve, and we saw that Spirit, that tree of life, accessible, and we desired to be more, and to take as much as we wanted, for which we would "get fat", we would be bigger. This is represented here as demolishing our perfectly designed form by God, to make a bigger one as dictated by our freedom after the deception. And indeed we did, for the betrayal happened. Perhaps the dialogue in which we boasted was not given, but then we lost our own soul, it was broken (This very night they will claim your soul). The last verse is the one that links the two 'worlds': 21 So is he who treasures... and does not enrich himself in order to God.
Indeed, as has been said, this broken soul could not be mended in the same nature it had, for Satan (who hated, not just desired), crying out for justice, was asking God for the same fate as ours for having emptied us as he had. The only way was to create a new nature capable of holding the Holy Spirit and to do so as a gift from Himself, from God, i.e. without debts that could be claimed by that righteousness. And how do we test that new nature? How do we test a new material to see if it is fit to hold food? What tests would the health ministry officials not do to a plastic container, when it first came into use, to see if it was fit to hold milk? They would twist it, heat it, beat it, subject it to ultraviolet rays, shake it... and all to see if the milk would keep as it should; to see that the plastic would not come off or break down and cloud the milk. Well, the self-giving is Christ, the painful test was the passion, the tested: Love, for as a man he had to be tested and that is why the Holy Spirit was taken away from him at the moment of the cross (Father, why have you forsaken me?). Thus, love is, for man, like a cloak that envelops our inner container and is able to accommodate the Holy Spirit, separating it from our worldly body. Thus, for love we forget ourselves in favour of others, we are able to give our time for love of our children, for example; we let go of the comforts of our body. If in heaven, wanting to be more and to have more of the Holy Spirit for ourselves was an act of greed and lovelessness, the love we can live in the world is the opposite, giving up ourselves for others. Everything is made by God with a perfect measure to save us and our body, since the passion has the "Certificate of Quality" that makes us valid, capable and worthy (in christ) to receive the Holy Spirit; because there was One who tasted the container, and not just any one, but the only one who could deliver us from the justice claimed, the one who speaks from the same place where God the Father is.
I won't say who loves the most, I'm inclined to think it should be the Christians, but one who doesn't even kill an insect like a Tibetan Buddhist must have a lot of love, I don't know... It does seem that we are grouped together by 'similar capacities'. So that light for the stars, which I mentioned before, would be the Essence of God or the Holy Spirit for us, and the form that outlines the star, would be our person. Since light is one and the same thing, each star will shine more or less according to its shape (size, temperature). It is true that there is only one source of the Holy Spirit, where the only ones who can contain it in its fullest intensity are, the Father and the Son (the first created person through whom the others were made; of the created ones, the only one through whom the Essence of God flows in full intensity). We are radiated by it, but somehow the Holy Spirit is reflected in our person by becoming one with us, giving us Life and enabling us to enlighten others. And it is reflected more or less by what we are like (remember white gives it all back, it self-gives; black absorbs and does not shine; the brown dwarf star, being of the same materials as others, does not shine).
Let's continue a little further: let's place ourselves here, in our Man’s Nature. I affirm that there are 7 churches (religions) for 7 nations all around God. Moreover, they correspond to 7 "types" or "peoples" also in heaven, as the official types of stars represent. But down here we all arrive empty and dead, and thanks to Jesus Christ, all men of all Churches, religions or peoples, can be filled with Life again. Is it a coincidence that there are 7 dead planets around the sun, one more with life (ours), and another almost-planet, the farthest from the SUN, which does not become one (Pluto)? If the stars symbolise the angels and us before in heaven, don't the planets seem to symbolise those 7 peoples of God here on earth? Around the Sun (God), some closer than others, but around him. Christ, among us (planets here), took the form of sin like us, but always kept the Holy Spirit (Life, Living Water; He would be represented by our planet the only one with water, where man lives), except at the moment of the cross to prove man's nature. As before with the stars, he seems to differentiate these seven previous, and present types.
And knowing that the sun is a star, coupled with this symbolism in which the sun is God, doesn't it seem to tell us that we were indeed made in his image and likeness and that we somehow held God the Essence (the Holy Spirit) to a greater or lesser extent?
As a curiosity, the earth is not the closest planet to the sun, and wasn't Christ introduced to a hard-hearted people? I believe that neither Jews before, nor even Christians now, are the ones who love the most, for it is really very difficult to love like Jesus. But I know that Jesus Christ will be recognised by all nations as the saviour of mankind, and not only by those who listen to all religions, but also by the foolish. This is what Yahweh says and this is what he has written. There will come a time when faith will not be necessary, the deaf will also be invited to the banquet, although they will be asked for the festive garment, love. Because even if you know everything, you can still be empty of love. I also believe that this knowledge will spread soon, in eight years at the latest. Once it is known, the world will have no reason to exist, for there will be no more freedom of choice and our time will be over. This is not the ultimate reason, but rather the reverse: our time is over and the Lord allows the unseen to be revealed (to say that our time is over is to say that all of us who fail up there will soon have passed through the world). Thus, the propitious moment within the propitious time that humanity is going to live, could be considered 'unjust' for others who did not live it: Why was this not known a thousand years ago, perhaps I would have been saved? -said the one. Well, this was available to all in the scriptures for thousands of years. There is no injustice; besides, I insist, the fact that we know it does not imprint love in our hearts, which is what saves us. And, above all, if the end really comes, as it seems to all appearances, it will cut short the race of our lives all at once; since we know that God acts in our history to draw us to Himself, often choosing our best time to die, perhaps many will not enjoy that "personal attention", as there is a sudden blackout, perhaps this is the justice for which all is now revealed, to compensate for that sudden end. Now the mountains will be flattened and the valleys will be filled in so that we can all see each other without obstacles in between, in fraternity; is a lot to say, of course, especially for the deaf, but even knowing, we will still love.
Another "coincidence" is that today there are officially (according to the model followed by most of the world: English-speaking, America, China, India, Pakistan, most of Western Europe) eight continents because "Zealandia" has been discovered (2017) which is sunken (7 afloat, one sunken, again). The almost-planet Pluto, the stars that do not shine, the sunken continent, seem to represent the demons, also among us, but who only hate. Maybe God has put it this way to support this logical reasoning today, because it seems like a bad joke: other nations or religions have 'laxer rules' and also their faithful servants will be saved. Well, I'll change this one to an easier one => No. We all have our size. God provides what is necessary for our salvation, and always in love.
Let's see now the rainbow: 7 colours! And, in addition, it is established as a symbol of covenant by God after the flood, just before the tower of Babel (of 7 floors or heights as it is described) in which the' languages' of men were intertwined (it is convenient to read the writings in this regard to understand the analogy Noah and Babel). Let us imagine that we were of 7 intensities or sizes in heaven. If so, we would all share one light, but of different intensities. How to transfer this variety to mankind, since what God provides is what is necessary for our salvation: to fill us with love in our volume or size? (it also happens that our conscience condemns us). I affirm that it has been with the religions, which encompass those nations. And I believe that God has put all these signs to make it clear. As a curiosity, which I have already mentioned, each colour is different in the light it gives off or returns (love in the religions), and in addition to these 7, we have the black that absorbs everything and the white that gives it back, gives, or self-giving completely. Another curiosity is that in the rainbow, the colour is seen with more strength the bigger the drops of rainwater are (more love is seen when you have the Holy Spirit or Living Water). Sometimes you see a double rainbow, smaller and of less intensity, inverted in the order of colours, and between one and the other appears the colour white and black (Wikipedia), as if referring to the 7 in the heaven, God, and the 7 here with the demons.
Continuing: the book of the 7 seals opened by Jesus Christ (apocalypse), in a second, more general meaning that does not speak of the battle, represents us, the created ones, and our life. The seals are the peoples of God. Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the 7 nations or churches. He opens the book of life in which we are these 7 peoples: In heaven, before the betrayal because of God's pleasure in Him, the rest were created; and then on earth where we fell members of these 7 peoples, distributed here in 7 nations/religions by our characteristics, or capacities, rather. Let us remember: in heaven, thanks to Him, these 7 types of angels or "stars", nations or capacities are created. After the betrayal, thanks to Him, man's nature is made fit (again the book of life is opened for us betrayers, and also God provides what is necessary for the salvation of each "capacity": Love in our measure). If it seems difficult for you to think that God could make 7 different types of 'angels' because of their intensity, think if you like of seven different 'ages' or seven levels of formation. Isn't it true that a child in the second year of primary school is not examined in the same way as a child in the sixth year? Maybe we all had a development, ergo a capacity, and in that development we fell. Thus the test of the world must be in accordance with our capacity at the moment of betrayal, for it was that knowledge that was betrayed; that which we harboured. The greater the betrayal of the one who had more (greater size). This is also the case here with children, who are often not to blame for ignoring. In fact, ignorance for the conscience is often an exonerating circumstance.
Well, God also speaks with numbers, but beyond all this "casual", God's demonstration is proven when the Apocalypse confirms those groups in which the celestial creatures are included because of how they were left after the betrayal: Faithful Angels, Adam Angels, Eve Angels, Fallen Angels, which in its passages are referred to as "Living ones full of eyes". And as I was saying, not because of that fact in itself, which is already marvellous for our knowledge of what we were or because it gives meaning to everything, but because no one else was able to trace a script hidden for thousands of years.
Finally, the most amazing thing of all is not only to be able to prove that God exists, after all, many of us believe without proof. The most amazing thing is to feel that everything around us fits together millimetrically for our salvation and responds to a clear logic. In the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Universal Saviour of man (of Man’s Nature), because of what each of us personally did up there, and knowing that, thanks to Him, any person who loves can be filled with the Holy Spirit, everything logically fits together down here, because we have always known that God is Love and Mercy. Nothing else agrees with Him.
And what have we seen if not this in the Old Testament or in the Torah and even in the Koran? Are not our father Abraham, with his concubine and all, Moses, and others who by their deeds today could be called crooked, taken for righteous by us Catholics? Is it not true that we look at them at the precise moment in Salvation history that they lived, and we know how to discern this difference? Since a six-month-old baby does not eat a steak, nor does an eight-year-old child eat a 3500-calorie menu, but rather an adult and a woodcutter; these, who lived like this, were righteous, although they did not know Love for Love, Love for itself independent of that which we receive, i.e. they were not asked to love at any price, among other things because without the Holy Spirit it was impossible. And if we know that faith justified them and that a man's righteousness is the result of what he has learned as such, which in turn is determined not only by the "natural" good but also by culture and customs, is it not also true that righteous men emerge from other religions and cultures? And if we recognise as Catholics that these named prophets and those who followed their rules correctly went to heaven, how can we close heaven to other righteous men? Neither would it make sense from reason, nor from our knowledge of God, for He provides what is necessary for our salvation. A separate case is the one who hates even under the pretext of their holy scriptures, these are deceived, and in those, their scriptures, they are already warned of the eternal damnation that hatred brings.
Brothers, just as the hairs on our heads are numbered, the justice of God is millimetrically applied, for every nation, people and even person (it also happens that nations - religions - are made up of people of the same capacity). God did so, and to deny this is to deny the love of God. I repeat: Everything fits perfectly. Moreover, even the atheist after his death, if he dies in (difficult) love, he will be saved, even if he could not receive the Holy Spirit in life (grace) because he lacked faith in the "CREATOR" (this is how it goes). The "frightening" differences that we see between the various sacred books are only delimiters that channel or differentiate our paths, so that they do not come together; for as has been said, we will not put a steak cut into a bottle of milk to feed both the six-month-old baby and the adult. On the contrary, we will warn the baby that eating a piece of steak will lead to death by drowning, even though steak and milk are both foods (these warnings of condemnation of the Christian way are constantly included in the Quran). And it is true that in all the religions of which I speak, underlies love as such or in some of its forms: hospitality, charity, mercy..., but as I said, conscience condemns, and a piece of steak chokes those who cannot eat it. God provides every nation with what it needs for its salvation, to come back to Him. Is it worse to be a baby than an adult? Or a teenager than a 50-year-old? Thank God no, because in the end what counts is getting back to heaven. Moreover, each one lives only the present, to which we have come, it is true, from our past (which in our case has been temporarily erased - heavenly past-, for our salvation). But even as we discern all this, today we unite in the knowledge related in this book about Our Lord Jesus Christ: Son created in the person, God within him, for the Spirit passes through him in maximum intensity. Thus, he is our brother in the created, and indeed, the Holy Spirit (God) is also in us when we are in grace, but only minimally if we compare him with God the Father and the Son. Moreover, in the second instance, He is the Savior of Man’s Nature, liberator of our kidnapper: Satan who threatened us with our sin from heaven and hid himself behind it, demanding the same punishment as that which was applied to us. In Christ is fulfilled all righteousness capable and necessary to save us that cleanses away that sin and disarms Satan.
To those who are amazed to think that in heaven we were really made in the image of God the Father, I would say:
Jua 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'? 35 If he called them gods to whom the word of God came (and scripture cannot be broken), 36 do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of God'? [See Psalm 82]
To conclude, after reading the entire essay, I think you will find the meaning of this reading of Isaiah which, although it seems to be addressed only to Jews and Christians, I think it is addressed to everyone.
Isa 48 Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, which are called by the name of Israel,
and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, which swear
by the name of the Lord, and make mention of the God of
Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness. 2 For they call themselves of the holy city, and stay
themselves upon the God of Israel; The Lord of hosts is his
name. 3 I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went
forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them
suddenly, and they came to pass. 4 Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck
is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass; 5 I
have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it
came to pass I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine
idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten
image, hath commanded them. 6 Thou hast heard, see all this; and will not ye declare it? I
have shewed thee new things from this time, even hidden
things, and thou didst not know them. 7 They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day
when thou heardest them not; lest thou shouldest say,
Behold, I knew them. 8 Yea,
thou heardest not; yea, thou knewest not; yea, from that
time that thine ear was not opened: for I knew that thou
wouldest deal very treacherously, and wast called a
transgressor from the womb.
9 For
my name's sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise
will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off. 10 Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I
have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. 11 For
mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how
should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory
unto another.
12 Hearken
unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am
the last. 13 Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand
hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand
up together.
14 All
ye, assemble yourselves, and hear; which among them hath
declared these things? The Lord hath loved him: he will do
his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm shall be on the
15 I,
even I, have spoken; yea, I have called him: I have brought
him, and he shall make his way prosperous.
16 Come
ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret
from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I:
and now the Lord God, and his Spirit, hath sent me.
17 Thus
saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am
the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which
leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. 18 O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then
had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the
waves of the sea: 19 Thy seed also had been as the sand, and the offspring
of thy bowels like the gravel thereof; his name should not
have been cut off nor destroyed from before me.
20 Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, with a voice of
singing declare ye, tell this, utter it even to the end of
the earth; say ye, The Lord hath redeemed his servant Jacob.
21 And
they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts: he
caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them: he clave
the rock also, and the waters gushed out. 22 There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked.
Another interesting reading which is very long and I will not analyse it here, but which shows our wandering from heaven is: Ezekiel 20:1-44. I suggest you study it thinking that in Ezekiel 20,25 we come to earth in the nature of man (nature with more 'diversity' of sins and worse 'tendencies' or instincts). Well, there will be many more readings, for sure. You already have the key to investigate. Everything was written, even Christ said: this happens... so that what is written may be fulfilled. As I mentioned a little earlier, it is also written that the mountains will be leveled and the valleys filled in. It happened at the first coming of the Lord, and it will happen again before His new coming. Will the different religions be those mountains and those valleys? Or perhaps He refers to those who hear of the different faiths as those mountains and the Eves as those valleys? Will the knowledge described here be the knowledge that will equalise us? Will this be the knowledge of the Lord that will fill the earth and make the wolf and the lamb live together? (Isaiah 11:1-11). And this being so, will it not be the preamble to the imminent coming of our Lord? It will happen, it will happen, for it is written. Only He knows when, really.
I hope then that I have helped to open the eyes of the "fools" [1] (with apology), who are called fools in the Bible or Eves. Know that you are not written in the book of Life and that you will not come to God, except by logic or by the "world". But since you can come convinced by some Adam, since these reached perdition for your sake and so, in justice, the Lord has ordained, I would like to think that by the reasoning here embodied you can come to Him. Perhaps the prophesied time has come when we will all listen together.
If you are a Muslim and in the mosque you have found God, then go there more, but do not forget that He is Merciful and acts in your life with mercy towards others. If you go to a Synagogue I suggest you change it as soon as possible for a church, or better, expand the Torah with the rest of the Bible (for a synagogue is also a temple of God). Although I believe that Christians need more than a Sunday Mass to fight in the environment in which we find ourselves. If we live in a place full of smoke, almost unbreathable, we go out more often to get some air than if we live in a clean house. God now allows this environment perhaps to test all believers. There are groups [2] in the Catholic Church that help to get closer to God, such as the Neocatechumenal Way (itinerary of Christian initiation), Communion and Liberation and others. Maybe you know someone who is a pious person and goes to mass a lot and then is one of the worst. Maybe that will put you off. But the sick go to the hospital. The first thing is to realise that you are losing blood, otherwise you run the risk of being bloodless (dead) and not realising it. Of course we go to church as sinners, and it is there that we are first diagnosed with our illness, where we are shown
our sin. Then they give us the medicines and means to cure us. It is up to us in our freedom, as always, to apply those remedies. I invite you to approach Catholic groups that try to live the Faith more intensely, the pastoral care of the Churches, the catechesis.... Praying together is a blessing. Sharing your experience of God with others is a blessing. Courage, God Loves You, Convert to Love, to God's Love! Jesus Christ has risen as man and never died as a person capable of containing God the Essence (despite being tested in torture)! He has remained in God! And in so doing, by passing through the world as a man and remaining in the nature of God, he has made every man a potential desire for God, He has tested our nature by making us worthy to receive divine Love, the Holy Spirit!
I only know that Faith (and Life - the Spirit-) is a Gift from God, but we have to desire it, to open our being as a bride who receives the bridegroom. Nothing is more descriptive, that is why we are always referred to in the scriptures as females or feminine (brides) and Christ the person and Essence (God) is the bridegroom.
As I said, I hope the book has been of some use to you. If so, I ask you to pray for me; now, now, now, now, now, now! Heh, heh. Know that God gives us prayer as an important defence. In that part around us that we don't see, there are the demons attacking us and the guardian angels fighting for us. In reality, it is our will that decides, but even in wanting to stay close to God, we receive very strong attacks. Prayer in itself is to turn away from the world, to give our time back to God. As always there is justice here too.
By the way, if you pray the Lord's Prayer I suggest you put your mind up, far, far away... Beyond the planets, beyond the galaxies. Imagine that the universe is a great domed sphere and God the Father, whom no one has seen, is there, outside of time. Since I do it this way, I have the impression that my prayers arrive certified! Heh, heh. No man, but try it. Just concentrate a little and you will see. It is true that God is among us in the Holy Spirit and God the Son in the Eucharist through the work of the very Holy Spirit and we can still see his reflection on so many occasions in our lives..., but as it is the 'Our Father', and it is addressed to the Father... well, that's it. And pray it with concentration and intensity once, twice, three times, or as many times as you like; it will be like knocking on his door to ask him for the Spirit (so says the Gospel).
I leave you with a question:
If you were Love, incapable of being unjust, and incapable of mixing with hatred, and knowing all that has been said about us, the traitors to God, would you not have acted as He did to save us? And if in your battered heart you find a little warmth that leads you to understand this possibility?
Why don't you believe?
April 14, 2020
Fool: the angel Eve, who in heaven heard Satan and on earth will have only ears for him, the idols and the world. It is present in all nations or creeds and in almost every family.
NOTE: Beware that there are groups that are not Catholic, nor of any other specific religion, that are really sects. And conversely, there are Catholic groups branded as sects on the internet, or by the media, that are not. When approaching any movement, make sure that it is approved by the Catholic Church. For example, the statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way have been approved by the Holy See and yet they have bad publicity. Well, this movement, even if it has a lot of flaws, even structural ones, can help you get closer to God. If you are looking for an intimate and personal relationship with God, I would recommend Opus Dei. If you don't like movements, at least receive communion several times a week, be in contemplation of the Lord for half an hour in front of the tabernacle, also several times a week, and pray every day.
· The blind man from birth
Jua 9:1-41 As he passed by, he saw a man blind from his birth. (2) And his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (3) Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be made manifest in him. (4) We must work the works of him who sent me, while it is day; night comes, when no one can work. (5) As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." (6) As he said this, he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and anointed the man's eyes with the clay, (7) saying to him, "Go, wash in the pool of Silo"am" (which means Sent). So he went and washed and came back seeing. (8) The neighbors and those who had seen him before as a beggar, said, "Is not this the man who used to sit and beg?" (9) Some said, "It is he" others said, "No, but he is like him." He said, "I am the man." (10) They said to him, "Then how were your eyes opened?" (11) He answered, "The man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, "Go to Silo"am and wash" so I went and washed and received my sight." …
(14) Now it was a sabbath day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes. (15) The Pharisees again asked him how he had received his sight. And he said to them, "He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see." (16) Some of the Pharisees said, "This man is not from God, for he does not keep the sabbath." But others said, "How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?" There was a division among them. (17) So they again said to the blind man, "What do you say about him, since he has opened your eyes?" He said, "He is a prophet." … … …
(39) Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind." (40) Some of the Pharisees near him heard this, and they said to him, "Are we also blind?" (41) Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no guilt; but now that you say, "We see," your guilt remains.
Let's see who's the blind man in this word. He is evidently the one who only has eyes for the world, he is not open to the word of God, nor to God for his understanding. To the question of who sinned, he or his parents, the answer from our world could not be other than that which Jesus Christ gave: neither he nor his parents, confirming, by the way, that in justice we cannot be blamed for the sins of our parents (Adam and Eve). Now let us put ourselves in the real meaning of Adam (angels who betrayed God, for love of those who convinced them-Eva-) and Eve (covetous angels who were convinced by Satan and his own, desired the Essence of God to be superior, and convinced the enamored Adam, who did not covet or listen to Satan). Thus, for the sake of justice, here below the Eves only have ears (or eyes) for the world and its idols, not for God as Adam does. In righteousness, the Eves can be saved by the Adam who hears God here below, just as the Adam fell for the Eves who heard Satan in heaven.
Let's see who's the blind man in this word. He is evidently the one who only has eyes for the world, he is not open to the word of God, nor to God for his understanding. To the question of who sinned, he or his parents, the answer from our world could not be other than that which Jesus Christ gave: neither he nor his parents, confirming, by the way, that in justice we cannot be blamed for the sins of our parents (Adam and Eve). Now let us put ourselves in the real meaning of Adam (angels who betrayed God, for love of those who convinced them-Eva-) and Eve (ángeles que por codicia y convencidos por Satanás y los suyos, desearon la Esencia de Dios para ser superiores, y convencieron al enamorado Adán, que no codició ni escuchó a Satanás). Thus, for the sake of justice, here below the Eves only have ears (or eyes) for the world and its idols, not for God as Adam does. In righteousness, the Eves can be saved by the Adam who hears God here below, just as the Adam fell for the Eves who heard Satan in heaven.
Let us then distinguish two kinds of blind men, who are specified by the Word for a reason. The blind man from birth and the blind man for the world (not from birth). In both cases, the saliva does not refer to the Word of God.
Let's see for the blind man born:
(6) "He spat on the ground and made clay with the spittle". This spittle, as I say, does not refer to the word of God itself, as I have heard so much. That spittle is the Holy Spirit: it comes out of Christ or comes to us through Christ and mingles in the earth. The Spirit acts in our history (earth or mud, referring to our world or our physical body, which is the same thing). Thus, a traumatic event in the history of a person blind from birth or blind to God, can make him stop and reflect (with the mud in his eyes he continues without seeing) and if he finds the help of an Adam he can come to the church (mosque for the Muslim, ...) to clear his eyes; there he will receive the word and the Holy Spirit as such, clear and diaphanous, not hidden and intertwined in the events of his history.
In fact, almost by definition, the word does not reach the blind man because he is unable to feel it, so the saliva cannot refer to that Word, but to the action of God, of His Holy Spirit, in his history (mud, world, body). It is when we feel the mud in our eyes that we try to clean it, even if we cannot see. If the man born blind finds the right place, the church, he will not only be cleansed, but he will come to see by that water; but to get there, as I say, he needs some Adam, indeed, he needs to live the experience of some Adam, that is why it is so important to live the faith in community, because the testimony of the brothers helps those who do not see and they are the hand that moves that water to cleanse; likewise the battle in the family for the believer consists in loving and bearing the attacks of the deaf brother to cure him, another great function of the family so attacked today by the devil. Of course one must cleanse oneself with a specific water, that of Siloam, the Church... (Siloam means sent one, it says. The right place that the envoy of each nation pointed out, and it does not change the water which is the same for these religions, but the shape of the bucket to draw it from). As I say, not just any water would do, because the world takes care of putting dirty water or diluted mud on us, which will make us overcome or forget the traumatic event, maybe it will take away the mud in our eyes, but it will not make us see God: therapies, psychologists, Yoga, idols of medicine or science that make us lose the regret for what we have experienced or simply give us a false security, etc... Saliva, on the other hand, lubricates the tongue, so that without it we can speak, but we can hardly be understood. It is the Holy Spirit that moves the thought or speech of the "prophets".
(10) They said to him, "Then how were your eyes opened?"
(11) He answered, "The man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, 'Go to Silo'am and wash'; so I went and washed and received my sight."
As Christians (...), we might think that when it comes to witnessing to a blind person, we are Jesus, "the prophet who is to come", but we are not going to put mud in the eyes of a man born blind, but rather we will tell him our story, and say: this event in which you see death, God has put it in my life to cure my blindness, and thanks to this, I came to church (...) where my vision was clarified and now I can see. It is not the word of God that first makes us react, but God in our history. To the extent that those who listen to our testimony, empathise with us because they have lived through similar situations, or simply because they see that God makes us immune to death, they can come closer to the source of Siloam (to the church...), for remembering that he too has mud in his eyes because of what he experienced in his history, and that it was something he never made sense of, but in fact, Jesus already made mud for him and smeared it on his eyes, he just didn't hear that he should go to the Church to clear up the vision, there was no Adam to tell him. Although it's not really enough to go to Church. It says "I went, I washed and I saw". We must apply that living water to our life (I was washed), we are back to "effort" which is nothing more than active action resulting from our free choice of God.
Well, this would be speaking of those blind from birth, i.e. the Eves who only have ears for the world down here. We know that by the faith of some one can save another, let us remember the paralytic who is brought to Jesus through a hole made in the roof (Mark 2,5: When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic: "Son, your sins are forgiven you"). This hole seems to allude to breaking the rule set in righteousness from above, from heaven: he who listened to Satan there, here does not have an open ear, which I mentioned at the beginning. A roof, moreover, normally prevents us from seeing the sky; in this case it prevented him from reaching Jesus Christ. It does not seem casual to use the word roof, because it was easier to enter through a hole in the wall (there are readings that speak of this), not forgetting that they had to climb up to the roof, if there was no embankment. The explanation would be to get directly to Christ because he was also surrounded inside the house, but then there would be a big mess, with sand and straw falling down, it would take a while... and the owner of the house wouldn't say anything? Wouldn't anyone, not even Jesus, say, "Come on, let him in through the door"? Rather, if it happened that way, it was to signify the word 'roof', or, rather, to reflect that standard of justice of which I speak, in that roof, I think.
The blind for the world, not from birth:
There are others who are not blind from birth, who have had their vision clouded by the distractions and idols of the world. In this case, the Word of God can reach them directly because they are ready to hear it, but even here, the spittle still represents the Holy Spirit. As has so often been said, St. Paul said that God wanted to save believers by the foolishness of preaching, not by the foolishness of reading the Word. This is because the Word comes to our hearts normally moved by the Holy Spirit of the one who proclaims it. Of course God works wonders and is not subject to anyone in particular to touch our heart and can even send his Spirit directly, but this is how it usually happens, he uses the Adams. In fact, in ourselves when we are in the grace of God we can see that even in our dealings and what we say we are more accepted and find a more open willingness of others to listen to us. It is fundamental who gets that word to us and of course it is also important our willingness and even our interest and effort (even if many deny it) to receive it. If the old woman who gave her two coins gave more than the rich man, it was because of the effort involved, which is a reflection of her love. An itinerant missionary who dedicates his life to God and to evangelisation usually has more strength of Spirit in his preaching than a practising believer immersed in the things of the world, at least that is how I perceive it. Of course it is God who does it all, but usually through us.
Well, this is the Saliva, the Spirit. The Word of God is already represented in the mouth, which is where the saliva and the voice itself comes from. And also in these cases the clay is the events of our history. The difference with those who have been blind from birth is that they can turn to the church..., by their own means, to cleanse the mud, or they can directly recognise the solution to their blindness in the word of God. Thus the spittle is for them the Spirit that has been at work in the events of their history and also the Spirit that makes itself present in the Word normally through the one who proclaims it. The man born blind must see the action of God in the Adams, see or live the experience of the Adams, not just hear it (the four made a hole in the roof and dragged him up there).
As for the distinction of the blind.
In verses 39-41 it speaks of a judgement: "For a judgement I have come into this world". With this judgement He means the passion in the fulfilment of which the Eve or traitor follower of Satan and the traitor Adam for love of Eve, for following her, will be distinguished. This happening in heaven will determine in the world who listens and who does not (Matt. 10:34 "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. Yes, I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; ...). That is the sentence that has already been set for the Eves in heaven, in the passion Jesus Christ will fulfil what has been judged.
So that those who do not see (the Adams, open to hear God but not yet able to touch, feel, see within themselves until the Passion - the Holy Spirit) may see (the Holy Spirit) and those who see (for the world - Eve) may become blind (to the Holy Spirit).
Those who do not see for the world are the Adams, for they will put God before the things of the world and will be considered mad (or blind) by the Eves. In contrast, the latter, the Eves, who are so prosperous, so intent and watchful of the world and its idols, always looking at money and hardly looking at their brother, become blind, because they will not be able to perceive the Holy Spirit; they will not be open to the word of God. This distinction will occur after the passion, for before that none was able to receive the Holy Spirit, the paraclete ('for a judgment I have come').
In (41), when he says: "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but, as you say, 'We see' your sin remains.".
He refers to the same thing, though this time he also speaks of the effect, i.e. he speaks of ignorance-knowledge. He says: 'if you were ignorant, you would have no sin... but because you say that you know...'. If we speak of the Pharisees, he who knows the law and does not fulfil its foundation Love, has greater sin than the ignorant, and moreover this sin will remain because the ignorant one allows himself to be taught, he who claims to know, does not; this is perfectly described by saying: 'as you say "We see"', it does not say 'as you see'. On the other hand, generalising, from those who do not see for the world (Adams) are excluded those who claim to see, because even if you are an Adam you can have your eyes set on the world. These blind Adams, as I said, would be those who are not blind from birth, who are blind because they are obscured by the world. I insist: the distinction "from birth" is important.
· The Prophet who is to come.
The Jews await the "prophet who is to come", this is indicated in several places in the Old Testament. In some words they speak of a return of Elijah or Moses. But Jesus Christ is not just any prophet, one of the clearest prefigurations of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament is that of Moses. I have already indicated at various points in the essay why. I will state the most direct one for me: Moses breaks the chains with which Pharaoh has bound Israel, giving them freedom. He opens a passage through the sea (symbolising death) and then closes it, leaving the Egyptian army in that death. Jesus Christ makes man's nature fit (I won't go through the whole thing about why) and in doing so frees us from the blackmail of the devil, who demanded in justice the same fate as those who rose up for love, not hate or greed. In doing so he plunges the demons into death, because they no longer have that shield of 'righteous' blackmail to protect themselves ("if you condemn us fallen demon angels, then Adam angels too, or are you not the Righteous One?").
There is a clear reading that speaks of the excellence of Moses distinguishing him from the prophets:
Núm 12:6-8 And he said, "Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the LORD make myself known to him in a vision, I speak with him in a dream. (7) Not so with my servant Moses; he is entrusted with all my house. (8) With him I speak mouth to mouth, clearly, and not in dark speech; and he beholds the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?"
He does not call him a prophet but a servant. And it is even prophesied that Jesus Christ will come a second time at the end of time (remember that Moses is foreshadowed). It is also written that the Israelites will open their hearts to Jesus Christ before the end of the world; so this will not be too far off either.
If we read these four readings:
Mal 3:22-24 Remember
the Law of Moses, My servant, to whom I commanded in Horeb
precepts and regulations for all Israel. (23) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. (24) He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the
children, and the heart of the children to their fathers,
lest I come and smite the land of the curse.
Mat 17:10-13 And the disciples asked him, "Then why do the scribes
say that first Eli"jah must come?" (11) He
replied, "Eli"jah does come, and he is to restore all
things; (12) but I tell you that Eli"jah has already come, and
they did not know him, but did to him whatever they pleased.
So also the Son of man will suffer at their hands." (13) Then
the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of
John the Baptist.
Mat 11:11-15 Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there
has risen no one greater than John the Baptist; yet he who
is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. (12) From
the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven
has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force. (13) For
all the prophets and the law prophesied until John; (14) and
if you are willing to accept it, he is Eli"jah who is to
come. (15) He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Mat 16:14-17 And they said, 'some say John the Baptist, others say
Eli"jah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." (15) He
said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" (16) Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the
living God." (17) And Jesus
answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh
and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is
in heaven.
We see that Jesus Christ, and Yahweh in general in the Old Testament, is preceded by someone who makes way for him. In the second reading (Matt 17), Jesus Christ confirms that Elijah must come before the end of the world and at the same time that he has already come in John the Baptist (though he denies it of himself in John 1:21). This indicates that he made way for him as John the Baptist and will do so before his final coming.
In the first (Mal 3) it says that Elijah will come before the great and dreadful day of Yahweh. This may refer only to the last coming, the end of the world, or perhaps also to the first coming of Jesus Christ and his passion, the great day of Yahweh that condemned the fallen angels to death and established war between those who are able to receive the Holy Spirit (Adams) and those who are not (Eves). Before, of course, justice was exercised in the same way, but in different circumstances; thus one can receive a just judgement in times of peace as well as in times of war.
Isa 11:1-10 There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. (2) And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. … (6) The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them. (7) The cow and the bear shall feed; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. (8) The sucking child shall play over the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's den. (9) They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (10) In that day the root of Jesse shall stand as an ensign to the peoples; him shall the nations seek, and his dwellings shall be glorious.
Isaiah 11:1... also speaks of a shoot coming up from the roots of the stem of Jesse. In this reading the stem of Jesse is God the Father, the offspring, his son Jesus Christ and the roots of Jesse also represent Jesus, but in the nature of man (the root that goes into the darkness of the earth; ugly and twisted, because he takes the form of sin like us to save us); a shoot will come from this root, it refers to that 'Elijah' who reconciles fathers with sons (Adams with Eves, cows with bears, lions will eat straw...), before the end of the world [since fathers and sons are not paradigms of enmity, it seems to refer, as other times, to us in heaven - fathers - and what is left on earth - sons - i.e. we will be aware of our personal sin in heaven, confirming that God is just and cannot condemn us for the sin of others - Adam and Eve-. This will cause everything to be fulfilled in justice and logic, which in turn will clarify the Scriptures with their 3 ½ Times and cause also the fools -Evas, lions, bears...- to recognise God by reason -reconcile Adams with Eves...-]. It comes from Jesus (springs from the root) because humanity is now, after the passion, redeemed and capable of the Spirit. That is to say, he will not be a spotless angel sent from heaven as Mary was to fulfil her mission, but a man who has reached heaven because he has already passed the test. In (10) the root of Jesse again refers to Jesus Christ.
Well, on a daily basis we should all be prophets to our brethren (we should be the ones who bring light to them). This prophet who is to come, however, I believe, does not refer to Christ Himself, but to the one who precedes Him and announces Him.