Islam, also True Faith

·      What some Muslims don't understand.

A boy in the 2nd grade of primary school stubbornly wants to go to the 6th grade class. He will eventually be expelled if he insists, because that is the school rules, for the good of all the pupils including him.
These rules are the Qur'anic verses that talk about the death of the unfaithful (expulsion from this life of trial), because a woman cannot be unfaithful to a man she does not know. Allah has set parallel paths in the right direction: mercy and compassion; just as a school is taught in the same direction, but in different classrooms, because we are different from before the first death. The serious verses warning against unfaithfulness to your religion is the wall of your classroom, necessary for us not to mix, for each nation needs its unique path that leads us to become merciful as God, Allah (whatever you call him) is merciful. A petrol car cannot use diesel even if it is used for a diesel car. So, the 7 Spirits of God that the Bible talks about, describes 7 sizes that we had before the first death. Of course there is only one God, but we are the ones who need different flows of the Holy Spirit to fill us with Him. Or would you teach a child the same as an adult? There are 7 religions for each of these sizes, for each nation.
Hate is the son of Iblis, if you have hatred for the infidel, you know where it came from. Be Merciful as Allah is Merciful. Nine times Mohammed speaks of hatred in the Holy Qur'an and in all of them he speaks ill of it, except on one occasion when he refers to Abraham's hatred of the polytheists, and Abraham did not go around killing his neighbours. If you die hating you will go to your father, the father of hatred.

·      When God Painted Islam.

What are you doing? -a young boy asked God.

D o you like it? I am painting a frame on which I will later draw something for your Muslim brothers.

But won't such bright red straight lines look strange on the big, softly coloured canvas you are making? -he said, looking at the small white rectangle within the large canvas already painted in pastel colours.

When God Painted Islam

T hat's precisely why I do it. I want them to stand out and look good so that they don't go out of the frame and into the rest of the canvas.

And why is that?

Y our Muslim brothers are tough and very pragmatic, they are also of a different age to you, it is only fair that I set them on a different path, adapted for them, but parallel to the others so that they go in the right direction and get here. That is why I am painting them this picture which I will call Qur’an, if they leave it and go down another lane they will almost certainly not be able to get here.

Not all roads are made for the same travellers.

And will you then use different colours?

N o, the colours inside will be the same. I'll change just a few tones. This blue, for example, do you know what it is?

Well, seeing as you've put it all over the canvas outside this frame it must be... mercy?

H eh, Heh... Clever boy. Yes 'mercy'..., pink... I call it 'love' yellow… 'pity', orange... 'compassionate'... Look, look... - and God amused began to brush strokes until Satan who was listening behind the canvas stepped forward

So a red frame... I like it, it is the colour of blood... I can do a lot with that.

Y ou look at the lines and not at what's inside, can't you see that it's the inside that's important? I only put this frame so that they are not tempted to leave the path that will lead them to me...

Well, you know me... Give me a bandage to cure and I'll strangle with it... I assure you that many will come with me for praising the colour of that frame and despising the ones inside, yours... Ha, Ha, Ha..." he said, and went away.

Don't listen to him, one has to be very foolish not to see the way you really are, what you like," said the young man.

Y eah... but just in case, give me the brushes... I'm going to put more strokes of the mercy one and the slightly darker blue one, the merciful one, bring it over here, plus the.... -God began to say.

And He continued to dabble back and forth.

Have you noticed that you have painted 125 strokes of mercy as opposed to the 100 you have painted for the Christians? And yet their piece of canvas is wider," said the young man.

Yes, just to make it clear that hate red is not my colour.

Yes, but you have given 16 strokes of the 'merciful' tone to Christians and 229 to Muslims.

Yes... How colourful! It's for them to see what my colours are.

Well... and if we look at the compassionate brush... I think you've put a lot in there: 171 as opposed to 13 for the Christians.

Y aaa," answered God patiently, "but then it evens out, look, between the brushstrokes 'Mercy', 'Merciful', 'Compassion', 'Compassionate', 'Pity', 'Pious', 'Indulgence', 'Indulgent', 'Love', 'Loving' and 'Patient', 'Patience', the Qur’an adds up to 738 brushstrokes and the Bible 740. And I will tell you more, in case it is not clear to them, I will inform them that they can look at the piece of canvas of the Christians to see that I have used the same colours there... without leaving their frame limited by these thin red lines, of course; that is what they are there for. I would like none of them to get lost, and I know that they need a lot of emphasis, because as I said, they are tough and pragmatic, sometimes a little stubborn. They don't distinguish pastel shades very well, one has to emphasise them very strongly.

Well, they'll be fools if they stare at the red line... although it's very striking, perhaps it stands out too much...

Y es, I tell them, whoever steps out of line and is unfaithful to me... Ggggg," He made a sign with his finger on the young boy's neck. And it's true, if they don't follow the path I've set out for them, it will be very difficult for them to get here.

From what I see in your drawing, they might not think they're your children...

Y es, I will tell them so, because it will be difficult for them to think that I, being their father, can allow them to end up far from me. But how can I explain to them that they've already left and I'm giving them another chance, that my love can only respect their freedom to leave me? As I said, they are very pragmatic. Besides, I have to differentiate their way from the Christian way and so, I won't talk to them about children with regard to you either. And I will not lie to them; I will tell them that I created you out of my desire, and they will think no more, because I tell you they are very upright and that's the way I like them to be, as long as they don't let themselves be deceived. If they would look at themselves, they would know that the souls of the children they procreate are not made by them, it is I who put them in each one. They, to the end, must not understand under any circumstances, that this Spirit, this Grace or Sakina that they feel is my Essence and that the closer they are to me the more intensely they feel it. For thus, they will never understand that you, the first created, my firstborn, sit at my right hand and are so close to me, that you share my Essence in the utmost intensity; as for the others, the less they contain of me the further away they will sit. And thus will I speak to them of you, for otherwise their path would be too much like the Christian path and they are not prepared to tread it. So I will tell them that it seemed that they killed you on the cross, but they did not, and I will not lie to them, because your real life, the one you led wrapped in that man nature, did not die. Because you suffered while loving on the cross, you made human nature fit to receive my essence, the Spirit. For those who said to you at the foot of the cross "heal yourself, you who have healed so many" were driven by demons and really thought that you would hate them, which would have led to the real death of your being, for I am love and you could not then share my Essence. They thought that you had hated and died, but it was not so, and so I have told them. For the rest, it is not so important for their salvation that they do not believe in your resurrection, for this was a support for the Christians, the Vital thing happened on the cross. In fact, Christians do not know that the most important resurrection took place on the cross itself, for I took my Essence from you just before so that you could prove the nature of man on that cross with your person alone, for the Holy Spirit, my Essence, the Essence that you and I share and that emanating from where I am reaches angels and men in grace, did not need proof. Do you remember what you said to me? Father, why have you forsaken me? Yes, when the martyrdom was over, you recovered the Spirit and did not die in your Being, although those demons thought you did. From the worst death, from the most absolute emptiness of the Spirit, you returned to Life. Thanks to that, all men can now contain Me as before the betrayal in heaven, when they were in Eden and their nature was heavenly.

Yes, as if to forget it. But how to explain to them without being able to tell them everything. For them and for everyone else, I suppose, it would be laughable to tell them that they were angels before the first death, just as Satan was, and look what it turned into. How to explain to them that they betrayed and that this emptied them of your Essence? That the worst was Satan and his henchmen, but that there were others who coveted but did not hate, and that there were others who betrayed for love of the last? How to tell them that the only way to save those they loved was to make everything new with a new nature that escaped celestial justice? If they had been present when Satan asked for their same fate claiming that they were all equally traitors…

Y es, they were, but as you say, everything must be made new and so they remember nothing, otherwise they would not be free to choose and must choose me in one of the ways I have set them in order to save themselves. That is also why I have let Satan and his minions whisper in their ears in the world, for here too he was doing it; everything must be reproduced in a similar way. Your part has been to make human nature fit, for as you were the first-born who pleased me with love and by whom I made the other heavenly creatures, you were to be the one to please me with love in the new nature. You validated the rest of the heavenly creatures, you should be the one to validate the human nature. Thus, no one can say that creating human nature was unjust, for that would be to say that his own creation as an angel was unjust.

Well, with all those strokes they must be very foolish if they think you can hate.

I  am who I am and I cannot be unjust, Satan knew that and that is why he cried out for justice to receive the same fate as those who betrayed for love. The problem is that there are some who do not listen, also out of justice, for up here those who coveted had ears for the demons. On earth it is the same, these covetous only listen to the demons and their idols, and they are distributed in all nations of every walk or creed. This way the loving traitors will get a 2nd chance, in exactly the same circumstances as here. But well, at the end of time they too will be able to listen, because then I will reveal everything to them.

And how will you do that? Will you show yourself to them?

N o. They will still have to use their freedom to save themselves. I have managed to leave it said to them in the scriptures of my envoys, though I have left it encoded for them to discover only at the end. Look, I will call the greedy: Eve, daughters of men, cattle, the deaf, the foolish... Those who betrayed for love of these I will call: Adam, sons of God, birds, those who listen, those inscribed in the book of life... The demons: serpents, reptiles, vermin... and though they have it all in front of their noses, they will not see it until the end.
Even though I have drawn this picture for the Muslims to separate themselves from the Christians and go their own way, I have told them here that you were not born of man and did not die*[1], which makes you different from any man or prophet.  At the end of time they too will understand your true nature and, even if they follow the way I have now drawn for them in the Qur'an, they will understand why I should have pointed out to them that you were different.  Then all will be exposed, and they will believe that you saved them from their treachery in heaven, for just as I cannot be unjust, so man cannot extinguish the light of day. Then their path will be adorned by your words for whatever they do they will do in the knowledge that I am Love

I have finished it! Do you like the way it turned out?

When God Painted Islam

I love it, very colourful.

Y es, just as they are. Seeing so much soft colour they will know that these red lines are only to limit my work and its path... right?

Surely. Only fools will be able to ignore the inside to keep the frame. But they will have to be careful because there are fools everywhere and these are the ones who have ears for the devil, the father of hatred.

* 1] Note: when Jesus raises Jairus' daughter from the dead, he says:

Mar 5:39 Why do you fuss and weep? The child is not dead; she is asleep.

Did Jesus Christ lie? No, he and God the father, and even the angels, see everything from the outside. Does an ant in a valley that man is going to flood to make a dam know what its future is? It sees only the dark walls of its anthill and little else (and even that is not comparable because God is infinite). He knows us inwardly, he knows our true being. He sees everything from the outside and knows what real life is, for him our body is only an image of our being, of our inner self. And in that knowledge, will God speak like man? It would be easier for an ant to speak like a man than for man to speak like God. However, the words of the prophet Mohamed were the words of God. I don't know if he understood them and it doesn't really matter. We know he was a chosen one, but he was also a man like us. The important thing is that God wanted him to transmit it that way. God was speaking and referring to the Christ Self, that's why his words are so difficult for us to understand.

Surah 4,56 Being that they neither killed Him nor crucified Him, but it seemed so to them

As difficult as it would be for me to suggest that Christ lied about the child. He did not, but was speaking of the real life of the child, of the being who will transcend to Eden or hell when we pass our 2nd death. Then Sura (4:158) says of Christ: "...but He took it to Himself"; nothing could be more descriptive, for one does not take to oneself a ball or a body, but a food or something to assimilate or unite in oneself.

Regarding the cross, it is historically proven that this is how the Romans executed, and by the Bible that Jesus Christ suffered the cross. The question is, why did they think so? To say "it seemed to them" is like stating the historical fact: for those who were there, they crucified Him, which speaks to me of the real meaning of our death of Life, for Christ did not die as what he Is.  The goal of the demons who led those who called for Jesus' crucifixion was for him to hate being tortured (what's worse than being tortured by those you want to save). That would have been the death of Jesus as the firstborn who holds the Essence of God in the highest intensity, because the Holy Spirit cannot coexist with hatred. If he had hated, he would also not have validated man as capable of infinite love, i.e. of receiving the very Holy Spirit, and we (all mankind) would still be condemned.            
O Death! Where is your victory?


In relation to the Tale, and in the knowledge that translations of the Qur'an are considered "interpretations": 

J ust a curiosity, but God speaks in little signs that fools do not understand.

No. of words









































No. Pages A4

264 !

1833 !

I have counted the words of the Spanish translated version (by Julio Cortés) of the Holy Quran: Centro Cultural Islámico "Fatimah Az-Zahra" E-book Nº 0008 And from the complete Holy Bible:

Holy Bible of Jerusalem 1975

Excluding added commentaries and indexes.

I have used the words that describe God's relationship to us in both Islam and Christianity. The noun and its adjective.

The amazing thing (or not) is that, with such a large page difference, there is so much similarity.

If we were to remove "loving", an adjective that we do not use with God, and that even for men it is sometimes used with negative connotations (Spanish, amorous), there would be no difference and we would make it square to 0, but we would not be honest. If you want to do the test you can use Word and replace the word in question by the same word with the option search only whole words and not distinguish capital letters. It will count them in the singular and without derivatives.

In older English versions of the Bible such as the King James, despite being Protestant, the word count is very similar (with a difference of less than 1% in this case, from 738 to 744). However, I have seen new English translations such as "The New Jerusalem Bible" that simplify the adjectives, so that this one in particular, had the word "love" 669 times (although in the verse I have seen Gen 21:23, it does not alter the meaning much; they change benevolence -kindness- to love -love-). This, I fear, is part of the goodness in society or the "it is enough to be good, to love" that some German bishops are now saying. As I said at the beginning, even love is measured, let us not risk being self-taught in this. That's why God has set different valid ways of salvation, because we are not all the same, some of us need Super petrol. Maybe these bibles with adapted texts are useful in general (just maybe), but not for research.

Note: The data in the table are from the Spanish version. I have not found the Jerusalem Bible in English without commentary. The King James Bible (Davince 2001/2004) data are Mercy: 276, Merciful:40, Compassion:41, Compassionate:0, Pity:30, Pious:0, Indulgence:0, Indulgent:0, Love:311, Loving:3, patience:34, patient:9. Total 744

It is important to read Studies in Prophecy to understand why Christianity and Islam (and some others) are apparently different religions that emanate from the same God, the one God.

We must then put ourselves in the origin, in heaven before the first death. There we each had a different development, all equal in what we were but different in size or «ages», if you like. God provides what is needed (and asks the minimum for each of us) to save us. And He also keeps us apart on purpose for our own good.

·       Islam

In addition… There are concepts that are different in some nations
Person It consists of our freedom and made decisions. Our way of being ("be" with small letters).
Love Referred always love as a feeling As the feeling of a mother for her child that protects him over his own life.
Communion Join spiritually or internally to other people (or God), is not binding company.
Holy Spirit For the Christian, it's not St. Gabriel as it is for Muslims. It is God (Allah) in some intensity, the One who makes you feel great inside and helps you to carry calmly the sufferings of the world.
Sin Action of unlove. Not necessarily those established 'legally'.

As I said, to verify religions other than Christianity as valid, proves that the redemption of Jesus (the only man who has not been conceived by another man, nor dead, according to the Holy Quran) is Universal, that is valid for all men. Because Jesus dignifies all Nature of Man, not only Christians. As I said, Jesus is a created person through whom the Exact Essence of God flows, since He is at the Source, unlike us who are pierced by the Holy Spirit only to some extent. He is the firstborn (before the first death) through whom everything was created; we were his brothers in the created, not in the shared Exact Essence of God.
First of all, to affirm that Islam is a valid religion to reach God, because it teaches mercy and not hatred as few believe. What else would Allāh teach, the compassionate, the merciful? Also clarify that the Sakina, or state of tranquility of Muslims, is when they are filled in some measure, the Holy Spirit, even if they do not define it as such. That Sakina is the equivalent of our state of grace, which can be more or less intense the greater or lesser the 'content' of the Holy Spirit (this will be explained later). Furthermore, they think that the betrayal was performed in heaven (Eden) by each of us personally by breaking an oath (the equivalent of our apple forbidden by God). In this I believe they are ahead of us, because as I have shown (or am in it), Adam and Eve represent all of us.
I have had the interest to read the Quran and I have seen that they refer to the Torah and the Gospels as “books containing Guidance and Light” (Surah 5:44 to 46 and others). However, much of its “revelations” seem to speak in imperative, almost always referring to the fear of God. What accompanies this, of course, is what happens to one who does not fear God (infidels). The Gospels also speak of fear of God, but mostly center on the Love of God. I think that God does indeed speak to people according to their understanding of these. It’s not that Christians are more clever. We were told: as your person can "partially" keep God, there is an unsolvable mystery: The Holy Trinity (one God and three persons) and we believed it. I don’t teach my children the same way although I want to teach them in the same direction (not the same as it depends on what each of them can understand). To a four year old boy who is going to throw himself through the window of a 4th floor, I will give him a slap on the ass so that he will not do it again and thus avoid his death, because maybe he doesn't understand any more reasons. An older child can reason with things. And I love them both equally.

Thus, Jesus Christ is made here different from all men also for Muslims, since he is not born of man and "they believed that they crucified him, but it was not so, but it seemed to them... God took him to Himself", He does not die. Jesus is the one who first pleased before the first death, the principle by which all others were created. He tasted the heavenly nature: created person capable of containing God. What the Bible hid and I have shown you (or will show you later), and unites us to the main creeds as brothers of different ages who are taught in the same direction in a different way, is fascinatingly logical: After our betrayal in heaven, we die as we were (1st death). Our life as men is part of our salvation attempt by Allah, God. And why do so? Because He cannot deny Himself, He who is, cannot be injustice; because of all of us who broke the oath, there were some who hated (serpents, here, demons), others ('Adams') did so because of the love they felt for the Eves who convinced them (the 'Eve' listened and wished like the demons even though they did not hate). Thus, God could not save some and not others without a claim of injustice being made against him, for we all betray; and He cannot live with hatred. So those who hated, the fallen angels, were not given a body, though they are among us. But for this, the founding principle of the creation of heaven, had to please also in the new nature, and thus make it valid to receive Allah as in the beginning, but without reaching us the old justice.

It is convenient to read Justice and Redemption in Jesus Christ, p. 161, to understand it. Justice and Redemption in Jesus Christ p. 161, to understand it.

Jesus Christ speaks to us of the Love that God has for us and points out that it is we in our freedom who condemn ourselves (in reality because we are already dead here in the world and by drawing near to God - to Allāh - we find Life from here and there). The betrayal we already had in the Garden by listening to the devil and eating the apple or breaking the oath; we come already dead to the world, his love tries to recover us in spite of our sin. Jesus does not come to judge us (we have already fallen into the world by our own weight) but to save all mankind (through those 7 paths that God's envoys have brought us, through those religions that have been given to us, and thanks to Christ, we can be filled with God again, whose main foundation is Love and mercy). He speaks of Love above one, of making everything new, of abolishing the law of retaliation, of forgiveness and of loving the enemy. The Holy Qur'an continually speaks of God's mercy, although I perceive that it often speaks in an imperative tone. And it is really good to seek God for fear of hell, although I think it is a joy to know that you are loved by Him and to seek Him because He gives you (real) Life already here in the world, because He fills you. I know that many Muslims feel this Life in themselves. And in this happiness, and knowing that God is merciful, why not go further? Where does mercy come from? From love, never from hatred or revenge, for mercy is loving the "wretched", the unfortunate (who is different from you, otherwise we would think of it as loving an equal).

The sad thing is that, today, those who do not know Islam associate it with terrorism, because a few interpret the Suras of the Prophet, which are intended to mark the lane so that no son of Islam will go astray, as calls to hatred. In one of the Suras that separates Muslims the most, and one of the harshest I have encountered, Sura 9, the reciprocity of attack, i.e. self-defence, is emphasised at the end, something permitted until recently also by the Catholic catechism.

 Surah 9. At-Tawba (The Repentance).

13. Would you not fight a people who broke their oaths and determined to expel the Messenger, and they had begun [the attack upon] you the first time?
36. ... And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous who fear Him.


Surah 2. Al-Baqarah (The Cow).
62. Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans, those who believed in God and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.

Which confirms to me that it is indeed open to interpretation. It is true that the "associators" are not those of the scriptures (Christians and Jews I reckon):

Surah 98,1  Those who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture, and the associators, were not apart, until the Clear Evidencecame to them.

Here it makes a clear distinction between the Christian or Jew and the unbelieving Muslim or atheist in general (the Eves):

Surah 5,57  Believers! Do not take as friends those who, having received the Scriptures before you, take your religion as a mockery and a plaything, nor the unbelievers; and fear God, if you are believers!

And thinking objectively: If God allows us so many chances to change, even if we are sinners; if when we betrayed Him in heaven (Adán, Eva y la manzana -o el juramento roto para los musulmanes-), He did not destroy us, which He could have done (obliterating us); if He could destroy all sinners, infidels, etc. with a thought, then doesn’t it seem clear that He loves us and wants us all, in our freedom, to save ourselves? Or what do we believe? That He couldn’t get rid of the devil in a single blow? Of course He could, but without temptation there is no freedom to choose between good and evil. He allows the devil to whisper in our ears.

And I say, isn’t it about time we came to an understanding? If you’re Muslim and you have really felt God within you, like many of us have [1], don’t you think that what we have in common is God Himself?

[1] Some signs (not gifts or fruits) by which we can recognize someone who has the Holy Spirit:
- He is always happy; he may be shattered by the world, but the suffering does not kill him. He can sometimes go deep into contemplation of the Holy Spirit Itself.
- When he is in good standing with It and has left his old self (has lots of the Holy Spirit), he tends to walk with both hands on his belly, reflexively guarding the treasure that is inside (note that the Spirit does not live with sin and we lose It often). Also, going with one hand over the other, gives us the feeling of caressing something good, and you can almost feel the Spirit Itself if It is with us.
- He is easy to relate to. Although the person in question may not be extroverted, when he possesses the Spirit, it is easier to approach him, to relate to him.

The Islam is another great monotheistic religion, also descendants of our father Abraham. They think that the Quran is the immutable word of God, that you cannot change what God says. And on that point we agree; it’s not the word of God that changes, but men’s understanding. Like mathematics in the first year of elementary school or the first semester of any engineering degree. Now, teach a three-year-old to solve an integral or a square root, for example.

The Holy Quran is the Word of God adapted to the understanding of a people, and also recognizes Jesus Christ, saying he is not born of man, nor is he “dead”; it doesn’t go any further because more could not be understood. They believe that Christians think Jesus is a god, when that is not so. There is only one God, the same who is in our spirit (of all of us) when we are in grace, although we can only hold a blurred image of Him because we are impure; not so Jesus Christ. We precariously tune in to the “God station” and His “waves” penetrate us (just as an example), Jesus speaks to us from the source itself.

After our betrayal in heaven, God waited patiently for us to once again fill ourselves with Love, with Him. But aware of what happened and conscious of God, because of fear, not freedom, we agree to simulate this fraternal love among us all (see the Tower of Babel, in 7. Three and a Half Times p. 218), so He decides to muddle our understanding. To become invisible and draw us separate paths to salvation (religions) to shape our person to freely renounce the world and choose God. But what underlies all these paths or religions is Love. Love, compassion and the mercy of God, which we are called to embrace and make ours to give to others. Of course, everything is done through Jesus Christ, as I have said a hundred times, but this doesn’t really matter for these nations, as all men now have potential salvation (as a nature saved or validated to contain God) thanks to him. Of course, being the basis or the spirit of everything, Love, he who does not have Love, will not reach his destination. Thus, religions are a good direction that covers an entire horizon, but the door is very narrow: it is love that consists of giving yourself for others and for God; Love is giving oneself, not taking. And this is not only true for Muslims; it says this clearly in the gospel in a reading that I will discuss later. Without love we are nothing; even if we martyr ourselves for God, if we do not love, we are nothing. It is also written: “Not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’ will be saved”. What I mean is that, while it is true that the Jews were the chosen people, He also gives them the amendment: no eye for an eye, because in the end it boils down to love, even for the enemy; it is also the case that your enemy can be your wife or your boss or your neighbor. All branches or early religions set by God are renewed by love, including the Muslim religion, which viewed from a perspective of love is very different than a view from hatred or simply from the world. Why did God plan it that way? Because before our "man" nature was tested by the founding principle of the first nature (heavenly-angels), we could not contain His Spirit and without the Spirit it is incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to renounce oneself in favor of others. Christ makes everything new, for all men of all faiths. And why different religions? Above all, for respecting our freedom, for making Himself invisible and for making our understanding unclear so that we do not act out of fear but out of freedom. But also because, although He is one, we are different from before the first death. He teaches us according to our ability, and asks of us no more than we can do. As if we were of different ages, so has the way of mercy taught us. He wanted us to be jealous of our paths at least until the veil of our eyes was lifted, which would be near the end (now?). Perhaps for this moment we will unite in God's will, and in His will we will be an example to the deaf. Only He knows.

So, it is God's will that there are different religions. It is part of the confusion that makes us really decide freely, without fear of a certain and visible God, where we would have no choice but to believe. Freedom then, is not really in believing in one religion or another, because depending on what family you are born in, you’ll surely only have one option (which would be an injustice to God who is providing, which is impossible). Freedom is to believe in God without Him present, hence there different valid paths to get there, although they all move only with love, with renouncing oneself, renouncing of the world for God.

However, the Muslim religion is something special, in the sense that its sacred book, refers to other religions. Of course, if one does not rise to see the marvelous design of God, any other path than ours will be unfaithful, especially if we do not listen to that underlying letter of the Qur'an, Love. In addition, it has verses that speak clearly of defense (Especially in the Sura of repentance), as has already been seen, also allowed by Catholics, but which can be easily misunderstood. And everything was so thought by God, for our freedom.

Well, at this level, we aren’t talking about converting any of these religions, but to make them see what they have not seen before: that Love which flows in the words of their holy books. Later, they will see that Christ is indeed the one who saves us all as men, and even then they will continue along the path that God drew them, but lit by the Love of God.

So, to prepare for this moment uniting all religions and all men in what they once were, He would tell them that Jesus Christ is a prophet, that his mother, the Virgin Mary is immaculate and her child, Himself, was not conceived by any man, that is, that he was not born of man, nor did he die according to the Quran (which is true for the person of Christ who, after the cross, continues being God does not die as such). This which, by itself, would not be comprehensible by a Muslim (that Jesus was a prophet who was not born of man and did not die), there will come a time when it will be understood, when they recognize not only that Jesus Christ was the first wish as a person, but that we are all brothers among us and of Him in the nature of a person, not in the nature of God (Essence of God or Holy Spirit contained), although in the beginning we were made in the image and likeness of God, because we kept a breath of his Essence.

Having said all that, I will now discuss Islam in particular to see what hidden things we have in common. To begin with, as I said, it is interesting that they admit that Jesus is a prophet not conceived by man and do not continue with the thought: by whom is he conceived, beyond Saint Gabriel? For what reason, beyond Mary...? He would be the only prophet conceived by God and not dead (via archangel according to them, they do not know or have not named the Holy Spirit, although that is what they feel within themselves when they are in grace, which makes them feel “big inside”).

They believe that Jesus is not God because God is omnipotent Creator of the Universe.... Well, Jesus person is God's creation for it is that freedom in which He has enfolded His Essence (let's say..., although this is not correct). It is the Essence of God flowing through Him (Jesus) in full intensity, which is still God. To understand this one must know the Holy Spirit within us and the intensity of the Sakina within us, being that, although the Muslim knows that God can dwell within us (of each one and there is only one God), they must know that never in its full intensity, for we would burst. That is the Essence of God, that which we can enjoy to some extent; as steam (for us) and water are different but equal. And isn't that Essence ours as long as we are God's desire? Yes, as long as we are what He desired us to be, for person and Essence in heaven made a whole. Although this Essence communicates and pervades us, the person was inconceivable without the Essence, hence there was betrayal; we never thought that God could take it away from us. In fact, when we lose it we die here too but the body sustains us without it as if we were the walking dead. As an example, if we take the water out of a body (70% +-) will it still be a body? No, it will be something else, a formless skin. Thus Jesus is not God the Father, but His Essence comes from the Father and flows continuously through Jesus, being God in Essence and Person in the created; thus, person of God, there being only one God. But as I said, let us look within and feel our spirit when we are in grace, filled with Him, do we not seem to be in full communion with Him? Do we not seem to be desiring God? Of course totally decaffeinated by our broken oath or original sin (we doubted Him because we listened to the devil) that made us leave the garden of Eden to come into the world as men. We come into the world as little bags with a capacity of one or two droplets of that water (steam in our case) and when we are in grace we are filled. And can we compare that droplet of water to a river or a large lake? No. Except for the water by which they are formed. We are all called to become children of God again. The wonderful thing about this is that He loves us so much that He sent His created "river", as a man, with His own Living Water, to repair our leaky bags so that we could be filled with Him again.

They also speak of our departure from the garden because of listening to the devil which, again, makes us think of the theory that we were God’s wishes before becoming men, as this essay recounts. Original sin brings us to the world, and here we are tested in order to ONCE AGAIN become God's wish (fill ourselves with the Spirit, fill ourselves with life again). Surahs 2:46, or 5:6 or 11:34, etc. (Quran) speak of “returning”. Surah 19:65-72 could also speak of us before we emptied ourselves and were reined in by God in our fall: men.

As I said, only God knows, because if you look at the scriptures:

Gospel of Matthew 22:2-14
'The kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a king who gave a feast for his son's wedding.
He sent his servants to call those who had been invited, but they would not come.
Next he sent some more servants with the words, "Tell those who have been invited: Look, my banquet is all prepared, my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, everything is ready. Come to the wedding."
But they were not interested: one went off to his farm, another to his business,
and the rest seized his servants, maltreated them and killed them.
The king was furious. He dispatched his troops, destroyed those murderers and burnt their town.
Then he said to his servants, "The wedding is ready; but as those who were invited proved to be unworthy,
go to the main crossroads and invite everyone you can find to come to the wedding."
So these servants went out onto the roads and collected together everyone they could find, bad and good alike; and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
When the king came in to look at the guests he noticed one man who was not wearing a wedding garment,
and said to him, "How did you get in here, my friend, without a wedding garment?" And the man was silent.
Then the king said to the attendants, "Bind him hand and foot and throw him into the darkness outside, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth."
For many are invited but not all are chosen.'

This parable seems to be directed not only to the Jews, who could be the first guests, but to anyone in general who is created with the greatest of rights, including Catholics. For many call themselves Christians and then do not act as such.

This parable seems to say that, in the end, all that will matter is to be dressed in the Holy Spirit (God, Allah in you), have It within you (to then ascend attracted by God). That would be the wedding garment.

    And I also believe that an indigenous person on a remote island, ignorant of the Word of God (whether in the Torah, the Gospels, the Quran, etc.), if he leads a life based in love, he will be in God's grace.

But for that, he would really have to be “good”, and as we know, we are worse than rotten garlic, so it’s good to have instructions to see if, at least by flying the kite, we’re able to catch some air, some of the Holy Spirit.

In addition, keep in mind that, until one steps into the light, no defects or sins can be seen. And we think that we’re wonderful because everything is justification for us and judgment for others.

And if this indigenous person was a righteous man, if he finds salvation it would be through Jesus Christ. First, because he has made the “man” structure able to contain the Spirit, and secondly by the mercy of God. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know Him, not even through hearsay.

So, after adding up all these caveats one thing is clear: just as God speaks to us in the understanding of men, often the devil steps in to cloud our understanding. The language of the Quran can be understood as a direct, clear and expeditious way to teach something to a more pragmatic and less “dreamy or idealist” culture, for someone with both feet on the ground. Perhaps it was a message from God for tough people, with hard customs... It could be a way to teach that community that we should put God ahead of the world, but I think that teachings that are induced by fear (spanking the child who is about to jump out the window) also serve to save. Yes, some of them don’t know the big secret: love above all; but I believe, as I said, that many others have deduced that love that underlies the scriptures of the Holy Quran when it speaks of His mercy, compassion, and forbearance (mentioned more than 500 times), when it speaks of mercy to the poor, hospitality, and standards of justice. What is abundantly clear is that those who are killing people in the name of “jihad” are completely clouded by Lucifer. And when we cling to a rule and don’t understand its spirit – Love and mercy – we can betray its very foundation. This also happened to leaders of the Christian Inquisition and is happening now to all these fanatics (Jihadists) that the devil has deceived. And something else that seems clear is that they will not be martyrs, but martyred for all eternity at the hands of the one who duped them, if they do not repent before death. And this will happen even though God loves them as He loves all of us, for He loves them even if they are murderers, but our freedom is what decides whether we fill ourselves with hate or love (Satan the separator is the father of hatred) and God does not want slaves, as He would be denying Himself and He is the one who Is. Men’s understanding is not the same as it was 1400 years ago; back then, ignorance was an excuse, for Christian inquisitors too, I suppose, but not anymore. We can’t let ourselves be fooled anymore, at least in the grand scheme of things. We fall into his deceptions when we sin, unfortunately, but living as they do is to make the devil our sole advisor, to supplant God's justice which is guided by Love. In reference to this, even readings of the Quran, such as the one noted earlier, speak of self-defense, which is even permitted by the Catholic catechism. And killing a civilian because someone killed an Arab on the other side of the world is not self-defense. Although this is obvious (if it weren’t, they would be killing Arabs all over the world) it has to be explained to some people today. On the other hand, appealing to common sense, if you kill an “infidel” don’t you send him to the devil? So in whose service are you really? The one whom you will end up with, for I assure you that if God wanted to, He would obliterate all the “infidels” of the world with a single breath. They mix politics with religion, and when today countries are attacked (Arab against Arab or Arab against 'Western') for political reasons (resources, power, etc...) they falsely argue holy war, when no one is attacked for their religion. In fact, the leaders of many nations have long ignored their own religion, not even on a personal level. The test of this world is to be merciful to others. That is what is difficult and what God teaches us, the One who is merciful par excellence. The easy thing is to hate, or simply to be selfish and disregard one's neighbor, which is what Iblis tempts us to do.

Uniting politics with religion has several problems; one is this, that any discrepancy, or fight in the world can be blamed on your religion. Another is that, through politics, you end up forcing your citizens to profess Islam, when we know that Allah has made us free. If not, what would be the merit of being a Muslim or a Christian? If Allah had wanted to force us, He would have done it directly by blinking. On the other hand, there are things about the Shari'a (which, I believe, links religion with civil life), which to me contradict each other, since the Koran talks about hospitality and by the Shari'a they charge the 'infidel' (imagine if we did that in the Occident). As I have already said, this is a struggle for self-defense and even as I explain in "Appendix II. Letter to a Muslim p.358", when it speaks of the infidel, refers more to those who renounce Islam (because they know Islam) and in general to the deaf and in some places to the invisible demons that live with us. But put in the first two options, if the Koran teaches us mercy why to charge money to someone who is not like you. And if we put ourselves on the other side (death to the infidel), does the money invalidate those Suras that misinterpreted can be understood as persecution of the unfaithful? And if really, as I maintain, and as Sura 9,29 seems to confirm, those are misinterpreted, why do it if there is no longer a fight against your religion? Do you charge money to all of you who are Muslim only apparently and sometimes not even apparently? Before, there were even kidnappings and payments of liberation taxes, because there was a war of religions. Not today. If there were, Muslims in Europe would pay tribute, or they would be expelled, or the construction of mosques would not be allowed... Europe, although today it has lost much, because there is much deafness, has its roots in the mercy that announces Christianity, the same that announces Islam.



Jihad as "Holy War" is established as "Defense of Islam". Today, as I say, no one but a few false Muslims attacks religious freedom. God allowed the holy war because He wanted to keep separate paths that run parallel in the same direction (towards the mercy of which He is a father, Surah 5,69). The real value of Jihad is our inner struggle to stay in the grace of God. Our real struggle against temptations and demons that, although they are not seen, constantly lurk us (more to those who are closer to God). If compassion, mercy, and God's indulgence in the Holy Quran are mentioned more than 500 times, only the word hate comes 11 times and none in the mouth of God, not even in the mouth of the prophet. These words are:     => [1]   

They speak of hatred as something bad:

Surah 3,118; … Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their hearts conceal is worse…
Surah 5,2;    …And let not the hatred of people who barred you from the Sacred Mosque incite you to aggression.…
Surah 5,8;    …and let not the hatred of a certain people prevent you from acting justly. Adhere to justice, for that is nearer to piety, and fear God.
Surah 5,14;   And from those who say, “We are Christians,” We received their pledge, but they neglected some of what they were reminded of. So We provoked enmity and hatred among them until the Day of Resurrection; God will then inform them of what they used to craft.
(Surah 5,64) Resembling previous one with the Jews. It seems to say that among non-Muslims it arouses hatred among them (not towards them).

With regard to these last two, it is worth noting the Surah 5.69 already mentioned, which goes right after:

Surah 5,69: Those who believe, and the Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians—whoever believes in God and the Last Day, and does what is right—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
Surah 5,91; Satan wants to provoke strife and hatred among you through intoxicants and gambling, and to prevent you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer.Will you not desist?
Surah 47,29; Or do those in whose hearts is a disease deem that Allah will not bring to light their (secret) hates?
Surah 47,36; The life of this word is nothing but play and pastime. But if you have faith and lead a righteous life, He will grant you your rewards, and He will not ask you for your possessions. (37) If He should ask you for it and insist, you turn stingy, and brings forth your malice.

Case apart, and only exception, is this:

Surah 60,4 You have had an excellent example in Abraham and those with him; when they said to their people, “We are quit of you, and what you worship apart from God. We denounce you. Enmity and hatred has surfaced between us and you, forever, until you believe in God alone.” Except for the words of Abraham to his father, “I will ask forgiveness for you, though I have no power from God to do anything for you.” “Our Lord, in You we trust, and to You we repent, and to You is the ultimate resort.

In this Surah, and given the context of the rest of the Quran, I understand that it praises Abraham's rejection of polytheism. It is not an "active" hatred. Abraham was not chasing his polytheistic contemporaries with a knife in his hand.

Important is not to take the Surahs out of context because we could find this too that seems to be directed at the false Jihadists:

Surah 16,61 Now if God were to take men to task for all the evil that they do, He would not leave a single living creature upon its face. However, He grants them respite until a term set but when the end of their term approaches, they can neither delay it by a single moment, nor can they hasten it.  (Asad)
                   (62) They attribute to Allah what they themselves hate. Their tongues mouth the lie that they will have a good reward. Let there be no doubt: the only thing they will have is hell, and they will be sent ahead of the others. (Malik)

This Surah seems to speak precisely to the false Muslims (misnamed Jihadists) who hate; When God is meek and merciful. We are the ones who choose to fall out of love, He patiently waits for us to return to His mercy. And is it really out of context so interpreted? Is there more impiety than that of a false jihadist who shoots men, women, and children, with no cause of self-defense (or of religion because it is under attack) and attributing his hatred to God? Perhaps others may commit similar impiety, what is certain is that as this Surah says, even if they pretend to the best, they will have the Fire and go first. And next to these, those who twisted the verses of the merciful, forgiving, meek and mild Holy Qur'an to cloud the understanding of those whom they guided. For God being merciful, forgiving and meek, how can the Qur'an not be merciful, forgiving and meek? Beware of you Imams (also false) Salafists, for your fault is worse than that of your followers and you will receive the same punishment, for there is no greater punishment. Grave are the sins of all of you:
- You supplant the justice of the Merciful One who has given, to all, a time. Many Suras also speak of the judgement to follow (otherwise He would have struck down all of us men with the blink of an eye).
- According to your thinking, you win souls for Satan, doing him a service and thus making him your lord, since you take away the opportunity for "infidels", (who have in no way attacked your religion), to turn to face God.
- You are full of hatred whose father is Iblis, and so you turn away from the Holy Qur'an, a merciful and meek book as God is (as we have seen).
- You are haughty and think yourselves to be chosen, better than others (which God does not like either, there are Suras that speak of this); you forget all your sins with which God has shown mercy, and what is worse, you forget to use the mercy you have received, with others. Hatred is not God's heritage, but the devil's, and in many parts of the world you will find it. Love and mercy do come from God and by themselves justify man of every creed and nation.
Thus, it is important, as I say, to see the context in which the Quran was written. Well, although it is unchangeable, it does change our environment. Today there are no attacks on religion except for the temptations of Iblis. The Prophet Muhammad lived (I think) surrounded by battles against the Romans (Emperor Heraclio) whose official religion was the Christian. By then, countries were invaded, people were expelled or cultures and religions were imposed.
In this environment (century VII) the word "combat that comes 42 times" is observed, always as a defense for the survival of the incipient Muslim expansion.

Surah 9,29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

It speaks of a fight for the defense of religion, not as an attack (active hatred); Otherwise it would not be appeased with a tribute, for to God money is nothing, he Holy Quran is categorical about it. He provides those who trust in Him.
Now a description of the Gehenna. Fire that does not kill, but it hurts like the one here. It speaks of hell, after the judgment of God for those who hated or for the "infidels." Some unclean beasts burn men because of this Surah; Their hatred blinds them and they ignore that they can not replenish the skin, ergo is not aimed at them, it is a direct way of describing hell. In fact, afterwards It speaks of the gardens, which would also go after the trial and likewise, it is not the man who provides these gardens:

Surah 4,55 And some among them believed in it, and some among them were averse to it. And sufficient is Hell as a blaze.   (*Hell=Gehenna)
4,56.     Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.
4, 57.    But those who believe and do righteous deeds - We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide forever. For them therein are purified spouses, and We will admit them to deepening shade.

I have already put the Suras that speak of self-defense (p. 62).

And the latter is another clear proof that he always speaks of self-defense:

Surah 60,1;O you who believe! Do not take My enemies and your enemies for supporters,offering them affection, when they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the Truth. They have expelled the Messenger, and you, because you believed in God, your Lord. If you have mobilized to strive for My cause, seeking My approval, how can you secretly love them? I know what you conceal and what you reveal. Whoever among you does that has strayed from the right way:
Surah 60,8 Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those who had neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of your homes. In fact, Allah loves the equitable.

Fool! You are like the one who is going to see the Alhambra in Granada, who brings his nose too close to a wall of his defense and blinds his sight and does not see its wonders. Separate a little and you will see; Enter later and you will find God in love and mercy. Outside is the hatred and the one who professes it. But if you repent of heart He will forgive you, because it is pure love and mercy, and He can not deny himself. It is the man who denies Him and thus condemns Himself. You have been stuck in these few Surahs that of course were written in the will of God, but with the purpose of protecting Islam in its beginning, because He wanted to extend this way in the right direction for your nation, for your understanding and Your hearts. And even written as they are, you twist them to the extreme to misinterpret them.

                                                                             End of Jihad Section

Apart from the strict rules and the fact that they have more or less demonized the infidels, and the misinterpretation of the Quran by some which leads them to hatred against these infidels (=us + others, as they seem to understand), the biggest difference and point of contention with Christians is that we consider Jesus to be the Son of God. The Quran states that Christ did not say that He was God, which in some scriptures is true for the created person. Let's look at these readings from the Gospel:

Gospel of Mark 10:15-22
In truth I tell you, anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.'
Then he embraced them, laid his hands on them and gave them his blessing. He was setting out on a journey when a man ran up, knelt before him and put this question to him, 'Good master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?'
Jesus said to him, 'Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.
You know the commandments: You shall not kill; You shall not commit adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not give false witness; You shall not defraud; Honour your father and mother.'
And he said to him, 'Master, I have kept all these since my earliest days.'
Jesus looked steadily at him and he was filled with love for him, and he said, 'You need to do one thing more. Go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.'
But his face fell at these words and he went away sad, for he was a man of great wealth.

Think of us when we have the Holy Spirit within. We are: our thoughts, our memories... but we have something that makes us great inside, we become something other than what we were. We are able to overcome sin, and not by ourselves, but with the help of the Holy Spirit. This statement I just made, and which I have so often heard to be true, “alone we cannot, but with the help of the Holy Spirit we can,” can give us a clue on a tiny scale of why Jesus Christ man (person) makes that statement. If we think of the origin, of Jesus Christ as God's greatest wish, etc., we see that he has also been, as a person, made “independent” of God. That is, God creates a person and gives him freedom and independence and that freedom and decisions are his person (the person of Jesus); the fact that those decisions keep within him the Essence of God as it is, without separating anything from God, is what keeps him in God as God. And that set of decisions, that freedom and, in short, the person of Jesus Christ, knows that the Essence of God , that which he has in himself which comes from the Father and that he maintains as an independent person, is infinite – which makes him infinite in his nature of God. It's interesting to see section . The Holy Trinity p.269.
Thus, in the world, through Jesus Christ, the Essence of God flows in its fullest intensity, but he is also man and that nature of man is what awesomely approaches us; it is what we can grab onto to link with God. It is that nature that speaks of his other nature: “No one is good but God alone”.
Something similar happens at the precise moment of his death, even if he did not die as he is. By dying loving he remains capable of receiving the Holy Spirit and makes capable of receiving the Holy Spirit to the whole man nature. This is the subsequent resurrection that interests us, because the Holy Spirit (perfect garment) was taken away from him before the cross, since it is not God the Essence that is tested, but the independent person of the first created; the one who first of all validated the heavenly creatures (angels...), is the one who must validate the new nature so that we can escape the justice that our betrayal companion Iblis claims, who asks for our same destiny. If we had all remained as fallen angels we would have had the same destiny: eternal damnation, but Christ recovers the Holy Spirit as man after passing the cross, as I say this is the resurrection that interests us. And if we have committed the same betrayal why us and not the demons? Because they hated and poisoned, on the other hand, there were others (the deaf ones here designated as 'Eve'), who listened to Iblis and desired to take the Essence of God for themselves, to be like God, and finally there are the Adams here who listen to the word of God in their various 'languages' or creeds, were convinced by Love of the Eves, but did not desire to be more nor did they hate. They were content with what they were. All things have their justice.

Gospel of Matthew 27:43-50
He has put his trust in God; now let God rescue him if he wants him. For he did say, "I am God's son." '
Even the bandits who were crucified with him taunted him in the same way.
From the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.
And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?' that is, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'
When some of those who stood there heard this, they said, 'The man is calling on Elijah,' and one of them quickly ran to get a sponge which he filled with vinegar and, putting it on a reed, gave it him to drink.
But the rest of them said, 'Wait! And see if Elijah will come to save him.'
But Jesus, again crying out in a loud voice, yielded up his spirit.

In validating man, Jesus Christ is tested to the extreme in love in this form, i.e. as a man; to make man into love, to make him God's wish again. And in this form, he passes the test, exclusively as a man. We know that, mysteriously, the Holy Spirit makes all of our sufferings much lighter. So, he is tested in the passion exclusively as a man, as what he wants to justify and make worthy. If I want to test whether a baby’s bottle is too hot and I touch it to the front of my wrist, I wouldn’t put a cloth in between because if I did, I wouldn’t know if it really burns, if it will burn the baby. In a way, having the Holy Spirit inside would have been an “anesthesia” to the raw passion. It would give reason to the heretics who say, “Jesus Christ could bear the cross easily because he was God.” No. It is his person in the nature of man that is tested, hence the extreme act of love, and it is his nature of man that says, “My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me?

Muslims also say that Jesus is not the son of God but a prophet, and they say that the Gospels are a book of Light:

Sura 5. Al-Ma'idah (The Table Spread).
46. ​​ And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirming that which preceded it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous.

It's curious how God speaks according to the understanding of men; in the Gospel we find:

Gospel of John 8:28
So Jesus said: When you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will know that I am He and that I do nothing of my own accord. What I say is what the Father has taught me;
Gospel of John 10:30

 The Father and I are one.

Gospel of John 10:34-38
Jesus answered: Is it not written in your Law: I said, you are gods?
So it uses the word 'gods' of those people to whom the word of God was addressed -- and scripture cannot be set aside.
Yet to someone whom the Father has consecrated and sent into the world you say, 'You are blaspheming' because I said, 'I am Son of God.'
If I am not doing my Father's work, there is no need to believe me;
but if I am doing it, then even if you refuse to believe in me, at least believe in the work I do; then you will know for certain that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.
Gospel of John 11:25-27
Jesus said: I am the resurrection. Anyone who believes in me, even though that person dies, will live,
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?  'Yes, Lord,' she said, 'I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who was to come into this world.'
Gospel of John 14:10
Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? What I say to you I do not speak of my own accord: it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his works.
Gospel of John 17:5
Now, Father, glorify me with that glory I had with you before ever the world existed.
Gospel of John 20:28-29
Thomas replied, 'My Lord and my God!'
Jesus said to him: You believe because you can see me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.

There is also foreshadowing of Jesus Christ in the Torah where he is spoken of as the savior of men. Some of these are described in the section:  Judaism. Foreshadowing of Christ in the Torah p. 89.

They also say that Jesus Christ did not die, but was lifted up to God.

Surah 4. An-Nisa '(The Women).
157. And for their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.

It says they did not crucify him; they only thought they did. Then it seems to say that to the eyes of the world, they crucified him, but in reality they did not; that is, they didn’t kill him because God raised him to Himself. Paradoxically it seems that the Quran speaks of the person of Jesus as able to contain the infinite Love, the pure Essence of God ; since it is this person who does not die as such, that is, is still able to contain God, and in his survival as a man and God, he makes all men capable of receiving God. Which is true, and it is the most important truth for God and for us. This is also clearly foreshadowed in the Torah (See next section: Judaism, the figure of Isaac p. 93), written thousands of years before the arrival of Jesus Christ. How is this possible unless this is so? As an observation for Christians, I would say that the resurrection of Christ as a man was important for the strengthening of his teachings to us, men of little faith, but what is really important is his resurrection as the Essence of God. We all know that, when he was nailed to the cross, he was stripped of trim (Holy Spirit): "Father, why have you forsaken me?", because only as a man, as nature that his person had come to validate, should pass the test. And so, as such, as one more of us, he loved and he did not stop loving even in torture. And his person rose containing the infinite Essence of God. That is the resurrection that really matters (It does not matter that they do not believe in the resurrection of their body); the resurrection of the body is not as relevant, nor of Lazarus’s, meaning the same thing: their power over death. So, his being did not die, as the Quran says, it was only separated (God raised him for himself) until the death of the body; and all because God loves us infinitely (as He is, infinite, pure Love and Mercy). As I said before, the vestments represent the Holy Spirit in almost every place of Scripture. Notice that the Bible clearly speaks to us even in what we do not see at first sight: It says that the robe that Christ wore before the cross was one piece, without seams (John 19:23). They stripped Him of that robe before crucifying him. Does not this repeat us that his Holy Spirit was perfect? That It was at Its highest intensity, that of God? It was not "adapted" (seams) like that of the angels or that we can feel minimally inside ourselves when we are in grace. And does it not tell us that at the time of the cross the nature of God was withdrawn, to leave alone That of man, that nature which He recovered (nature of God), and in which He rose again, after dying by love (or that is taken by God for himself, according to the Koran). This is the resurrection that matters to us, which makes us all men fit for the Spirit, which makes the nature of man a container of God.

1 Peter 3:18-19
Christ himself died once and for all for sins, the upright for the sake of the guilty, to lead us to God. In the body he was put to death, in the spirit he was raised to life, and, in the spirit, he went to preach to the spirits in prison.

Doesn’t St. Peter say something similar here? “In the body he was put to death”, dead to the world. “In the spirit he was raised to life”, “they not kill him but God raised him to Himself.”

Let's see what the Quran says about Jesus:

He is born of the Virgin Mary. He is not conceived by man.

He does not die, but is taken by God to Himself.

As I said, there is no prophet, or person in history, who has not been conceived by man, or whose body has not died, not even Abraham.

The Koran says that Jesus is like Adam. That God said be and was. And so it is, for a holy book does not lie, it only adapts to the understanding of the nation for whom it is intended, and at the same time keeps us in a fold made of love and mercy, united and adapted to our customs of the world, and furthermore separated from the other "lanes", as a proof of the world and a safeguard of our freedom. The person of Jesus was a direct creation of God (perhaps He has left this written for you so that today you understand that His independent person was created already in heaven, by Himself), through Jesus flows the Essence of God in the highest intensity and thanks to Him He created the others. A Muslim who has felt God within himself can understand this more or less. But the independent person or freedom of Jesus is pure love, and He made decisions of pure love (also as a man: the cross) and He was not only the first created, but the only one able to maintain the Infinite Love, God. He is directly created person, (then, here, His person becomes man, in the body directly created by God) and God Essence. In fact, we were also directly created - Adam and Eve, as I have been saying - as God's image and likeness or children of God as well (although we did not maintain the full Essence of God ). This is why God loves us so much. Interestingly, he who denies that Jesus is the son of God, denies that we can become children of God again; in a way it is like saying that we men can NOT keep God within us, when we know that we CAN.
For a Muslim who lives his faith out of love, none of this is really necessary, but knowing this makes him see how much God loves him and why we are all brothers, even if we walk different paths or religions. The reason why we must unite what was broken in heaven by Satan the separator is, above all, because if we know this today, it is His will that it should be so, and we must act accordingly.
And this being so, going back to the previous Surah, is it not true that it is really fulfilled that the Spirit, the Essence of God, which makes Jesus Christ also have a Divine nature, does not die at the crucifixion? Because it is fulfilled, because Jesus Christ the person asks for forgiveness for us even in torture, because he remains in Love, the full Essence of God continues to flow through him, and he continues to maintain that other Divine Nature. And in that test as a person in man, He makes us all men worthy of the Essence of God; for it is extreme love that has been tested in the envelope of man and endured. And it is not Heresy to say that you and I can hold God within us, there being but one God. Paradoxically, I repeat, what is written here is true of Jesus Christ God Essence. I say paradoxically because Muslims, as I said, have always understood the figure of Christ as a prophet. Well, God has wanted to keep it that way to protect our freedom (His concealment), but if everything has now been discovered, as there is no doubt that this is so (read the rest of the book or at least Judaism and The Proofs), it is because it is His will that we unite in the same knowledge of God. Perhaps, as I say, the time will come when we, the Adams, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, etc., will unite in brotherhood, so that the deaf (fools of the world), the Eves, may come to hear in our example of love. Each one from his or her own religion, following the path of Mercy that God has left us like a trail of breadcrumbs. I believe that there is not much time left for this to come true. I believe that the end is near....
In short, God's will has been to keep us separate, to safeguard our freedom with the Babel imbroglio. He has given 7 nations 7 parallel directions to the same place, but separated from each other. The rails that channel us remain, but bind us, because in the end it is love that saves. Those lanes have been the perfect platform set by God for us to find that love, and now the time has come to know it, perhaps because the road is ending and with it the lanes. Now we must find the entrance to Eden and it is urgent, now is when we all have to unite at the point of confluence, in Love. In God.
It is not difficult to think why God puts different ways of salvation, let's imagine a slightly extreme but valid case:
A farmer with different kinds of animals, who is going to bring them in one go from the bottom of a valley to his farm, at the top, where he will eat them there and they will be part of his belly (it is just an example); so it is in his interest that they have meat. There are horses, cows, calves, ..., turtles and even lions. Won't it even make different paths or ways of getting there for some and for others? (and there are many separate ones). The horse would hardly need a road, the cow, flatter... But they can all get there because they have strength in the flesh, in fact, if they had no flesh they would not get there, nor would they interest the farmer to eat it. We should also bear in mind that animals can get in each other's way (a lion cannot go with a cow, nor can a university student learn in a kindergarten class, nor the other way round).
Well, God provides what is necessary for our salvation; the way is important because on any other way that 'animal' may not be able to climb to the top. But even more important is to have Love because without 'meat' the animal will not be able to climb on any of the roads, not even on the one that the farmer, God has provided for us. For Love, like the "meat" of the cattle, is what gives strength to reach and please God. If anyone is in the bones, he will have no strength and will not want to start climbing and will remain in the valley of death (Hell). Others may have started to climb one of the paths, but they are so emaciated that they remain at the beginning. More fortunate are those who make it the furthest, because even if they have to wait for the farmer to pick them all up, he may then come down a little way for his meagre meat. In this example, Christ would be the farmer's knowledge-filled vaccine (Self) that cures the farmer's allergy to meat, because before he only took calories without meat, and also cures the animals themselves in the valley from diseases (he is vaccine for heaven and earth). And the demon would be the disease that rots the meat (in the valley) and caused the farmer's initial allergy (at home).
Perhaps we do not want to recognise that a religion is a good direction, but not a guarantee of arrival; that by itself, by its rules, but without love we are not to arrive on our own. And we actually see this all around us in some people who call themselves Christians, who go to mass on Sundays and then are selfish and mean to others. It is the same with Muslims who go to pray at the mosque on Fridays and then are not able to show the mercy that Allāh has for them. No matter how many rules we keep there is one teaching that underlies our scriptures which is Love. Of this Jesus Christ and the apostles already warn; that without love you can already be burnt by God which is of no use to you, or you can give all your goods to the poor which is of no use.
Insofar as the Holy Koran gives us rules of renunciation of the world and of acceptance and fidelity to God, it speaks to us of mercy, hospitality, etc...; and thanks to the fact that Jesus Christ has redeemed all of Nature Man, and that it is the practice of Love that saves us; Islam, practised from that love, is another valid religion to reach God. But they must be careful not to misinterpret the messages that God, Allāh, put in the Qur'an, His Holy Book, for the purpose of safeguarding our freedom and keeping us separate at least until the prophesied time of our union. And you must only ask yourselves from whence comes mercy, from Love or from Hate. God is Love, the devil is the father of hate. Love is a way of life that one 'gives out'. One does not choose to whom to give it. It is given in the family, at work and even to one's enemies.
So, with all that said, I am not going to disprove the prophet whom God sent to you, for he was indeed sent by Him and as the one sent he carried out his orders well. I do come to warn you that there is only one God, beware lest you fall, without realising it, into that of which the prophet warned you so much, of associating others with God, for Muhammad himself was as he rightly said a mortal and an envoy.
I will not deny that there is only one God and that Jesus Christ was created, but only in his person, not in the Essence that flows through him. If you have felt God within you, you will know what I am talking about, of being yourself with your 'person' and yet living intoxicated with happiness. Sakina' or tranquillity, as you call it, is to have God in you, in you and in your neighbour, perhaps, and there is still only one God, but in your different persons. The difference is that the intensity of God in the person of Christ is absolute. He speaks from the source, we who are fortunate are pierced by the Spirit of God and remain in us until we sin (fall out of love). But we are not at the source but far away from it and the "waves" reach us weak (our nature can only contain it in this way, far inferior to that of the angels and infinitely inferior to that of Christ).
I am not going to disprove the five pillars. For I acknowledge that there is only one God and that Muhammad was sent by Him. I do not disprove the necessity of azalah (prayer) and azaak (almsgiving) and the necessity of fasting as an aid to draw closer to God. Nor do I deny the pilgrimages for the things of God, for these are a detachment from the world in His name and a choice in themselves.
I will not disprove the resurrection or eternal life, nor Gehenna or the fire that does not burn or kill, but hurts and burns as it does here.
I propose the following example:
Several battalions of your beloved army have been trapped in various sinkholes on a route they were travelling along when they followed their NCOs who disobeyed the general's orders. They are battalions that do not know each other, as they were given secret identities, nor do they know the general because they take orders from the command echelon. Now your battalion is surrounded by demonic enemies, in the night, and you cannot return to the great column of your army. In turn, the army cannot reach you, for it would fall into the sinkhole.  So they send you an envoy with ladders and tools to get out of the hole. It is not normal for you to walk on ladders, but rather to walk, however, the general has sent you those ladders to help you out.
The general also has some plans for you. These will be given to you when you come out of the sinkhole. He knows all the plans, and he is in charge of sending envoys to help the other battalions that have fallen into sinkholes. These envoys will be sent with what the battalion in question needs, which will depend on the training of the battalion itself and the characteristics of the sinkhole they are in. And since the General knows all the plans, his envoys need only carry their ladder of the right size. The envoys will be given only what their battalion needs to get out of the hole. The envoy is not the general, he does not have to know all the plans, except those that speak of the salvation of his battalion.
And will the general send a single ladder for seven battalions? No. Because the undercuts are different and the time is the same for all of them, it is predetermined. What's more, he will tell each of his envoys the specific characteristics that differentiate each battalion, lest he gets confused and takes care of those he should not have taken care of, leaving the others without an envoy or without salvation. Thus, the envoys do not know each other deeply, for the sake of safeguarding that secret identity and for the salvation of their community.
Well, the general would be God. Your envoy Muhammad. The ladders are the way God has given you that which saves you:
Humility, almsgiving, faith, prayer, mercy, turning away in some way from the world or the pit we are in.
These rules, or ladders, have been made for you, adapted to your understanding, your culture and customs, but underlying them is a message common to all: the mercy and love of God.
That mercy we are called to make our own towards others.
This is what I say to you:
God loves you, you, just as you are. And He wants you to be saved, He wants you to be filled with His Spirit and for that you must love, because He is Love and we were made by Him (our soul) in His image and likeness, but we unloved, we disobeyed and the Spirit left us because it cannot not-be, it cannot not-love. We freely expelled ourselves from Eden. Indeed, we were made a first time (in the beginning), together with God; in our freedom we fell and now He recreates us a second time in a nature that holds us for a time to recover in the happiness of being first, filled with the Spirit. This is the reason why God apparently hides Himself: to respect our freedom, for without it, we would cease to be as He created us. This being so, hell, or Gehenna, is certain, for he who fails to be filled with God (with love, with the Holy Spirit), when his body dies, will fall with those up there who hated God and lost their freedom only to hate. That is the eternal and painful hell warned to all the "battalions", to all the straight paths that go in the right direction, parallel to each other. Indeed, there will be a third recreation, for those who have been filled with the Spirit, and even then, we will be the same person we were in the first creation.

This more I say to you:
There are some who cannot hear the word of God no matter how hard they try; scattered among all nations and religions. This is so because there were some who fell out of love with God, or emptied themselves of Him, deceived by the love they felt for others. But there were those who fell deceived by craving for more of God's Essence and others still who hated and are no longer free. This is the original differentiation between all of us. Nevertheless, the deaf with freedom will be able to listen by seeing us living mercy to the believers of these religions.
It is true that the time is predetermined, for God knows it, and then there will be the judgement, but this will already have been closed by our actions during the life of the body. Afterwards we can do nothing, because we will no longer be free to choose God. There will no longer be any doubt that He is there and that He is Love; there will be no choice.
But just as what we do for others is actually for our own benefit, it is our actions that judge us. God is not vengeful, but He cannot not be, unloving cannot live with Him, that is why He has made this world a test, for it is in need that one can be filled with love. There is little love in the rich man who gives a small alms for fulfilment and much love in someone who gives a small alms from the little he has, for empathising with the one to whom he gives it, for putting himself in his shoes and doing for him what he would like for himself.
And this more:
Nowhere in the Qur'an do I read that one should attack infidels except in self-defence, which is also permitted in Catholicism. In all the verses I have read that justice will come at the end of the appointed time, from God. Today there are no holy wars, because almost everywhere there is freedom of religion. And in any case if there are battles in the world they do not attack a particular religion or race (although there are those of your nation who deceivedly attack others on the grounds of religion). Beware then, for Iblis is meddling in the verses of the Messenger to make you misunderstand what he wrote. Justice is God's, not ours. If He willed, those whom you call infidels would disappear with the blink of an eye, but His patience, love and mercy are infinite. If it were not so, I assure you that no one on earth, including you, would have lived a single moment.
And this moreover:
In this book there is proof that God exists and is just as I tell you. They are not only proofs of faith, like the clear verses of the Qur'an, but proofs for the man of science as well, for the Eves or the deafs. This being so (read the whole essay to prove it), the time has come when God will show what He wanted to keep hidden until a pre-determined time. The time has come when the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, and therefore the end must be near. It is the time when the wolf will dwell with the lamb, when the paths of right direction will be united under the love and mercy of God. It is the time to know our true identity. We will see the general, it will become daylight and we will know that we all fight on the same side against the demons.
To the Prophet Muhammad God revealed that which you needed to save yourselves and through him many attained salvation. What was revealed was that which you were prepared to understand. God concealed from you that which He wished to keep hidden, not only from Him but from all men. To the prophet the person of Jesus Christ, the man, was revealed. But there is a part of us when we are in grace that is God in us. Muhammad always spoke of the person of Jesus Christ as created by God and, I have already told you, he spoke the truth. It is that other part that Christ varies nothing from God, that which we also sometimes share minimally, that in Him is absolute. And yet there is still only one God. Thanks to that person who is able to contain absolute Love, you and we and all men can feel the 'Sakina', we can harbour the Holy Spirit, for He has made us fit. Thus, Jesus Christ is not the son of God in the sense that you give Him, He is the Son of God because His person was created by Him and is able to contain Him fully, to contain the infinite Love = God. Know that the angels and we in the first creation or beginning, were created in the same way, so we were sons too, but we never fully held God, but adapted to our person (whenever I say 'adapted' I mean diminished in intensity; just as water vapour remains water, the Holy Spirit cannot change into what He Is). Here in the subject nature 'man', we will only become 'adopted' sons of God, (the one who manages to harbour the Spirit), and when the appointed time has passed, the one who has his Spirit will return to God, those who do not, will continue to fall into Gehenna. It is the Spirit that is drawn to Him; and there is still only one God!
It would be very easy for me to keep quiet about this, but I cannot fail my Lord, I cannot fail your Lord, the one God. I know that some of you are deceived by Iblis, the father of hatred, but to God I have offered my life, and in His will I place myself. Know, as I have already said, that the deceived will follow the deceiver to Gehenna, for hatred will never reach Eden, the home of Love and Mercy, the home of God. To the deceived, Iblis clouds their sight when they read the Holy Qur'an, and confuses faithfulness and mercy with hatred. It is urgent to help them. Especially sad for Allāh must be the case of the (misnamed) Jihadists of today because they could be of the best, capable of laying down their lives for Him, they are deceived in a creeping manner by Satan by filling them with hatred. They ignore that hatred is incompatible with Allāh, that hatred is "non-being", that it is the opposite of mercy. This is how Satan acts; he shows us evil as good, and good as evil.
Finally, I say to all of you, even the deceived, that you should be overflowing with happiness, for it is wonderful news that I bring you: God Loves us. He is not an avenging god, but wants to save us, and He has already done so because of what we did up there, now our freedom must accept to live in Him, to live in Love. As long as we keep our freedom, as long as we have life in our body, we can return to Him, because He does not deny Himself, He is Love and Love forgives everything. But as Love cannot enslave us, it respects our freedom; wherever our direction points when our body dies, that is where we will invariably go.
As for Jesus Christ, know that all of us were children of God; not like him, but we were, and we "disowned" him by unloving him. Think, if you will, of the image of a family with a few small children from two to four years old and an older brother of twenty-five, responsible and honourable to his father; so much so that he contributes to the running of the household. Thus, the eldest shares the father's authority, and for the children, his authority, moreover, represents that of the father. Children do not exercise authority among themselves, though perhaps the 4-year-old will have a tiny bit more than the 2-year-old. I am not saying that Jesus Christ was a god capable of creating like his Father, I am saying that Jesus Christ shares the same Essence of God , there being only one God. As I have already said, it is a mysterious thing this: that we can each of us share to the slightest degree the Essence of God and there is only one God. How many millions of persons in all nations or religions will be able to feel God within them? And there is still only One. Well then, those of you who know what I am talking about, those of you who have felt God within you, I show you the solution; for even in yourselves you have seen that He dwells in different intensity according to your circumstances in life (actually according to your love or lack of love for others if you are of the Adams or there is a gift). For there is One in whom God the Essence or Holy Spirit dwells fully in all His intensity. The Prophet Muhammad constantly tells us that God is One and has no sons, and it is true in the sense that there is not one god and a lesser god. No. There is one God of whom all who are saved will partake to one extent or another. Those are the gardens with rivers underneath. Everything is explained to us in the way we can understand it. If you have experienced heaven already on earth you know what I am talking about. So Jesus Christ is the True Son of God the Father. Son like us in the person (created), True because the Essence of God flows through Him in the highest intensity.
The time has come then for us to unite in the knowledge of God. This does not mean that the devil ceases to act. He was given the same time as we are given; God is just and he has made us all equal in that. Iblis was given that extension as a consequence of God wanting to give us a propitious time of salvation, of recovery from what was our first death, but he (demon) cannot use it to his advantage, hatred only harms oneself and others; it is harmful and corrosive like cancer, incompatible with God and his mercy. Nor does this good news I bring you mean that the battle is over, for until the last second granted, we must fight against the temptations and deceptions of the devil. God has put us on this stage to do battle with Iblis and in it we choose Love and mercy, we choose God; that war that we deceivedly did not fight in heaven and led us to the first death.

I leave you with the word that tonight, after prayer, came to me by chance (or at random). The truth is that nothing happens at random, and nothing escapes God.

It makes the hairs on the back of a Muslim's neck stand up when he hears that Jesus Christ also has a Divine nature, but tell me, if you see a blue jar of jam and a smaller orange jar of jam, don't you call them both jam? Or better, if you see a wave drawn in the water and a smaller one inside it, don't you see that they are made in the same water; although you can tell them both apart, they are not two different waters, nor different pools. They are "forms" of the same water, in fact there is only one Water. 


Jeremiah 25:15-38 
15 For Yahweh, the God of Israel, said this to me, 'Take this cup of the wine of wrath and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it;
16 they will drink and reel and lose their wits, because of the sword I am sending among them.'
17 I took the cup from Yahweh's hand and made all the nations to whom Yahweh sent me drink it
18 (Jerusalem and the towns of Judah, its kings and its chief men, to make them a ruin, an object of horror and derision and a curse, as is the case today):
19 Pharaoh king of Egypt, his officials, his chief men and all his people,
20 with the whole conglomeration of peoples there (all the kings of the country of Uz); all the kings of the country of the Philistines, Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron and what is still left of Ashdod;
21 Edom, Moab and the Ammonites;
22 (all) the kings of Tyre, (all) the kings of Sidon, the kings of the island across the sea;
23 Dedan, Tema, Buz, all the people with shaven temples;
24 all the kings of Arabia (and all the kings of the conglomeration of peoples) who live in the desert
25 (all the kings of Zimri), all the kings of Elam, and all the kings of Media;
26 all the kings of the north, near and far, one after another: in short, all the kingdoms on the face of the earth. (As for the king of Sheshak, he will drink last of all.)
27 'You will say to them, "Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this: Drink! Get drunk! Vomit! Fall, never to rise again, before the sword that I am sending among you!"
28 If they refuse to take the cup from your hand and drink, you will say to them, "Yahweh Sabaoth says this: You must drink!
29 Look, for a start, I am bringing disaster on the city that bears my name, so are you likely to go unpunished? You certainly will not go unpunished, for next I shall summon a sword against all the inhabitants of the land, Yahweh declares." 30 'For your part, you are to prophesy all these words to them. Say to them: "Yahweh roars from on high, he thunders from his holy dwelling-place, loudly he roars at his own fold, shouts aloud like those who tread the grape at all the inhabitants of the land.
31 The noise resounds to the remotest parts of the earth. For Yahweh is indicting the nations, arraigning all humanity for judgement; the wicked he assigns to the sword, Yahweh declares.
32 Yahweh Sabaoth says this: Look, disaster is spreading from nation to nation, a mighty tempest is rising from the far ends of the earth.
33 "Those slaughtered by Yahweh that day will be scattered across the world from end to end. No dirge will be raised for them; no one will gather them or bury them; they will stay lying on the surface like dung.
34 "Howl, shepherds, shriek, roll on the ground, you lords of the flock, for your days have come to be slaughtered and to be scattered, and like a choice vase you will fall.
35 No refuge then for the shepherds, no escape for the lords of the flock!
36 Listen! A shriek from the shepherds, a howl from the lords of the flock! For Yahweh has laid their pasture waste, 37 the peaceful sheepfolds are reduced to silence owing to Yahweh's furious anger.
38 The lion has left his lair and their country is a wasteland now, owing to the devastating fury, owing to his furious anger." '

It would be interesting if you read Appendix II. Letter to a Muslim p. 358

[1] Any translation of Arabic is considered an “interpretation” of the Quran. I have listed the word "hate" in Quran in Spanish, but in English it sometimes changes to "malice", or other words. I think the background is the same but an Arabic speaker will know better.

Islam Today

Gen 16:11-12 The angel of the Lord also said to her: “You are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery. (12) He will be a human onager. His hand against all, and the hand of all against him; and opposite all his brethren he shall pitch his tent.”

Definition of Onager: Wild donkey.
More than 3000 years ago, the bible speaks of the way of being of the descendants of Ishmael, who become a large part of the Muslims. As always, the bible does not fail in what it expresses in one way or another. And we should ask ourselves why: did God want them to be like "wild donkeys" or did he simply know what was going to happen? Let us remember that God is outside of time, nothing is hidden from Him. I suspect that, not that this was God's will, it is simply that they, like all those belonging to the different paths set by God, are different already before the first death.
Today it is indeed true that (12) they have pitched their tent in front of all their brethren, because they are in Europe and all over the world, but not mixed or as something that is part of the world globalization but, for me, in obedience to a mistaken strategy of political expansion of Islam.
I had the opportunity to live in the hospital with a Muslim immigrant who pretended to be a Christian, I do not know why, since in Spain there is freedom of worship. He also had a Bible, and his prayers were made looking at Mecca, but standing in disguise (out of curiosity I checked it with a cell phone application). I already suspected it from things we talked about, but it was confirmed by hearing a hands-free conversation in which the chanting of an imam calling to prayer was heard, which disturbed the man and made him lower the volume. This is of no great importance, but rather the fact of hiding it from a roommate that you will probably never see again in your life. There are Frontex videos in which you can see how huge boats approach Spain and from them, still on the high seas, many immigrants descend to large boats that these same boats charter together with their hulls. This explains why many times, after supposedly having crossed in impossible conditions a much larger stretch of sea than what they have actually crossed, the boats arrive full to bursting. Of course, this is not always the case, there are other boats that actually leave Africa, but the question is, what is behind all this? This is due to something more than human trafficking by heartless people, rather it seems that there are governments involved.
The intention of Muslims to conquer the " Occident " through immigration is no secret, as Gaddafi, may he rest in peace, used to say. For them the Occident is in decline and they are not wrong for much of what they have said, but they do not realize that they are practically on a par, although they do not externalize it in the same way. Today, Muslims arriving in the Occident do not have as many children as they used to. It is rare to see someone who has six like me, there are some, of course, but it is rare. What they intend to do is to build a second floor on top of their houses, when the first floor is on fire. Once again they have the wrong enemy. It is the devil that tempts our ears, our common enemy. And speaking of the political part nothing else, they intend to extend the sharia (which links with politics), of which I have already spoken and they do not look at themselves before. What do we find in the politics of many Muslim countries? Dictatorships (several absolute monarchies), poverty and rifts between their nations. Maybe there are richer countries because of oil like Saudi Arabia, another dictatorship, but basically this is what I see in that area. In fact, if it were not for poverty, there would be no immigration, because it is not only this theoretical religious cause that is enough; it would not matter how much money Saudi Arabia moves to "spread" Islam with "aid and subsidies". The truth is that the Saudis largely control US foreign policy in the greater Middle East because they are one of its biggest public debt creditors. The fact that the US is capable of invading countries in order to maintain the hegemony of its currency, which in the realm of oil has become the petrodollar (this term is forged by the obligation to buy oil around the world with dollars that create a new demand for debt and US dollars), makes some US governments highly manipulable for money. In 2000, Saddam Hussein, Iraq's president, pretended to sell his oil in euros instead of dollars, and after 9/11, the US invaded Iraq under pretexts that later proved to be false, and converted Iraqi oil sales to the US dollar. Something similar happened with Gaddafi who wanted to sell his oil with a new common African currency; although this case is not so clear-cut. Leaving aside these trifles, which in Iraq alone have left hundreds of thousands of dead behind you (100.000 - 150.000), and returning to Saudi Arabia, it's funny how money can make you support someone who considers you an enemy, so that, in their erratic thinking, you should be dead if you don't convert to his religion; and it is curious because sooner or later he will turn against you, if he is not already plotting against you underneath. Thus the US fights against Iran, an enemy of Saudi Arabia, or supports Morocco, a close friend of Saudi Arabia, in its disputes with Spain over illegal immigration and human trafficking, and I mean immigration, because beyond the Sahara, which Spain left long ago and in which it has no interest, Maghrebi immigration is becoming a spearhead for the "conquest" of Europe, not just Ceuta, Melilla and "Al-Andalus", then the Moroccan government can come up with other excuses. In the end, the image of the "Christian gentleman" is far away, the mediocre money guides the countries shortening their view, because it is to look at the short or medium term at the most. It should be noted, and I add this on 10/May/22, that, as the news seems to point out, or rather my suspicions, Morocco, with the help of Israel and the USA, has hacked into the mobile phone of our "brilliant" president (with the famous Pegasus programme). If so, the blackmail of the data found would be the reason why this individual recently declared the Sahara to be Morocco's, (this, let's remember, he did suddenly without telling anyone, not even his own government). Almost half a century of Spain's continued policy changed literally from one day to the next. Shortly afterwards, he declared that he would remain president until the end of 2023. Of course, if I were a blackmailer, the second thing I would have said to him would be: don't resign, I want to keep you by the throat as long as I can (if I were a blackmailer and didn't know him, of course, because if I did, I would know that in order to "govern" he is capable of making agreements with philo-terrorists, anti-system and enemies of Spain or the State); come on, my friend, he's a sweetheart. Of course, you can't blackmail someone honest for the things he does, not even someone brave, I think that to agree to such blackmail there should be evidence such as the briefcases full of money from Venezuela, among other things. And if he were blackmailed by a hostile country and could not "resign", who would remove him as president? The Basque nationalists who let the ship sink in order to get some little cushion for their cabin? -for indeed, we are in the same boat, and whether some of us like it or not, we will end the voyage sailing in it, and we should even tie ourselves to other boats to withstand what is coming our way. The Catalan anti-system would not contribute, of course. This is the bad thing about having a bad leader; of being governed by the worst in the class (and I was a bad boy and got bad marks). All this is unproven, but white and bottled; and, whatever it is, everything that happens, eventually comes to light. I shouldn't be even slightly affected by these things in the world, to be honest, but I find such nonsense an insult to intelligence and yes, here is my sin of pride. The truth is that we have little to do with the Sahara anymore (unfortunately for them), but according to human rights NGOs (HRW), Morocco is crushing its inhabitants. There are testimonies of torture, rape and even the use of Napalm and white phosphorus. Of course, Morocco does not allow the media to enter except for a few controlled exceptions. In the end, for democratic countries like the US to support invading dictatorships like Morocco for economic gain, pressure from the Saudis, or, if nothing else, to contain terrorism is as immoral as what Belarus is doing with Russia over Ukraine. That Westerners are more affected by the deaths in a war in Europe than in Africa is equally immoral; no matter what the reason: different race, religion, politics.... On the other hand, if these third countries really knew Islam, they would know that the idea of political and religious expansion is common to many Muslims (one only has to dig a little, in some it emerges more quickly than in others), so that the apparent negotiations on containing terrorism are just that, apparent or at least temporary. Just as Morocco trades in the number of migrants they throw or detain at Spain/Europe's borders as they see fit, so they trade in the supposed control of terrorism. And all this is because many Islamists, as I have shown or will show, are radically wrong; near the end of this world, Islam has reached approximately 22% (curious: about the % that the crescent moon reflects the sun), which is, as far as God has willed, and this amount obeys our previous "development" in heaven as I have explained or will explain. God can do all things. They are not evil (let's be somewhat childish here), they just do not reason that there are other valid ways besides their own. This is what happens with those who think they are superior or uniquely entitled, it also happens with regard to women. If you teach that men are superior to women and that women should submit to their will, some radicals may even brand them with acid if they are rejected. It is not the norm, but there are sick people everywhere; give them a justification and everything will be worse. Many also misinterpret the Holy Qur'an when it comes to fighting the devil. And since religion is the most important thing for those who believe in God, also in Allah who comes to be the same, the decisions here can be life and death. He who allows himself to be deceived will pay for it, in this case for eternity.
Anyway, back to what I was saying about radicalism. As I was saying, the USA supports the Sunnis (Saudi Arabia in this case) which is further proof that Islam as such is not being persecuted; today and always, both Muslims and us, we are fighting the same devil, and one of his most useful tools, the most effective of all, is the idol of money.

And I do not retract anything I have said, the Muslims are our brothers and his way is true, like ours, set by our God Himself. The mistakes that many of these Sunnis make in extracting fragments of the Holy Quran from its general context will only go against themselves and their nations, but this will cease to happen in a short time. As I have already said, these plans for the underground invasion of Europe are unfeasible, firstly because it is not God's will and it would be all over here, and there is no time left, but also because of what is already emerging: oil production by OPEC has dropped to about 35% compared to the 1970s due to the increasing use of other energy sources; the birth rate of Maghrebi immigrant families has also dropped dramatically, and although it is still higher than the European average, it has already been reduced to a great extent. On the other hand, European roots are deeply Christian, which would eventually lead to internal wars or simply expulsions. Regarding the latter, a large part of the French military (04-27-2021 thousands of ex-officers and ex-generals among them, those who can openly manifest themselves because they are no longer subject to the same discipline as in active service) warned in a common letter to their government of the high possibility of a civil war breaking out because of this underhand invasion. In Spain, the socialists often declare themselves enemies of Christianity and, noting this fact, publicly support Islam to its detriment, unaware that our way of life, our freedom and the "equal" treatment of women, for example, could only have arisen in the world from Christianity. In the same way, Muslim boards or whatever their governing bodies are called (remember that many of their mosques are built and financed by Saudi Arabia, which runs the affair), often call for a vote for the socialists. Really, if the intention is a covert invasion, socialism is their best option.
I am not talking about racism, it is important to distinguish between the immigration of South Americans to the US, for example, who come from and to Christian cultures and when they get there, they vote for both Republicans and Liberals, and on the other hand, an undercover invasion if it is taking place, which by all accounts it seems to be. On the contrary, the problem is that if you think that the unbeliever to your religion must die if he does not accept your religion, you will never have a normal relationship with him or with anyone different from you. You will be like an onager among domestic donkeys.
Well, I have already demonstrated the validity of the true path of Islam as well, which is far removed from this "Death to the infidel!" thinking. When the freedom of your people is curtailed, the devil uses whatever he has available to take as many as possible.  If someone only had in his life the possibility to read the Koran, the devil would already manage to twist the understanding of this man and, even with the Holy Koran in his hand, try to take him to hell. And this is so because God has given us freedom and this is the key to proof in this false world. It would be of no use to have us born here if we did not have freedom concerning the soul, which, for us, is exercised from our bodies. Man cannot override the validity of the test set by God, we cannot make by command everyone be a good Christian or everyone be a good Muslim or whatever. To propose this is to go against God's own will, who has made us free, not slaves. It would be trying to break Divine justice, or do we think we are smarter and better than He is? Perhaps He didn't realize that He could do it with the blink of an eye... No, this thinking of the false Muslims does not come from God. You true Muslims should be very careful of these, which are already twisted by the devil in a bad direction.
But going back to the greater Middle East, to reduce its policies to the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the US is to see only a small part of what is going on. Of course there is also Israel, which in turn has great influence on the US. To try to be objective, or rather cold, in assessing what is going on in Israel, I would invite Arabs to imagine themselves surrounded by people who think you must be dead for not accepting their religion. This, in and of itself, puts Israel in a continually defensive posture. As for those who say Israel should not be there, I think they are the people most justified in inhabiting that land. After all, just as the notary draws up deeds of ownership of houses, there is no greater deed than the sacred texts whose notary is God Himself. And it is He who gives these lands to the Jews. There are many countries that have invaded lands and God has allowed it, but in no case, as in the case of Israel, do we have proof that this was the explicit will of God. It does not matter that He used the people of Israel to draw what happened to all of us in heaven. What is certain is that God has done so. As for the Israelis, who know better than anyone what it is like to suffer the oppression of their people, especially during Nazism, they should not abuse their military supremacy, but rather they should also put themselves in the place of the Palestinians and treat them as their own brothers, for we are all brothers, not of blood but of soul; there is no greater brotherhood than that.
I must say, however, that my knowledge of that area is miniscule. The most interesting thing for me is to see how pseudo-religious fanaticism influences our relationships, which is really the background to much of what is going on, although as we have seen, that is not the only problem. Nor can we blame the US for all the ills, and as I say, it is very difficult to relate, in every way, to someone who thinks you should die if you are not assimilated by his religion. The truth is that many times we are led by governments (I do not feel represented by the current president of Spain, thank God here we have the Crown), which use lies towards their own people to justify their actions, for example, the Iraq war..., my own current government, the National Socialist Nazis, and so many others... Today, with the media reaching the whole world, lies are generalized among many governments. Gentlemanliness in most politicians is unfortunately a thing of the past. It is not that the Americans, who are people like you and me, are very bad.
Well, I won't go on any longer. Another thing that makes us know that this underhanded invasion of Islam will never succeed is that the reading ends with "and in front of all his brothers he will pitch his tent", something that has already happened. And indeed, they are in front, they have not assimilated us nor have they annihilated us, nor will it happen, for it speaks of their future from 3000 years ago and it is not the will of God WHO has made a separate path for them as well. Recognizing these paths for all of us and the same destiny to which they are directed, is the true union prophesied in the scriptures, because it will be like entering heaven all together through walkways separated only by railings, where we can see each other as we move forward united towards God.


Quranic Pacific Suras

·      The Seven Spirits of God, the Twenty-four Elders

Now let us look at some readings that can speak to us of these various valid religions, as they follow the common path of mercy.

Revelation 4:2-5
With that, I fell into ecstasy and I saw a throne standing in heaven, and the One who was sitting on the throne,
and the One sitting there looked like a diamond and a ruby. There was a rainbow encircling the throne, and this looked like an emerald.
Round the throne in a circle were twenty-four thrones, and on them twenty-four elders sitting, dressed in white robes with golden crowns on their heads.
Flashes of lightning were coming from the throne, and the sound of peals of thunder, and in front of the throne there were seven flaming lamps burning, the seven Spirits of God.

Think of the 7 torches of fire. They have the same fire or Spirit but separated by the wooden sticks, which is where they burn. After what has been said about the different confessions, knowing that Jesus makes us ALL able again to receive the Spirit, let's imagine that those torches are the different religions that have been shown or given the Spirit. Am I equating them with each other? No. They are different sticks and they do not all burn in the same way. In fact, if they symbolise religions, which I see clearly, chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation in which Jesus Christ sends a message to the 7 Churches of Asia, would actually be addressed to these 7 'peoples of God=Churches' or religions. And these 7 messages would be distinguishing the 7 religions, insofar as they say good and bad things about each of them. I have not been able to identify them according to these verses, but I believe that someone who knows the Bible and the history of other cultures could do it; provided of course that this hypothesis is correct, which fits exactly with everything said above.
The truth is that, taking it literally, without theories, these 7 Churches are very close to each other, in western Turkey (curiously in the center of the world map, center of religions), and it would be very difficult to understand the very different judgments made for each of them. More so if we see that for one of them (Pergamum), Jesus says: I know where you live – in the place where Satan is enthroned.
On the other hand, taking it literally, what is this about the 7 Spirits of God? I see it clearly in the Spirit that comes to each nation (the same fire on different sticks). It all fits together perfectly, in fact, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense. 

Revelation 2:1-7
"Write to the angel of the church in Ephesus and say, "Here is the message of the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and who lives among the seven golden lamp-stands:
I know your activities, your hard work and your perseverance. I know you cannot stand wicked people, and how you put to the test those who were self-styled apostles, and found them false.
I know too that you have perseverance, and have suffered for my name without growing tired.
Nevertheless, I have this complaint to make: you have less love now than formerly.
Think where you were before you fell; repent, and behave as you did at first, or else, if you will not repent, I shall come to you and take your lamp-stand from its place.
It is in your favour, nevertheless, that you loathe as I do the way the Nicolaitans are behaving.
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches: those who prove victorious I will feed from the tree of life set in God's paradise."
Revelation 2:8-11
 'Write to the angel of the church in Smyrna and say, "Here is the message of the First and the Last, who was dead and has come to life again:
I know your hardships and your poverty, and -- though you are rich -- the slander of the people who falsely claim to be Jews but are really members of the synagogue of Satan.
Do not be afraid of the sufferings that are coming to you. Look, the devil will send some of you to prison to put you to the test, and you must face hardship for ten days. Even if you have to die, keep faithful, and I will give you the crown of life for your prize.
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches: for those who prove victorious will come to no harm from the second death."
Revelation 2:12-17
 'Write to the angel of the church in Pergamum and say, "Here is the message of the one who has the sharp sword, double-edged:
I know where you live, in the place where Satan is enthroned, and that you still hold firmly to my name, and did not disown your faith in me even when my faithful witness, Antipas, was killed among you, where Satan lives.
"Nevertheless, I have one or two charges against you: some of you are followers of Balaam, who taught Balak to set a trap for the Israelites so that they committed adultery by eating food that had been sacrificed to idols;
and among you too there are some also who follow the teaching of the Nicolaitans.
So repent, or I shall soon come to you and attack these people with the sword out of my mouth.
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches: to those who prove victorious I will give some hidden manna and a white stone, with a new name written on it, known only to the person who receives it."
Revelation 2:18-29
'Write to the angel of the church in Thyatira and say, "Here is the message of the Son of God who has eyes like a burning flame and feet like burnished bronze:
I know your activities, your love, your faith, your service and your perseverance, and I know how you are still making progress.
Nevertheless, I have a complaint to make: you tolerate the woman Jezebel who claims to be a prophetess, and by her teaching she is luring my servants away to commit the adultery of eating food which has been sacrificed to idols.
I have given her time to repent but she is not willing to repent of her adulterous life.
Look, I am consigning her to a bed of pain, and all her partners in adultery to great hardship, unless they repent of their practices;
and I will see that her children die, so that all the churches realise that it is I who test motives and thoughts and repay you as your deeds deserve.
But on the rest of you in Thyatira, all of you who have not accepted this teaching or learnt the deep secrets of Satan, as they are called, I am not laying any other burden;
but hold on firmly to what you already have until I come.
To anyone who proves victorious, and keeps working for me until the end, I will give the authority over the nations
which I myself have been given by my Father, to rule them with an iron sceptre and shatter them like so many pots.
And I will give such a person the Morning Star.
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
Revelation 3:1-6
'Write to the angel of the church in Sardis and say, "Here is the message of the one who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars: I know about your behaviour: how you are reputed to be alive and yet are dead.
Wake up; put some resolve into what little vigour you have left: it is dying fast. So far I have failed to notice anything in your behaviour that my God could possibly call perfect;
remember how you first heard the message. Hold on to that. Repent! If you do not wake up, I shall come to you like a thief, and you will have no idea at what hour I shall come upon you.
There are a few in Sardis, it is true, who have kept their robes unstained, and they are fit to come with me, dressed in white.
Anyone who proves victorious will be dressed, like these, in white robes; I shall not blot that name out of the book of life, but acknowledge it in the presence of my Father and his angels.
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
Revelation 3:7-13
'Write to the angel of the church in Philadelphia and say, "Here is the message of the holy and true one who has the key of David, so that when he opens, no one will close, and when he closes, no one will open:
I know about your activities. Look, I have opened in front of you a door that no one will be able to close -- and I know that though you are not very strong, you have kept my commandments and not disowned my name.
Look, I am going to make the synagogue of Satan -- those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are liars, because they are no such thing -- I will make them come and fall at your feet and recognize that I have loved you.
Because you have kept my commandment to persevere, I will keep you safe in the time of trial which is coming for the whole world, to put the people of the world to the test.
I am coming soon: hold firmly to what you already have, and let no one take your victor's crown away from you.
Anyone who proves victorious I will make into a pillar in the sanctuary of my God, and it will stay there for ever; I will inscribe on it the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which is coming down from my God in heaven, and my own new name as well.
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
Revelation 3:14-22
'Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea and say, "Here is the message of the Amen, the trustworthy, the true witness, the Principle of God's creation:
I know about your activities: how you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other,
but since you are neither hot nor cold, but only lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth.
You say to yourself: I am rich, I have made a fortune and have everything I want, never realising that you are wretchedly and pitiably poor, and blind and naked too.
I warn you, buy from me the gold that has been tested in the fire to make you truly rich, and white robes to clothe you and hide your shameful nakedness, and ointment to put on your eyes to enable you to see.
I reprove and train those whom I love: so repent in real earnest.
Look, I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share a meal at that person's side.
21 Anyone who proves victorious I will allow to share my throne, just as I have myself overcome and have taken my seat with my Father on his throne.
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches." '

As I said, I am not able to identify these possible religions, I couldn’t even say what those seven are (I can imagine maybe about five). What I have seen are different elements that some messages have in common:

o    In all of them, Jesus Christ is identified with a title or characteristic that has to do with the message that follows. E.g.: “Here is the message of the First and the Last, who was dead and has come to life again”, or “Here is the message of the one who has the sharp sword, double-edged”

o    Some (two of them) say they received or kept “my commandments/the message” (Philadelphia and Sardis).  To others, it speaks of qualities that they have or had related to love: charity, faith, patience, loyalty to “my name” tribulation or suffering for their cause.

o    In addition, two of the churches actually receive reproach from Jesus (Sardis and Laodicea) and two that receive approval (Smyrna and Philadelphia). There are two others which receive both approval and reproach (Pergamum and Thyatira). In both, his reproach is: deceiving my servants (or supporting someone who does so or their doctrine) so that they commit the adultery of eating food which has been sacrificed to idols.   And the last one (the first in order, Ephesus) which is reproached for having lost the love they had before.

o    In addition, there is another element: “of the people who falsely claim to be Jews but are really members of the synagogue of Satan.” Today, these could be those who falsely call themselves Muslims but are driven by hatred, (misnamed jihadists…). Many cultures have killed in the name of God, including Christians with the Inquisition (although a lot of dark legends have been invented with movies, etc.). There are also those who, while they do not kill in God’s name, come to power in a party that calls itself Christian and then are able to invade a country for its wealth. I don’t know, they all seem to be part of the same thing.

Okay, we have come to see this meaning of Revelation through logic, but what if this book also clarifies new meanings of the Word of God? Not only the idea that we were God’s wishes before everything, which it seems that it does indeed affirm this (the living creatures). Perhaps Revelation (dark and impenetrable for centuries), the book that closes the Bible, is a key that allows us to interpret other passages from the Scriptures, as if it were an encryption key that unravels or decodes what was supposed to remain hidden from our understanding until a particular moment.

It seems clear that when he speaks of the churches he does so in a more or less coded way: "he who has ears let him hear", the different prefaces for each church... And why this convoluted language if it is supposed to be addressed to churches contemporary to his time? Because like the whole of Revelation it was written for today, for the end of time. And God alone wanted it to be made clear today. This "John" who seems to be the apostle in his old age, wrote this to the 7 "religions" of today (I know that 7 is a symbolic number, but not here as I think I have already said). And so he did: "Write in a book all that you see and send it to these seven churches". It is a message from God set in time for all mankind.
And if we now know where we come from, doesn't it make everything easier? It's not the same as suddenly arriving at a bus stop, not knowing where you're coming from and where you're going to stop, because that's what they say life is. Knowing where we come from makes everything clearer, suddenly we know the map on which the bus lines run. We are no longer like that lost and crying child, we become aware of ourselves, and above all of God, our source and origin of Life. We smell our lost self, and so much is lost that our goal must be holiness, no more and no less. To love for the sake of loving. Not to want or "do" because I have to, out of moralism, but to love. For by loving all the commandments are fulfilled, all mercy, all hospitality; and also all justice will be fulfilled, because if you have children you only expect them to love each other, and if one of them quarrels, then you will do justice, because you don't want them to quarrel. So is God with all of us, justice belongs to Him and it is up to us to love each other, and whatever justice we put in place to live together in the world must have this love as its foundation.  Loving finally fulfils what we want for ourselves, and it is in love that we find happiness, not in being loved. If a king were much loved by his subjects, but his rule and rule brought only misfortune and tragedy to his people, he would be unhappy (provided he was a just man, a child of God, of course).
God does not need anything, not even that we love Him, because God is Love. He gives Himself, He does not need. Hence our being and happiness is also to be found in loving, for we were originally made in his image and likeness. Today our dying person is fragilely held in the world by bodies waiting to be again, to be filled with God again.
And isn't it crystal clear, doesn't the Bible tell us that no matter how many sacrifices you make, no matter how much you sell your goods and give them to the poor, no matter how much you die a martyr, if you have no love, you are nothing? And this being so, it would only need to say to us: Dumb, wake up, open your eyes! Religions are paths on which to find love, the rules themselves don't matter if you don't love, and on the other hand, if you love, everything is regulated. Love erases those strict rules and unites us all in the certainty that by loving the other we are doing God's will, in the certainty that we are not making a mistake. Or is God not infinitely merciful? And what does a father teach his child, or what does the creator teach his creature, to be like his neighbour? No, to be like himself (just as the mediocre man pretends to make automatons like himself, -artificial intelligence-). We are called to Love, father of mercy, compassion, hospitality. Thus, religions are important because they are the gauge with which to measure our necessary love, or the amount of the Holy Spirit we need to fill our reservoir or soul. If we were all the same it would be enough to love, but God asks the minimum to save us because He loves us. Thanks to Him there are different religions because otherwise we would all have to take the strictest one in terms of love and perhaps not all of us would be ready. Will I need the same amount of petrol to take a motorbike to Madrid as a 16-wheeler? No. That is why religions are so important, even if we know that it is love and mercy that they all have in common.
It does not seem proper, then, of God's infinite mercy, to have taken away the opportunity for other non-Christians to exercise their freedom in what matters: the conscious choice of God (Love, giving and loving) against the world and its prince, the devil (hatred, selfishness and taking for yourself). Thus making certain religions valid as tools to reach God. I come to this thought also from logic, as in the same way, out of common sense, it seemed to me very difficult for the Righteous par excellence to account for the sins of our ancestors to us, free and independent of them. Considering finally that the inheritance is such, but from what we ourselves were in heaven.

Now imagine the twenty-four Elders. It says they are sitting on surrounding thrones, in other translations it says in seats. Anyway, this isn’t important for us to think that maybe these twenty-four symbolize twenty-four great prophets sent to these seven nations. As we know, before the arrival of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit could not abide in man because of our sin, our “broken” soul. What if those great prophets were pure or enlightened men somehow? Set apart in this vision and sent to different nations throughout history, before or after Jesus Christ. As elders, they represent men of wisdom... plus, they wear crowns like Jesus Christ in the “image” of the 7 seals, as if to mean that they were victorious, pure.
Perhaps God has given us Revelation to join all those lamps in a single fire of love before the end of the world. I know that God, through Jesus Christ, gives all men the opportunity to be saved, and that love is the key to everything. I know that Christ is Love manifest as man, and he is the door, but perhaps without knowing Christ Man, others may know the Love of Christ, the Love of God, and be filled with the Spirit, because thanks to Christ we are potential wishes of God, now as men. According to these messages there would be seven religions more or less close to Him, but not one, not even the most distant, does Jesus Christ write off as lost. In our Freedom to choose him is our salvation. Religions show the right direction, but a direction takes up an entire horizon; the door is love. And we Christians are told this, too.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Though I command languages both human and angelic -- if I speak without love, I am no more than a gong booming or a cymbal clashing.
And though I have the power of prophecy, to penetrate all mysteries and knowledge, and though I have all the faith necessary to move mountains -- if I am without love, I am nothing.
Though I should give away to the poor all that I possess, and even give up my body to be burned -- if I am without love, it will do me no good whatever.
Or without going any further, aren’t all the commandments of God’s law contained in these two?
You shall love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself.

As we receive the Old Testament from the prophets, I equate this to other religions sent by other prophets. I do not devalue it, on the contrary; I equate them all in the power of salvation, but I know that none of them, not even ours, is valid without love, and I know that all have been given thanks to Jesus Christ, who has made our nature worthy. There would not have been any salvation effort for men without Christ; in fact, there wouldn’t have been either men or angels. He opens the seven seals, the existence of all God’s creation.

As I said, I’m not here to convert any believer of another religion to our own religion; these earthly paths were given to us by God of His own will to lead us in the right direction, but the paths end at a vast horizon pointed to by that direction, and the last section, which is reaching the door, we should traverse looking upwards, toward the star of Love that has risen and shows us the way.

The 7 Spirits of God

Letter to a Muslim

False, the Muslim who hates. False, the Imam that hatred preaches.

First of allConcepts sometimes used differently
PersonIt consists of our freedom and made decisions. Our way of being («be» with small letters).
LoveReferred always love as a feeling, not sexual. As the feeling of a mother for her child that protects him over his own life.
Holy SpiritFor the Christian, it’s not St. Gabriel as it is for Muslims. It is God (Allah) in some intensity, the One who makes you feel great inside and helps you to carry calmly the sufferings of the world.
SinAction of unlove. Not necessarily those established ‘legally’.

False Muslim is the one who hates, because in no verse is it written that you hate; more than five hundred times Allah’s mercy and compassion are mentioned.
The aleyas that call for the struggle in defense of Islam, were written to keep the right path in the right direction of the Muslim people, because Allah wanted to give this path for the salvation of many. At that time, there were wars that expelled people and killed for their faith. Today it is not like that. It is not Allah or his word that changes, it is we men.

Thus, the prophet does not contradict himself when he says:

Sura 5:66. If they would observe the Torah, the Gospel and the Revelation that they have received from their Lord, they would enjoy the goods of heaven and earth. There is among them a community that remains moderate, but how badly do many others of them!

And this is another:

Sura 25:52. Do not, therefore, obey the infidels and fight hard against them through him.

For it is not a war against other religions, not even against the deaf, not even those who apostatize from Islam, the infidels, but it is a struggle for the defense of Islam, against the one who wanted to divert you («do not obey») from the path laid out by Allah for the Muslims.

Sura 5,57. Believers! Do not take as friends those who, having received the Scripture before you, take your religion as a mockery and as a game, nor do you take the infidels. And fear God, if you are believers!

In this verse he is not defending himself against Christians or Jews, but against those who, among them, mock the Muslim faith; for he who takes the Muslim faith in nothing, will necessarily try to convert you to his religion, and in fact he will try of good will.
So crazy is the soldier who still kills a hundred years after a war, as the one who pretends to say that from the holy Quran you can get a drop of hatred.
Today no one wars for converting a Muslim or expels from a land because of religion. The false Muslims are the only ones who kill, dirtying the Muslim faith by calling themselves such. Beware of them because hatred is the breath and the devil’s own language.
If you had two children and one of them was lame, wouldn’t you give this one a wheelchair so that together with the other one he could get to a good shelter? There is only one God, we are the different ones. What if the brother without a chair wanted to take the chair away from the other so that he could move without it, encouraging him to walk with both legs? Would you as his father allow it? No. Or if you are not present, wouldn’t you send an envoy to say: «Don’t listen to your brother, who doesn’t know what he’s talking about»? Because without the chair your son would crawl and perhaps not reach a good shelter. Allah is never going to put us through a test that we cannot overcome. He who renounces his faith to praise Allah, God, from another faith is in danger of not having enough strength to walk the new way.
 Allah, Yahweh, God are the same. Mercy, compassion, love are his true Essence. This is the Essence that we must pursue in order to unite with Him. I am not saying that you are lame; I am saying that you are different from me. It is no coincidence that you were born into a Muslim village, just as it is no coincidence that I am a Christian.
In this way I believe that a Muslim should not make the Christian norms his own (nor vice versa, of course), except in relation to the love and mercy that both religions have in common, because if God has given you this way, it will undoubtedly be because It is prepared for you. For you must know that two parallel straights led by mercy are two straight paths in the right direction, (as parallels that tend towards infinity). That being the case, you cannot let yourselves be deceived and led astray by hatred, for that is not what the Quran preaches.

As for Jesus Christ and with the Quran in your hand, you should know that it is much more that unites us than that which separates us. We do not think that Christ is another god or a different little god. We know that there is only one God, who is the same one you call Allah. Christ is indeed a son in that his person is created by God, just as your soul was created by God, not by your parents; you were also a son in creation. However, if you have ever felt Allah within you, the one who gives you real life, you will know that He becomes one with you, in perfect communion; that part that when you are in a state of grace joins you, is not a created part, it is Allah in some intensity. Christ, our brother in the created, keeps that Essence of God in his interior in the maximum intensity, that is why I say that he has created nature and Divine nature. Not because he is another God, but because he speaks to us from the source. The fact that we can feel God within us (the Sakina, for it is God who gives us tranquillity or the state of grace) does not mean that there is a god in each one of us. It is the same God who crosses us with greater or lesser intensity depending on how far or how close we are to the source, to Infinite Love.

The Holy Quran tells us that Jesus Christ was not born of man, nor dead, when we know that no man, nor the prophet, not even Abraham, nor any other, stopped being born and dying. And we reason no more. Christ is different from all men, because He was the first person created in heaven able to live in God or live with Him within, if you will, and in so doing pleased Allah who initiated creation; in fact, He is the only created one who speaks to us from the very source. He was the first created before our first death, before any other, is the complacent one who propitiated our creation. In the world, after our betrayal in heaven (or having broken the oath in Eden, which is the same thing, I explain in the book), and having emptied ourselves of Allah, Jesus is the one who proves Nature man by pleasing God (that is, he is capable of harboring the Holy Spirit, under the worst trial in the world; to love under torment being a man), so he does not die in what he is. Allah could only save us in a new Nature that escaped heavenly justice, otherwise we would be united to the destiny of Iblis, our brother also in creation, who also betrayed God, but also hated Him; he was not given a body, but is with us, haunting our ears, also for righteousness’ sake, for in heaven we listen to him and let ourselves be deceived, here we are to choose God not him. Otherwise it would be to fall into the same sin or to break our covenant with God also in this nature. Since that day of the cross, in Jerusalem, all men, of every nation and religion, can harbor God, Allah, as long as one loves and is merciful like Him. Our Nature man becomes capable, we can Live with Allah within us. But that is not enough, Allah has set those paths guided by mercy for us to use our freedom when choosing Him, the 7 religions of which the Bible speaks (I have also explained it). He has set different but similar standards; different examinations for our different ‘nations’ (those classrooms in the school I was talking about). Different rules that test our freedom to choose you. God makes us free, He doesn’t want slaves. So knowing this, you must never cease to follow the rules that as a Muslim have been given to you, and be merciful as is our Father Allāh, God. And it will be good for you to recognize Jesus at least as your elder brother who propitiated our salvation as men. The ancient Jews ignored him, Mohammed says; let us not be like them, for Christ is sent to all mankind, not only to them; of course.Well, I have already written how Christ, our elder brother in creation, justifies us in Man Nature. In the essay I have shown irrefutable proofs that were hidden in the Scriptures even for those who for centuries and millennia have devoted themselves to studying them.   

Allah loves you, and desires to dwell in you; He desires you to be saved, but He is who He Is. He cannot commit injustice, He cannot deny Himself; this is why we are in this world. We all committed treason against Allah, but the greater was that of Iblis, who proudly hated Allah. That was our fall from the Gardens to the earth. But Allah has made us men so that as such we can choose this time to be faithful to Allah and thus save us. In righteousness, by one command, He could not save us without saving Iblis also, for we were all traitors. Thus, He has given us this new nature by disassociating us from who we were and from the former righteousness, but this man nature had to please Allah so that, again, as a new creation, He could keep His Essence (the Holy Spirit, God) within. The new Nature was to be tested with extreme love, by the same one who pleased Allah in the first creation, in heaven; by the same founding principle: he who on earth is not created by man, nor dead as he is; Jesus.

But Allah, although He has prepared different and valid ways for us, does not lie either in the Quran or in the Scriptures; for as I say, He is the One who Is. Thus, indeed Christ was created in the person, by God the Father, and when He says that it seemed that they crucified Him, but He did not die, He speaks of that same person capable of containing Allah in its maximum intensity, He did not die in what He was: capable of containing infinite love, Allah. This is the most important thing for us, because that, that proof of extreme love, validated our Man Nature completely as capable of containing God in some intensity. And it is true, when the prophet speaks that he is not a son, in the sense that he is not another God; he is a son in creation and he is a son in that He is the only one capable of containing the Holy Spirit in its maximum intensity; the same Essence of God that you, in your capacity, may have felt in your interior. And Allah showed the most important thing to Mohammed, albeit in a veiled manner to keep our paths separate, for we are different from before our first death, though we are all brothers.  And in spite of everything, He left it written to you: He is not born of man, nor does he die, making him different from every man, whether holy or prophet, both here and in the first creation, in heaven; and making him different for you only apparently from what He left written to us Christians. On the other hand, when it says (Sura 4, 157s): «… but they did not kill him or crucify him, but it seemed so to them… Allah raised him up to Himself», what does He really mean? That it seemed to the world that they were doing it, that is to say, it seemed so to the eye, but it was not so? As I have said before, it speaks of the Being of Jesus Christ, the Essence of God who keeps within himself that when he dies loving, he does not lose it, he does not die in what he is. From what I have seen, the prophet Mohammed has a direct way of speaking. Because even the prophets, even with the Holy Spirit inside or moved by Allah, retain their own style of expression. What I have seen in the Holy Quran is that it does not usually speak this way: it seemed to them that they did, but not… Moreover, it almost always speaks from the reality of the world for from there, from where we are all, to reach Allah. I believe rather that Mohammed moved by Allah wrote this Sura in this way making Christians and Muslims coincide, although keeping us separated apparently for our own good. As the Quran and the Bible do not always lie, they only adapt to our understanding. To think that it speaks of the NOT death of Being, is much more direct, realistic, and, moreover, coincidental than to think that it seemed that he was crucified as a man, but they did not. To finish studying this Sura, I would say that at least in Spanish (I don’t know in Arabic), the words «elevated him to Himself» have a connotation of assimilation, as of ‘entering into him’, not only of elevating or bringing him in. Well, perhaps it is not the same in other languages, the Spanish translation, after all, is an interpretation of the Quran.

I do not speak for myself; in the essay you have seen what was hidden in the Scriptures for thousands of years and is now clearly revealed. Everything makes perfect sense. That broken oath or that forbidden apple that bit itself, represent the same thing. Thus, Eve represents those who were convinced by Iblis (who was the first infidel, Sura 2,34) in heaven. And Adam to those who let themselves be convinced by the love of Eve. In Adam, betrayal is not given for greed or haughtiness, but for love; even so, there is betrayal. The Adam’s are those who have their ears open to Allah, God, both in your faith and in Christian and other faiths. the Eves are the deaf, the infidels referred to by Mohammed. Thus, the prophet does not contradict himself when he foretells a good end to those who do well and follow the Scriptures and the Gospel. For these are not the unfaithful, but those who have closed their ears to God in righteousness for having heard Iblis in heaven. Even if they wish they could not hear here, they can only hear Iblis as it happened in heaven. These are the infidels, those who say that they believe (before at least, now, not even that) but then it is a lie Sura 2,8-14. Surely there will be some deaf person in your family, in almost all of them, according to the Scriptures. Although they cannot listen to Allah, they can see Him in believers when they observe their way of life. In the world, Eve can be converted through Adam, as the reverse happened in heaven (righteousness).

However, apart from these, it is also written in the Bible that all will be converted (the lion will graze with the lamb). Their ears will be opened. Your deaf and ours and those of other faiths, which in the end are the same, will come to hear; I suppose yours under the Muslim way and ours under the Christian way, for both ways, guided by love and mercy, come to Allah, to God. Of course, it does not mean that Christians will become Muslims or that Muslims will become Christians, that will never happen except in a few cases of converts from one side or the other (or from other religions). It means that the deaf will listen, and this is going to happen soon. And all this will happen because that which has been revealed is visible also for the sake of the world; which is the only thing that fools can understand. Or do you think everyone will convert to Islam? You know that won’t happen, because Christians, like you, feel Allah, God within us. So, you think the solution is to kill non-Muslims? If that were Allah’s wish, He would have made you the strongest nation in the world to fulfill His will; but, of the order of 100 times the United States, although not 100 times the United States could kill all Muslims if that was their intention, neither could they kill all Christians if they tried. You may think: Well, but if Allah wanted it to be done, and, yes, of course; He could do it Himself with just a blink of an eye.  But He won’t do it because it’s not like some of you think. He is merciful, He loves us and He wants to save us all from love, that is, from freedom (not as slaves), for it would be very easy for Him to make us slaves. Moreover, let us not forget that He has set those parallel paths in the right direction to reach Him. And in that impossible idea, of the whole Muslim world, don’t you see that even within those of you who call yourselves Muslims, there are many who don’t live as such? It is not enough to say ‘I am a Muslim’, nor is it enough to say ‘I am a Christian’. What is said of the deaf is also fulfilled in your nation. But Allah, God, is not hidden anything, then the prophecy would never be fulfilled. It is finally the healing of that deafness of each one of our nations that is prophesied; and it will not be done by any violence, on the contrary, because the world will be filled with knowledge of the Lord.

Well, as I said, your faith is good; you did not need one like me to confirm it to you, of course. But I do inform you that it is love and mercy that will bring you to the gardens; it is nothing else. I also tell you to open your minds to Jesus Christ. You must know that thanks to him the sin of betrayal from heaven was taken away from us. God through the person of Christ, who keeps the exact Essence of God within, or remains at the source of that Essence of God, if you see it better, saves us by validating Man Nature completely. To the Christians we were told: There is a great mystery, there is only one God in three persons; and when we think we are left with our mouth open. You have been told that Christ is not born of man, nor does He die, making Him different from all mankind; and thinking perhaps you have remained with your mouth open. Well, the fact that you and I can feel God in our innermost depths makes everything clear to us. It is not a heresy to say that you can feel Allah in you and another also and at the same time affirm that Allah is only one. But we could never contain Infinite Allah within us, we would burst. However, we can keep the Holy Spirit, which is Allah, God, in some intensity; just as water vapor is water and they are not in the same form. Just as the Holy Spirit makes you different, He makes Himself one with you, He allows you to live with happiness the sufferings of the world, and yet, changed, you are still you, and there is only one God. Remember that Mohammed was revealed the sanctity and excellence of Jerusalem, so that he prayed looking there, then you changed the direction to Mecca. Everything makes sense. In Jerusalem there is the act of infinite love of the cross, that which validates all humanity, that cross in which the demons (infidels), who guided the Romans (infidels then) and Jews, believed to kill the person of Christ as capable of containing God. They thought they were crucifying this person and with him Allah’s project to save us in man Nature. But it was not because Christ did not die as a person able to contain God. He died his body loving and forgiving, and in that love, he kept the infinite love of the Holy Spirit and made the rest of our bodies together with our souls (man nature) capable of the Holy Spirit. You must know that for us the Holy Spirit is not the Archangel Gabriel, but God Himself among us, or rather within us; He who gives you grace and transmits tranquility or Sakina overcoming the sufferings of the world.

If I tell you that I believe that your faith, well lived, also leads to Allah, and that Mohammed was sent by Him, it is because I really think so. It is not out of fear that some of the false Muslims may kill me for what I have discovered and I cannot remain silent. I know that the one who dies forgiving for love goes headlong to heaven, in the same way that the one who kills hates, and goes headlong to hell if there is no repentance. Many doors would open to me if I died for God’s sake (in love, let’s not get confused) because I’m no saint.

The Jews who had Christ crucified also thought they were doing well. That’s what the devil does, who is a liar and only wants our condemnation. But there is one thing he cannot hide: his hatred. If there is hatred, we know for sure that it comes from him. The Jews forgot that God waits patiently because He wants to save us all, even though He is bound by the justice that is part of Him. He is the One who Is and cannot be denied. That is why fools could not hear except by living the experience of some Adam; just as these reached death for the Eve, in the world it happens the other way around, and it will continue to happen for a little while. Be careful and prepare your hearts for what is to come, for it is written that we will all unite in the Lord; at last the deaf will also listen. There is not much left for this, I believe that anyone can perceive this. And it will never be because everyone becomes Muslim or of another religion, because if one has felt God living his faith, he will never abandon it. This prophecy refers to the cure of deafness, of the Eve, of all those who cannot hear God in any of His ways; of the infidels to GOD (One, let us each call Him as we have been taught). Or do you not believe that the prophecies will be fulfilled? Yes, and they will be fulfilled according to the standards of the world, at least those that are made to be fulfilled before the next end of the world.

Finally, I will put some aleyas in which it is confirmed that Mohammed calls infidels to those who do not believe in Allah, God (the deaf), not those who believe in Allah, God, from the Christian religion; this is almost always so except in some case that highlights a quality badly lived of these. The Quran does not change or contradict itself, as some claim. We change men and our environment. Thus, as I say, in different aleyas it affirms, that the scriptures and the Gospel are source of light and the Christians, Jews and sabeos ? who believe in God and do good do not have to fear and will not be sad (Sura 5,69). In others, he calls infidels the Jews who did not believe in the Gospel, nor Jesus, as confirmation of what they had received in the Scriptures through the mouths of the prophets sent by God, whom they also killed, and thus break the covenant that God made with them (Sura 2,87-90). Also those who follow the idols of the world, those who take as god money, power, sex … who make these idols their gods to whom to pay homage equal to Allah. He also calls infidels to the apostates of the Muslim faith, those who after knowing it refused it.

Continuing with self-defense, another proof of many that the prophet always speaks of self-defense we see in these Suras:

Sura 2,82. You will see that the most hostile to believers are the Jews and the associators, and that the most friends of believers are those who say: «We are Christians». There are priests and monks among them and they are not arrogant.

Sura 5:12. God made a covenant with the Sons of Israel. From among them we raised up twelve leaders. And God said, «I am with you. If you do the azalah, give the azaque, believe in My envoys and help them, if you make a generous loan to God, I will erase your evil deeds and introduce you into gardens through whose low streams flow. Whoever of you does not believe after that will have strayed from the right path. 13. For having violated their covenant we have cursed them and hardened their hearts. They alter the meaning of words; they forget part of what was reminded them. You will always discover in them some betrayal, except in a few. Erase their faults, forgive them! God loves those who do good.

Again, he does not proclaim the fight against the Israelites because they are Israelites; the fight is against those who attack the Muslim religion, which does not happen today.

There are others that are clear to mark the separation, the different ways that Allah has given us for our good.

Sura 3,85. If someone desires a religion different from Islam, he will not be accepted and in the next life he will be one of those who lose.

In the Gospel:

Jua 3:16-18. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  
For God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
He that believeth on him is not judged: but he that believeth not is judged already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Well, in these I believe it refers to those who know the teachings of religion and have lived in their place of origin and reject it, will be «of those who lose» or «are already judged». Why is that? Because in that case they belong to the Eves or the Deaf. Allah has not chosen us for the country in which we are born. Nor has He brought us together all those who listen in Europe or in the Middle East and Africa, being as I said that in every family even the deaf and those who listen are mixed up. How is anyone who has not received the Christian faith going to believe in Jesus Christ? Or how can anyone who has not received the Quran even desire Islam? (no longer a different one, not even the same Islam). However, only a Muslim who knows Islam can desire a different one (speaking of Sura 3,85). Again it speaks of the deaf, apostates and so on: the infidels. God is just and everything makes sense.

I am not writing this to tell you, Olé! Well, we are now little friends. Because the infidels should not be attacked either. The prophet says that they will be paid for their actions after this life. As I said, the struggle of the Muslim is declared as a defense of the Muslim faith, of that which seeks to separate you from the faith. Today no one but the devil fights against the Muslim religion, only false Muslims join the demon to attack other religions, because deceived by him have become his hitmen, but whoever is deceived sooner or later will pay. Thus, today, the true Jihad, not the false Jihad of the false Muslim, is our active fight against the devil; our weapons are prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimages to holy places; this is the fight that we Christians also have against the devil, it could not be otherwise. For you, the weapons are the five pillars; for us it changes a little bit more. Our fasts are every Friday and during Lent (40 days). There are those who don’t eat anything except at night and in the early hours of the morning, but the majority of practicing Christians fast from eating meat, as well as taking away something they like (television, computer, …). We are not so different. Indeed, we are not called to be friends, but to something else: true brothers, and to share God within us. Brotherhood is a greater degree than friendship, for it is true that a brother does not need to have fun or entertain himself with another brother, or share friends; some do not even live in the same city. However, a brother is always there for the important. In fact, what can most separate brothers is that some belong to the deaf and others to those who listen; and this is the true brotherhood, the one I speak of, the one that encompasses those of us who listen to all religions guided by love and mercy, those of us who seek God, Allah.

In truth, what is really different from the Holy Qur’an is in the norms demanded of your community, which are different from ours. As I said, some norms are proofs for us, others help against the devil. Our freedom is tested in this world. The will that we have to follow God, our fidelity. The norms are different because we are different from the beginning, from heaven, and Allah tests us with what we can (perhaps also according to the intensity of our sin up there). In the same way that a school exam is different for a 7 year old than for a 9 year old; but what underlies it, mercy and love is at the heart of both religions. This is what is important, and this is what will allow us to live the Sakina. What the Qur’an of Jesus says, in the sense that I have already explained, does not contradict the truth about Him. And more like another differentiation to separate our paths for our own good. Another one of those notices to separate our ways that are the walls that contain the different classrooms of the school, are the norms that prevent one from making a mistake of class and going to another where, either one will not understand, or, by taking it as known, will not be filled with wisdom, with the Holy Spirit, because our person is tested in love, in the measure of our own person. But it is already close to ringing the school bell and we can still unite to play a little in the courtyard, each one conscious of what he knows but all in the same school, guided by the same director, taught in the same direction: love and mercy.

For the last time I say it: In this essay I have shown irrefutable proofs that demonstrate the existence of God, that the original sin was personal to each one of us in heaven and that Jesus Christ saves us from that sin in the validation of Man Nature. And they are not proofs of faith, which can be believed or not believed according to your religion, they are proofs for fools, proofs of the world and reason. I have shown how in the Bible seven different parallel paths are distinguished in the right direction, one of them Islam, as I have been able to deduce. And I have shown how Christ redeems all Man Nature, for our sin that led us to the first death and brought each of us out of heaven, out of the garden. This redemption or validation is what allows us to house God, Allah within us. And we achieve it by following one of the 7 paths guided by love and mercy. Even one who does not follow any of these paths can be saved by loving, even though he cannot live or feel the Sakina or the Holy Spirit within him here on earth; he needs faith in God, who is your first pillar, or to live the Christian creed for me who am a Christian, for there is only one God. And not only to mention it but to believe it.

God has given us a great gift; it comes with an instruction book and a cork package to protect it. Some have opened the gift box, have seen the quick installation manual and have not delved into it, so they have not understood anything and have remained looking for a use for the cork packaging. Others, have taken the gift, but imprisoned by the cork packages of which they do not want to separate because seeing that the first ones take care of them with so much eagerness, they imagine they must be very important. Finally, there are those who have discarded the packaging and opened the gift.

Well, the packages to protect the gift are the aleyas that protected Islam, when it was arriving, it was being implanted in the nation to which it was sent. They were important for the time when the Muslim religion was in danger of not settling down, at the time of the wars for religion; at the time when those with fluent speech and great culture could attract many to a path that is very difficult for you to follow. Today, I insist, no one attacks Islam for reasons of faith. Allah does not change, men change. Those who have kept the packaging are the false Muslims who have kept the superficial and now useless. Those who have seen the Qur’an from the mercy and compassion of Allah, but keep those protective verses as if they were Allah’s desire for us to hate and fight each other, cannot understand the rest of the Qur’an as a reflection and work of someone Merciful and compassionate; for the one interferes with the other. These, though well-intentioned, cannot really understand their own religion. Finally there are those who have discarded the packaging and opened the gift. They have found Love and mercy; they have found a machine with propellers to fly and reach Allah. Norms that help to be merciful to one’s neighbor and to love; that are a test for freedom and striving (though gratifying) steps to reach Allah.

Everything moves like a millimetre-measured gear, all to the measure of reason. To believe that Christ (our brother in the created part), has saved us from our sin in Heaven, that is, from the first death which could have been definitive, must not be contrary to your faith, even as I believe that Mohammed was sent by God to your nation and I continue to be a Christian. You should read it if you haven’t read «Justice and Redemption in Christ p.263″.